• il y a 2 ans
The Debt That Delivers From All Debt - Creflo Dollar


00:00:00 [applause]
00:00:06 Holy Spirit, you are welcome in this place.
00:00:12 Speak through my vocal cords.
00:00:18 Think through my mind.
00:00:22 None of me, all of you.
00:00:28 I trust you.
00:00:30 I need you.
00:00:32 We trust you.
00:00:34 We need you.
00:00:36 I know in every ear to hear, and I give you praise for it now.
00:00:42 In Jesus' name we pray, and everybody say it.
00:00:47 Amen.
00:00:48 You may be seated.
00:00:50 If you have your Bibles, go with me to the book of Romans,
00:00:57 chapter 13, and I want to show you just something.
00:01:01 When we closed last week, the Word of the Lord came to Taffi,
00:01:04 and it jacked me up for the whole week.
00:01:07 Let me just--if y'all could play just that sound bite.
00:01:13 But as we trust in God and we put our focus and our dependence
00:01:22 on him, he says that he's gonna cancel debts.
00:01:27 [applause]
00:01:35 Way before we even knew about God being a
00:01:39 counseling debt God, we experienced that when we first
00:01:43 got married.
00:01:46 The student loan debts just piled up high.
00:01:50 All of a sudden, out of nowhere, the debts were just canceled.
00:01:57 There have been times in this ministry where things were just
00:02:04 looking very funny, just very strange, and all of just seasons
00:02:11 and times where God would just cancel things.
00:02:14 So I wanted to just share that with you and not let you leave
00:02:19 without--you know, I was sitting there, and I said, "Well,
00:02:22 maybe Professor Lowell will say, you know, 'Come on up.
00:02:24 Is there anything on your heart?'"
00:02:25 But I said, "Well, I'll just keep it."
00:02:29 But I pray that encourages somebody today.
00:02:32 [applause]
00:02:36 Yeah.
00:02:41 Romans chapter 13.
00:02:43 We went home after the service last Sunday,
00:02:48 sat in our closet, and the Lord came and spoke to us and said,
00:02:55 "Now, look at this through the eyes of grace.
00:02:58 Don't approach it like you did several years ago."
00:03:04 And he said, "Don't go pick up your book on it.
00:03:08 I'm doing something new."
00:03:10 Romans chapter 13, verse 7 and 8, first in the King--New King--in
00:03:15 the King James, and then we'll read it in the NLT.
00:03:21 Now, I'm going to go just really slow.
00:03:23 Make sure you are with me on this.
00:03:26 Verse 7, he says, "Render, therefore,
00:03:29 to all their dues tribute to whom tribute is due,
00:03:34 custom to whom custom is due, fear to whom fear or reverence
00:03:39 to whom reverence is due, honor to whom honor.
00:03:44 Owe no man anything but to love one another.
00:03:49 For he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law."
00:03:53 Now, in the New Living Translation,
00:03:57 it reads like this, verse 7, "Give to everyone what you owe
00:04:02 them.
00:04:04 Pay your taxes and government fees to those who collect them,
00:04:09 give respect and honor to those who are in authority.
00:04:14 Owe nothing to anyone except for your obligation
00:04:20 to love one another.
00:04:24 If you love your neighbor, you will fulfill the requirements
00:04:28 of God's law."
00:04:31 This morning, I want to--I want to talk to you about the debt
00:04:37 that delivers from all debts.
00:04:43 The debt that delivers from all debt.
00:04:49 What does that mean?
00:04:50 Oh, boy, we're going to have a journey today.
00:04:54 First of all, debt is something owed or something due.
00:05:02 Debt is not limited to financial debt.
00:05:08 You've heard in times in passing, somebody might say,
00:05:13 "You owe him a debt of an apology.
00:05:17 You know, you owe him--you owe him an apology."
00:05:23 Or in Colossians chapter 2, in fact, turn there for a moment,
00:05:28 Colossians chapter 2, 14, in the NSAB and the ESV.
00:05:33 We're going to read it out of both of those versions.
00:05:35 Colossians 2, 14, the NSAB, he says this, "Having canceled out
00:05:41 the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us,"
00:05:51 referring to Jesus, "which was hostile to us,
00:05:56 and he has taken it out of the way,
00:06:00 having nailed it to the cross."
00:06:03 So, there was a debt cancellation of our sins and the
00:06:10 curse that would come on us because we couldn't keep the law
00:06:14 and Jesus canceled out that certificate of debt.
00:06:20 May not have necessarily been finances,
00:06:22 but then there's another debt that's dealt with.
00:06:24 And then you read this in the ESV version.
00:06:29 He says, "By canceling the record of debt that stood
00:06:34 against us with its legal demands,
00:06:38 this he set aside, nailing it to the cross."
00:06:44 Wow.
00:06:47 Now, let's look at Romans 13, 7 and 8, again in the NLT,
00:06:55 and I'll begin this journey.
00:06:57 Romans 13, verse 7 and 8 in the NLT, he says,
00:07:02 "Give to everyone who you owe them what you owe them."
00:07:08 So, yeah, there's this natural part of it.
00:07:11 Give to everyone what you owe them.
00:07:14 Pay your taxes.
00:07:16 Quit trying to--I ain't even got to say it, you know.
00:07:22 Pay your taxes.
00:07:25 Pay the government fees, and to those who collect them,
00:07:28 and give respect.
00:07:30 He says, "Also, you need to pay--you owe respect and honor
00:07:35 to those who are in authority."
00:07:38 Whether you like them or not, you owe respect and honor to
00:07:42 those who are in authority.
00:07:44 I mean, so the guy that doesn't--if your guy doesn't win
00:07:49 an election, you still owe honor and respect to the one
00:07:53 who's in authority.
00:07:55 Y'all don't hear what I'm saying, but that's--that's all
00:07:59 I'm gonna say about that.
00:08:02 So, now, notice right here, verse 8, "Owe nothing to anyone."
00:08:11 Watch this, "Except for your obligation to love one another."
00:08:17 Owe nothing to anyone except your obligation to love
00:08:21 one another.
00:08:22 If you love your neighbor, you will fulfill the requirements
00:08:25 of God's law.
00:08:27 Now, in these verses, the apostle Paul transitions
00:08:34 from discussing what is owed to human authorities,
00:08:39 including respect and honor, and he transitions into what is
00:08:43 owed to every human being.
00:08:47 He goes from what you owe human authorities, and he makes this
00:08:53 switch, and he starts talking about what is it that you
00:08:57 owe everybody.
00:08:59 So, there's a debt you have to every human, whether you like
00:09:03 'em or not.
00:09:06 And somehow, that debt is gonna be responsible for what happens
00:09:10 to the rest of your debts if you need some anointing
00:09:12 to deal with 'em.
00:09:14 Follow me carefully.
00:09:17 The command to owe no one anything should not necessarily
00:09:22 be read as a command to Christians never to borrow money
00:09:27 for any reason.
00:09:29 He says don't read it like that.
00:09:31 This is not a command to Christians never to borrow money
00:09:34 for any reason.
00:09:36 The sense that the Greeks had is this, that when they wrote this,
00:09:42 that we should not let any debt remain outstanding, that we
00:09:48 should not keep on owing anyone for anything.
00:09:52 That can be understood as a requirement to always pay what
00:09:59 you owe in a timely manner according to whatever agreement
00:10:04 you have made with the lender.
00:10:08 Or, put another way, he is saying do not live your lives in
00:10:14 constant dependency, borrowing, and unreliability.
00:10:21 Don't live your life this way.
00:10:22 So, yes, he is absolutely talking about some natural human
00:10:26 things here on this planet and in our society.
00:10:31 But you know about context.
00:10:35 The truth of the matter is Paul is not primarily concerned
00:10:41 with money here.
00:10:44 See, all the time I read Romans 13 and 8, I read it thinking
00:10:49 that he was primarily concerned with your financial debt.
00:10:55 There is something here so much bigger than your financial debt.
00:11:01 There's a bigger, larger intent here.
00:11:04 And Paul is not primarily concerned with the money here.
00:11:09 As the following verses will show, he wants to talk about
00:11:13 obligation as Jesus' followers to love other people,
00:11:19 including our neighbors.
00:11:22 If you get a hold of the context, what he is saying here,
00:11:25 "I am more concerned about you who say you're born again,
00:11:29 you who are followers of Jesus Christ.
00:11:31 I am more concerned about you loving others,
00:11:36 including your neighbor."
00:11:37 He seems to say that loving others is a debt.
00:11:42 That loving others is a debt that we will never pay off.
00:11:48 Here's a debt that we'll never pay off.
00:11:52 Because as long as you're alive and as long as somebody else is
00:11:55 alive, you owe them.
00:11:57 Everybody becomes a creditor and you will owe them.
00:12:03 And we can't get past the love debt we got with our family.
00:12:07 I didn't mean to say that, excuse me.
00:12:12 It seems to imply loving others is a debt that we will never
00:12:20 pay off.
00:12:21 We will never be done with paying love to each other.
00:12:26 We will never be done with paying love to each other.
00:12:32 Christ-like love will naturally motivate us to keep all of the
00:12:40 other relationship commandments in the law.
00:12:45 See, we've been worried about, "Give me some more principles so
00:12:48 I can keep all the relationship commandments," and Christ-like
00:12:52 love, if we pay this debt, it'll position us to take care of all
00:12:58 of the other debts.
00:13:01 The only debt that we are to acquire is love.
00:13:07 The only debt we ought to acquire is this debt of love.
00:13:14 Now, look at Romans chapter 1, verse 14 and 15.
00:13:19 Romans chapter 1, verse 14 and 15.
00:13:21 Let's read this in two versions, in the King James and then the
00:13:31 NLT.
00:13:32 Paul is saying, "I am a debtor both to the Greeks and to the
00:13:35 barbarians."
00:13:37 Wow, from one pole to the next.
00:13:41 "Both to the wise and to the unwise."
00:13:46 Verse 15, "So as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the
00:13:53 gospel to you that are at wrong also."
00:13:58 What is he talking about?
00:13:59 He's talking about a debt but not a financial one.
00:14:02 Look at this in the NLT.
00:14:05 He says, "For I have a great sense of obligation to people in
00:14:10 both the civilized world and the rest of the world.
00:14:15 I have an obligation to the educated and the uneducated
00:14:19 alike.
00:14:21 So I am eager to come to you in Rome also to preach the good
00:14:27 news."
00:14:28 So Paul was speaking about a debt he felt in sharing with
00:14:31 them the gospel of Christ because God had so blessed the
00:14:37 apostle Paul above measure that he felt himself a debtor to the
00:14:43 lost world.
00:14:45 Now that's love.
00:14:47 That's love.
00:14:48 It was love that motivated him to say, "I am a debtor to
00:14:53 everybody who don't know and have heard this gospel of grace."
00:15:00 It is a gospel debt that he's referring here in Romans.
00:15:04 It is a debt of good news that he's referring here in Romans 1.
00:15:09 A debt that can only be paid by giving the gospel to others
00:15:13 any way he can.
00:15:15 So he said, "That is a debt that I have taken on, a gospel debt.
00:15:20 I've got to preach it from the Greek to the barbarians, praise
00:15:24 God.
00:15:25 I got to get it to the wise and the unwise."
00:15:28 He said, "There is nobody outside of this.
00:15:31 I got to get it to every human."
00:15:34 And this is what Paul was also saying where this debt of love
00:15:37 is concerned.
00:15:38 This debt of love, he says, has to be paid to humankind.
00:15:43 People you don't like, people you can't stand, people you
00:15:46 don't know, people you mad at, people who offended you.
00:15:51 You are in debt while you're alive to every human being and
00:15:57 you will not be able to pay this debt because it's going to take
00:16:01 their grace of God for you to make the payments.
00:16:03 Because actually, some of these people you owe love to,
00:16:15 I'll get there a little bit later.
00:16:17 When you have paid all of your other debts, okay, when you've
00:16:25 paid off your taxes, when you've paid your customs, whatever else
00:16:30 you may owe, there will still be one debt unpaid.
00:16:35 That is the universal debt of love.
00:16:40 Love must still remain the root and the spring of all
00:16:45 of your actions.
00:16:47 You don't need another law.
00:16:49 There's no other law that's needed when you are paying this
00:16:52 debt of love.
00:16:55 And like I said a few minutes ago, without grace,
00:16:58 this debt of love owed to mankind.
00:17:01 Think of that.
00:17:02 You owe mankind a debt of love and it's going to take grace to
00:17:08 be able to pay it.
00:17:09 You're not going to pay it off, but you're going to pay it while
00:17:12 you're living.
00:17:12 You owe mankind.
00:17:14 It just blew my mind.
00:17:15 I owe mankind.
00:17:16 I'm not talking about I owe master and visa.
00:17:19 I owe mankind.
00:17:23 I realize that even if I pay all of my money debts off, I still
00:17:28 have a debt that I owe to all mankind.
00:17:32 I thought that this was just about giving you some formulas
00:17:36 so you can pay your financial debt.
00:17:40 But I'm going to show you something a little greater.
00:17:42 I'm going to show you how to release the supernatural to come
00:17:46 in to pay your debt regardless of how much money you making per
00:17:50 week.
00:17:51 There is something about paying the debt of love that will
00:17:55 release an anointing to take care of all of the other debts
00:17:59 you have in your life.
00:18:00 And not many Christian people have understood or tapped into
00:18:05 this.
00:18:05 Why would you make me indefinitely in debt to mankind?
00:18:13 You know, you know God's got something he working on.
00:18:15 You know, God, God, God understands this.
00:18:20 God, God knows, bruh.
00:18:22 And instead of you arguing about it, "Oh, nobody paying no debt
00:18:26 to everybody," you might be stopping something up in your
00:18:29 life.
00:18:30 And I have been called here today to introduce to you to the
00:18:34 most powerful anointing known to man, but it's not going to be
00:18:38 made available until you understand that you have a debt
00:18:43 to pay with all of mankind.
00:18:47 Oh, my goodness.
00:18:51 Wow.
00:18:53 Without grace, this debt of love owed to mankind can't be
00:18:58 consistently paid because every man is a creditor for the debt
00:19:03 of love.
00:19:03 Every man is a creditor for the debt of love.
00:19:06 Every man, the one you ain't spoke to, the one you man at,
00:19:09 the one you said you never speak, every man is a creditor
00:19:13 of this debt of love.
00:19:15 Now, let me back up just for a moment until before I hit this
00:19:18 thing.
00:19:21 I discovered, praying over this and studying this, that there is
00:19:25 a correlation between slavery and debt.
00:19:30 Slavery and debt.
00:19:36 Now, this time I want to read Romans chapter 13, 7 through 8
00:19:40 out of the message translation, and I want to talk about slavery
00:19:45 first, and then bring it right on in here to debt.
00:19:49 Now, some of y'all who are in debt and can't pay your bills,
00:19:52 you don't need to be sleeping right now.
00:19:54 Because I'm not screaming and hooping this out.
00:19:58 I got to teach this in you, or all you're going to get is the
00:20:02 happy part and still walk away in debt, and then there's a
00:20:05 powerful tool that's been given to you to use.
00:20:10 Romans 13, in the message, I'm going to read verse 7 and 8.
00:20:16 So, I'll start right here in the message, just continue on 7, 8,
00:20:23 until I get all of it.
00:20:24 He says, "That also why you pay taxes, so that an orderly way of
00:20:30 life can be maintained.
00:20:33 Fulfill your obligations as a citizen.
00:20:37 Pay your taxes, pay your bills, respect your leaders.
00:20:41 Don't run up debts, except for the huge debt of love you owe
00:20:48 each other.
00:20:50 When you love others, you complete what the law has been
00:20:53 after all along.
00:20:56 The law code, don't sleep with another person, and then it goes
00:21:01 on, da-da-da-da-da-da."
00:21:03 Now, the Bible condemns forced slavery.
00:21:09 I'll show you that in a minute.
00:21:14 It condemns forced slavery.
00:21:16 Men who would twist Scriptures into saying that a man can treat
00:21:20 another as property to be purchased, people that believe
00:21:26 that are at best ignorant of what the Bible says, or at worst,
00:21:29 willingly prejudiced to and full of hate, if you believe that.
00:21:36 Now, 1 Timothy chapter 1 and 10 talks about the law is still
00:21:42 valid for sinners.
00:21:45 And within that list, 1 Timothy chapter 1 and 10, it mentions
00:21:51 this word, "men stealers."
00:21:55 Men stealers.
00:21:56 He says, "For whoremongers," the law is still for whoremongers,
00:21:59 "for them that defile themselves with mankind, for men stealers."
00:22:04 What is that? Men stealers.
00:22:07 Those are--it's men who would steal away another man or woman
00:22:13 or kidnap another man or woman or take another man or woman and
00:22:17 then sell them into slavery.
00:22:19 They are wicked sinners that do that.
00:22:24 And the Old Testament condemns that.
00:22:26 Exodus chapter 21 and 16, go there in the King James.
00:22:30 Exodus 21 and 16, the Old Testament condemned that.
00:22:34 He says, "And he that stealeth a man and selleth him, or if he be
00:22:40 found in his hands, he shall surely be put to death."
00:22:44 So, the Old Testament absolutely condemned that, that you can't
00:22:48 take a man and sell him into slavery.
00:22:53 Also, in Deuteronomy 24 and 7, Deuteronomy 24 and 7, he says,
00:23:01 "If a man be found stealing any of his brethren of the children
00:23:05 of Israel and maketh merchandise of him or selleth him, then that
00:23:11 thief shall die, and thou shalt not put evil, and thou shalt put
00:23:16 evil away from among you."
00:23:19 So, yeah, we're thinking about slavery that black people
00:23:24 suffered, but even today, if you take a child and sell it into
00:23:31 sex slavery, the Bible condemns that and said, "That is so
00:23:38 wicked that even under the law," he says, "you ought to be put to
00:23:41 death for doing something like that."
00:23:45 That's how tough that was.
00:23:47 Acts 21, 16, Deuteronomy 24, 7, make the act of stealing and
00:23:51 selling another human being as properly punishable by death.
00:23:57 Slave traders, according to the Word of God, were to die for
00:24:01 their action.
00:24:02 I don't really understand preachers that get up and say,
00:24:04 "Oh, well, it's fine," because in the New Testament, it says,
00:24:08 "Servants, be obedient to your masters, obey your masters, and
00:24:14 give honor unto your…and masters, give unto your servants
00:24:17 what is equal and just."
00:24:19 That's found in the New Testament, and it was also used
00:24:23 to, you know, deceive black people who were in slavery to
00:24:30 say, "Y'all believe in the Bible, so this is what this
00:24:34 means."
00:24:36 No, no.
00:24:39 Well, you know, the Bible said, "Well, you remember a guy in
00:24:43 Philemon, the book of Philemon, that was a slave by the name of
00:24:50 Onesimus, and he ran away from Philemon and was found with Paul,
00:24:59 and Paul fell in love with him.
00:25:01 And Paul sent a letter to Philemon and said, "I'm just
00:25:06 letting you know that Onesimus is with me.
00:25:10 He is my son.
00:25:12 I have a heart for him.
00:25:13 I have loved him, but I don't want to do something that you
00:25:16 don't know, so I'm sending him back to you not as a slave,
00:25:23 but receive him as a brother."
00:25:25 So, even if you say, "Paul said that," Paul had to grow from
00:25:30 that point to develop, to understand this is wrong.
00:25:36 All right, now, where does that fit then?
00:25:40 Why is it in the New Testament?
00:25:42 Well, normally that terminology was used to define the boss
00:25:45 employee relationship.
00:25:49 And additionally, just like today, it's not unusual for a
00:25:53 man to work hard and still find it difficult to make ends meet.
00:25:56 Now, listen to this.
00:25:58 For example, at the end of a poor year, if you say you're
00:26:02 farming, at the end of a poor year on the farm, a man might
00:26:07 make a deal with a wealthy neighbor, who's also a farmer,
00:26:12 who has land, to work his field in order to have enough to feed
00:26:17 his family through the winter.
00:26:20 Now, when a man willingly places himself under the control,
00:26:24 the contractual control of another, it is known as
00:26:28 indentured service.
00:26:32 I'm not being forced into this.
00:26:34 I'm making a deal.
00:26:36 There's an agreement and a contract, and I'm going to serve
00:26:40 or be submitted to you or indentured slavery is what it
00:26:44 was called, be submitted to you until all is paid off.
00:26:48 And when it's paid off, I go about my business, you go about
00:26:52 your business.
00:26:53 It is this voluntary servant-master relationship that
00:26:58 existed in the New Testament.
00:26:59 So, today, when he talks about, you know, servants do this and
00:27:03 do this, today we become a slave by using our MasterCard.
00:27:08 All right, now, you see where I'm going?
00:27:15 Now, you might not see that, but you've entered into an
00:27:17 indentured contract.
00:27:21 The promise of liberty, somehow you think you have a promise of
00:27:24 liberty with a Visa card, and it turns into a bondage of a
00:27:29 monthly payment.
00:27:31 Can I get a witness?
00:27:33 If you have indentured yourself voluntarily in a contract, then
00:27:42 as a servant, you are to be obedient to your master,
00:27:46 whether a man or the bank.
00:27:52 You say you're a Christian now.
00:27:54 The service you owe to another will prevent you from serving
00:28:00 God fully.
00:28:04 Yeah, it has.
00:28:06 And that's why you can't stand up by talking about money in the
00:28:08 church, because you're already enslaved.
00:28:11 So, you see, given as a part of that enslavement that you
00:28:15 entered into an indentured contract with, and now you
00:28:19 can't fully serve God.
00:28:20 The money you must pay out to bills will prevent you from
00:28:23 giving to the work of the Lord because you are a slave to debt
00:28:28 in bondage.
00:28:30 There were certain things Steph and I could not do when we first
00:28:35 got married because we were a slave to debt.
00:28:38 We were a slave to the car note.
00:28:41 We were a slave to the house note.
00:28:43 We were a slave to the credit cards.
00:28:45 We were a slave, and when we first started, to the washing
00:28:48 machine and the dryer and the TV, because, you know, that was
00:28:53 a, you know, me and my layaway?
00:28:55 We were slaves.
00:28:58 So, we were limited in how we could worship God with our
00:29:02 finances because if God spoke to give something, fear came up
00:29:07 because, "Wait a minute, I have entered into an indentured
00:29:10 contract with the MasterCard and I got to pay that or they're
00:29:14 going to penalize me and keep penalizing me, and if I keep
00:29:19 ignoring them like I ain't in that contract, I could be picked
00:29:22 up by the po-po on the way to work one day because I am a
00:29:27 voluntary slave to financial debt."
00:29:30 And can't nobody do nothing in the ministry because the church
00:29:38 can't afford it because everybody in debt.
00:29:40 Everybody is under a contract of debt that's called "bondage."
00:29:46 And so, we took a card.
00:29:49 Now, watch what happens here.
00:29:50 Please remember what I'm saying.
00:29:52 Because we loved God and we wanted to do for God, we knew we
00:29:58 had to get out of this debt.
00:29:59 So, we took a card and we put "debt free" on it, and we took
00:30:02 one of them big old shopping bags and put the card at the
00:30:04 bottom of it, and then we took all of our bills and put it on
00:30:07 top of it.
00:30:09 Immediately, God showed up and gave us wisdom on how to do it.
00:30:13 He said, "First thing I want you to do is start with the little
00:30:16 ones.
00:30:17 Pay all the little ones off and then take the money that you was
00:30:19 using on the little ones and then take it over there and pay
00:30:21 all your credit cards off, and then take the money you used
00:30:23 with the little one and the credit cards and use it to pay a
00:30:25 card note off, and then use the card note, the money, and a
00:30:27 little bit of money and put it and do it in the next card note,
00:30:30 and then take the card note, the card note, and the credit card,
00:30:33 and a little bit of money, and use it to pay off the house, and
00:30:37 we looked up one day and I had my last, my last payment on my
00:30:41 house, and I wasn't going to mail that in.
00:30:43 I had to walk that in.
00:30:46 I had to walk that in, and I walked that in, and I walked
00:30:51 through the door and I said, "Hello!
00:30:53 I am here to pay my house off.
00:30:59 Who do I need to see?"
00:31:02 [laughter]
00:31:04 And I thought that was all that was to it, that this whole
00:31:14 Romans 13 was about that day of going in and say, "I paid off my
00:31:18 final bill."
00:31:21 I didn't see that there was a debt that I would never be able
00:31:26 to say, "I paid off."
00:31:30 And I wanted to know why.
00:31:33 How is it that we are a slave in financial debt and now you're
00:31:40 saying we got a debt that we ain't never going to pay off?
00:31:43 I looked at this, I wondered about this, I just, what the--
00:31:51 How many of you know one word from God will change the whole
00:31:53 thing, right?
00:31:55 All right, so check this out.
00:31:59 The only debt we are to acquire is the love debt.
00:32:03 And so I said, "But wait a minute, I see all the
00:32:08 supernatural debt cancellation in the Bible.
00:32:11 I see anointing showing up getting people out of that debt."
00:32:17 And I just prayed over it for a couple of days, looked at it,
00:32:20 talked to some folks about it, hear what they had to say to,
00:32:24 and I said in my closet, I believe our closet is anointed.
00:32:26 We spend most of our time in our closet.
00:32:28 In fact, I have to put two chairs back there, that's where
00:32:30 we are most of the time in our closet.
00:32:32 Here's what I heard.
00:32:36 The infinite debt of love will release an anointing to cancel
00:32:47 the temporary debts of life.
00:32:50 Oh my God.
00:32:55 The infinite debt of love will release an anointing to cancel
00:33:03 the temporary debts of life.
00:33:07 Now, I'm gonna show you three illustrations, and in each of
00:33:11 these illustrations, love was being paid and then an anointing
00:33:17 was released.
00:33:18 Let's start with this one.
00:33:20 I'm gonna read out of NLT in 2 Kings chapter 6.
00:33:24 2 Kings chapter 6.
00:33:26 You might wanna see this one.
00:33:28 Put it up on the screen.
00:33:29 2 Kings chapter 6, verses 1 through 7.
00:33:31 Ooh, Jesus.
00:33:35 Everybody on the bus with me now?
00:33:37 Because I declare and decree that you are not going to be a
00:33:42 slave financially in this financial realm.
00:33:45 Whatever's getting ready to happen, you will not be a slave
00:33:48 to it.
00:33:49 God is getting ready to remove and cancel your debt through an
00:33:54 anointing that you are going to release by your commitment to
00:33:58 pay off this debt of love.
00:34:02 Watch this.
00:34:05 All right, verse 1.
00:34:07 "One day, the group of prophets came to Elijah and told him,
00:34:11 'As you can see, this place where we meet with you is too
00:34:15 small, so let's go down to the Jordan River where there are
00:34:19 plenty of logs.
00:34:21 There we can build a new place for us to meet.'
00:34:25 All right, he told them, 'Go ahead.'
00:34:28 And they said, 'Please come with us,' someone suggested.
00:34:31 'I will,' he said, so he went with them.
00:34:34 When they arrived at Jordan, they began cutting down trees.
00:34:39 But as one of them was cutting a tree, his axe head fell in the
00:34:44 water."
00:34:46 Now, I can imagine why he was using that axe to cut down tree.
00:34:50 I can imagine he was pretending like that was his axe, you know,
00:34:54 like we do, we drive a car that we just borrowed the money on
00:34:57 and we driving it like we own it.
00:34:59 "And then it fell into the river."
00:35:07 And notice what he said, "Oh, sir," he cried, "it was a
00:35:12 borrowed axe."
00:35:14 What was he saying?
00:35:15 "Oh, my God, this was a borrowed axe.
00:35:17 I am now going to have to be a slave to the guy that owns this
00:35:23 axe until I can restore it back to him.
00:35:25 I owe him an axe."
00:35:29 Now, watch this, verse 6, "Where did it fall?"
00:35:35 Look at this love.
00:35:37 Love was there.
00:35:40 Where did it fall?
00:35:42 And the man of God asked when he showed him the place,
00:35:50 "Watch this love, where did it fall?"
00:35:52 Elijah cut a stick, threw it into the water at that spot.
00:35:56 Watch this, "Then the axe head floated to the surface.
00:36:01 Then he said, 'Grab it!'
00:36:04 And the man reached out and grabbed it, and he was saved
00:36:09 from the bondage of servitude."
00:36:11 What happened here?
00:36:17 There was a man of God here that was concerned and caring and
00:36:20 loving and said, "Where did it fall?"
00:36:24 Said, "It fell over in the water."
00:36:26 He took a stick, threw it where it fell.
00:36:30 Anointing was released because in the natural,
00:36:33 iron can't swim.
00:36:35 So, supernatural was released because there was one prophet
00:36:40 here paying a debt of love to a guy who lost the axe.
00:36:48 And when he was paying the debt of love to the guy that lost the
00:36:54 axe, there was an anointing that was released to take care of
00:36:58 this natural situation.
00:37:00 Oh, you didn't get that?
00:37:03 Let me show you another one.
00:37:05 Because I don't know if you understand how big of a miracle
00:37:08 is for iron to swim.
00:37:10 That don't happen in the natural.
00:37:15 Go home and take some iron and throw it in a pond somewhere near
00:37:19 your house and see if it swim.
00:37:22 Why do you think the boats have some of that like that so they
00:37:25 can put it out?
00:37:27 Because iron don't swim.
00:37:29 And there's a lot of things that the world will tell you won't
00:37:31 happen, but when this debt of love is being paid,
00:37:34 there will be a supernatural anointing that will be released
00:37:38 to call things that's not supposed to happen in the--
00:37:42 it's not supposed to happen in the natural.
00:37:44 [speaking in tongues]
00:37:45 But when this debt of love--
00:37:47 Why, Lord, calm me down, Lord.
00:37:49 Calm me down.
00:37:50 Calm me down, Jesus.
00:37:51 Oh, Lord, have mercy.
00:37:52 Let's go to the next one.
00:37:54 2 Kings chapter 4.
00:37:57 Because while everybody else trying all these natural ways to
00:38:00 try to get out, you getting ready to enter into supernatural
00:38:03 ways to get out?
00:38:05 Hey, because Galatians 4 refers to you as children of Sarah or
00:38:14 children of the supernatural, and because you are children of
00:38:18 the supernatural, it is now time for the children of the
00:38:21 supernatural to start walking in the supernatural.
00:38:25 [congregation cheering]
00:38:30 All right, come on.
00:38:31 2 Kings 4, 2 Kings 4.
00:38:35 All right, so here's another situation.
00:38:39 Verse 1, "One day the widow of a member of the group of the
00:38:45 prophets came to Elijah and cried out, 'My husband who
00:38:50 served you is dead.'
00:38:56 And he died, and he left his family in debt.
00:39:01 And you know how he feared the Lord.
00:39:10 But the creditor has come threatening to take my two sons
00:39:15 as slaves," 'cause the debt he left's got to be paid.
00:39:20 So, if you ain't got no money, you got to agree to enter into
00:39:25 indentured servanthood until this debt's get taken care of.
00:39:29 Next verse, "What can I do to help you?"
00:39:36 Here's love getting ready to be released.
00:39:40 "What can I do to help you?"
00:39:41 Elijah asks.
00:39:43 "Tell me what to do.
00:39:46 Tell me what to do here."
00:39:47 And he says--here he says, "Tell me, what do you have in the
00:39:51 house?"
00:39:53 That's what love does.
00:39:54 "I want to help."
00:39:55 "What you got in your house?"
00:39:57 "Ain't no bushah."
00:40:00 Watch this, she said, "Nothing at all except a flask of olive
00:40:05 oil."
00:40:07 Now, it was a flask of oil.
00:40:10 Seems like that would be limited.
00:40:13 "No bushah, though."
00:40:17 Elijah said, "All right, here what I want you to do.
00:40:21 Borrow as many empty jars as you can from your friends and
00:40:26 neighbors."
00:40:28 Say, "Wait a minute, I'm already in debt.
00:40:30 Now you send me out to--" Yeah.
00:40:35 "Then go into your house with your sons.
00:40:41 Shut the door behind you.
00:40:44 Take that flask, pour olive oil from your flask into the jars.
00:40:51 Setting each one aside when it is filled."
00:40:57 So, she did as she was told, thank God.
00:41:02 Her sons kept bringing jars to her, and she filled one after
00:41:08 another.
00:41:11 Soon, every container was full to the brim.
00:41:17 She said, "Bring me another jar."
00:41:20 She said that to one of her sons.
00:41:23 He said, "There aren't any more.
00:41:26 They done borrowed every jar in the village, and we wasn't told
00:41:34 how big the jars were."
00:41:36 He told her, "There ain't no more."
00:41:44 And then the olive oil stopped flowing.
00:41:48 See, y'all need to get what happened here.
00:41:52 There was just a flask of oil.
00:41:56 There was just a flask of oil.
00:41:59 She got to pouring that oil, and that oil just kept flowing,
00:42:04 and it kept flowing, and it kept flowing until every jar that had
00:42:08 borrowed was filled not halfway.
00:42:11 She didn't have to squeeze it out to see if it was coming.
00:42:14 When every jar was filled, then the oil stopped flowing.
00:42:19 Somebody say supernatural.
00:42:21 And some of y'all need some supernatural.
00:42:31 Some of y'all debt is so big, you need some supernatural.
00:42:35 You listen to all the financial expert, that ain't working for
00:42:43 you, you need some supernatural.
00:42:46 I mean, when you messed up, you really messed up.
00:42:49 But I'm telling you, God is getting ready to do something in
00:42:53 these last days.
00:42:54 He's getting ready to turn.
00:42:55 He going to show your neighbors how good he is to you.
00:43:00 Hallelujah.
00:43:01 God's getting ready to show out.
00:43:03 Turn to your neighbor and say, "Get ready, get ready, get ready,
00:43:11 get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready."
00:43:13 All right, now watch this.
00:43:17 That's not the end of the story, because now she in debt double.
00:43:24 And we don't know how much debt her husband left, but now watch
00:43:26 this, when she told the man of God what had happened.
00:43:29 See, the man of God wasn't out there bloating, talking about,
00:43:34 "See, see, now you need to do something for me," because if it
00:43:36 wasn't for me, the man of God, he wasn't doing nothing.
00:43:39 Loved moved him.
00:43:43 Not mammon, loved moved him, bitter boshatta.
00:43:46 Not bragging about how anointed you are, loved moved him,
00:43:53 because no man can do this.
00:43:55 When she told the man of God what had happened, he said to
00:44:02 her, "Now, sell the olive oil and pay your debts."
00:44:10 That woman didn't sit there and say, "Well, who am I going to
00:44:12 sell it to?
00:44:13 I know they're going to buy it."
00:44:17 You know how we do, what to sell it for.
00:44:20 Well, the market said that that won't work.
00:44:23 Dodge All said, "You know, ain't nobody buying all these days."
00:44:27 Honey, when God tell you to sell something, he know how to put it
00:44:31 in the hearts of everybody that want to buy it.
00:44:33 You don't need to worry about the market, glows God.
00:44:36 God knows about the market.
00:44:38 God can change the market around in one day.
00:44:42 Hey, glory to God.
00:44:44 Hey, and all of a sudden, everybody going to want some
00:44:47 oil.
00:44:59 He said, "Now, sell the olive oil, pay your debts."
00:45:04 Now, watch this.
00:45:06 "And you and your sons can live on what is left over."
00:45:12 I don't think y'all understand.
00:45:15 I don't think you understand.
00:45:20 She made enough money not only to pay her debts off, but for
00:45:27 her and her son to live the rest of their lives.
00:45:33 And you better know she had faith because if she saw the oil
00:45:41 flowing, I guarantee you provisions were going to be
00:45:44 flowing just like that oil was flowing.
00:45:47 This was not a natural fix.
00:45:51 It is a supernatural fix.
00:45:54 As long as you can discover a place where the debt of love is
00:45:59 being paid.
00:46:01 That's not enough for you to get out of financial debt and then
00:46:07 go brag to everybody, "You out of financial debt."
00:46:10 For what?
00:46:11 Are you paying the debt of love?
00:46:12 What that mean?
00:46:14 You don't owe MasterCard and Visa, but you still don't know
00:46:18 how to pay the debt of love of the person you still mad at.
00:46:21 Why?
00:46:22 Why?
00:46:22 It ain't worth it, praise God.
00:46:24 You messing with my bag when you walking around in that kind of
00:46:27 aught and unforgiveness.
00:46:32 I got to love you.
00:46:33 I ain't got time to go back in that kind of abundance.
00:46:36 I got to forgive you.
00:46:37 I ain't got time to go back in that kind of abundance.
00:46:40 I got to, I got to let that thing go.
00:46:42 I ain't got time to go back in that kind of abundance.
00:46:46 I'm going to love you even if you don't want me to love you.
00:46:49 I'm going to love you if you don't like me.
00:46:51 I'm going to love you if you talking about me.
00:46:53 Hallelujah!
00:46:58 I don't care if you think something's wrong with me.
00:47:06 I don't care if you think something weird about me.
00:47:09 How can you love me after I did that?
00:47:11 Honey, it's not me.
00:47:13 It's the love of God that's on the inside of me.
00:47:16 It's that supernatural love that the Holy Ghost put on the
00:47:19 inside of me.
00:47:22 If it wasn't for that love, I wouldn't be able to love you.
00:47:30 And I'd have to serve that debt all my life.
00:47:35 Now, how many of you know what I'm preaching is for the
00:47:37 believer?
00:47:39 I ain't got time to convince you of this.
00:47:41 If you want to stay broke, bust, disgusting, if you want to
00:47:43 serve MasterCard all your life, serve the bank all your life,
00:47:47 serve the cardinal all your life, hey, I can't do nothing
00:47:51 for you.
00:47:52 But I'm telling you, if you'll walk in this love, if you'll pay
00:47:55 this debt of love, if you will owe every man love.
00:48:00 Now, watch this.
00:48:10 Matthew chapter 7, let's look at love itself when he showed up.
00:48:15 Jesus, Matthew chapter 7, verse 24 and 27.
00:48:23 Matthew 7 in NLT, excuse me, I'm sorry, Matthew 17, Matthew 17,
00:48:32 verse 24 through 27 in the NLT.
00:48:36 Glory to God.
00:48:39 Hallelujah.
00:48:40 I don't mean to holler or scream so much, but I'm excited.
00:48:46 I have willingly entered into a contractual agreement with
00:48:55 Jesus to preach this gospel of grace and to pay this debt of
00:49:01 love.
00:49:02 Verse 24, "On their arrival," referring to Jesus and Peter,
00:49:11 "in Capernaum, the collectors of the temple tax came to Peter
00:49:16 and asked him, 'Doesn't your teacher pay the temple tax?'
00:49:23 Peter said, 'Yes, he does.'
00:49:25 Then he went into the house, but before he had a chance to speak,
00:49:32 before he could even say something," see, that's how
00:49:34 Jesus is, he already know.
00:49:36 "Jesus asked him, 'What do you think, Peter?
00:49:40 Do kings tax their own people or the conquered ones or people
00:49:45 they've conquered?'
00:49:48 Peter answered, 'They tax the people they've conquered.'"
00:49:53 Now, watch Jesus paying the debt to even these folks.
00:49:56 "Peter replied, he said, 'Jesus said, 'Well then,
00:50:00 the citizens are free,'" which they are.
00:50:06 "However, we don't want to offend them."
00:50:10 See, that's what love do.
00:50:12 We don't want to offend them.
00:50:15 So, see, love does that, man.
00:50:19 That's what it means to pay that debt of love.
00:50:22 What is it that you're willing to do to care with and to show
00:50:26 patience with and to be long-suffering with?
00:50:29 You understand what I'm saying?
00:50:30 I'm not talking that goo-goo-ga-ga emotional love.
00:50:33 It's something you're doing.
00:50:35 Where did the axe head fall?
00:50:36 That's you getting ready to show that love.
00:50:38 How can I help you getting ready to show that love?
00:50:41 He said, "We don't want to offend them."
00:50:46 So, go down to the lake, throw a line in,
00:50:51 open the mouth of the first fish you catch,
00:50:59 and you will find a large silver coin.
00:51:02 Take it and pay the tax for both of us.
00:51:07 [laughter]
00:51:14 Why did it happen?
00:51:15 Why do you think that got there?
00:51:16 Why is that in the Bible?
00:51:17 Why?
00:51:18 You know, money in the mouth of a fish.
00:51:27 Where did that anointing come from?
00:51:30 The same place the other two came from.
00:51:32 Owing a debt of love to mankind, even to the ones you don't agree
00:51:39 with, even the ones who slander you.
00:51:47 Owing a debt of love to mankind.
00:51:51 Even Jesus operated that way.
00:51:54 And when it happened, an anointing was released.
00:51:58 Something supernatural was released.
00:52:01 See, we've been playing all these little silly games trying
00:52:04 to get some anointing.
00:52:05 We've been all around the world, you know.
00:52:08 Oh, well, I got to do this with the man of God.
00:52:10 Oh, I got to do that.
00:52:12 Oh, if I do five yabba-dabba-doos,
00:52:14 then I'll be anointed.
00:52:15 Oh, if I fast for 30 days and then almost die,
00:52:19 then maybe he'll anoint me.
00:52:20 All this stuff, and you done forgot the first act of the Holy
00:52:24 Spirit, Romans 5, 5.
00:52:26 When the Holy Spirit came in, he poured the essence of the very
00:52:32 nature of the love of God on the inside of you so you would have
00:52:38 it to pay the debt.
00:52:40 What is the common denominator in all three of these supernatural
00:52:48 debt cancellations?
00:52:52 It was paying the debt of love, which you may be negotiating
00:52:58 with in your head.
00:53:00 We missed the whole thing.
00:53:02 We're Christians.
00:53:03 What we're asked to do is simple.
00:53:05 He says, "You don't need to fulfill all 613 of the laws.
00:53:09 I gave you one law in the New Testament,
00:53:12 and if you'll do that, everything comes together.
00:53:15 Everything flows together.
00:53:16 People get healed.
00:53:18 Families get together.
00:53:19 All kinds of stuff happen if you can just do this one thing.
00:53:22 No, you got to make it complicated.
00:53:25 You got to make it complicated, and it's not complicated.
00:53:33 He is saying, "Every man's your creditor.
00:53:37 Pay him what you owe him."
00:53:40 "Yeah, but he cussed me out."
00:53:41 "You still owe him."
00:53:43 "Yeah, but they talked about me."
00:53:44 "You still owe him."
00:53:46 "Yeah, they don't like me."
00:53:47 "You still owe him."
00:53:49 "Yeah, they did my sister wrong."
00:53:50 "You still owe him."
00:53:52 "What is he trying to do?"
00:53:54 "Pay this debt, and you have access to the corn in the mouth,
00:54:01 oil in the vessel, and swimming out of the water."
00:54:07 Oh, no, hey.
00:54:11 But we can't say, "I'll do that."
00:54:13 We think, "Well, it's more.
00:54:14 It's got to be more to it than that."
00:54:17 And it's not.
00:54:23 And so, next week, I'm going to pick up with this, and we're
00:54:25 going to talk about doing exploits.
00:54:28 Love is the anointing.
00:54:38 I ain't trying to get a anointing when I got the
00:54:42 anointing.
00:54:44 The word anoint means to rub on or to paint on, and that's what
00:54:50 happens when you pay the debt of love.
00:54:52 You get painted on and rubbed on.
00:54:56 Actually, that anointing's in you, and it comes on you, and
00:55:00 you start walking and experiencing things you never do.
00:55:03 Now, we're living in a society today where people don't believe
00:55:06 nothing.
00:55:08 "Well, I don't believe that."
00:55:09 You will when you need to.
00:55:13 That butt gets so much debt, and then the po-po come and put
00:55:15 you in jail, and they say, "You're going to stay there for
00:55:17 10 years?
00:55:18 You're going to say, 'Let me see what--what's Reverend say
00:55:20 about that anointing?
00:55:21 What did he say?'"
00:55:22 You're going to start walking around and paying the debt of
00:55:24 love to the guard, to the prisoner.
00:55:26 You're going to be with everybody.
00:55:28 You're going to be paying the debt of love to everybody.
00:55:38 I believe that the infinite debt of love will release an anointing
00:55:44 to cancel the debts of life.
00:55:51 [applause]
00:55:53 And that's all I got to say, amen?
00:56:01 You get anything out of that this morning?
00:56:03 [applause]
00:56:05 Now, we're getting ready to receive the offering.
00:56:11 Just so you can check it, think about how much you would do if
00:56:15 you wasn't a slave somewhere.
00:56:17 If you need an offering envelope, raise your hands.
00:56:21 And Father, I ask you right now that you, by your Spirit,
00:56:33 will release a supernatural on those who have heard this
00:56:36 message, both here live or on the internet,
00:56:39 that you will release an anointing.
00:56:41 Thank you for an anointing.
00:56:43 Thank you for the supernatural to let them even receive this.
00:56:48 Let 'em get it, Lord.
00:56:50 And I declare debt cancellation to everyone that hears this word
00:56:59 and is willing to pay the debt of love,
00:57:04 that supernatural happenings will begin to be initiated
00:57:09 in our lives, and that many will begin to testify,
00:57:15 "It wasn't what I did.
00:57:16 I just simply receive every man as a creditor,
00:57:23 and I need grace to help me to love what's unlovely.
00:57:26 I need grace to help me to love what's unlikable.
00:57:29 I need grace to help me to love when somebody's done me wrong.
00:57:33 I need your grace to help me to love in every situation."
00:57:36 So, God, we sow and we give.
00:57:43 Yeah, we give out of our love for you.
00:57:46 We give out of our heart, a cheerful heart.
00:57:53 My God, we worship you.
00:58:00 We have no love for money.
00:58:07 We trust you and not money.
00:58:10 Thank you for opening our eyes and letting us see the deception
00:58:16 of the enemy, trying to keep us back all our lives.
00:58:20 But now, now we can connect to the supernatural as children
00:58:28 of the supernatural.
00:58:31 Show me what to give.
00:58:33 Thank you, Lord.
00:58:36 Let my giving be out of love, not out of obligation,
00:58:41 not out of fear, out of love, not out of fear that I'm gonna
00:58:47 be cursed, out of love that I'm already blessed because of you.
00:58:53 Change us today, Lord.
00:58:58 Let every man come to see and know what they have heard
00:59:02 this day.
00:59:04 Help Holy Spirit.
00:59:07 Bring evidence of what was taught in this place and let
00:59:14 this dawn be the Jehovah-Jireh for many that this was the place
00:59:18 where my breakthrough started.
00:59:20 I praise you for it now.
00:59:26 In Jesus' name, amen.
00:59:31 Whew.
00:59:33 Now, you might need to listen to that over and over and over
00:59:41 again, but you get it.
00:59:45 And I'm gonna just flow with this thing and see where it's
00:59:47 gonna lead us.
00:59:49 There is something about this love.
00:59:51 Go ahead and receive the offering, gentlemen,
00:59:53 ladies and gentlemen.
00:59:54 There's something about this love that's so powerful.
00:59:58 It is the anointing.
01:00:00 It is the supernatural that things happen,
01:00:03 things that you are not gonna be able to explain.
01:00:05 That woman said, "Let me tell the prophet this all wouldn't
01:00:07 stop until we ran out of vessels."
01:00:09 I pray just because you make up in your mind that God Almighty
01:00:19 is gonna do a mighty, mighty thing in your life,
01:00:22 a mighty, mighty thing in your life.
01:00:24 So, I will once again declare debt-canceling anointing over
01:00:32 your life right now in Jesus' name.
01:00:36 [congregation applauding]
01:00:40 And when it happens, no man will be able to get the glory for it,
01:00:44 only God.
01:00:46 Only God gets the glory for the things he has done
01:00:52 in Jesus' name.
01:00:55 Now, listen to me.
01:00:56 I know for some of you, man, this is like, "Whoa,
01:00:59 I hear what you're saying, but what you're saying,
01:01:01 it's a hard thing."
01:01:03 Well, it doesn't have to be.
01:01:06 I think the first place you start is just kind of
01:01:08 examining your life.
01:01:09 Are you born again?
01:01:11 Have you made Jesus your Lord and personal Savior?
01:01:15 If you are not born again, and if you have not made Jesus your
01:01:18 Lord and personal Savior, let's take care of business first.
01:01:22 Let's keep the first thing first.
01:01:26 Let's get born again.
01:01:27 Give your heart to Jesus.
01:01:29 Allow him to raise you up and to bring you to where you need
01:01:31 to be, number one.
01:01:32 Number two, if at one time you had a relationship with God,
01:01:36 maybe before the pandemic hit, I don't know,
01:01:39 but somehow something interrupt that relationship that you had
01:01:42 with God, and you want to reengage that relationship,
01:01:45 I want you to come down here.
01:01:46 We want to pray for you.
01:01:48 You don't have to live life like that and, you know,
01:01:50 trying to figure out how come you can't get back at church or
01:01:53 what's going on and what you--come on, you--let God
01:01:57 arise and the enemies be scattered.
01:02:00 Satan's trying to destroy you.
01:02:02 He wants you out of the way.
01:02:04 Are you kidding me?
01:02:06 He don't care.
01:02:07 And some--for some of you, he don't care if you go to heaven
01:02:09 or hell.
01:02:10 He just don't want you here.
01:02:12 Thirdly, if you've never received the baptism in the Holy
01:02:17 Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues,
01:02:20 to be able to pray to the Father in a way that most people don't
01:02:24 understand or believe, but we do, come on down here.
01:02:30 Anything--anytime God's offering a gift,
01:02:32 go ahead and receive the gift that he's offering, you know?
01:02:35 [congregation applauding]
01:02:39 And last but certainly not least is God calling you to this
01:02:46 church to serve, to be raised up, to mature, to be taught.
01:02:53 [congregation applauding]
01:02:57 He said this to Elijah.
01:02:59 He said, "Go to a certain brook, and there will I sustain thee."
01:03:08 If this is the certain brook, then get here.
01:03:13 If this is the certain place that God's calling you to,
01:03:20 get here.
01:03:22 Don't--don't--don't hesitate another minute.
01:03:26 Don't hesitate another second.
01:03:28 Get here.
01:03:30 God's got something to do with you.
01:03:33 God--God wired you to accomplish something in your life.
01:03:36 [congregation applauding]
01:03:41 In all of your getting, get understanding.
01:03:45 How we gonna live a successful Christian life when we don't
01:03:48 understand?
01:03:49 How we gonna live a successful Christian life if we keep
01:03:51 taking Scriptures and turning them into fables and then,
01:03:54 you know, getting some law to beat people up with it?
01:03:56 That ain't--that ain't what this is about.
01:03:58 [congregation applauding]
01:04:04 Let God arise in your life.
01:04:06 Let God do some things that you've been trying to figure out
01:04:09 how to do all your life.
01:04:11 Let God show up and make something happen that you ain't
01:04:14 never been able to make happen before.
01:04:16 [congregation applauding]
01:04:20 You've tried the rest.
01:04:23 Now it's time to try the best.
01:04:25 And Jesus is the best.
01:04:28 [congregation applauding]
01:04:33 Listen, I--I don't even think--and Taffi, you help me.
01:04:41 I don't even think it--I don't even think I could've preached
01:04:44 that this morning if I was still struggling with approval
01:04:47 addiction.
01:04:51 'Cause I'd have been worried about what everybody thought
01:04:53 about what I said and, "Wait a minute, I'm saying something.
01:04:57 Ain't nobody--" No, no, no, no, no, no.
01:05:00 I'm free.
01:05:03 And God wants to set you free from people and whom the Son
01:05:06 sets free is free indeed.
01:05:08 God wants you to live a free indeed life, not a life where
01:05:11 you're always having to figure out what somebody gonna--how
01:05:15 they gonna think about you.
01:05:16 You're working hard to get their approval and you already got
01:05:19 God's approval.
01:05:20 You don't need nobody's approval to get born again.
01:05:22 You don't need nobody's approval to rededicate your life to Jesus.
01:05:25 You don't need nobody's approval to be--to join this church
01:05:29 unless you three.
01:05:31 I--I had a list that I got.
01:05:44 I was gonna read to you all of the companies that are secretly
01:05:49 closing up and downsizing significantly because they all
01:05:56 know something's coming and they don't wanna be caught in that
01:06:01 recession storm, which by the way, has already started.
01:06:05 They just can't afford to announce it or to get worse.
01:06:07 At least I have to give 'em that.
01:06:09 But everything we've been talking about over the last four
01:06:13 weeks is getting you ready for that storm that's getting
01:06:19 ready to come.
01:06:21 Taff and I just left Iceland a few weeks ago, and Iceland had
01:06:27 this--probably the same volcano we went by and still--it erupted
01:06:32 and that earthquake, a quake, is causing other problems.
01:06:37 Jesus is coming back.
01:06:42 The Bible says, "Look up, your redemption's drawing near."
01:06:47 We ain't gonna be telling no fables.
01:06:49 We ain't gonna be reading no Scriptures that didn't turn 'em
01:06:51 into fables.
01:06:52 We ain't doing that.
01:06:54 (Applause)
01:06:56 Baby, you got anything you wanna add to that?
01:07:12 You know, you had something last week, you almost didn't give it
01:07:16 to us, and if you didn't give it to us, I don't know what I'd
01:07:18 have been preaching this morning.
01:07:20 You sure you ain't got nothing to add?
01:07:22 You'd have started the whole thing in the first place.
01:07:24 (Laughter)
01:07:25 Amen.
01:07:26 Father, we thank you for those who've come down.
01:07:28 We release them unto your care.
01:07:35 We know you care for us.
01:07:38 You care for every person at this altar.
01:07:40 We release them to your care, and we praise God for them.
01:07:46 We praise God that you will do miraculous things in their life,
01:07:50 and they will have clarity of the path and the will of God for
01:07:55 their lives as they continue to feed on the Word and grow.
01:07:59 We praise you for what you're doing in them and through them.
01:08:02 In Jesus' name we pray.
01:08:04 Blessings upon them.
01:08:05 Protect them.
01:08:07 Satan, we bind you.
01:08:08 You keep your hands off God's people.
01:08:11 In Jesus' name.
01:08:13 Amen.
01:08:15 If you'll turn this way and follow this gentleman to the
01:08:18 prayer room, they're going to take you and minister to you and
01:08:20 give you biblical understanding of how to obtain and maintain
01:08:23 what you came to receive.
01:08:25 And we thank God that you will never be the same again.
01:08:29 Church, don't you appreciate those who've come?
01:08:31 Amen.
01:08:32 Congregation, would you please stand for our final blessings?
01:08:38 Thank you so much for making it out to church today,
01:08:41 even though it might have been a little cold and a little cloudy.
01:08:44 You just put that behind you and say,
01:08:46 "I am not a fair weather Christian.
01:08:48 It's time to go to church."
01:08:49 Amen.
01:08:50 Oh, my goodness.
01:08:52 And now may the Spirit of grace be upon you all this week.
01:08:57 I declare divine protection over your life,
01:09:00 over your life and the life of your family,
01:09:02 the life of your children.
01:09:04 I declare that no weapon, even though it may be formed,
01:09:07 it will not prosper against you.
01:09:11 I speak favor over your life.
01:09:14 I speak increase over your life.
01:09:17 I speak peace over your life.
01:09:19 I speak ease over your life.
01:09:22 I speak supernatural anointing over your life.
01:09:25 And that you walk in the blessing all week,
01:09:30 that things that have been hidden from you shall surely
01:09:35 come to pass.
01:09:36 And now unto him who is able to keep you from falling and to
01:09:41 present you faultless before the Almighty God,
01:09:44 be glory, majesty, dominion, and power both now and forever.
01:09:51 And everybody said, "Amen."
01:09:53 God bless you, everybody.
01:09:54 Have a great day today.
01:09:56 Amen.
01:10:02 Amen.
01:10:03 Amen, world changers.
01:10:05 Another amazing service.
01:10:07 Per usual.
01:10:08 We get that word.
01:10:09 We get that good, good word.
01:10:11 Man, I'm really just still letting everything kind of sink
01:10:15 in.
01:10:16 And my goodness, like, we are for sure children of the
01:10:21 supernatural.
01:10:22 Yes.
01:10:23 And love is the anointing.
01:10:24 Yes.
01:10:25 I got so many things from this service,
01:10:27 but I want to know what you got.
01:10:29 I mean, for me, like, the drop mic from Pastor was,
01:10:34 "The infinite debt of love will release an anointing to cancel
01:10:39 the temporary debts of life."
01:10:41 Like, that whole..
01:10:42 That one sentence right there, that's the message.
01:10:46 Like, meditate on that.
01:10:48 The infinite debt of love will release an anointing to cancel
01:10:54 the temporary debts of life.
01:10:57 So, the solution to anything that's going on in your life is
01:11:01 what?
01:11:02 L-O-V-E.
01:11:03 Love.
01:11:04 What you talking about love?
01:11:05 How can I love?
01:11:06 Love.
01:11:07 Love.
01:11:08 Love.
01:11:09 Love.
01:11:10 Love.
01:11:11 Anything that's going on, love.
01:11:13 Love others.
01:11:14 Love yourself.
01:11:15 Forgive yourself.
01:11:16 Forgive others.
01:11:17 Forgive anything.
01:11:18 Anything that's going on.
01:11:19 Literally.
01:11:20 Love, man.
01:11:21 Love.
01:11:22 Like..
01:11:23 I'm really, like, blown up right now on the inside,
01:11:25 so I would say calm.
01:11:26 It's so many..
01:11:27 Like..
01:11:28 It's layers to that.
01:11:29 It's so many layers.
01:11:30 And it's never ending.
01:11:31 Never ending.
01:11:32 Just like the oil being filled up in the pots,
01:11:34 like, it never stops.
01:11:35 Never ending.
01:11:36 Because there's never a pot left to not fill.
01:11:38 Forever flowing.
01:11:39 So it's always..
01:11:40 Listen.
01:11:41 Okay.
01:11:42 That's what we got.
01:11:43 We want to know what you got.
01:11:44 Share it in the chat right now.
01:11:46 We know you all got something from today's message.
01:11:48 Because listen, God is a game changer.
01:11:50 He's the greatest power.
01:11:51 And listen, this word that we are continually..
01:11:53 Continuing to get fed with and just..
01:11:55 God pouring out his love not only to each of us
01:11:57 individually but also specifically giving us that
01:11:59 specific word that we need.
01:12:00 My..
01:12:01 Listen.
01:12:02 World changing.
01:12:03 We're going to be in a world where we're going to
01:12:05 be in a world where we're going to be in a world where
01:12:07 we're going to be in a world where we're going to be
01:12:09 in a world where we're going to be in a world where
01:12:11 we're going to be in a world where we're going to be
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