• il y a 2 ans
Don't Swallow The Coin - Pastor Keion Henderson


00:00:00 ♪ Welcome to the Lighthouse, Lighthouse ♪
00:00:02 ♪ You're welcome here ♪
00:00:03 ♪ Let me introduce you to my father ♪
00:00:05 ♪ Welcome to the Lighthouse, Lighthouse ♪
00:00:07 ♪ You've been expecting it ♪
00:00:08 ♪ I believe that we owe God a praise ♪
00:00:11 - So today, God, we ask for a supernatural release
00:00:15 of everything that has our name on it, God.
00:00:18 Finish the health, finish the wealth, finish the wisdom,
00:00:23 finish the business, finish the fertility,
00:00:26 finish the relationship.
00:00:28 God, you have never been a quitter,
00:00:31 and we know you won't stop now.
00:00:33 We thank you in advance that all is well.
00:00:36 In Jesus' name we pray.
00:00:38 If you love the Lord,
00:00:39 come on and make some noise in this place today.
00:00:40 (audience applauding)
00:00:43 Touch three people and say,
00:00:43 God's gonna finish what he started.
00:00:45 God's gonna finish what he started.
00:00:47 Hallelujah.
00:00:51 Let's go to the book of Matthew chapter 17.
00:00:54 Matthew chapter 17.
00:00:56 We're in the month of wealth,
00:00:58 and I'm still trying to teach you how to get it.
00:01:01 How many of you know that God has some riches
00:01:02 with your name assigned to it?
00:01:04 (audience applauding)
00:01:06 Amen, and I believe that the children of God,
00:01:09 the devil has tricked us into being sporadic and skittish
00:01:13 when it comes to resources and finances,
00:01:16 and we use things like, you know, what Jesus was poor,
00:01:19 but you need to let Jesus handle that.
00:01:22 Yeah, because he also became sin
00:01:25 so that we could become righteousness.
00:01:27 So just because Jesus was a thing
00:01:29 doesn't mean you have to be a thing, right?
00:01:31 So he became those things
00:01:33 so you don't have to be those things.
00:01:35 He became poor that you might become rich.
00:01:39 I want somebody to shout, I am the righteousness of God.
00:01:42 I wanna get this into your psychology and in your mentality
00:01:46 so that you can believe it,
00:01:47 so you will, number one, expect to go to the next level,
00:01:51 and number two, you won't be shocked when you get there.
00:01:54 Amen?
00:01:55 Matthew chapter 17, verse 24, the Bible says,
00:01:58 "And when they were come to Capernaum,
00:02:02 they that received tribute money,"
00:02:05 which is a tax or tithe or an offering,
00:02:08 "came to Peter and said," in so many words,
00:02:12 does Jesus pay his tithes?
00:02:15 Does Jesus pay his taxes?
00:02:18 What did Peter, 'cause y'all know Peter is known
00:02:20 for just saying whatever come to his mind.
00:02:23 Peter is known for cursing,
00:02:25 which is why he's my favorite preacher.
00:02:27 And he carried a knife,
00:02:30 so I really like a cussing, cutting preacher, you know?
00:02:35 And he just said, right away, he said, yes.
00:02:39 He didn't even think about it
00:02:40 because why wouldn't God be doing it, amen?
00:02:43 He says yes.
00:02:44 And when he came to the house,
00:02:47 Jesus prevented him saying,
00:02:49 what was you thinking, Simon?
00:02:52 He says, "Of whom do kings of earth
00:02:56 take custom to tribute?"
00:02:58 In other words, since when did a king pay his subjects?
00:03:03 He says, well, let me ask you a question.
00:03:07 He says, "Of children and of strangers,"
00:03:11 and I'm paraphrasing, Peter said unto him,
00:03:13 God says this to him, he says,
00:03:14 "Peter, do you think that strangers
00:03:17 are children pay taxes?"
00:03:19 He said, "Of course, strangers,
00:03:21 because there is no reason for a son
00:03:23 to give an offering to his father."
00:03:25 Does that make sense?
00:03:27 And I'll explain what that means later.
00:03:29 Peter said, "Of course, the strangers will have to pay."
00:03:31 Jesus said unto him, "Then the children are free."
00:03:35 Then the children are free.
00:03:37 Somebody shout, I'm free.
00:03:39 Notwithstanding, lest we should be offended,
00:03:43 he says, "Even though I don't have to pay it,
00:03:45 I'm going to pay it."
00:03:48 I want you to hear what I'm saying.
00:03:51 Jesus was exempt from the offering
00:03:54 because he is the offering.
00:03:55 Okay, but he says, "I obey my word so much
00:04:02 that even though I'm exempt, I can't disobey myself.
00:04:06 So since I said it about you,
00:04:11 I have now obligated myself to the same thing
00:04:14 I said about you, so not only am I going to give the offer,
00:04:17 and I'm going to be the offering."
00:04:21 All right, okay, Romans 12.
00:04:23 "Present yourselves as a living sacrifice,
00:04:27 holy and acceptable unto him which is your reasonable."
00:04:30 All right, do I have any Bible readers in here?
00:04:33 So Jesus doesn't have money though.
00:04:36 He doesn't, he don't have a wallet.
00:04:38 So where he going to get the money from?
00:04:44 And Peter don't have the money
00:04:46 'cause remember he gave up his business to follow Jesus.
00:04:50 So Peter's like, "I mean, you brought me out here.
00:04:54 I was making money fishing.
00:04:56 You came and woke me up talking about be a fisher of men.
00:04:59 I didn't know that was going to be for free.
00:05:02 Now I'm out here doing this Christian thing
00:05:04 and it's time to pay and I don't have no money."
00:05:06 Jesus said, "Do you trust me or not?"
00:05:08 Ask your neighbor, "Do you trust God or not?"
00:05:11 'Cause if God calls you from something,
00:05:17 he never calls you from something
00:05:19 without calling you to something.
00:05:20 I'm going to preach whether you say amen or not.
00:05:24 He says, "I want you to go down to the sea.
00:05:28 I want you to take a fishing rod and a hook.
00:05:32 I want you to throw it in the water.
00:05:34 And the first fish that you find,
00:05:37 I want you to bring it in.
00:05:40 And in the fish's mouth will be the tide."
00:05:44 (congregation laughing)
00:05:48 You open his mouth and you're going to find enough money
00:05:53 in the fish's mouth, not only to pay your taxes,
00:05:57 but to pay mine too.
00:06:01 Touch on that and say, "When I find my fish,
00:06:02 I'm going to be able to finance this whole row."
00:06:04 (congregation laughing)
00:06:08 When I find my fish, I'm going to take care of me,
00:06:14 my mama, my daddy, my sisters, my aunts, my uncles.
00:06:18 Some of y'all too stingy to get a fish
00:06:20 'cause the only person you want to take care of is yourself.
00:06:22 But God says, "The only reason why I'm lifting you up
00:06:25 is so that you have enough.
00:06:28 'Cause I'm going to pour on you a blessing you don't have."
00:06:31 See, the problem with most of us
00:06:35 is when we get a big blessing,
00:06:37 we try to find room to store it.
00:06:39 God says, "I made it so big
00:06:42 so that it could take care of you,
00:06:45 your mama and your cousin too."
00:06:47 (congregation cheering)
00:06:50 Y'all sleep.
00:06:51 But here is the deal.
00:06:56 Most people preach this perspective
00:07:00 from either Jesus or Peter.
00:07:02 What about the fish?
00:07:11 We always talk about the two fish and the five loaves,
00:07:13 but we're talking about what Jesus did,
00:07:14 the little boy, the 5,000.
00:07:16 What about the sacrifice of the fish?
00:07:21 Here's what the Lord gave me.
00:07:23 He said, "Tell the people
00:07:25 that in this narrative they are the fish.
00:07:27 And tell them I said, 'Whatever you do,
00:07:31 don't swallow the coin.'"
00:07:34 (congregation cheering)
00:07:37 You may be seated in the presence of the Lord.
00:07:40 Don't swallow the coin.
00:07:45 How many of y'all already feel the Holy Spirit in this room?
00:07:48 (congregation cheering)
00:07:51 So at least as we can tell,
00:07:56 as far as we can tell,
00:07:59 and remember the Bible is recorded history,
00:08:02 but it is not total history,
00:08:03 which means there are some things that happen
00:08:06 in the biblical day that did not make the Bible.
00:08:09 Right, it would be like everything that happened
00:08:12 in Houston yesterday made the news.
00:08:14 It's impossible, okay?
00:08:16 But at least 37 times that we know of,
00:08:19 Jesus performed a miracle in the Scripture.
00:08:22 And at least seven of those 37 times,
00:08:29 those miracles were for Peter.
00:08:32 Imagine being so important to God's plan
00:08:38 that 20% of the times that he decided
00:08:43 to ignore the laws of nature
00:08:48 and ignore the laws of the religious.
00:08:50 Imagine being so important to God
00:08:54 that 20% of the time he decided to make a difference,
00:08:57 you were the recipient of it.
00:08:59 Did you hear what I just said?
00:09:03 Imagine that every time God decided to do a miracle,
00:09:07 one out of five of them was going to belong to you.
00:09:09 He may give one to a person over there,
00:09:13 one up there, one over there, one online,
00:09:15 but by the time he gets back to the fifth miracle,
00:09:17 he comes back to your house.
00:09:18 I don't know about you,
00:09:21 but I'm getting ready to get you ready
00:09:24 for the place where miracles
00:09:27 are consistent occurrences in your life.
00:09:29 You ever heard that old song that says,
00:09:34 "I've got peace that makes no sense"?
00:09:37 I've got joy and chaos.
00:09:40 You just get to a place in favor with God
00:09:43 where every time you turn around,
00:09:46 he keeps on blessing you.
00:09:48 Now, for whoever that makes sleepy,
00:09:52 I ain't got nothing else for you,
00:09:54 but for anybody who can think about your whole life
00:09:57 and all that you have gone without for all of these years,
00:10:00 you are finally getting ready to walk into a season
00:10:06 where God consistently is going to perform
00:10:11 a miracle in your life.
00:10:16 Not only does God perform miracles in Peter's life,
00:10:20 but at least seven times,
00:10:22 he either performs these miracles for Peter
00:10:24 either directly or indirectly.
00:10:27 All right, directly, when Peter was sinking on the water,
00:10:33 Jesus lifts him up and he begins to walk on the water.
00:10:38 Indirectly, God heals Peter's mother-in-law from fever.
00:10:43 Directly or indirectly,
00:10:50 God heals a man based on Peter's decision.
00:10:55 You remember when he was in the garden of Gethsemane,
00:10:57 they came to take Jesus to the cross.
00:10:59 What did Peter do?
00:11:01 Took his knife out.
00:11:02 I just finished telling you.
00:11:05 Cut the man's ear off.
00:11:07 And Jesus picked the man's ear up and put it back on
00:11:12 and said, "I changed his name.
00:11:15 "I just couldn't change his nature.
00:11:16 "He was Simon when I met him.
00:11:18 "I named him Peter, but he ain't been in church that long.
00:11:22 "Please forgive him."
00:11:23 How many of y'all can sit next to somebody and tell them,
00:11:25 "Listen, I ain't been here that long, don't try me.
00:11:28 "I ain't been here that long, I ain't been here that long."
00:11:31 (congregation laughing)
00:11:34 One of my favorite times that Jesus performs a miracle,
00:11:38 and if I shout right now, just hold me back.
00:11:42 Remember when Peter was in prison,
00:11:44 and the Bible says that the angel of the Lord
00:11:46 came to Peter when he was in prison
00:11:49 a night before he was set to be executed.
00:11:53 And the Bible says that the angel came to him
00:11:55 the night before and says, "Walk out of prison."
00:11:58 And then the Lord told me to tell you,
00:12:00 "I don't know if you know it,
00:12:01 "but you're about to get out a day early."
00:12:03 (congregation cheering)
00:12:07 I mean, tomorrow, the devil has the sentencing set,
00:12:13 but what he doesn't know is God's
00:12:15 gonna send the angel today.
00:12:17 Tell somebody, "I'm getting out a day early."
00:12:20 Matter of fact, you need to tell the devil that.
00:12:25 I'm getting out early.
00:12:27 I know you had this sentence for my children
00:12:30 and my children's children,
00:12:32 but we getting out of this thing early.
00:12:35 I know this thing was supposed to follow me
00:12:37 for the next 10 years,
00:12:38 but I put the devil on notice tonight.
00:12:40 I'm getting out early.
00:12:42 Somebody say, "I'm getting out early."
00:12:45 The design over your life was that you would stay depressed,
00:12:47 suppressed, despondent, frustrated
00:12:50 for the next three, four, five months, three, four, five years,
00:12:53 but the word of the Lord is the angel is in the house,
00:12:56 and he's saying, "It's over today."
00:12:58 Somebody say, "I'm getting out early."
00:13:00 (congregation cheering)
00:13:03 And then finally, we find the two miracles
00:13:06 that involves Peter with the fish.
00:13:09 Well, this is different,
00:13:11 because the first time Jesus has a miracle
00:13:13 with Peter regarding fish,
00:13:16 he tells Peter to drop his net.
00:13:18 And Peter said, "Now, you gotta understand at this time."
00:13:24 Can I teach this message to you today?
00:13:25 Is that all right?
00:13:26 You have to understand at this time
00:13:27 that Peter is not yet a disciple.
00:13:30 His name is Simon.
00:13:33 He hadn't been converted yet.
00:13:34 He's an entrepreneur.
00:13:36 He's making money.
00:13:38 He fishes for a living.
00:13:39 Jesus comes in his business.
00:13:42 Imagine a carpenter telling a fisherman how to fish.
00:13:47 They don't know he's Jesus,
00:13:49 so Peter has been bringing in fish his whole life,
00:13:52 and then here comes a guy who makes furniture
00:13:55 trying to tell him what to do at fishing time.
00:13:58 And he says, "Listen," and this is the daytime,
00:14:01 he says, "I want you to drop your net."
00:14:03 He says, "Dude, you don't even know
00:14:04 "what you're talking about.
00:14:05 "We've been out here all night,
00:14:07 "and we haven't caught a thing."
00:14:11 He says, "It's because your net
00:14:13 "was on the wrong side of the boat."
00:14:14 Now, for those of y'all who have an imagination,
00:14:19 we're not talking about a Carnival cruise ship
00:14:24 where his net was over here, and then he picked it up
00:14:28 and threw it on this side.
00:14:39 We're talking about a canoe.
00:14:41 So you mean to tell me the difference between
00:14:46 what I can't find
00:14:50 and what I can find
00:14:51 and more than enough
00:14:57 is simply dropping the net on the side Jesus said.
00:15:02 See, the problem with most of us
00:15:05 is your net is in the direction of your opinion
00:15:09 and not in the direction of God's.
00:15:12 See, you got to drop the net where God says drop the net.
00:15:17 In other words, you got to settle where God settles.
00:15:20 If God says not here, then go there.
00:15:23 If God says not now, then wait till later.
00:15:26 If God says two months, three months,
00:15:27 you can't get impatient and try to make it happen now.
00:15:30 You got to drop your net where God says,
00:15:32 when God says, how God says, and for how long God says.
00:15:37 And the Bible says that when Peter picked up his net
00:15:42 after being out there all night, which was the best time.
00:15:45 Now, I don't fish, I've only been twice in my life.
00:15:48 Didn't enjoy it.
00:15:49 Didn't enjoy it.
00:15:52 But some people do.
00:15:55 It takes a lot of patience to catch a fish.
00:16:00 Amen, somebody.
00:16:01 This man drops his net.
00:16:04 He's been out there all night.
00:16:05 He's not had any sleep.
00:16:07 And then here comes a carpenter and said,
00:16:09 drop your net in the daytime when the fish are not biting.
00:16:12 And he drops the right net at the wrong time.
00:16:16 And when he picks up the net,
00:16:18 the Bible says that he had so many fish
00:16:20 that the net begins to break.
00:16:22 And the Bible says that he has 153 fishes in the net.
00:16:27 Now, that is not improper English.
00:16:32 Because whenever we understand that the word fish
00:16:35 is plural and singular.
00:16:37 So whenever the Bible says fishes,
00:16:39 it's letting you know that he caught 153
00:16:43 different kinds of fish.
00:16:44 Now, I want you to understand how hard that is
00:16:47 because schools, fish travel.
00:16:50 How do you catch one catfish and one bass and,
00:16:54 I don't even know no more.
00:17:05 One snapper, it's calamari a fish.
00:17:08 One trout, one crab, one shrimp, one crawfish.
00:17:13 I'm drawing a blank.
00:17:24 I'm allergic to seafood, so I don't know nothing about it.
00:17:28 But he's got 153 different kinds in there
00:17:32 and the nets break.
00:17:33 Because when you drop your net where God says drop it,
00:17:38 you will have more than you can carry.
00:17:40 So the Bible says, he tells the other disciples,
00:17:45 come help me carry these fish.
00:17:47 Because I finally, for the first time in my life,
00:17:50 caught something I can't carry.
00:17:52 I don't know who I'm talking to in here today.
00:17:56 But you have been able to carry every blessing
00:18:00 you've had so far in your life.
00:18:01 But the next one,
00:18:03 is gonna require some help.
00:18:07 Ask your neighbor, will you help me?
00:18:09 I got too many fish to carry.
00:18:12 You can take some of these home.
00:18:14 You can give this to him.
00:18:16 I got so much, I don't have room enough.
00:18:18 That's how blessed you become when you drop your nets.
00:18:32 When God says it, where God says it,
00:18:37 and how he says it, in spite of your experience.
00:18:40 We've been out here all night.
00:18:46 What are you talking about?
00:18:47 And we've caught nothing.
00:18:49 Jesus said, I know you've been out here all night,
00:18:51 but can you trust me again?
00:18:53 Peter says, okay, and this is what I need
00:18:54 everybody to get in your spirit.
00:18:56 Peter says, I don't know what you're talking about,
00:19:00 but at thy word.
00:19:04 In other words, I don't have experience
00:19:07 that this will work, but because you said it,
00:19:10 I'm gonna try it.
00:19:11 See, that's what I'm trying to get you.
00:19:15 When it comes to giving, those of y'all who are online,
00:19:17 those of you who are in the room,
00:19:19 say, man, I've been giving and I've been tithing,
00:19:22 but have you given what he said give?
00:19:25 When he said give it, at the time.
00:19:30 I know everybody in here has had this moment,
00:19:32 and if you're honest, you remember that time
00:19:34 God told you to either give an offering
00:19:36 of a certain amount or give it to a certain person,
00:19:38 and you argue with him.
00:19:40 God says, give 100.
00:19:42 You're like.
00:19:43 Come on, any Holy Ghost negotiators in here?
00:19:50 How about I put $5 on it?
00:19:52 Talk to me, come on.
00:19:56 How many of y'all have ever had experience
00:19:57 where God said, give a certain amount,
00:19:59 and you literally argue with him with inside of yourself
00:20:02 and started considering all of the other things
00:20:04 that you had to take care of,
00:20:06 and so you took part of the fish home?
00:20:09 God says, you took a wing home
00:20:16 when I was trying to give you.
00:20:17 You took a fin home when I was trying to give you.
00:20:20 You took a fish home when I was trying to give you
00:20:23 153 assortment of fish.
00:20:26 You settled for a plate when I was trying to give you.
00:20:31 You settled for a fish tank
00:20:40 when I was trying to give you the ocean.
00:20:42 You settled for a goldfish,
00:20:47 and you didn't know I had a marlin on the line for you.
00:20:49 And this is the devil's biggest trick,
00:20:53 is making you think that what you caught
00:20:54 was the biggest that God had to offer.
00:20:57 You think the money that you kept is big?
00:21:02 Well, then why do you need more?
00:21:03 You think that the offering that God requires from you
00:21:09 is gonna make a difference if you keep it?
00:21:10 Then my question is,
00:21:12 why do you continuously need a financial miracle?
00:21:15 Because the offering that God gives you
00:21:18 is never enough to feed you.
00:21:20 Come on, church.
00:21:25 The thing that you keep will never satisfy you.
00:21:28 There are millions of people who will walk out of churches
00:21:31 all across the world today and will keep the tithe
00:21:33 and get home and still be starving.
00:21:35 Yeah, I'm gonna come right down on your face today
00:21:40 'cause I can tell y'all don't want this,
00:21:41 but I gotta give it to you.
00:21:42 Somebody say, "Give it to me, Lord."
00:21:44 The miracle involving the coin and the fish,
00:21:48 which is the middle miracle of the seven,
00:21:52 is the least dramatic of all of the miracles.
00:21:55 God walking on water with Jesus, that's a miracle, Peter.
00:21:59 Getting out of prison, getting his mother-in-law,
00:22:02 all of that drama, this just requires this.
00:22:05 That's it.
00:22:13 No 5,000.
00:22:14 Not women and children.
00:22:17 No crowd.
00:22:19 Just Peter.
00:22:22 And the fish.
00:22:23 And he goes out there and he drops his line.
00:22:27 And here's the amazing thing about it.
00:22:30 No drama, no fanfare, and the miracle had to do
00:22:35 with the paying of a tribute tax.
00:22:40 It was a religious tax that they put for the church
00:22:43 and rebuilding the tabernacle and the temple.
00:22:45 And Matthew is the only writer that writes about this.
00:22:49 Now, I'm gonna show you something.
00:22:51 Matthew is the only writer who writes about this.
00:22:53 Well, what does Matthew used to do
00:22:55 before he became a disciple?
00:22:57 He was a tax collector.
00:22:59 So Matthew writes about this.
00:23:00 It's the same reason why the woman with the issue of blood,
00:23:03 no other writer writes about it except for Luke.
00:23:06 What does Luke do for a living before he becomes a?
00:23:09 He was a doctor.
00:23:10 You see, because some people only talk
00:23:12 about what they care about.
00:23:14 So the reason why this is important to Matthew
00:23:20 is Matthew used to work for the IRS.
00:23:22 And so he's like, you gotta pay your taxes.
00:23:27 So I'm gonna write about this instance
00:23:28 where Jesus did not pay his taxes.
00:23:33 Now, the Bible says that Jesus and his disciples,
00:23:37 this is gonna hit you so square off in your face,
00:23:40 I can't even apologize that you're gonna be dizzy
00:23:43 for five minutes after I say it.
00:23:45 What I'm about to say right now.
00:23:47 The Bible says that they're on their way
00:23:48 to a place called Capernaum.
00:23:50 Everybody say Capernaum.
00:23:52 They're on their way to a place called Capernaum
00:23:56 to pay a tax.
00:23:57 Now, follow me very carefully.
00:24:00 It was God's idea that there be a tax or a tithe
00:24:05 in the first place according to the order
00:24:08 of a man named Melchizedek.
00:24:10 Now watch this.
00:24:12 He requires all of the men in the days of the wilderness
00:24:17 above the age of 20 to pay a tax
00:24:21 for the building of the tabernacle.
00:24:24 Are you listening?
00:24:26 Are you asleep already?
00:24:28 So this is Jesus' tax.
00:24:30 This is God's tax.
00:24:31 He says in the wilderness, Moses tell all of the men
00:24:35 who are above 19, 20 years old that they have to pay a tax
00:24:39 because I've got to build a church for my presence.
00:24:43 Now they're on their way to a place called Capernaum
00:24:47 and now the tax is due again.
00:24:49 So the tax was initiated in the wilderness.
00:24:52 Everybody say the wilderness.
00:24:54 And now they're on their way to Capernaum
00:24:57 and they have to pay the tax again.
00:24:59 And the word Capernaum means the place of comfort.
00:25:02 And then the Lord told me to tell you
00:25:07 that he will often ask for an offering
00:25:10 in one of two places.
00:25:12 Either when you're in the wilderness and you don't have it
00:25:16 or when you just finished getting comfortable.
00:25:18 Boy, I can tell I'm preaching by the silence of the lambs.
00:25:25 He says, when you don't have it, that's when I ask for it
00:25:31 because now it's about faith and not money.
00:25:33 And now just when you get comfortable
00:25:37 and everything starts to stabilize,
00:25:38 here I come saying, give it again.
00:25:40 Why?
00:25:41 Because I want to see if you'll choose comfort over me.
00:25:44 (congregation cheering)
00:25:47 So there are people in the place right now,
00:25:50 either you're in the wilderness or you don't have it
00:25:52 or you just got to the place where everything
00:25:54 is leveled out.
00:25:55 And here come God requiring another level of sacrifice
00:25:58 because God says, I want to see if you'll trust me
00:26:00 or if you'll trust your comfort.
00:26:02 And I want to see if you'll trust me
00:26:04 to be a pillar of fire in the wilderness.
00:26:06 And I don't know who this word is for,
00:26:07 but let me tell you, there is no place on earth
00:26:10 at any time in the world that if you are faithful
00:26:12 in your giving towards God, that he will not be a lamp
00:26:14 to your feet and a light unto your path.
00:26:16 And if there's anybody here that has ever truly tested God
00:26:20 to see when he opened up the windows of heaven
00:26:22 and pour out on you a blessing,
00:26:24 you don't have room enough to receive.
00:26:26 I need everybody who trusts God to praise him
00:26:28 for the doubters in the room and online.
00:26:30 (congregation cheering)
00:26:34 Touch three people and say, you can't make me doubt him.
00:26:37 I know too much about him.
00:26:40 I gave it when I didn't have it.
00:26:42 I gave it when I needed it.
00:26:44 And somehow God,
00:26:46 I know I'm right about it.
00:26:52 I know I'm right about it.
00:26:53 How many of you know God will pay your bills
00:26:55 even if you don't have a job?
00:26:56 How many of you know somebody just come up to you
00:26:59 and say, I don't know why the Lord told me
00:27:00 to give this to you, but the Lord puts you on my heart.
00:27:03 Anybody ever sought the favor of God
00:27:05 and it slapped you upside your head unexpectedly?
00:27:09 (congregation cheering)
00:27:13 And for those of y'all who haven't,
00:27:15 they that wait on the Lord.
00:27:17 Just touch somebody and say, wait on him.
00:27:20 I promise you when you become faithful in your giving,
00:27:22 you're gonna start running into blessings.
00:27:25 (congregation cheering)
00:27:28 He said, he says, Peter got a question for you.
00:27:35 Do your master pay taxes?
00:27:37 Yeah, what you?
00:27:38 (congregation laughing)
00:27:42 You better ask somebody.
00:27:43 What you say?
00:27:46 Do he what?
00:27:47 Yeah, he pays taxes.
00:27:50 Now, Peter ain't never seen Jesus pay nothing.
00:27:54 'Cause he ain't never paid nothing except for it all.
00:28:00 But up until this point, he's alive.
00:28:05 He hasn't died yet.
00:28:06 So Peter has never seen God pay for anything.
00:28:11 But he says, yeah, yeah, he pays taxes.
00:28:19 He pays taxes and say he don't again
00:28:21 to see what happened to you.
00:28:22 You better ask, you better check my record.
00:28:25 I'm known for gutting people.
00:28:26 You better ask somebody.
00:28:28 Yeah, he pays taxes.
00:28:29 Now say it again.
00:28:30 All right, he pays taxes.
00:28:34 Peter said, yeah, he pays taxes.
00:28:36 Now you got to understand this.
00:28:38 Don't miss this.
00:28:39 God has never paid the tax physically.
00:28:45 (congregation chattering)
00:28:50 He said, yes, he pays tribute.
00:28:53 Now you got to understand that you are going
00:28:56 to a place in your life where you will never
00:29:00 be asked innocent questions.
00:29:04 (congregation chattering)
00:29:06 They know the answer to the question.
00:29:09 What they're trying to do is trick him into an answer
00:29:13 that will put Jesus on the hook.
00:29:17 So Jesus will be on the hook and not the fish.
00:29:24 (congregation chattering)
00:29:28 See, this is why you got to resist the urge
00:29:34 to have an answer for everything.
00:29:35 You ever met somebody,
00:29:39 you just start talking about the moon.
00:29:41 Yeah, I've been up there twice.
00:29:43 When I was up there, it was 30 degrees.
00:29:45 You ain't never been to nobody's moon.
00:29:47 You ever met somebody, they know something about everything.
00:29:53 They have been a part of everything.
00:29:56 I got a cousin that was a Navy SEAL.
00:29:58 I was a SEAL from '69 to '22.
00:30:00 What the?
00:30:01 (congregation chattering)
00:30:04 Peter been with Jesus for three years.
00:30:12 And Peter's like, I knew this wasn't an honest question.
00:30:19 Jesus has been on this earth for three years.
00:30:21 They've never seen him pay a tax.
00:30:23 Why are they asking the question now?
00:30:27 See, when you get close to your destiny,
00:30:30 the enemy's,
00:30:31 his plan for you changes.
00:30:37 You're going to, when you get close,
00:30:39 you all of a sudden going to start to see people pop up
00:30:42 where they ain't never been.
00:30:44 You're going to start to get phone calls
00:30:47 from people who wouldn't answer the phone
00:30:48 when you called them first.
00:30:50 All of a sudden people are going to be,
00:30:53 they're going to want to be your friend
00:30:54 because when you're on your way up,
00:30:56 the questions start to change.
00:31:00 The grab for you begins to change.
00:31:03 And now they're asking a question of him
00:31:05 that they haven't asked in three years.
00:31:07 And after conversing with the people about the tribute,
00:31:11 Jesus confronts Peter and says,
00:31:13 I didn't want to embarrass you in front of everybody,
00:31:16 but when you ever seen me pay a tax?
00:31:19 Come on y'all, don't go to sleep on me.
00:31:22 Don't go to sleep.
00:31:23 And this is how you know Jesus was a little salty
00:31:26 'cause he said, Simon.
00:31:29 (audience murmurs)
00:31:31 Okay, I'm going to talk to people who got black mamas.
00:31:35 Your name is whatever your name is
00:31:39 until your mama get mad at you.
00:31:42 So it's a, hey son, come here.
00:31:44 When you do something wrong,
00:31:45 Keon DeWayne Aloysius Henderson, come here right now.
00:31:48 Who is Aloysius?
00:31:51 Because the name changes based on the persona.
00:31:57 He says, Simon, when you ever seen me pay a tax?
00:32:01 Never seen it.
00:32:02 You've never seen it.
00:32:03 You've never seen me do it.
00:32:04 And I'm exempt from the taxes for at least three reasons.
00:32:07 Number one, I'm a rabbi.
00:32:09 And the rabbi does not have to pay taxes.
00:32:14 Now, if you don't believe me,
00:32:16 you can Google this when you get home.
00:32:17 There is still something in the tax code right now
00:32:20 called a rabbi trust.
00:32:21 When I first became a preacher,
00:32:24 the first thing that IRS asked me was,
00:32:27 did I want to exempt myself from taxes?
00:32:29 Because when you become a minister,
00:32:32 don't you do this just to become one.
00:32:34 'Cause when God put that yoke around your neck,
00:32:37 you're going to wish you gave the taxes.
00:32:39 But you get a chance in the first three years of ministry
00:32:43 to exempt yourself from Social Security,
00:32:45 but then you have to subsidize it with a 403B
00:32:48 or something other, some other miracle or method.
00:32:51 So that way you can subsidize
00:32:52 what you don't get from Social Security.
00:32:54 I opted into the tax.
00:32:57 Are you listening to me?
00:32:59 What they were telling me,
00:33:00 well, Social Security might be gone when you get grown.
00:33:04 Well, I'm going to try it out.
00:33:05 Let's find out.
00:33:09 Are you with me so far?
00:33:10 So he says, number one, I'm a rabbi.
00:33:12 I don't have to pay the taxes.
00:33:14 Number two, my daddy on all lists.
00:33:18 Oh, don't act like you don't act a fool
00:33:21 in places where your parents got clout.
00:33:23 Come on.
00:33:26 My daddy on all lists.
00:33:28 And number three, the reason why I don't have
00:33:31 to pay temple tax is 'cause I am the temple.
00:33:35 Nobody came to read the Bible.
00:33:38 John 2 and 19 says, when they said
00:33:41 they were going to tear the temple down,
00:33:43 Jesus said, go ahead and tear it down.
00:33:45 In three days, I'm going to build it up again.
00:33:50 So he says, I'm a rabbi.
00:33:52 My daddy on all of this, and I am the temple.
00:33:55 So I don't have to pay the tax.
00:33:59 All right, you with me so far?
00:34:01 Jesus said, but so as to not upset them needlessly,
00:34:07 go down to the lake, cast a hook,
00:34:14 pull in a fish, not just any fish,
00:34:19 but the first fish that bites.
00:34:23 And when you find it, open its mouth
00:34:26 and you will find enough money in the fish's mouth.
00:34:31 Take it and give it to the tax man
00:34:35 because it will be enough money for both of us.
00:34:40 Watch this.
00:34:45 Now the omniscience of God is on display here
00:34:47 because God, and they're going to get mad at me right now.
00:34:52 God can see an offering through muddy water.
00:34:55 How does Jesus, have you ever seen the Sea of Galilee?
00:35:05 It ain't clean, it's dirty water.
00:35:10 He can see through the dirty water
00:35:14 at the bottom of a lake where the offering is.
00:35:19 See, this is why this is important.
00:35:22 Those of y'all who are online, let me pass to you.
00:35:24 Those of y'all in the room,
00:35:26 God can see through a sealed envelope with nothing in it.
00:35:29 Yep, it's going to be one of those.
00:35:38 God can see through a phone with a screen protector.
00:35:45 God can see through a phone that's locked,
00:35:49 held up and acting like you pressed send.
00:35:52 And what you're doing is you're making a vow
00:35:59 and a spectacle of God by pretending to be a participant
00:36:04 in the offertory process.
00:36:07 And God wants you to know, I see you.
00:36:17 I thought long and hard about this wealth and wisdom series
00:36:21 because everybody thought that wealth
00:36:24 was going to be received.
00:36:25 Nobody knew that wealth is a result
00:36:28 of a transaction with God.
00:36:30 And when you start talking to people
00:36:31 about what they have to do first,
00:36:34 then the church gets quiet.
00:36:35 Let's go and check the record
00:36:36 and let's go through the miracles of Jesus.
00:36:38 And let's see if we can find one
00:36:40 where the person didn't have to do something first
00:36:43 before Jesus responded.
00:36:44 We always talking about he turned water to wine.
00:36:47 But not until after they brought him the water pots.
00:36:50 When the man was healed, after 38 years of not walking,
00:36:57 what did Jesus say to him?
00:36:58 He didn't say legs be healed, get up and walk.
00:37:00 He says, you can't walk, try, pick up your bed and walk.
00:37:04 Jesus how, I can't walk.
00:37:05 Well, if you try to walk, you will find out
00:37:08 that I've already put the power in your legs.
00:37:11 But God says, I will never rob you of industry.
00:37:14 In other words, I will not perform a miracle
00:37:17 in areas where human intervention works.
00:37:20 Ooh, Jesus, help me in this church.
00:37:25 I'm so glad this is a second Sunday sermon
00:37:28 because y'all was going to be dead anyway.
00:37:30 Listen, I want you to understand
00:37:32 that when it is time to give, you cannot clock out.
00:37:36 You cannot go to sleep and you start calculating.
00:37:39 Oh, I got to get my hair done.
00:37:40 I got to get my nails done.
00:37:42 I got to get my outfit.
00:37:43 I got to get this and I got to get that.
00:37:45 And God says, okay, you do all of that.
00:37:48 And after you come back from the concert,
00:37:50 and after you come back from the cruise
00:38:00 that you went to to be happy,
00:38:02 I'll make sure misery meets you at the steps.
00:38:05 Don't act like you ain't never took a vacation
00:38:09 to get away from it all, only to get back
00:38:10 and have more problems at home
00:38:12 than you had when you left.
00:38:13 God says the tithe rebukes the devil.
00:38:16 And if you won't give the tithe,
00:38:17 I'll let the devil wait on the doorstep for you
00:38:19 when you return.
00:38:21 And you'll have misery when you return
00:38:23 more than you had when you departed.
00:38:25 I'll let you get food poisoning on the trip.
00:38:29 I'll let you get home and the babysitter tell you
00:38:35 that your 13 year old custard teacher all the way out.
00:38:40 I'll make sure that your refrigerator starts humming.
00:38:43 I'll make sure that your washing machine and dryer
00:38:46 just stop working.
00:38:47 I'll make sure that you got a leak in the roof
00:38:49 that you didn't expect.
00:38:50 I'll let you come back to a rent increase.
00:38:53 Oh God, touch your name and say,
00:38:58 if it's tight, it's right.
00:38:59 So yeah, you'd be surprised how many people
00:39:05 just want to get up and leave.
00:39:06 Some of them are right now,
00:39:07 but how many people want to really get up
00:39:09 and leave right now?
00:39:10 And this is the whole issue.
00:39:13 Is because we want to shout and cry
00:39:19 and expect God to be Santa Claus
00:39:22 and come down the chimney with packaged gifts
00:39:26 because you have been nice.
00:39:28 But that ain't how this work.
00:39:31 Give and it shall be given.
00:39:35 (congregation applauding)
00:39:38 Help me, Holy Spirit.
00:39:40 God can see that you've come into his presence
00:39:47 with no tribute.
00:39:51 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving.
00:39:56 You can't go into a store with no money.
00:40:03 Go to a restaurant today.
00:40:05 I want you to order everything on the menu.
00:40:11 Okay, have a good time.
00:40:17 Get you some dessert.
00:40:18 Going over to Papa Do's, get you a swamp thing.
00:40:24 I only know about it because it's on the table.
00:40:32 I have never partaken in the nectar.
00:40:36 Go and get your glass of red and white.
00:40:43 I want you to do it all.
00:40:44 And then I want them to bring the tab to the table.
00:40:47 I want you to repeat after me and say,
00:40:48 Jesus paid it all.
00:40:49 That's why I went.
00:40:50 And just get up and walk out.
00:40:51 At five o'clock, we're going to see local Lighthouse member.
00:40:56 (congregation laughing)
00:41:00 Y'all doing all right?
00:41:13 So I'm gonna teach this to the,
00:41:14 see if y'all wanted to shout, oh, let me tell you.
00:41:16 Those of y'all who left early last week.
00:41:18 So that's why you shouldn't leave church until it's over.
00:41:25 When y'all got out of here, the Holy Spirit hit this room.
00:41:27 About 300 of us stayed here another hour
00:41:29 and the glory fell on the room.
00:41:32 Can I just tell you how good God is?
00:41:37 All right, Melvin, what's in the fish's mouth?
00:41:40 A coin.
00:41:40 Now we got to know that the coin hasn't been
00:41:45 in the fish's mouth for that long because he couldn't eat
00:41:48 and have the coin in his mouth at the same time.
00:41:52 Okay, well, did you ever ask yourself
00:41:55 where did the coin come from?
00:41:56 This is how I imagine it.
00:42:01 God knows it's time to pay the tax.
00:42:05 He knows that he and Peter don't have it.
00:42:08 So what he does is he makes sure that at the right time
00:42:10 a fisherman who does have it is on the water
00:42:15 and without him knowing,
00:42:20 some money starts to fall out of his pocket
00:42:22 'cause God will send somebody to finance.
00:42:27 So he's rowing and the money falls out of the place
00:42:32 where God is getting ready to tell Peter
00:42:35 to throw out the rod.
00:42:36 Now, the fish looks at the coin and puts it in his mouth
00:42:42 but has enough sense to know
00:42:47 (congregation laughing)
00:42:51 that God didn't send this coin for digestion,
00:42:56 he sent this coin for delivery.
00:42:58 Because everything else or the fish would be dead
00:43:05 that has ever went in his mouth went in his stomach
00:43:08 but he knew the difference between what he had
00:43:11 in his mouth now and everything else he had in his mouth.
00:43:14 Why?
00:43:15 Because he knew that this was an offering
00:43:17 and there is a danger when you swallow the coin.
00:43:23 You gotta know the difference
00:43:29 between what's yours and what's his.
00:43:32 He says, the fish says, "Can't swallow this one.
00:43:38 This must be meant for somebody else.
00:43:42 This is not my blessing.
00:43:46 I'm stewarding it but it's not mine.
00:43:50 It's in my possession but it's not mine.
00:43:56 I get to carry it but it's not."
00:43:59 Remember I told you I've only been fishing twice?
00:44:04 The first time I ever went fishing, I caught six fish.
00:44:08 I'll be honest with you, I don't wanna touch them.
00:44:13 So the man on the, every time I caught them,
00:44:15 I handed the pole to the man.
00:44:16 He took it off the hook and then gave me the pole back.
00:44:20 I didn't put the bait on the hook
00:44:22 and I did not touch the fish.
00:44:24 I'm just gonna be honest with you, I don't like it.
00:44:27 Second time I went fishing, my wife and I was on vacation
00:44:31 and the man on the boat, we went and stood
00:44:33 off the back of the boat at night, threw my rod out there
00:44:38 and we were fishing for barracuda.
00:44:40 Can't eat them, they don't have a great taste
00:44:42 but we were just fishing for them
00:44:44 'cause what we were doing is catching and releasing.
00:44:47 Catching and releasing.
00:44:48 I caught one, this man, the fish, swallowed the hook so bad
00:44:53 that we could not take it out.
00:44:56 So unfortunately we had to cut the fish open
00:45:01 in order to get the hook out.
00:45:05 And when I cut the fish open, Ed,
00:45:08 he had four fish in his belly.
00:45:11 And then I said, "You dumb fish,
00:45:14 "you did not have to die over this bait
00:45:17 "'cause you already were fooled."
00:45:20 Good God.
00:45:20 I don't know who I'm talking to
00:45:26 but you about to die over something that's not real
00:45:32 and you already got enough in you to survive.
00:45:36 (audience cheering)
00:45:39 He died because he was addicted to the hook.
00:45:46 Man, I didn't think y'all was gonna be this dead.
00:45:54 I knew y'all was gonna be low, I didn't know y'all.
00:45:56 He died because nothing could satisfy him.
00:46:00 His stomach was already full
00:46:04 but if he just took one more time,
00:46:06 and you gotta be careful because the devil's hook
00:46:14 and his fish looks like the one
00:46:16 you already have in your belly
00:46:18 but you won't find out until it's too late
00:46:22 that you took something that wasn't for you.
00:46:30 (audience cheering)
00:46:33 When I cut the fish open and seen that he had four in him,
00:46:37 I literally started talking to him, "You are greedy."
00:46:39 Listen, honest to God,
00:46:42 neither one of the fish had even been digested.
00:46:46 They were still whole, which means he had just gotten them
00:46:49 but greed makes you think you won't get another chance.
00:46:54 Greed will make you think
00:46:57 that there isn't another blessing coming.
00:46:59 So what do you do?
00:47:00 You store it up and you hoard it up just to hold on
00:47:03 and then you're gonna find out that one of the hooks
00:47:07 is gonna get so deeply embedded in you
00:47:10 that you're gonna be brought up
00:47:14 out of your environment of blessing.
00:47:15 And the fish cannot survive out of water.
00:47:24 I heard Bishop Jake says,
00:47:25 "Whenever you throw the hook in the water,
00:47:28 "it's a fight against environments
00:47:30 "because the fish is trying to bring you
00:47:31 "in his environment and you're trying to bring the fish
00:47:35 "in your environment and this is what the devil is doing.
00:47:39 "He's trying to bring you into his
00:47:41 "but you gotta keep fighting that joker
00:47:43 "until you get him into yours."
00:47:45 'Cause if you ever get that mindset under subjection
00:47:48 and get it into the arena where the blessing is,
00:47:51 you will live and not die.
00:47:52 Touch three people and say, "I'm gonna live and not die."
00:47:55 (audience laughing)
00:47:58 I don't know who this is for.
00:48:03 If I'm helping you, somebody shout in this place today.
00:48:05 (audience cheering)
00:48:08 He says, "Hold on, Peter."
00:48:12 'Cause what would Peter wanna do?
00:48:15 The last time he went fishing, he got 153.
00:48:17 So what would we normally wanna do?
00:48:20 The same thing that we did.
00:48:22 This is what got Moses locked out of the promised land
00:48:24 because he did the same thing that God told him not to do.
00:48:27 He says, "Peter, this time, don't take your net.
00:48:32 "Take a hook because the last time I showed you my quantity,
00:48:37 "this time I'm about to show you my quality."
00:48:42 Watch this, I'm about to help somebody.
00:48:45 God says if you will drop the hook where he said drop it,
00:48:49 he's gonna send you a blessing
00:48:53 that will be able to answer your next 10 problems.
00:48:55 I don't know who this is for.
00:48:57 What does the Bible say in Malachi 3 and 10?
00:49:02 See, won't he what?
00:49:03 Open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing.
00:49:08 No, pour out for you a blessing.
00:49:14 Pour out for you a blessing.
00:49:21 Pour out for you, not your neighbor, not somebody else.
00:49:25 You're not about to praise God
00:49:26 for what he did for the neighbor.
00:49:27 You're about to praise God for what he did for,
00:49:30 and God says, "I'm about to send you a blessing so potent
00:49:34 "that there will be enough in it
00:49:36 "to answer your next 10 issues."
00:49:39 I'm gonna wait on some of y'all to catch up with me.
00:49:46 I'm talking to y'all online.
00:49:48 I want you to type one blessing, 10 miracles.
00:49:51 God is about to send you one thing
00:49:54 that will be enough in it
00:49:57 to answer the next 10 things
00:50:00 the devil's gonna bring to you.
00:50:01 How you get $20,000 on a bill you ain't paid?
00:50:07 That's called a blessing you don't have room enough
00:50:11 to receive, and I'm afraid that some of y'all
00:50:15 are looking at me the way you, 'cause you don't believe.
00:50:18 It can happen for you.
00:50:21 Now, once it happens for you,
00:50:22 you're gonna run around here and shout,
00:50:25 but the just shall live by faith.
00:50:28 You have to believe that the fish is coming
00:50:31 in your direction, even when you see no evidence
00:50:33 of biting on the line.
00:50:35 I wanna see if I can get 53 people
00:50:37 who understand that God's about to help you find your fish.
00:50:44 (audience cheering)
00:50:46 Come on, just find you another neighbor
00:50:47 and say God's about to help me find my fish.
00:50:49 I'm about to open up something
00:50:51 that's gonna have enough in it
00:50:52 for me to bless my children and my children's children.
00:50:56 Now, I wanna see if I can get somebody
00:50:58 to shout like the fish is already on the hook.
00:51:00 (audience cheering)
00:51:03 The next time you don't know where to find it
00:51:11 and you don't have it, trust me, the word of the Lord is,
00:51:14 he's about to lead you to the thing you can't find.
00:51:17 High five three people and say, Lord, show me my fish.
00:51:22 Show me my fish, show me my fish, show me my fish.
00:51:25 Show me the thing that has my money inside of it.
00:51:28 Show me the thing that has the answer
00:51:30 to my vision inside of it.
00:51:32 Show me the thing that has my prosperity inside of it.
00:51:36 (audience cheering)
00:51:39 I don't know who I'm talking to.
00:51:44 I just wanna, just cast your line.
00:51:46 I just, when you wake up every morning,
00:51:50 just say, I'm looking for my fish.
00:51:53 I'm looking for my fish.
00:51:55 I'm looking for my, I'm looking for my fish.
00:51:57 I'm looking for the thing that has my thing inside of it.
00:52:01 I'm looking for the thing that's about to set me free.
00:52:04 I'm looking for the fish that has,
00:52:06 I don't want your fish.
00:52:07 I don't want your fish.
00:52:11 And the way I know it's my fish
00:52:13 is 'cause it'll be biting while I'm looking.
00:52:16 Now, remember I told you you're gonna have to do this?
00:52:28 'Cause notice the fish didn't just come to Peter and say.
00:52:31 'Cause that's what some of y'all wanna do.
00:52:34 You just wanna sit here and just, Lord bless me.
00:52:36 And the fish just comes right, oh, thank you, Jesus.
00:52:39 Peter, you wanna pay the tax?
00:52:45 Go get your rod.
00:52:46 All right, hook it.
00:52:53 All right, now walk back down to the lake.
00:52:57 Nope, look to the left.
00:53:01 Left, left, left, all right, right there.
00:53:03 All right, cast it.
00:53:05 Look at how much Peter has to do
00:53:08 to get it.
00:53:12 Now, what you're not thinking about
00:53:15 is because when we look at the Bible,
00:53:16 we think everything happens in the same area.
00:53:19 What if I told you your fish is in Galveston?
00:53:21 See, this is why y'all don't get excited
00:53:25 about the word of God.
00:53:26 It's 'cause we micromanage everything in our mind
00:53:27 and we think the lake is right here
00:53:29 and Peter's right here and Jesus.
00:53:30 Remember, they had to go to Capernaum.
00:53:32 They was at the house.
00:53:33 They had to go here.
00:53:33 Then he had to go all the way to Galveston
00:53:35 walking with his pole.
00:53:36 Imagine having to walk 13, 15, 16 miles for a shekel.
00:53:44 How bad do you want it?
00:53:49 And how far are you willing to walk to go get it?
00:53:54 God ain't bringing the lake to you.
00:53:59 You have to go to the lake.
00:54:03 God says, "I will never make a delivery
00:54:08 "where there is no industry."
00:54:10 If a man don't work.
00:54:14 Somebody said, "I gotta eat."
00:54:22 Said it, somebody, "I gotta eat, I gotta eat."
00:54:25 How many of y'all believe God's about to lead you
00:54:27 to your fish?
00:54:28 (audience applauding)
00:54:31 What I wanted to name this sermon was Catch and Release
00:54:40 because a greedy person would keep the coin and the fish.
00:54:47 He didn't say kill the fish.
00:54:53 He said, "Take it out of its mouth."
00:54:58 And the part that doesn't belong to you, give it back.
00:55:01 The reason why I've not allowed you to get overly excited
00:55:13 is because there are too many people in the faith
00:55:18 who exchange excitement for duty.
00:55:26 I promise you one thing, your giving will do way more
00:55:30 for you than your shouting.
00:55:31 I can take you to churches in this city right now
00:55:39 where ain't nobody said amen yet.
00:55:41 But the currency flow is astronomical
00:55:48 because African American people,
00:55:51 you ain't gonna shout up on no miracle.
00:55:54 (audience murmuring)
00:55:56 There are principles you are gonna have to follow
00:55:58 and laws obey the master whether you are a believer or not.
00:56:05 Be not weary because you gave an offering last week.
00:56:14 Be not weary because you sacrificed $28 one time.
00:56:18 Be not weary because you sacrificed $109 one time.
00:56:24 You gotta trust God again and again
00:56:28 until you get to the point
00:56:30 where the thing you've been trusting God for
00:56:34 is nothing but a coin.
00:56:36 The Lord showed me people in this church,
00:56:47 your tithes are now about to be the size
00:56:49 of your current paycheck.
00:56:50 (audience cheering)
00:56:53 He showed me in the spirit
00:56:59 that there was a wealth transfer coming to this church
00:57:03 and I told you all about it
00:57:04 and here we are $43 million later.
00:57:09 Do you know how much wealth is now back in your hands
00:57:14 if you don't misuse the coin?
00:57:19 (audience murmuring)
00:57:21 God did not make your student loans go away
00:57:25 so you can increase your shopping budget.
00:57:28 (audience laughing)
00:57:31 He wants you to take the money
00:57:34 that you would have paid for the student loans
00:57:37 and snowball it and eliminate the rest of the debt
00:57:40 so you can get to a place
00:57:45 where you don't have to go fishing to pay taxes.
00:57:49 (audience cheering)
00:57:52 And my brothers and sisters, whatever you do,
00:57:58 when God finally does put it in your hand,
00:58:00 whatever you do, please don't swallow the coin.
00:58:06 (audience applauding)
00:58:12 Don't swallow the coin.
00:58:13 (audience applauding)
00:58:16 As I begin to prepare this message
00:58:22 'cause I have a sixth sense for this thing.
00:58:24 I've been doing it so long
00:58:26 that I can tell what excites a crowd.
00:58:30 I can tell what causes apprehension
00:58:34 and I was looking at praise and worship.
00:58:36 Now my natural instinct is to come up
00:58:39 and to drive it and say, come on guys,
00:58:41 we gotta do better than this.
00:58:42 We gotta give God glory.
00:58:43 But I left the environment where it was
00:58:47 'cause I knew where you would be
00:58:48 when I preached this message.
00:58:49 And I know that this is not one of those messages
00:58:56 that was gonna make you cry.
00:58:58 I've seen some of y'all get sleepy more times
00:59:01 in this sermon than I've ever seen you get sleepy before.
00:59:04 Yet all of the sermons that excite you
00:59:08 are not about subject matters you pray about.
00:59:10 (audience chattering)
00:59:13 And yet the one thing that will set you free,
00:59:18 you can't find enough energy to pay attention the whole way.
00:59:21 And you haven't yet figured out
00:59:26 that it is the devil's trick
00:59:29 that makes you have apprehension
00:59:34 about the very subject matter
00:59:36 that dominates most of your prayer life.
00:59:39 Y'all gave me a financial miracle.
00:59:41 Okay, we'll get a financial mindset.
00:59:43 (audience applauding)
00:59:46 Now if you're in this place today
00:59:50 and something took place in your mind today
00:59:53 that hasn't taken place in the past,
00:59:55 whether you're online or in this room,
00:59:57 I just want you to stand to your feet.
00:59:59 If it hasn't helped you, don't feel obliged.
01:00:02 Don't feel obliged.
01:00:04 My feelings won't be hurt.
01:00:07 My feelings will not be hurt, I promise you.
01:00:10 Here's the first thing I wanna tell you.
01:00:21 The Bible says it is the Father's good pleasure
01:00:28 that you will enjoy the benefits of the kingdom.
01:00:32 That's in the scripture,
01:00:36 which means that as a child of God,
01:00:40 you should be lending and not borrowing.
01:00:44 Today, after church,
01:00:58 my wife's youngest daughter, Miara,
01:01:01 is gonna be making her announcement
01:01:04 because she finally decided what school
01:01:06 she wanted to go to and play basketball.
01:01:08 (audience applauding)
01:01:11 You gotta see it, she's special.
01:01:16 If you go on SportsCenter and ESPN's website,
01:01:19 you'll see that they've got an article this long on her.
01:01:22 SportsCenter, ESPN, they're in town now.
01:01:27 They're gonna be covering her.
01:01:27 The rest, she's got a three-part, six-part series
01:01:30 that's gonna be on ESPN.
01:01:33 She's in the top 30 kids in the nation.
01:01:35 (audience applauding)
01:01:39 They're already talking about her
01:01:43 being a lottery pick in the WNBA.
01:01:46 They're already projecting the millions of dollars
01:01:48 she will make, she's 17 years old.
01:01:50 Listen to this, though.
01:01:53 She's getting ready to make her announcement today.
01:01:57 Okay, she's getting ready to make,
01:02:00 she has no idea about all of what's gonna happen today
01:02:05 and all that went into making this day possible.
01:02:10 The venue had to be rented, the food had to be purchased,
01:02:15 plane tickets had to be purchased
01:02:18 for family members and friends to come in.
01:02:20 One announcement and one signature
01:02:23 cost tens of thousands of dollars to bring it to reality.
01:02:28 My wife and I didn't have to go fishing
01:02:31 to make the day special.
01:02:38 All we had to do was dig into our sowing and reaping
01:02:45 and we were able to transfer to her a blessing
01:02:51 that she doesn't have the capacity
01:02:55 to even understand what she's receiving.
01:02:59 Do you understand what I'm saying?
01:03:00 What a good father does is he puts bills
01:03:05 that you don't know are there
01:03:07 and you walk in the rooms and you think it just happened
01:03:11 but a God was working behind the scenes
01:03:15 to make sure that when you walked into the opportunity,
01:03:18 it was all paid for.
01:03:20 What are you gonna do when it's your day
01:03:25 and you don't have to write a check?
01:03:27 (congregation chattering)
01:03:30 If you will just trust him.
01:03:35 I'm so passionate about this because it is so disheartening
01:03:44 to see so many people who are Christians
01:03:47 who don't know where the next meal is coming from.
01:03:52 And I'm not talking about in third world countries
01:03:56 where there is oppression.
01:03:57 I'm not even talking about in America
01:04:00 where there may not be an opportunity for you to scale.
01:04:03 Look at me, I'm talking to those of you all
01:04:05 who are gainfully employed
01:04:06 and you're struggling like you're unemployed.
01:04:10 Do you not think that there is something wrong
01:04:16 with the fact that you've worked 60 hours this week
01:04:21 and you still are struggling like that?
01:04:26 Come on, look at me, I'm serious.
01:04:33 I'm not saying that you should be the next Bill Gates.
01:04:35 I'm not saying that you ought to have billions of dollars
01:04:38 in the bank, but I do know the scripture says,
01:04:40 "My God shall supply all of my needs
01:04:45 according to his riches."
01:04:49 Not my paycheck, according to his riches in glory.
01:04:53 Look at me, everybody online,
01:04:58 look at me, everybody in this room.
01:05:00 For those of you all who have the stomach and the patience
01:05:03 and the maturity, 'cause this takes maturity.
01:05:06 I was watching a clip the other day.
01:05:08 Many of you all don't watch basketball,
01:05:10 but I was watching a clip.
01:05:11 Andre Iguodala called one of his teammates over
01:05:14 and he called his teammate over
01:05:18 and he was smacking his hand in his face
01:05:21 and telling him what he should do, Andrew Wiggins.
01:05:23 He was telling him, "You ought to do that, da, da, da."
01:05:25 And the commentator says, "See, in this day and time,
01:05:29 what we're watching is amazing because basically,"
01:05:33 and I'm paraphrasing,
01:05:33 "You can't tell these young folk nothing."
01:05:36 And here, an old man is telling a young man
01:05:40 how to do something.
01:05:41 See, every once in a while,
01:05:42 you will get fishing instructions from a carpenter.
01:05:45 (audience applauding)
01:05:48 And you will have to listen to somebody
01:05:52 tell you how to run your business.
01:05:55 And you have to listen to somebody
01:05:57 tell you what you need to do.
01:05:58 And if you don't have the maturity
01:06:00 not to get an attitude and say, "This is mine.
01:06:03 I'm grown, I can do it the way I want to do it."
01:06:08 Go ahead and be grown.
01:06:09 But for those of you all who would rather be whole
01:06:14 than be grown,
01:06:15 I want you to receive what the Lord is saying to me
01:06:18 to say to you that it is time for you to find your fish.
01:06:21 I want you to touch everybody you can touch
01:06:23 and say, "The next time you go fishing,
01:06:27 you will find your fish
01:06:30 and your blessing will be in its mouth."
01:06:33 If you believe it, find somebody else.
01:06:36 God says, "I'm on the hook for this promise.
01:06:39 I promise you I'll deliver.
01:06:41 I promise you I'm going to come through."
01:06:44 And it will be enough for you
01:06:46 and the guest.
01:06:50 Look at the other name, tell them I got enough
01:06:53 for both of us.
01:06:53 How many of y'all ready to have some friends
01:06:59 where you don't always have to pay the bill
01:07:00 when you get to the restaurant?
01:07:02 How many of y'all looking for some friends
01:07:05 when it's time to go on vacation
01:07:06 and they tell you, "I got you, girl.
01:07:08 I got you.
01:07:09 I got the ticket.
01:07:10 I got it all.
01:07:11 All you got to do is show up."
01:07:13 How many of y'all looking for friends
01:07:15 that's going to rent the yacht and tell you, "Come on"?
01:07:18 Looking for friends that got their own jets.
01:07:25 Come on, let's go.
01:07:26 We're going to go eat lunch in Puerto Rico.
01:07:29 We'll be back by six.
01:07:30 (crowd cheering)
01:07:33 Slap somebody and say, "Reel it in.
01:07:51 Reel it in.
01:07:51 Reel it in."
01:07:58 Oh, and by the way, last point.
01:08:02 Please, whatever you do,
01:08:05 even if you don't like fishing, go anyway.
01:08:10 You'd be surprised what you will catch
01:08:17 if you go and do it anyway.
01:08:22 You'll find out how good you are
01:08:28 if you go do it anyway.
01:08:30 God, in the name of Jesus.
01:08:33 We're ready.
01:08:37 Pour out on us a blessing
01:08:41 that we don't have room enough to receive.
01:08:46 We've come through summer, fall, winter, and spring.
01:08:53 Now we're ready for due season.
01:08:57 (gentle music)
01:08:59 We're ready.
01:09:00 We're ready, God.
01:09:01 We're ready.
01:09:02 We're ready.
01:09:02 We promise you we won't swallow the coin.
01:09:04 We're ready.
01:09:05 We're ready.
01:09:06 We promise you that you can trust us.
01:09:07 We're ready.
01:09:08 We're ready.
01:09:09 Grow the business.
01:09:10 Grow the company.
01:09:10 Bring the idea to fruition.
01:09:11 Come on, God.
01:09:12 We're ready.
01:09:13 We're ready.
01:09:14 We're ready.
01:09:15 It's not going to be too much for us.
01:09:16 We won't get too tired.
01:09:17 We won't quit.
01:09:18 You can trust us.
01:09:19 We're ready.
01:09:20 We're ready.
01:09:21 We're ready.
01:09:21 In Jesus' name we pray.
01:09:26 Come on, everybody.
01:09:27 Say, "Open the floodgates of heaven."
01:09:28 Come on, let's sing.
01:09:29 (dramatic music)
01:09:33 [BLANK_AUDIO]
