Survey Finds Most Taiwanese Have Seen Child Abuse in Public

  • last year
A new survey finds 90% of people in Taiwan have witnessed parents excessively scolding or hitting their children in public. The group who conducted the survey say Taiwan needs more "no hit zones," places where smacking children is off-limits.
00:00 A survey has found that 90% of people in Taiwan have seen parents excessively scolding or
00:04 even hitting their children in public.
00:07 The survey was conducted by the Child Welfare League Foundation, and it showed that people
00:11 most often see such abusive behavior happening in department stores, supermarkets and convenience
00:16 stores.
00:17 Taiwan's health ministry says nearly 12,000 child protection cases were reported last
00:22 year, or an average of over 30 cases every day.
00:25 The foundation is calling for more places in Taiwan to be "no-hit zones," spaces where
00:30 hitting a child is strictly off-limits.
00:32 limits.
