Israele, Tajani: "Italia pronta a curare bambini palestinesi feriti a Gaza" - Video

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - L'Italia è "pronta" a curare nei propri ospedali i "bambini palestinesi feriti" nella Striscia di Gaza. Lo dice il ministro degli Esteri Antonio Tajani, a Bruxelles a margine del Consiglio Affari Esteri.


00:00 We all ask for immediate release of the hostages in the hands of Hamas without countermeasures.
00:10 We also ask for urgent humanitarian pauses to allow the Palestinian civil population
00:19 to move away from the fighting.
00:22 We ask for the access of goods to the population through the increase of the air strikes
00:32 that enter through the port of Rafah.
00:35 Italy continues to be in the front line for aid to the civilian population.
00:41 As you know, the game has started in the Nave Vulcano.
00:44 We are ready to send a field hospital, as we are ready to treat injured Palestinian children in Italy.
