• 2 years ago
Heron reflects on the war for Olymous and his battle with Seraphim, and channels his new demigod powers. The second season of the Blood of Zeus is coming soon, only on Netflix!


00:00 [MUSIC]
00:26 Join me, brother. We can have our vengeance and end the reign of the gods.
00:32 [MUSIC]
00:35 They're more flawed than we are. They've ruined our lives.
00:41 Our mother is dead because of them.
00:45 Don't you want to avenge her death?
00:49 No!
00:52 You are either with me or against me.
00:57 [MUSIC]
01:08 [MUSIC]
01:14 [GASPING]
01:19 [MUSIC]
01:41 He got what he deserved.
01:44 Maybe.
01:46 He killed your mother.
01:50 [MUSIC]
01:56 The Fates are calling.
02:00 [CRUNCH]
02:01 Haron!
02:05 Seraphim might have been a monster, but he was right about one thing.
02:09 The gods are more flawed than we are.
02:13 Why should we listen to them?
02:16 [MUSIC]
02:21 [MUSIC]
02:26 [MUSIC]
