• 2 years ago
HERO DEWI REMAJA 2023: Hakim➕Adrina✨

Betul ke Hakim pernah ada 'crush' dekat Adrina ketika pertama kali bertemu? Tapi kalau min pun mungkin akan ter 'fall in love' juga Korang pula bagaimana? Siapa hero atau dewi yang pertama sekali menarik perhatian?

WOWWW, kalau korang suka pasangan #HeroDewiRemaja2023 ini, jangan lupa vote mereka untuk kategori Hero dan Dewi Favourite ATAUPUN Best Chemistry Duo di laman web rasmi REMAJA di https://www.remaja.my/herodewi/

#HeroRemaja2023 #HeroRemaja #DewiRemaja2023 #DewiRemaja #MajalahRemaja #AstroBaharu


00:00 Hi, young people. My name is Hakim.
00:02 My name is Adrina.
00:03 How do you feel?
00:05 I'm happy to meet new people.
00:07 What kind of new people?
00:10 New people like Adrina.
00:12 She's happy. I'm happy too.
00:17 Because we share experiences at the same time.
00:19 And if we can get together for a shoot,
00:24 we can help each other in different ways.
00:28 What's your impression of her?
00:30 What?
00:34 She's like a spoiled girl.
00:39 But men are like that too.
00:42 Except for Hakim.
00:43 Because Hakim likes her from the first day.
00:46 I'm wrong, right?
00:48 I have no comment.
00:53 Can I say something?
00:54 I can't.
00:56 I like her as a friend.
00:58 As a friend?
01:00 As a partner in this industry.
01:02 I like everyone.
01:05 Even the people behind the camera.
01:07 I like T3.
01:09 Why?
01:11 Because she's my favourite in Hero.
01:16 But I'm straight.
01:22 Adrina.
01:24 She chose a man, so I chose a woman.
01:26 I chose Nurel.
01:28 Because she's not like me.
01:31 We're both in the water.
01:32 (audience laughing)
