Supreme Court ruled 'I Cook Foods' was unfairly shut down

  • last year
It was a case that became known as "slug gate". It centred on a woman's death and the discovery of listeria in a catering business and a slug found on the floor.
00:00 Lost for words, Ian Cook's reaction said it all.
00:05 Well, it's a bittersweet victory.
00:08 The Supreme Court today ruled Mr Cook's catering company was unfairly shut down four years ago.
00:18 But a judge stopped short of finding he should be paid millions of dollars in damages.
00:24 This judgment can't stand, otherwise, you know, you can just close businesses without any consequence.
00:32 The case dates back to 2019 when an elderly woman contracted listeria at the Knox Private Hospital and later died.
00:39 iCook Foods was one of the hospital's suppliers.
00:42 The dangerous bacteria was later discovered in the company's kitchen.
00:47 Dandenong Council staff also found this slug,
00:50 although iCook Foods claimed it had been planted because the council supported a rival caterer.
00:56 The critical order to close the business came from former Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton.
01:02 So I've acted out of an abundance of precaution really in closing it.
01:06 Today the court ruled Dr Sutton's order was invalid because he didn't give iCook Foods a chance to respond before it was shut down.
01:13 But the judge rejected claims Dr Sutton intentionally misused his position.
01:19 Sutton was wrong. The Department of Health was wrong.
01:24 iCook Foods says its reputation was destroyed from the saga.
01:28 It never reopened and 41 people lost their jobs.
01:31 The cooks say they're considering an appeal and could also take legal action against the Dandenong Council.
01:37 In the meantime, Mr Cook is turning his attention to this Saturday when he'll run as a candidate in the Mulgrave by-election.
01:43 election.
