Natural disasters in US cost $178bn ‘last year alone’, Joe Biden says

  • last year
Natural disasters in US cost $178bn ‘last year alone’, Joe Biden saysReuters


00:00 But it's simply a simple fact that there are a number
00:03 of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle,
00:05 Maghreb Republican leaders, who still deny climate change,
00:09 still deny that it's a problem.
00:10 My predecessors, much of the Maghreb Republican Party,
00:14 in fact, are -- feel very strongly about that.
00:18 Anyone who willfully denies the impact of climate change
00:22 is condemning the American people
00:23 to a very dangerous future.
00:25 The impacts we're seeing are only going to get worse,
00:28 more frequent, more ferocious, and more costly.
00:31 Last year alone, natural disasters in America
00:35 caused $178 billion -- $178 billion in damages.
00:42 They hit everyone, no matter what their circumstances,
00:45 but they hit the most vulnerable the hardest --
00:48 seniors, people with disabilities,
00:50 people experiencing homelessness who have nowhere to turn,
00:53 Black, brown, and tribal communities,
00:55 territories that are most exposed and lead --
00:58 have the least resource -- fewest resources.
01:01 But, folks, none of this is inevitable.
