• last year


00:00 Afraid of difficult terrain, we can find interesting surprises like today.
00:06 We continue our journey, Kings, still in King of the Jungle.
00:09 We continue our search, Kings.
00:19 I try to focus more to see the river bank, Kings.
00:25 Usually, there is a kind of amphibian animal that might be sunbathing there.
00:31 There is a root down here.
00:38 It's deep down here.
00:40 Kings.
00:46 Wait, wait, wait. Look, look, look. From this direction.
00:50 There is a movement, Kings. I can see it.
00:53 It's a snake.
00:54 I have to be slow so it won't escape.
01:02 Ah, my son.
01:08 This is it, Kings.
01:10 Look at this.
01:12 This is one of the amphibians.
01:16 Kodok, Kings.
01:18 Do you know the difference between a kodok and a rat?
01:20 The one that usually lives on the tree.
01:23 This is a kind of Bufo Nidae, a real kodok.
01:26 Look, it has a swimming bladder.
01:28 That's why it lives in the river, Kings.
01:31 Look.
01:32 It's so cool.
01:33 The name of this animal is Pseudobufo Subasmer.
01:36 It's one of the biggest amphibians in the world.
01:40 What's cool is that this Subasmer has a white striping here.
01:44 Wow.
01:45 And the upper body is like a buduk.
01:48 Buduk but...
01:50 It's swimming.
01:52 It can swim like this, Kings.
01:55 It can go to the ground like this, Kings.
01:59 It can go to the ground.
02:01 It doesn't want to be on the rock.
02:03 It usually wants to be in the mud.
02:05 Basically, this kodok group has a fat body and is also thick.
02:11 With four wide claws and fingers.
02:15 Because of its wide claw area, this place is known as the location of the Banyu Pool in Indonesia.
02:23 It's perfect, Kings.
02:25 This kodok is around this red spring water.
02:28 Morphologically, the appearance of Pseudobufo Subasmer is similar to the Bufo Nidae in general.
02:36 They have a skin with a bit rough surface when we touch it.
02:42 If we rub its head like this, it will be scared like that.
02:46 To protect itself.
02:48 That's why it's called a 'Bankong' because it's like a stick. It can go forward and it's also big.
02:53 There. OK.
02:54 We're going to release it back to its natural habitat.
02:58 Bye-bye.
03:00 Bye-bye.
03:01 See you.
03:03 Stay tuned on Indonesian Endemic, Kings.
03:06 And I'm going to continue our adventure today.
03:09 We're going to meet another animal that is more unique and scary.
03:12 Stay tuned on King of the Jungle.
03:14 Kings, I'm now in the middle of the jungle.
03:34 In the middle of Central Kalimantan.
03:36 What animal am I going to hunt today?
03:40 As usual, I'm going to try to pass through the jungle.
03:44 A wild tractor like this always accompanies me in every step of my exploration.
03:49 Kings! I'm still in the middle of Central Kalimantan.
03:52 Today, I'm near the water.
03:55 To continue my journey, I want to hunt for food.
04:00 We're going to hunt...
04:02 Fish. The most suitable habitat for fish is...
04:07 The river.
04:08 Like the one over there.
04:09 OK. We're going to search and hunt for fish so that we can eat.
04:14 Let's go.
04:15 OK, Kings. I'm still looking for fish.
04:22 What is it in this area?
04:24 Coincidentally, this is a grasshopper.
04:28 Look. It's smell like this.
04:31 So, if I put this grasshopper in...
04:34 How deep is it?
04:36 Look. I'm getting sucked in.
04:40 It's going in.
04:41 To the bottom.
04:42 It's this deep.
04:45 But, in this area, in this black water...
04:49 There are fish that can live.
04:51 And they said that there is a fish habitat here.
04:57 What kind of fish? I'm curious.
04:58 Let's search and hunt. OK?
05:00 OK.
05:01 Here it is.
05:14 A grasshopper.
05:16 Wow. It's a cana.
05:18 Look at the teeth, Kings.
05:20 This is spread all over Indonesia.
05:22 The teeth can be broken.
05:24 Like this.
05:25 So, look. It's so scary, right?
05:29 This is one of the biggest cana.
05:32 In the world, maybe.
05:35 One of the biggest cana.
05:36 It can be up to 1 meter long.
05:38 We have to try to burn it, Kings.
05:40 Ready?
05:41 Stay tuned. Because I'm going to make a fire.
05:43 And burn this grasshopper.
05:46 Stay tuned. King of the Jungle.
05:48 A big size of fish.
05:58 It's perfect to fill my stomach, Kings.
06:01 I can't wait to taste this grilled grasshopper, Kings.
06:07 OK, Kings. It looks cooked.
06:10 I can't wait to try it.
06:12 Kings.
06:19 Look at the meat.
06:20 It's so white.
06:22 Let's open it.
06:26 It's so good to see the fish, Kings.
06:28 It's so good.
06:32 Cid.
06:40 You're on vacation.
06:41 Where are you going?
06:42 I'm going to the front.
06:45 Cid.
06:48 If we go to Puncak this weekend,
06:52 you'll agree, right?
06:53 I agree.
06:54 Okay.
06:55 Cid.
06:56 What's wrong?
07:03 What's wrong?
07:05 What's wrong?
07:07 Oh.
07:15 The Indonesian language score is 4.1.
07:24 Citra, don't keep on yelling.
07:26 Poor Cecil.
07:28 She's acting.
07:31 She's better than yesterday.
07:33 Yesterday, she got 3.2.
07:35 She should be happy.
07:37 Cecil is sad not because she got 4.1.
07:41 But she's sad because when she was in the studio,
07:45 she was sweating,
07:47 she was pale,
07:48 she was black.
07:50 And Cecil was seen by the boys from the same school.
07:54 That's why Cecil is so sad.
07:56 Because of the boys?
08:01 Enough, Cil.
08:04 Let the boys know that you're ugly.
08:07 Be patient, Cecil.
08:10 (Laughter)
08:38 Oh, my God.
08:40 Why is my photo in the strap?
08:45 Cecil.
08:49 What?
08:50 Enough, Cecil.
08:53 Cecil.
08:55 I'll help you.
08:57 What do you need?
08:59 Are you really going to help me?
09:01 Yes.
09:03 Then, do my job.
09:05 Really?
09:07 Thank you.
09:08 I'm a mess. I don't want to do it.
09:11 If you don't do my job,
09:14 I'll call my dad.
09:16 What?
09:17 Dad.
09:18 I was going to call Ivan.
09:23 So, you can do my job.
09:26 Why Ivan?
09:28 So, you can do my job.
09:31 You can do it.
09:33 You can do it.
09:35 I knew it.
09:37 What are you doing?
09:38 Dad, don't judge me.
09:40 I just want to tell you that I called my dad.
09:42 I asked for his permission.
09:43 He said he wanted to call Ivan.
09:45 He wants to do my job.
09:47 Really?
09:52 You want to call Ivan?
09:59 You just call Ivan.
10:01 You're so nosy.
10:03 Hi, Ivan.
10:16 Lian, hi.
10:17 Why are you so late?
10:19 I've been waiting for you.
10:21 I'm confused.
10:23 Come in.
10:28 Aww, lovers.
10:30 Chacha, why did you ask Ivan to come here?
10:37 You guys are so cute.
10:41 You don't ask him to come here.
10:43 By the way, Van.
10:49 Do you want to help Chacha?
10:51 Or Chacha's sister?
10:56 Of course.
10:57 Seriously?
10:58 So, you want to do my job?
11:00 Yes, I want to do your job.
11:03 As long as...
11:05 I can work with Chacha.
11:08 Aww, so sweet.
11:11 Okay, Van.
11:12 My job is Indonesian.
11:14 I have to make something...
11:16 on the board.
11:19 What's it called?
11:20 There's a word on it.
11:21 It's a good word.
11:23 So, I can use it for display.
11:25 You think so?
11:26 How about this?
11:28 We make a display.
11:30 Like a normal decoration.
11:32 And there's a heart.
11:34 And there's a word.
11:35 I love Indonesian language.
11:38 We make it with colored paper.
11:41 Oh my god, it's true, Van.
11:43 It's a love language decoration.
11:45 It's so perfect.
11:46 No, it's not.
11:48 But it's a language decoration.
11:50 No.
11:51 It's a love language decoration.
11:53 I love you.
11:55 Stop.
12:09 Why?
12:11 You can't start...
12:13 before you sit closer.
12:17 Go.
12:20 (Laughing)
12:22 Please start.
12:27 Chacha, how about this?
12:30 We put colored paper here.
12:33 So, there's a gradation.
12:34 And there's a word.
12:36 I love Indonesian language.
12:38 And there's a symbol of love.
12:40 How's that?
12:41 Is it good?
12:42 It's good. I like it.
12:44 Of course.
12:45 You made it with all kinds of things.
12:47 I'm sure you'll like it.
12:49 Let's start.
12:53 Go.
12:54 Here.
12:56 Cecil.
12:59 Why do you play with your phone?
13:02 You take photos.
13:03 You don't help us.
13:05 Because...
13:07 I don't want to disturb you.
13:10 Is that a code?
13:12 You want me to leave?
13:13 Okay, then.
13:14 So, we can be together.
13:15 Have fun, lovebirds.
13:17 (Laughing)
13:21 Why is Ivan with Chacha?
13:30 Isn't he afraid of Citra?
13:34 But Citra hasn't come yet.
13:39 (Laughing)
13:44 (Laughing)
13:46 Cecil.
13:51 Let's do our assignment together.
13:56 No, I don't want to.
13:59 I'll stay here.
14:01 You two do your assignment.
14:02 I don't want to disturb you.
14:04 But that's Cecil's assignment.
14:07 And Ivan and Chacha want to...
14:09 Date.
14:11 That's so cute.
14:13 I'll date him.
14:14 While doing my assignment.
14:16 No, Chacha.
14:19 Chacha and Ivan are just friends.
14:22 They're not dating.
14:24 Chacha and Ivan want to watch cartoon.
14:28 That's so cute.
14:30 I'll watch cartoon while doing my assignment.
14:33 Cecil.
14:36 Is teacher not angry?
14:38 If she knows that you're not working,
14:41 She'll be so mad.
14:44 That's it.
14:47 No one knows.
14:49 Neither Citra nor I.
14:51 But Chacha is afraid of being scolded.
14:57 If you're scolded,
14:59 What can you do?
15:01 At least, Citra will be mad at Ivan.
15:03 And Ivan won't be allowed to come here.
15:05 And you won't have any group assignment.
15:08 I...
15:20 Love...
15:24 Ivan loves...
15:30 Ivan loves Indonesian sambal.
15:35 Just like Donny.
15:37 Donny?
15:39 Yes.
15:41 Donny loves Indonesian sambal.
15:44 And Donny got the highest Indonesian language score in class.
15:48 Chacha.
15:52 Ivan is here.
15:54 What are you doing here?
15:56 I have an assignment.
15:57 Ivan and Chacha don't have any assignment.
16:03 Why do you come here?
16:05 What are you doing?
16:06 You'd better go home.
16:08 Don't go home yet.
16:09 I haven't finished my assignment.
16:11 You said you don't have any assignment.
16:14 Now you have an assignment.
16:15 Which one is a lie?
16:17 This is the assignment.
16:21 What assignment?
16:22 Why do you lie?
16:23 Love?
16:24 Don't be like that.
16:27 Teacher Cecil will be mad.
16:29 This is teacher Cecil's assignment.
16:32 Teacher Cecil's assignment?
16:34 Where is Cecil?
16:35 In the dining room.
16:37 Cecil.
16:40 Chacha.
16:48 Chacha is in the dining room.
16:51 Citra is here.
16:52 She's with Niva.
16:53 Go.
16:55 Go.
16:56 Go.
17:07 Go.
17:08 You saw her with Chacha.
17:10 Now you see Citra.
17:12 Do you dare?
17:13 Go.
17:14 Go.
17:16 Go.
17:17 That is so cute.
17:26 Teacher Cecil.
17:28 Where is the drink?
17:30 I haven't made it yet.
17:32 Drink.
17:34 For Ivan?
17:36 For Ivan and Chacha.
17:43 Why do you give it to Chacha?
17:45 It's just water.
17:46 You don't want to come here.
17:49 I feel bad if I don't ask you for help.
17:51 Actually, Chacha came here...
17:55 to ask me to do the assignment together.
17:58 Not to drink.
18:00 I really want to do the assignment with you.
18:06 But I'm having fun talking to Robby.
18:09 So, I'll...
18:12 I'll do it later.
18:13 What is it?
18:17 Chaksi.
18:19 Do the assignment.
18:23 See?
18:26 I told you.
18:27 Citra wouldn't like it...
18:28 if she knows that you and Ivan...
18:30 are forcing me to do the assignment.
18:32 She said I'm forcing you.
18:34 I don't force you.
18:35 I like to be diligent.
18:36 Don't forget to do the assignment.
18:38 I'm going back to my room.
18:40 I'll change my shoes.
18:41 Don't forget.
18:43 Okay, bye.
18:44 Why didn't you tell me?
18:46 I don't know.
18:48 I just want to...
18:50 I just want to do the assignment.
18:54 What?
18:58 You...
18:59 I'll go there.
19:00 I'll go there.
19:01 Okay.
19:02 Take care.
19:03 Bye.
19:04 Robby.
19:09 Do you want to stick it on...
19:11 There.
19:12 There.
19:13 You lovebirds.
19:22 You're so romantic.
19:24 I'm so jealous.
19:25 Why are you here?
19:28 Now?
19:29 I'm sorry.
19:30 I'm calling you.
19:31 I'm bothering you.
19:33 I'm so sorry.
19:34 No, it's not that.
19:36 I mean, you're not here.
19:38 Oh.
19:39 I'm sorry.
19:42 Where were you?
19:43 I'm going to stick it on.
19:45 Just stick it on.
19:46 - Yeah.
19:46 (car engine)