20231110_krajewskikrzysztof_63 dni nadziei - spektakl

  • last year
Spektakl I LO w Wałbrzychu
00:00 I've been teaching here in the high school for five years. This is my third performance, which I'm preparing with the youth for Independence Day. This one seemed to me to be the most difficult, because the monument to the Warsaw Uprising by Miron Białyszewski is a vast piece, and we had to condense everything in half an hour.
00:26 We've been working on the play since May last year. We wrote the lyrics, the songs, Marcin Olkowski composed the music, we wrote the script, we chose the scenes, we worked on the stage movement, and we created a dynamic performance like this one.
00:48 I think that the topic of the Second World War is close to me, and it should be closer to young people, because we are forgetting about the past more and more often.
01:05 There are fewer and fewer witnesses of these events, and I think that we should remind them that history never repeats itself, and it does.
01:18 The actors who performed in the play are students of our school, from different levels of classes. The play is very engaged. We often worked after lessons, earlier. They gave me their whole free time. Their commitment, dedication, work - this is the effect of what we could watch today.
01:41 [Applause]
