Energia, Monti (Edison): "Investire in nuove tecnologie per decarbonizzazione"

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “La strada da fare è tanta e appassionante. Per raggiungere l’obiettivo della decarbonizzazione bisogna investire in nuove tecnologie”. Lo ha detto Nicola Monti, amministratore delegato di Edison, intervistato a valle dell’evento celebrativo per i 140 di Edison, martedì 14 novembre nel Chiostro del Bramante a Roma.


00:00 What are the future goals of the project?
00:04 We have a very large territorial distribution,
00:07 we cover the entire national territory,
00:09 we have more than 200 production sites,
00:14 plus all the sites that we manage on behalf of our customers.
00:20 The path to be taken is long, but exciting.
00:24 The final goal of decarbonization is also the need to continue to invest in new technologies,
00:29 because the technologies that we know today,
00:32 those that will accompany us in the coming years, will not be enough.
00:35 And so we are also looking at the new nuclear.
00:39 We started this discussion in Italy
00:43 precisely to think about bringing the new generation nuclear,
00:47 the smallest, safe, with low environmental impact,
00:50 because we need a mix of energy production
00:54 that also has a programmable quota to balance the growth of renewable sources.
00:59 We have just launched our industrial plan,
01:01 we will invest 10 billion euros from 2023 to 2030
01:06 in all the areas of energy transition.
01:10 We will invest in renewable sources, wind and photovoltaic,
01:14 we will also invest in all the aids and supports
01:17 that we must give to customers to allow them to carry out the energy transition.
01:22 So energy efficiency,
01:24 we have a division of our company that deals with this,
01:29 which is aimed at industrial customers and public administration.
01:32 But also to residential customers, we need to help them along this path.
01:37 We offer them services,
01:39 beyond the supply of energy, which is already decarbonized for all residential customers,
01:46 we are able to offer installation of photovoltaic panels,
01:50 heat pumps, insulation systems, wall boxes for those who have an electric car
01:57 or those who will have to equip themselves with electric cars and batteries.
02:00 So there are many things and many technological solutions that we can offer our customers today.
