• 2 years ago


00:36 Now, this is going to be a picture of you.
00:41 So who will volunteer to help us?
00:43 Won't someone stand up?
00:45 Ah, that's fine.
00:48 Suppose we choose this man here, and the rest of you
00:51 may sit down.
00:52 Just stand still a minute, friend.
00:57 There now.
00:59 You can sit down, too.
01:00 And now, let's get on with our story, a story about you
01:05 and your worst enemy.
01:07 Now, you have already learned to protect yourself
01:10 from many of your enemies.
01:12 For instance, you've learned to wear clothes to protect
01:15 your body from heat and cold.
01:17 You've learned to grow fine crops,
01:19 and you raise pigs and chickens.
01:21 These things all protect you from the enemy, hunger.
01:26 And if a storm should come, you find shelter in your house.
01:32 Or you've learned to protect yourself from the weather, too.
01:39 But even your house won't protect you
01:43 from your worst enemy, an enemy who may be here
01:46 in this room right now, hiding in the dark corners,
01:49 lurking in the most unexpected places, a great unseen enemy,
01:54 deadly and silent, ready to strike in an instant,
01:57 ready to attack you without warning.
02:01 No, no, no, wait.
02:02 It's no use running away.
02:04 No one can run away from disease.
02:08 Yes, that's right.
02:09 It's disease that is your worst enemy.
02:12 For disease can be anywhere, in the air you breathe,
02:17 in the ground you walk on, or--
02:22 hey, wait.
02:23 Don't drink that water.
02:25 Disease can be in water, too.
02:28 Yes, I know.
02:29 It looks clear and pure.
02:31 But you see, disease is caused by tiny living creatures,
02:36 creatures so small you couldn't possibly see them.
02:39 This water may be full of them.
02:41 But here, let's call on a man who knows all
02:44 about these little creatures, the doctor.
02:47 He studies disease every day by using
02:50 a very wonderful instrument, the microscope.
02:57 Now, there's nothing mysterious about a microscope.
03:00 It's just an instrument to make things look
03:03 bigger than they really are.
03:05 But suppose we show you how it works.
03:07 If you don't mind, doctor, we'll borrow your glasses.
03:10 Thank you.
03:11 And-- oh, just a minute, Mr. Fly.
03:14 We're going to look at you through the doctor's glasses.
03:17 See?
03:18 These glasses will magnify.
03:20 That means they will make the fly look bigger
03:22 than he really is.
03:24 But let's try a stronger magnifying glass.
03:28 You see?
03:29 Now the fly looks even bigger.
03:32 If we use two strong glasses, the fly grows larger again.
03:37 And if we use three or even four glasses,
03:41 the fly begins to look like a monster.
03:44 Here, let's look at his leg.
03:47 Why, his leg is covered with hair.
03:50 And so through our magnifying glasses,
03:53 we're seeing something we've never seen before.
03:57 Now, if we take these four glasses, put a tube around
04:01 them, we have a microscope.
04:04 Simple, isn't it?
04:05 And yet, by looking through this instrument,
04:08 we can actually see the tiny creatures that cause disease.
04:13 All right?
04:14 Let's try our microscope on some of that water
04:17 you were going to drink.
04:19 This little piece of glass has a drop of that water on it.
04:22 And we're going to look at it through the microscope.
04:25 Come on now, everybody.
04:27 Watch closely.
04:27 There.
04:37 See?
04:38 The water is full of tiny living creatures called microbes,
04:43 the deadly little enemies that cause disease.
04:46 Now, perhaps you wonder how these tiny microbes can
04:50 harm a big, strong person like you.
04:53 Well, just look at this giant tree,
04:55 tall and sturdy and strong.
04:58 You'd think it would take something mighty big and
05:01 powerful to hurt this great tree, wouldn't you?
05:04 But let's get real close.
05:06 Do you see this little beetle on the trunk?
05:09 Just watch him.
05:10 See?
05:11 He's boring a hole in the bark.
05:13 Well, one tiny beetle certainly can't
05:16 hurt a big tree like this.
05:18 But suppose we go inside and see what it's doing.
05:22 Look at that.
05:22 The beetle's drilled deep into the wood and laid its eggs.
05:26 And now look.
05:27 The eggs have hatched.
05:28 And the young beetles are boring more holes
05:31 and laying more eggs.
05:33 Then there are more beetles and still more until finally,
05:37 there are thousands of beetles all eating away at the life
05:41 of the great tree.
05:42 Now the tree becomes sick.
05:47 And before long, the tree dies, killed by tiny enemies
05:52 much smaller than itself.
05:54 Now, let's suppose you drank some of this bad water.
06:00 If we could look inside you, we'd
06:02 see that the microbes are carried down
06:04 into your intestines like this.
06:06 And now we can watch the little enemies
06:12 begin their deadly work.
06:14 At first, there may only be a few of them.
06:17 But see what is happening.
06:19 The microbes are growing fat as they eat your body.
06:23 And as each microbe grows larger,
06:26 it splits and becomes two.
06:29 And these grow and split again and become two more.
06:34 Now the microbes multiply by the thousands,
06:37 just like the beetles in the tree.
06:39 Soon your body would begin to lose its strength.
06:42 And before long, you are a very sick man,
06:46 all because of these tiny microbes
06:49 in the water you drank.
06:52 But remember, it isn't only in water
06:54 that we find these little killers.
06:56 No.
06:57 With our microscope, we can find microbes almost anywhere.
07:01 Suppose we take a look around your farm.
07:03 What's this?
07:07 You have no latrine?
07:10 You use the cornfield?
07:12 Well, remember we said there were microbes in the soil?
07:16 You see?
07:21 Here they are, the vicious, deadly killers
07:24 that live in soil fouled with human waste.
07:28 But these microbes are not only in the field.
07:31 They may be right inside your house.
07:33 Let's go inside and see.
07:35 Well, there are some flies on the table.
07:39 Now you may think that flies are harmless.
07:41 But let's look at the fly's leg through our microscope.
07:47 See?
07:48 It's covered with filth.
07:50 If we look closer, we see the filth
07:52 is full of microbes from the field
07:55 where you left your waste.
07:57 And when the fly walks across your food,
07:59 he'll leave thousands of these deadly killers behind.
08:04 But microbes can be found in other places, too.
08:08 Hmm, we see that many people sleep in this room.
08:13 And one of them is sick.
08:14 Well, this is where we find microbes in the air,
08:24 microbes that came from the sick person's lungs.
08:29 And now, as the others breathe, they
08:31 draw into their bodies the disease that is in the air.
08:36 If we look around, we may find other microbes in this room.
08:40 This is the Anopheles mosquito.
08:44 Our microscope would show that this Anopheles mosquito
08:47 is full of malaria microbes.
08:51 And when the mosquito bites you, it
08:53 will leave many of these microbes in your blood.
08:56 Then you will have the disease the mosquito carries.
09:03 Yes, it's true that disease can be anywhere.
09:06 And you must protect yourself against it.
09:09 You must fight it.
09:11 How?
09:12 By attacking disease before it attacks you.
09:16 First of all, build yourself a latrine.
09:19 That way, you'll destroy the breeding place of disease
09:21 and the flies that carry it.
09:23 Cover your food so the flies can't get at it.
09:29 Cover your bed at night.
09:31 Then the mosquito can't reach you.
09:33 And you'll be safe from the disease the mosquito carries.
09:38 So we have seen that there are many kinds of microbes.
09:41 But remember this.
09:43 They are all living creatures.
09:45 Therefore, the microbes themselves can be killed.
09:48 For instance, the microbes we saw in the water
09:51 can be killed by boiling the water before you drink it.
09:54 The microbes that live in dirt and filth
09:57 can be killed with soap and water.
10:00 So wash yourself regularly.
10:02 The sun will kill microbes.
10:04 Fresh air is your friend, too.
10:06 So let's put windows in your house.
10:09 And let the sun and fresh air come in and help you.
10:13 Now that you know what disease is,
10:16 you must fight it wherever you find it.
10:20 Protect yourself against it, and you
10:22 will make your life healthy, happy, and prosperous.
10:33 (music ends)
