Fight for the right cause || Acharya Prashant

  • last year
00:00 Man has only two options. Either see who you are and what you have and delight in it,
00:05 simply feel grateful. Or do not see who you are and what you have and keep wallowing
00:10 in self-pity and incompleteness and therefore keep picking unnecessary battles.
00:17 The more you pick unnecessary battles, the more you will feel defeated. The more you will feel
00:21 defeated, the more will be the urge to fight another unnecessary battle. It's a downward
00:25 spiral. Fight for the right cause and let it consume you fully. That is the only way of living
00:30 life. Fight for the right one and devote yourself totally to him. That is the only way of living and
00:36 fighting. Give yourself up so totally that you cannot now be blamed with having reserved anything
00:43 for your personal self. Don't cut corners. Don't hold back. Don't compartmentalize between personal
00:48 life and professional life. Devote the last ounce of yourself, your energy, your flesh, everything.
00:55 That is the only way to ensure that you never are defeated.
