00:00 [Music]
00:10 Well, let's get into the word of God.
00:12 This month, our focus is gratitude.
00:15 Let the church say gratitude.
00:17 Living a grateful life isn't always easy or convenient,
00:20 but it's worth it in the end.
00:22 There's great healing to be found in the regular practice of gratitude.
00:27 And last week, we focused our attention on our biblical text, Luke chapter 17.
00:32 And we're going right back to it.
00:34 It should be on the screen, Luke chapter 17,
00:36 reading particularly at verse number 11 through verse 19.
00:41 Now, on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee.
00:47 As he was going into the village, ten men, let the church say ten men, who had leprosy met him.
00:53 They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, "Jesus, Master, have pity on us."
00:59 When he saw them, he said, "Go show yourself to the priests."
01:03 And as they went, they were cleansed.
01:06 One of them, look at your neighbor and say, "I'm that one."
01:09 One of them, when he saw that he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice.
01:15 He threw himself at Jesus' feet and thanked him.
01:18 And he was from Trinidad.
01:20 He was a Samaritan.
01:22 Jesus asked, "Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine?
01:27 Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?"
01:31 Then he said to him, "Rise and go. Your faith has made you whole."
01:36 I want to pick up from where we left off last Sunday.
01:39 And if this is your first time tuning in, I promise I'll come get you.
01:42 And I want to preach from the subject, "I have so much to be thankful for."
01:47 Come on, look at your neighbor and say, "I have so much to be thankful for."
01:51 All of us know the importance of gratitude in our lives.
01:55 Suzette Scientist tells us that when you and I become grateful or thankful people,
02:01 that there's some things that happen within our body.
02:04 Gratitude has a lasting positive effect on the brain.
02:08 Gratitude boots our immune system.
02:11 Gratitude reduces stress, anxiety, and depression.
02:15 Gratitude promotes optimism and positivity.
02:19 Gratitude helps create and strengthen relationships.
02:23 Gratitude reduces chronic pain.
02:26 And gratitude improves our overall sleep.
02:30 While we know that it's very important for you and I to operate in a place of gratitude,
02:36 often time as believers we are more grumpy than grateful.
02:40 Can I say that again?
02:42 Often time as believers we are more grumpy than grateful.
02:46 And from our text last week we are introduced to Jesus who's traveling.
02:51 And he encountered ten men who find themselves in places that all of us has been.
02:56 They find themselves, number one, with a disease.
03:00 Let the church say disease.
03:01 Number two, they are at a distance.
03:04 Let the church say distance.
03:05 They are disconnected.
03:07 Let the church say disconnected.
03:09 And yet in spite of all those things, when they heard that Jesus was passing by,
03:14 it says in verse 13 that they cried out in a loud voice,
03:18 "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us."
03:21 I love these brothers because they do not allow their prayer day or their particular condition to affect their praise.
03:29 Can I talk to somebody?
03:31 In spite of them having a disease, in spite of them being disconnected and distant,
03:36 the moment that they heard that Jesus was passing by,
03:40 they opened their mouth and they cried out loud, "Jesus, Master, thou son of David, have mercy on us."
03:48 In their calling out to Jesus, we recognize that they rightly sought Jesus for who he is.
03:54 We learned last week that yes, he's a bridge over troubled water.
03:58 Yes, he's a lawyer in a courtroom.
04:01 Yes, he's a doctor in a sick room.
04:03 But at the end of the day, when the dust settles and the smoke clears, he's master and lord.
04:09 He's lord over my life. He's lord over my family. He's lord over my finance.
04:14 For at the sound of the name Jesus, every knee must bow and every tongue must confess that he's lord to the glory of God.
04:23 The Bible said they cried out to Jesus and as soon as they cried out, look at verse 14,
04:28 "When he saw them," look at you there, that's what I shouted over,
04:32 "When he saw them," come on, tell him, "he sees you."
04:36 The Bible said, "When he saw them with the disease, when he saw them disconnected,
04:41 when he saw them depressed, when he saw them discouraged, whatever you're going through,
04:46 I've come to let you know that the God of the universe sees you.
04:50 Have you ever been in a room and nobody sees you?
04:53 Have you ever been in a room where nobody acknowledged you?
04:56 But I'm so grateful that I served the kind of God even with billions of people on the earth.
05:02 He sees me. He saw you when you were crying last night.
05:06 He saw where you were pulling your hair out last week.
05:09 He saw you paving, pacing the floor. He saw you frustrated over what you're going through
05:14 and because he sees you, he said, "I've come to see about you."
05:18 That's the kind of God you and I serve, that some people sees you but they leave you where you are.
05:25 But I'm so grateful that the God of the universe, the Jehovah-Jireh,
05:29 he not only sees me, he's come to see about me.
05:33 That's what he told Moses. He said, "Moses, I've come to see about the children of Israel.
05:38 I've seen their suffering. I've seen their pain. I've seen their plight.
05:42 I see them in bondage and I've come to see about them."
05:45 Would you nudge your neighbor? Would you put it in the screen and say, "God has come to see about you."
05:50 Come on, look at him and say, "God has come to see about you."
05:54 I don't know if the president is going to come see about you. I don't know if the doctor is going to come see about you.
05:59 I don't know if Joe Biden even knows your name but I'm so grateful that when I woke up this morning,
06:05 the revelation I got is that the God of the universe has come to see about me.
06:10 What do you need him to take care of? What do you need them to see about?
06:16 Is it your children? Is it your spouse? Is it your family? Is it a sickness in your body?
06:21 Whatever it is, the Lord woke me up and sent me to church this morning to let you know that I've come to see about you.
06:29 He knows every hair on your head. He knows the sickness that's in your body.
06:35 He knows the radiation you're going through. He knows the chemotherapy and he's come to see about you.
06:42 You don't even have to wait for me to get to the end of the sermon to shout.
06:46 You can shout even right now because the God has come to see about me.
06:53 I feel like preaching. Not your neighbor saying he's come to see about me.
06:57 He's come to see about that crazy child. He's come to see about those grandchildren.
07:03 He's come to see about your haters. He's come to see about everybody that lies on you.
07:08 I feel like preaching this morning. I said the God of the universe has come to see about you.
07:15 Not only did he see them but he says to them, "Go show yourself to the priest."
07:21 And the Bible said, "As they went." My God. As they went. Not as they come but as they went.
07:28 And the prophetic word is, "As on your way out there's a greater blessing out there for you."
07:34 Oh, you'll miss your cue. You came in one way but you're going out the other way.
07:38 And as they went, as they leave the church, as they go to the supermarket, as they go to the grocery,
07:45 God told me your greatest blessing is not going to be in the building.
07:50 It's going to be when you leave the building. He's going to meet you on the parking lot.
07:54 I feel like preaching. He's going to meet you in the supermarket.
07:58 The Bible said, "As they went." As they went, the Bible said that they were being healed.
08:04 And the Bible said that as all of them were healed, one of them, look at you, and he will say, "I'm that one."
08:10 One of them realized that transformation had taken place.
08:14 One of them had realized that their leprosy had left them.
08:17 One of them realized that they came in one way but they're leaving the other way.
08:22 And the Bible said that one had to make a U-turn.
08:25 That's why you came back this Sunday. There was a whole bunch of people who were here last Sunday.
08:31 But you came back this Sunday because you had to make a U-turn.
08:35 You had to come back and just say, "Thank you."
08:38 Am I preaching to anybody in here?
08:41 Anybody can shout one time, but this is your second time.
08:45 Hello, somebody. This is your second moment. This is your second time.
08:50 Look at your neighbor and say, "I had to come back. I didn't get all the praising last week.
08:55 I didn't get all the shouting last week.
08:58 And the matter of fact that I made it through the last six days and I didn't lose my mind,
09:04 I might as well open my mouth, throw my head back, and with a loud voice, I'll give him my best praise."
09:13 Am I talking to anybody this morning?
09:16 Am I preaching to anybody this morning?
09:19 Look at your neighbor and say, "I got too much to sit there and look cute.
09:24 I got too much to not to tell God thank you.
09:28 I got too much to not to bless His name."
09:33 Look at your neighbor and say, "I'm that one."
09:35 Out of ten of them, there was he who shoved in.
09:38 Only one came back and said, "Thank you."
09:41 And Jesus noticed that nine did not show up.
09:45 In fact, He asked the question, "Where are the nine?"
09:48 Look at your neighbor and say, "I'm not concerned about the nine. I came back.
09:52 I'm not concerned about who's not here. I'm here.
09:56 I'm not worried about who's going to show up. I'm here.
09:59 I made up my mind, Renny, if I was the only one in the building this morning,
10:04 if I was the only one that showed up to praise Him this morning,
10:08 I'd tear this place up all by myself.
10:13 Is there anybody at the sound of my voice who said,
10:17 'I've got to bless Him. I've got to praise Him. I've got to lift Him up.
10:22 I've got to magnify Him. Your blood pressure is going to go down as soon as you get gratitude.'
10:28 I said, 'Diabetes is going to disappear if you learn to jump up and put some praise right there.
10:35 You don't need to go to the gym. Just jump up.'
10:38 And say, 'When I think of the goodness of Jesus and all that He's done for me,
10:43 my soul cries out, 'Hallelujah!'
10:48 What we learned from last week, we learned from last week,
10:51 that gratitude takes focus. Let the church say, 'Focus.'
10:55 I said, 'Gratitude takes focus.'
10:58 Reverend Bill is in the house today. He texted me this morning. He said,
11:02 'Rev, I'm here for the Raven game. But before I go to the game,
11:07 I've got to make my way to church. Bill, you just helped me make my first point.
11:12 You will focus on what really matters. Yes, go ahead and enjoy the game.
11:17 And I hope the Ravens win because they're not playing the Eagles.
11:21 I hope they win whoever they're playing against.
11:24 But you took the time to come up in here and to take a pause in your game
11:29 and to give God some praise.
11:31 You could have said, 'I would have stayed in bed and wait till the game.'
11:35 But God's been too good to you. I know your story.
11:40 God has made a way for you. God has opened a door for you and shared.
11:44 And you say, 'I've got to focus.' And believers, you've got a choice.
11:49 You can either focus or you can fuss.
11:52 Look at your neighbor and say, 'You've been fussing all week.
11:55 You've been talking about all the stuff that you don't get and you don't have.
12:00 But if you just count your blessings and name them one by one.'
12:05 Look at your neighbor and say, 'I may not have that, but at least I've got this.
12:09 I'm in my right mind. I've got the activities of my limb.
12:14 I've got shoes on my feet. I've got clothes on my back.
12:18 I've got a roof over my head.
12:21 Is there anybody up in here who says, 'I'm not going to focus on what I don't have?
12:26 If I focus on what I don't have, I'm going to be grumpy and fussy.'
12:31 But if you focus on what you've got, is there anybody who says,
12:37 'I woke up this morning. I woke up in clean sheets.
12:41 I had running water. I'm sorry I'm from Trinidad.
12:45 It doesn't take a whole lot for me to shout because I haven't always had clothes.
12:51 I haven't always had shoes. I haven't always had food.
12:56 But I thank God that in the midst of it all, he keeps on blessing me.'
13:02 Not your neighbor. It's your neighbor. You ought to give God a praise for what you have.
13:10 Come on, look at you and say, 'I got it. I got it. I got it.'
13:14 Come on, say, 'I got it. I got it. I got it.'
13:17 I don't want you to skip this moment. I don't want you to get so busy thinking about tomorrow
13:24 that you don't enjoy and be thankful for today. Yes?
13:28 Yes, you're so concerned about Thanksgiving.
13:31 'Alright, Brian, I'm going to preach.' You're so concerned about Thanksgiving and Christmas
13:35 that you can't appreciate today.
13:38 The Bible said tomorrow is not promised.
13:42 Hello, somebody. It said tomorrow is not promised.
13:45 I'm leaving it all here. If I don't make it back next Sunday,
13:49 you're going to know in the words of Beyoncé, 'I was here.'
13:52 Somebody's going to know I was here because of my preaching.
13:55 But they're going to know I was here because of my praise.
13:59 Oh, they're going to know that I'm not a grumpy believer,
14:02 but I'm a grateful believer.
14:05 This past week, little Cameron was sick.
14:08 He had to keep him home from school.
14:10 And I was on my way to Longview, Texas on Friday.
14:14 And Cam called me on the phone. I don't know why he called me on this phone
14:17 because I told him, 'Don't be on his phone.'
14:19 But he said, 'I have to call you Auntie Jazzy.'
14:22 I said, 'What's up, Cam? It's a victory day.'
14:25 He said, 'Cam, Auntie Jazzy, guess what I'm grateful for today?'
14:29 He said, 'I'm grateful that sickle cell is not paining me today.'
14:33 Oh, if a nine-year-old can open his mouth and say,
14:37 'Thank God that I ain't got sickle cell hurting me.'
14:40 You ain't got sickle cell and you sitting there looking cute.
14:43 I wish I had somebody at the sound of my voice who'd say,
14:47 'I don't know about you, but I'm not going to let no nine-year-old outpraise me.'
14:51 'I'm not going to let no keyboard outpraise me.'
14:54 'I'm not going to let no rock praise me.'
14:57 'When I think of the goodness of Jesus,
15:00 and I'm declaring that Cam is going to be healed from sickle cell.'
15:04 'He was wounded for our transgression.'
15:07 'He was bruised for our iniquity.'
15:09 'The chastisement of our peace was upon him.'
15:12 'And by his strength, we are here.'
15:18 This brings me to number two. This brings me to number two.
15:21 I like preaching. Gratitude, gratitude.
15:24 You have to be focused. Let the church say, 'Focus.'
15:27 But number two, gratitude is intentional.
15:30 What did I say? Gratitude is intentional.
15:34 What did I say? Gratitude is...
15:37 It's right in verse number 15.
15:39 'One of them, when he saw that he was healed,
15:42 came back praising God in a loud voice.'
15:45 I don't want y'all to miss the revelation.
15:48 'One of them, when he saw that he was healed,
15:51 oh, when he saw that he was healed,
15:54 when he saw that he was delivered,
15:56 when he saw that God brought him out,
15:59 the Bible said he came back praising God in a loud voice.
16:03 He threw himself at Jesus' feet and thanked him.
16:06 And he was from Trinidad.
16:09 Okay, Jamaica. Okay, Punta Canta.
16:13 Okay, he was, my goodness, from Paris.
16:16 What's up, Paris? Bonjour.
16:18 He was from Europe.
16:20 Wherever he was, he was from Samaria.
16:23 He was a Samaritan.
16:25 The leopard left Jesus in verse 14.
16:28 And as they were heading to show themselves to the priest,
16:31 only one of them realized he's been healed.
16:35 He returned to Jesus.
16:37 And this is a word for some of you.
16:39 You don't even realize how blessed you are.
16:42 You don't even realize that you are already healed.
16:45 That you already got the victory.
16:48 You are not fighting for victory.
16:51 You are already in a position of victory.
16:54 2,000 years ago, Jesus died so you can have victory in your faith.
17:00 So you can have victory in your family.
17:03 So you can have victory in your finances.
17:06 So you can have victory in your flesh.
17:08 And you can have victory in your fight.
17:11 Looking at your neighbor, said, "That's why my name is victory."
17:14 It is a victory day.
17:17 The Bible said when he saw that he was healed,
17:20 he returned to Jesus, praising God.
17:23 He threw himself at Jesus' feet.
17:26 And he thanked him.
17:28 It took awareness that the church said, "God, make me aware."
17:31 It took awareness and it took internal intentionality to enter into this gratitude.
17:40 You see, this one had to stop.
17:42 He had to look.
17:43 He had to make a U-turn and go back to Jesus.
17:47 Okay, you all going to practice it this morning.
17:49 I said he had to stop.
17:51 Stop in the name of love.
17:54 He had to look at himself.
17:56 He had to make a U-turn and he had to go back to Jesus.
18:00 I wonder if there's anybody in here, in the busyness of your life,
18:05 in the busyness of your schedule, can you take some time to stop?
18:09 Look at your neighbor, said, "Just stop a minute."
18:12 I know you're trying to get ready for Christmas, but stop.
18:16 I know you're trying to get ready for the New Year, but stop.
18:19 Some of you are so busy you can't see the goodness of God all around you.
18:25 That's why God allowed the pandemic, so it can slow you down,
18:30 so you can realize what really matters.
18:33 Cars don't matter.
18:35 House don't matter.
18:37 Clothes don't matter.
18:38 Look at your neighbor, say, "If I lose it all
18:41 and I got King Jesus, I got more than enough to start all over with,
18:48 that's why I don't cry over stuff,
18:50 because I know the God who created the stuff.
18:54 And if God created the stuff, even when I lose stuff,
18:58 he can give me some new stuff.
19:01 But after three years of COVID, my shout is not for clothes.
19:06 After three years of COVID, my shout is not for a car.
19:10 After three years of COVID, my shout is not for the house.
19:15 After three years of COVID, I thank God I'm still in my right mind.
19:21 I got the activities of my limb.
19:25 Am I talking to anybody?
19:27 Am I preaching to anybody?
19:29 Look at your neighbor and say, "Before COVID, you praise him for stuff,
19:35 but after COVID, you just thank God to be alive.
19:39 Who am I talking to this morning?
19:42 Who am I encouraging this morning?"
19:44 Pull your neighbor by the hand and say, "Let everything,
19:49 let everything that has breath, you ought to praise the Lord."
19:55 Anybody intentional, look at your neighbor and say,
19:58 "This morning, I came to church with some bad intention.
20:03 I came to bless him.
20:05 I came to preach like I can't preach no more.
20:09 I came to holler like I lost my mind."
20:13 Look at your neighbor and say, "Neighbor, if you didn't come to do anything,
20:18 you should have stayed home this morning,
20:21 but if you came to lift up the name of Jesus,
20:25 let the redeemer, let the Lord say so.
20:29 If he woke you up, you ought to say so.
20:32 If he opened a door, you ought to say so.
20:36 If he delivered you, you ought to say so.
20:39 Let everything that has breath,
20:43 let everything that has breath,
20:49 let everything that has breath,
20:54 praise the Lord."
20:57 My goodness, you want to be grateful?
20:59 You want to be grateful?
21:00 You got to be focused.
21:02 Somebody say, "Focus."
21:04 You got to be intentional.
21:06 And Brian, this is one of the things I do every morning.
21:09 I have a five-minute gratitude journal.
21:12 I have a five-minute gratitude journal that every morning for five minutes,
21:16 Lomosa, I write on three things I'm grateful for.
21:20 And I'm intentional to not write the same thing.
21:23 Can I tell you what I wrote in mine this morning?
21:26 I wrote, "I'm grateful I get to preach in person."
21:29 I said, "I'm grateful there's people who are checking us out all across the globe.
21:33 I'm grateful that you woke up early this morning
21:36 and make the devil know he's a liar
21:39 because people told me 8 o'clock is too early.
21:42 Look at you and say, 'Don't bring me no bad news.'
21:44 Come on, say, 'I'm just glad I got some red oak.'
21:47 Come on, say, 'Don't bring no bad news.
21:50 Don't bring no nasty attitude.
21:52 Don't bring no negative disposition.
21:54 You are alive today, and you're the same God.
21:58 What are your three things?
22:00 Look at your neighbor and say, 'You're one of them.'
22:02 I thank God that I'm sitting next to you.
22:05 I thank God that in spite of the stuff you've been through,
22:08 it did not kill you, it did not wipe you out,
22:11 it did not destroy you.
22:13 Jocelyn, I thank God for your new business,
22:15 and I pray that it becomes a million-dollar business.
22:19 Susan, I thank God for your boldness.
22:21 You're getting ready to go to Dubai and take 50 people with you.
22:25 Renny, I thank God for your courage.
22:28 In spite of all the stuff you've been through,
22:30 you stood here and led us in worship.
22:32 Chavance, I thank God for the praise on your lips.
22:35 Look at your neighbor and say, 'I want to thank God just for you.'
22:40 Come on, look at him and say, 'I thank God for you.'
22:42 I thank God that we've had some good days,
22:45 and we've had some bad days.
22:47 We've had some hills that we've had to climb.
22:51 We've had some sleepless nights.
22:53 But when we look around and we think things over twice,
22:57 would you look at your neighbor and say,
22:59 'I don't need a day of thanksgiving
23:01 because every day is a day of thanksgiving.'
23:06 Every day when I've got blood in my body,
23:10 it's enough to give God some.
23:13 Well, here's number three, here's number three, here's number three.
23:16 Here's number three, here's number three.
23:18 Gratitude tells you and I that we've got to be focused.
23:21 Let the church say, 'Focus.'
23:23 Gratitude tells you and I that we've got to be intentional.
23:26 Let the church say, 'Intentional.'
23:28 And here's lastly, 'Gratitude is powerful.'
23:31 What did I say? Gratitude, Chaz, is powerful.
23:35 It's right there in verse 17, I'm not lying.
23:37 Jesus asked, 'Were not all ten cleansed?
23:41 Where are the other nine?
23:44 Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?'
23:48 I told you all he's from Trinidad.
23:51 Might be my boy.
23:53 Hello somebody.
23:54 'God except this foreigner.'
23:56 Then he said to him, 'Rise and go,
23:58 and your faith has made you well.'
24:01 Jesus highlighted the leopard's faith.
24:04 And then Jesus goes into another dimension of release.
24:08 He said, 'Oh, not only are you healed from your disease,'
24:11 but then he pronounced him well.
24:13 Let the church say, 'Well.'
24:15 This term isn't just speaking about a physical state.
24:18 You see, all ten of them was healed physically.
24:21 But this brother got an extra blessing.
24:24 Jesus said, 'You're not just healed physically, but it is well.'
24:28 You are well.
24:29 It also is referring to a spiritual state.
24:32 You see, the term used here is used throughout the New Testament
24:36 to refer to salvation, healing, and wholeness.
24:40 The leopard is not only made physically well,
24:43 but he's fully restored.
24:45 Y'all miss your God.
24:47 God, I feel like preaching.
24:49 I said he's fully restored.
24:51 His posture of gratitude led him back to Jesus.
24:55 And at Jesus' feet he found complete healing.
24:59 He's not just healed physically, but he's fully restored.
25:03 And as I get ready to take my seat,
25:05 that's a word for at least 50 of y'all,
25:07 that this is the season where God is going to restore.
25:11 He said, "I'm going to restore what the locust and the canterworm has stolen."
25:16 "I'm going to restore your stream of income."
25:19 "Oh my, I'm going to restore your health and your strength."
25:23 "Look at your neighbor and say, 'Restoration is here.'"
25:26 "Has anybody lost anything in the last three years?"
25:29 I was thinking about this time where we are finally back in the building.
25:33 And I said, "God, I thank you for this new opportunity."
25:37 I said, "But oh God, it's been three years since we've been in person."
25:41 "All the other churches at the beginning of this year, they already went out."
25:46 "Nikki, all the major churches have already reopened."
25:49 "We are late behind the gate."
25:52 "We are in November, they open in January."
25:55 I said, "God, I'm coming from behind."
25:58 He said, "But you're coming. God help me up in here."
26:01 "Look at your neighbor. I feel a Holy Ghost right here."
26:04 I said, "Because the race is not given to the swift nor the fast."
26:08 "But those that endure to the end."
26:10 "I just need a thousand people in here who said, 'I may be coming from behind.'"
26:15 "But don't judge me from where I am."
26:18 "Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard."
26:22 "It hasn't entered the hearts of God what God got in store for us."
26:27 "Look at your neighbor and say, 'I may be coming from behind.'"
26:30 "But he's a restorer."
26:32 "Come on, I come to prophesy to somebody."
26:35 "As we get ready to get out of here."
26:37 "Look at your neighbor and say, 'He restored my joy.'"
26:40 "He restored my peace."
26:42 "He restored my confidence."
26:44 "He restored my strength."
26:46 "I need you to find three people and slap them in the head."
26:50 "And say, 'He's a restorer.'"
26:52 "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death."
26:56 "I will fear no evil."
26:58 "Because he restores my soul."
27:00 "Can I prophesy to VGC?"
27:05 "The last three years, it was not wasted years."
27:09 "It was worship in years."
27:11 "The last three years, it was not punishment."
27:15 "It was protection."
27:17 "The last three years, it was not rejection."
27:20 "It was redirection."
27:22 "But are you ready to fly?"
27:24 "Are you ready to go where you've never gone before?"
27:28 "So you can do what you've never done before?"
27:31 "Are you ready, VGC?"
27:33 "My God, open your mouth."
27:36 "He's about to restore us."
27:38 "The last three years."
27:40 "He said, 'I'll restore what the locusts have stolen.'"
27:44 "I will restore what the candle womb has taken."
27:47 "Somebody open your mouth and say, 'He restores my soul.'"
27:53 "He restores my family."
27:56 "If you believe it, you ought to tell God, 'Thank you.'"
28:00 "Jesus looked at the man and he said, 'It is well.'"
28:04 "When peace attendeth my way."
28:07 "When billows, whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, 'It is well.'"
28:15 "Somebody holler, 'It is well.'"
28:17 "Slap five or three people and say, 'It is well.'"
28:21 "With my soul."
28:31 "He restored it."
28:33 "We've got to get out of here."
28:35 "I'm just warming up."
28:37 "He restored it."
28:40 "Don't fence me, man. I've got to get out of here."
28:42 "Just slap five with somebody and say, 'You've got 30 seconds to thank God for everything He's about to restore.'"
28:50 "Every door He's about to open."
28:52 "Every way He's about to make."
28:54 "He's a restorer."
28:57 "Oh, Jesus."
29:01 "God told me there's some members who left, they're coming back."
29:04 "I need y'all to shout right here."
29:06 "I said, 'God told me some people, they left prematurely, but they're coming back.'"
29:11 "Somebody shout like they're already back."
29:14 "I don't care where they've been."
29:16 "He's restored."
29:20 "Oh, Jesus."
29:23 "Come on, stand."
29:26 "Come on, it's just the second Sunday."
29:28 "We're just getting warm. Don't push me."
29:31 "Because I'm close to the end."
29:33 "He restored."
29:40 "The Bible says that one of them was fully restored."
29:50 "Stand all over the building."
29:53 "Have you lost anything?"
29:56 "In August, I ran the Brooklyn Bridge."
30:01 "I ran the Brooklyn Bridge. I don't even like to run."
30:04 "I ran the Brooklyn Bridge because I was trying to release something."
30:12 "I was trying to release the shame of having to leave Jericho."
30:17 "Can you give me the keys? I know I might mess you up."
30:20 "I was trying to leave. I was trying to release. Somebody say release."
30:24 "And that morning I got up and I ran the Brooklyn Bridge."
30:28 "And by the time I had gotten back on the other side of the bridge,"
30:32 "God told me, change my flight."
30:34 "Go back home to the DMV."
30:36 "Because I've made room for you."
30:38 "Oh my God."
30:40 "You're not ready for me."
30:44 "Look at you and say, give me some room."
30:46 "Come on, say, give me, give me."
30:48 "You're too tight in here. I don't know why they can't."
30:50 "Come on, say, give me some room."
30:51 "Say, I need to spread out."
30:53 "Come on, say, give me some room."
30:54 "Come on, stretch your arm out."
30:55 "Because God said as far as you can stretch your arms out."
30:58 "That's how I'm going to bless you."
31:00 "You're not ready for me."
31:01 "Come on, say, I need some room."
31:02 "If you got to get in the middle of the aisle."
31:04 "Come on, say, give me some room."
31:06 "I'm about to stretch out."
31:08 "It's going to be a stretch out blessing."
31:11 "A stretch out miracle."
31:13 "I say, I got your mother."
31:16 [Applause]
31:22 "And I changed my flight."
31:25 "And I landed back in the DMV."
31:29 "On September the 8th."
31:36 "New beginning."
31:38 "Because I had to, I had been released."
31:41 "And God said, now I got to restore."
31:43 "And that's why the first place we gathered was in the place called Restoration."
31:48 "Y'all don't catch it."
31:51 "And guess what this place is called?"
31:52 "High Calling."
31:53 "Look at you, mister, we going higher."
31:55 "Y'all ain't ready for me."
31:56 "Come on, so we going higher."
32:00 [Applause]
32:03 "And we don't want to go without you."
32:06 "We don't want to go without you."
32:08 "And so there may be somebody that's under my voice."
32:10 "You've never trusted Jesus as Lord and Savior."
32:13 "You're a saver."
32:14 "You don't belong to a church."
32:15 "We want to give you the invitation."
32:17 "There's two ways you can join our church."
32:19 "You can walk down the aisle."
32:21 "Or you can do the QR code."
32:22 "We'd love for you to walk."
32:23 "Because then we can have a praise party on your behalf."
32:26 "You're not saved, but you want to be saved."
32:29 "You're backslidden."
32:31 "Or you've left the church and you want to come back and just reconnect yourself."
32:35 "We getting ready to take off."
32:37 "But we have to come to get you."
32:39 "Because we don't want to take off without you."
32:42 "Come on, is there anybody?"
32:43 "Is there anybody?"
32:44 "Come on."
32:45 "Come on."
32:46 "We clap in advance for you."
32:48 "Come on."
32:49 "Look down your road."
32:50 "So you're thinking about walking."
32:51 "I'll walk with you."
32:52 "I'll walk with you."
32:53 "I'll walk with you."
32:54 "I'll walk with you."
32:55 "I'll walk with you."
32:56 "Man of God, welcome."
32:57 "Welcome."
32:58 "Come on, the first foot of the church."
33:00 "Y'all are..."
33:01 "And it's a man."
33:02 "I need somebody to open their mouth."
33:03 "I said the first foot."
33:05 "Can somebody open your mouth?"
33:07 "And give God a praise."
33:10 "Stand behind him."
33:12 "Come on, there's somebody else."
33:13 "There's somebody else."
33:14 "You've never trusted."
33:15 "You've never trusted."
33:17 "You've never trusted."
33:19 "You're not saved."
33:20 "You don't belong to our church."
33:21 "Would you come?"
33:22 "Would you come?"
33:23 "Come on, I got a minute for you."
33:24 "Come on, come on."
33:25 "Look down your road."
33:26 "Actually, they say you're thinking about walking."
33:28 "I'll walk with you."
33:29 "I'll walk with you."
33:30 "I'll walk with you."
33:31 "I'll walk with you."
33:32 "I'll walk with you."
33:33 "I'll walk with you."
33:34 "The Bible said,"
33:35 "Heaven rejoices over one."
33:37 "Y'all tear this place up."
33:39 "Heaven rejoices over one."
33:41 "Tear this place up."
33:43 "Heaven rejoices over one."
33:45 "Tear this place up."
33:48 "Come on, Heaven rejoices over one."
33:52 Father, we thank you.
33:54 We thank you for this man who made a step,
33:56 a decision to be a part of your body,
33:58 to be a part of your church.
34:00 We ask God that you will restore everything that he's standing in need of.
34:04 Thank you for doing it.
34:07 Thank you.
34:09 Thank you.
34:10 In Jesus' name we pray.
34:12 Amen and amen and amen.
34:14 There's a brother behind you,
34:15 it's Deacon Carl.
34:16 He's just going to take you, escort you to the side,
34:18 and just share some information with you.
34:20 All right, come on, let's thank God for him.
34:22 One more time.
34:24 One more time.
34:26 Come on, come on, come on.
34:28 He restores.
34:31 Restoring the years.
34:35 He's restoring the years.
34:39 Restoring the years.
34:42 Listen, somebody's still thinking about walking.
34:44 Come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come.
34:46 He's restoring the years.
34:49 You're looking for a church home.
34:50 Come, come.
34:52 Don't let this opportunity get to see you.
34:54 Tina.
34:55 Hey, Tyler.
34:56 God bless you from York, Pennsylvania.
34:58 Good to see you.
35:00 Come on.
35:01 Restoring the years.
35:02 Hallelujah.
35:03 Hallelujah.
35:05 Hallelujah.
35:06 Restoring the years.
35:10 I want to pray as we get ready to get out of here
35:12 that some of you have lost some stuff in the pandemic.
35:15 Let me see you.
35:16 You've lost some, I mean, yeah, finances.
35:20 Come on, let me see you.
35:22 I don't have time.
35:23 I got one minute.
35:24 You got to run to this altar real fast.
35:26 You got to run to this altar real fast.
35:28 Come on.
35:29 That's who you are.
35:30 Come on, come on, come on, come on.
35:31 I'm praying for you.
35:32 You need restoration.
35:33 Come on.
35:34 You've lost something financially.
35:35 Come on, come on, come on.
35:37 Everything you lost.
35:38 Listen, I got to get out of here.
35:40 But listen, Chavance, I went in October,
35:44 I went to Bishop Ivy Hilliard's conference.
35:48 And I normally don't go to conference in October
35:51 because I have my own.
35:52 But Jocelyn, I had to go because of the theme.
35:57 The theme of the conference was "I'm Made For It."
36:03 And I realized between the pandemic
36:05 and whatever it is, Nikki, I had lost my swag.
36:11 I had lost my confidence.
36:14 I had lost it.
36:16 I was watching all my boys, Jamal and E. Dewey Smith,
36:19 they're all in the building.
36:20 I'm like, "God, I'm in Zoom!"
36:25 I'm in Zoom!
36:27 I had lost it.
36:30 And that conference, the moment I stepped foot on that conference,
36:33 that spirit of "I was made for it,"
36:36 I got my swag back.
36:38 Don't come up in here if you don't want nothing back.
36:42 Hello, somebody.
36:44 I got my fight back.
36:46 I got my confidence back.
36:47 I got my strength back.
36:49 So I know what it is.
36:50 I share that because I know what it is.
36:53 I know what it is, that life can hit you so hard
36:55 that you can lose your confidence.
36:58 But I declare and decree, it's coming all back.
37:02 I said, "It's coming all back."
37:05 I said, "It's coming all back."
37:12 Whatever it is, whatever it is, whatever it is,
37:17 money is the least thing that you lost.
37:22 Y'all ain't hearing me.
37:25 Somebody said, "How you feel about having to leave Jericho?"
37:28 I said, "I lost the church, but God gave me the city."
37:30 I'll see y'all later.
37:32 [Music]