Asterix & Obelix Slap Them All 2 Trailer
00:00 Rated E10 for ages 10 and up.
00:03 [XBOX SOUND]
00:05 [MUSIC]
00:11 Obelix, I have a feeling this will be a good hunt.
00:15 Come on, dog magics. Ready to hunt some more?
00:18 Asterix! Obelix! Help!
00:23 Halt, Skull! Hand over that filter tip!
00:26 Shiny new Roman!
00:29 And there he goes!
00:31 Let the show begin!
00:39 Watch out below!
00:43 Come here, you!
00:48 Make room!
00:58 Hello? It's us!
01:01 Clear the path!
01:10 Rubbing smooth!
01:12 This is gonna get bumpy!
01:15 [XBOX SOUND]