• 2 years ago


00:00 [music]
00:02 [music]
00:04 (upbeat music)
00:06 (upbeat music)
00:09 (upbeat music)
00:11 (upbeat music)
00:18 (upbeat music)
00:20 (upbeat music)
00:37 (upbeat music)
00:40 - I am a duck, bent on self preservation.
00:57 ♪ A hunting we will go, a hunting we will go ♪
01:02 ♪ I own the mill we all want, a hunting we will go ♪
01:05 I'm a white hot sportsman after wild game.
01:08 Huh?
01:11 Oh boy, swish, wabbit stew.
01:15 - Oh Bugsy, Bugsy neighbor,
01:27 could you spare a cup of blackstrap molasses?
01:29 One cup of blackstrap molasses coming up.
01:34 (gunshot)
01:36 - Funny, I didn't think molasses would run in January.
01:40 - Gotcha you wabbit stew, you.
01:43 - Look doc, are you looking for trouble?
01:50 I'm not a stewing wabbit, I'm a Fwickazian wabbit.
01:55 - Fwickazian wabbit?
01:57 - Have you got a Fwickazian wabbit license?
02:01 - Well, no, I...
02:03 - Do you happen to know what the penalty is
02:05 for shooting a Fwickazian wabbit
02:07 without a Fwickazian wabbit license?
02:09 - Just a parboiled minute.
02:12 - What is this, a cooking class?
02:13 Shoot 'em, shoot 'em.
02:15 - But I haven't got a license to shoot a Fwickazian wabbit.
02:18 - Don't go away Daniel Boob, I'll be back in a flash.
02:25 This license permits bearer to shoot a Frickas, Frickas.
02:31 - Hey bud, how do you spell Frickasian?
02:34 - F-R-I-C-K-A-S-S-E-E-I-N-G.
02:39 The D-U-C-K.
02:41 - Here you are leather stocking, all nice and legal.
02:45 Hurry up, hurry up, the fine print doesn't mean a thing.
02:52 Hurry up, hurry up.
02:56 (gunshot)
03:00 (whimsical music)
03:03 Here, let's see that slang.
03:12 Frickasian duck.
03:14 Well, I guess I'm the coach.
03:19 What?
03:24 (gunshot)
03:26 (whimsical music)
03:29 - You're a dirty dog.
03:36 - And you are a dirty skunk.
03:40 - I'm a dirty skunk?
03:42 I'm a dirty skunk?
03:43 (gunshot)
03:48 - Brother, am I a pigeon?
03:54 (gunshot)
03:56 - Look pal, what you need is a little briefing.
04:01 Let's go over here and talk private for a minute.
04:04 Okay, now let's get back to fundamentals.
04:07 All right now, let's go over it once more.
04:15 Now what are you?
04:16 - I'm a hunter.
04:17 - And what season is it?
04:19 - Rabbit season.
04:20 - And there's a rabbit, shoot him, shoot him!
04:24 (gunshot)
04:25 - Good heavens, he disintegrated.
04:28 - What's up, doc?
04:31 - How are things down here on Earth?
04:33 - Golly, Mr. Rabbit, I hope I didn't hurt you too much
04:41 when I killed you.
04:42 - Are you nuts?
04:44 Why, if he's dead, then I'm a mongoose.
04:47 (gunshot)
04:53 (dramatic music)
04:56 - More briefing?
04:57 - More briefing.
04:59 Now then, you've got it straight.
05:00 You're not gonna pay no more attention to no more signs.
05:03 You're just gonna listen to me, right?
05:06 - Right.
05:07 - Quack, quack.
05:11 Oh, that's his little game, is it?
05:15 Shoot the duck, shoot the duck!
05:17 (gunshot)
05:22 Shoot me again, I enjoy it.
05:24 I love the smell of burnt feathers
05:26 and gunpowder and cardite.
05:28 I'm an elk, shoot me, go on, it's elk season.
05:31 I'm a fiddler crab, why don't you shoot me?
05:34 It's fiddler crab season.
05:36 What have I done?
05:40 Where did I take the wrong turning?
05:42 - Oh, Mr. Game Warden, I hope you can help me.
05:45 I've been told I can shoot rabbits and goats
05:47 and pigeons and mongooses and dirty skunks and ducks.
05:51 Could you tell me what season it really is?
05:54 - Why, certainly, my boy, it's baseball season.
05:58 (laughing)
06:01 Here, boy, here, boy, go get it, go get it.
06:03 (gunshots)
06:05 - Got rid of him, eh?
06:09 - Yep, that takes care of him.
06:12 Now tell me, just between the two of us,
06:16 what season is it, really?
06:19 - Don't be so naive, Buster.
06:21 Why, everybody knows it's really duck season.
06:24 (gunshots)
06:28 (coughing)
06:35 - You're despicable.
06:41 (dramatic music)
06:44 (upbeat music)
06:46 [Music]
06:48 (gunshot)
