• 2 years ago
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DO YOU LIKE WRESTLING BOARD GAMES?! Well, how bout board games ABOUT wrestling? AND WITH WRESTLERS?! This time we play Just One and try to help each other with one word clues on NO HOLDS BOARD! Featuring Pete Quinnell, Laurie Blake, Tempest, Sullivan Beau Brown and special guests Michael Oku and Nina Samuels!!

Logo designed by: Lee Wildgoose

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00:00 Just say them all together, really fast.
00:02 Bitch music woman!
00:04 Theodore Orleans.
00:06 Theodore Orleans, you bitch music woman!
00:09 Welcome to another episode of No Holds Bored,
00:12 here on Parts Far Known, where we take a good board game like this one
00:16 and we infect it with wrestling.
00:17 We don't play wrestling board games because they're bad.
00:20 For this episode of No Holds Bored, I'm joined by Sullivan.
00:23 - Hello! - I'm joined by Tempest.
00:24 - Hello! - I'm joined by Laurie.
00:25 - Me! - And I'm joined by our special guest,
00:28 our Fantasy Booking Warfare judges, Nina Samuels and Michael Oku!
00:32 - Yay! - Woo!
00:33 Fantasy Booking Warfare's awesome. Go check it out.
00:36 It's another series. On this channel, you get to see them be really mean to us.
00:40 - Which way? - Really mean to all of us.
00:43 - Wasn't mean to us, were they? - No!
00:44 - They were really nice to us. - We're better than them.
00:46 - Come up with good booking and we won't be mean. - Yeah, that is how it goes.
00:50 On this episode of No Holds Bored, we are playing Just One.
00:53 In this game, each of us in turn will be drawing from one of these cards
00:57 from this prompt pile. They have a number of words on them,
00:59 wrestling-related words, if you will.
01:01 We will be the only person around the table who will not see the words on that card.
01:05 We'll pick one of those at random, and everybody else will be able to see that,
01:08 and they have to write a one-word clue, a Just One word clue, if you will.
01:13 That's the name of the game.
01:14 You write a one-word clue on this to help them try and guess whatever their prompt word is.
01:20 However, if you match your clue with anybody else's around the table,
01:23 both of them are erased, and then it makes it much harder for the person guessing the clue.
01:29 That is the whole game. We're all working together, so we're all going to be nice today, aren't we?
01:33 Yeah, but just like Nina said in the break, "Fuck them."
01:35 - Fuck them. - Fuck them.
01:37 - Cooperative games. Fuck them. - Would I say such a thing?
01:39 I would never say such a thing.
01:41 I would never. The camera wasn't rolling.
01:43 - No, no. - No, we're not racist.
01:45 - Fair play. - No, I would never, ever.
01:46 - So you're refuting it? - No, I'm not.
01:49 Of course. I could never say such a thing.
01:50 - Outrageous! - Unbelievable.
01:53 Find me the tape.
01:55 Find the tape.
01:56 Since Tempest won the last game that we played, why don't we have Tempest go first?
02:00 - Yes. - Okay.
02:01 Please draw a card. Do not look at it.
02:03 I won't.
02:04 - Is this the right way up? - It is upside down, apparently.
02:08 - There you go. Stick it in your thing and pick a number. - There you go.
02:11 I will say number four.
02:14 Number four. Everybody see that word.
02:16 That is what you need to try and get Tempest to guess.
02:22 Okay.
02:23 - Ooh. - I have to trust this man.
02:26 - I'm gonna take the risk. - I feel like you're gonna do it.
02:31 - No. - No.
02:33 - No. Screw it. - Let's try this.
02:35 This one's difficult.
02:39 - Does everyone have a word? - Yeah.
02:43 - We'll know he works if other people get him close to the word. - That's eyesore.
02:46 - Oh, yeah. - Oh, yeah. Big time.
02:48 - I've got words to help me with it. - Tempest, can you close your eyes, please?
02:50 - Mm-hmm. - Everybody else, let's show what we've written.
02:53 - Yes.
02:55 - Oh! - Oh, it's a match.
02:57 - That's a match. - Great minds, though.
02:59 - You know what? Please? - Maybe.
03:01 - There's a chance. There's a chance. - What do you think?
03:03 - There's a chance. - Yeah, I can see that.
03:06 - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know what that does, but...
03:08 - Yeah, I won't be there, Michael.
03:10 - We'll explain. We'll explain later. Okay? - Okay.
03:13 - Okay, that erased off. - With these two.
03:15 - Yeah. - Okay, let's leave these pointing to the camera, I suppose.
03:18 - We are making a show, after all.
03:20 Tempest, have a look at your words, please.
03:23 - I'm gonna read them out to me. - So we've got...
03:25 - So we have "Lesnar", "season", and "hot".
03:29 - That's not a clue! - That's the opposite.
03:34 That's the opposite of... Right.
03:37 - "Hot Lesnar season".
03:39 - I've seen that video. - Oh, yeah.
03:42 - Haven't we all? - Forget your hot girl summers.
03:45 - He's out on the ranch, top off.
03:49 - Um... Season...
03:53 SummerSlam! - Yeah!
03:56 - See? That "Lesnar" clue wasn't nuts. You guys are crazy.
03:59 - He's Mr. SummerSlam. - He's Mr. SummerSlam. Thank you very much.
04:02 - Very good. - I mean, we get it. We're in the same wavelength.
04:04 - Yeah, no, that's a different game piece.
04:06 - I'm sorry. I keep going back to it, 'cause it's my favourite.
04:08 - Bring me a drink. - Mr. SummerSlam.
04:12 - Mr. SummerSlam. - Very good.
04:16 - Okay. Let's go round clockwise to Sullivan next.
04:21 Sullivan, please take a card. Do not look.
04:23 - And now I'm gonna go that way. Is that right?
04:25 - Yeah. - Well done.
04:26 - Wonderful. Pick a number.
04:28 - We're gonna go for... Let's go for plain old number one.
04:31 - Number one!
04:33 - I'm gonna close my eyes now. - Number one it is!
04:35 - Oh, my God. What?
04:37 - So I don't even have a chance of peeking.
04:40 I've got my eyes firmly closed.
04:43 I'm gluten-shocked. And they'll never open again.
04:46 - Hmm.
04:48 - What?
04:53 - God, my word.
04:54 - Who knows what's happening around me right now?
04:57 - Who could say? - Who could say?
05:00 'Cause when you have your eyes closed, you lose your sense of touch.
05:04 - Yep. That is how it works.
05:06 - Everybody knows.
05:08 - I don't think anyone will put this word.
05:10 - Does everybody? - Does it help?
05:12 - Who knows? - Does everybody have a word?
05:14 - Not yet. - Yes.
05:16 - Trey in our Tempest, who is too busy doing a bit.
05:18 - Viewers at home, I'm so bad at guessing at the best of times.
05:22 And this is gonna be really, really hard for me to guess.
05:25 So expect some bad guesses, viewers.
05:28 - So, does everybody have a word? - Yes.
05:30 - Let's show each other. Sullivan, eyes closed.
05:32 - I don't know if I'm gonna get this one.
05:34 - Oh, come on! My God!
05:36 - That's pretty good.
05:38 - Not bad, not bad. Okay.
05:40 - Look how long my word is.
05:42 - Let's wipe this off. Let's wipe ours off.
05:44 - Oh, no.
05:46 - Explain later.
05:48 - Someone else had it.
05:50 - So we are down two words.
05:52 - Down two words, Trey. - We have other words for show.
05:54 Sullivan, please open your eyes.
05:56 - Comeuppance.
05:58 Pay-per-view. Undisputed.
06:00 Now, a comeuppance pay-per-view
06:04 makes me feel
06:06 like backlash.
06:08 I'm not entirely sure about undisputed,
06:10 but I'm gonna go for backlash.
06:12 'Cause that's your comeuppance!
06:14 - Yeah. - When you get a backlash.
06:16 - Is there another pay-per-view that has comeuppance?
06:18 - There probably is.
06:20 Comeuppance. Was that what it was?
06:22 - That's the show. - You all get your comeuppance.
06:24 - WCW comeuppance.
06:26 (laughter)
06:28 - Trey marked that down.
06:30 - Sounds like a PWG show.
06:32 - A PWG show.
06:34 - WWE, that'll show ya!
06:36 - No, I don't know, I'm afraid.
06:38 - Would you have got it
06:40 if the word revenge was also in there?
06:42 - Oh, yes.
06:44 Oh, what was it? What was it?
06:46 Yes, I probably would have done.
06:48 I can't remember what it's called, but I would have got it.
06:50 - Yeah, I would have got it.
06:52 (laughter)
06:54 - I'll do it later.
06:56 - What was it? Vengeance? - Yeah!
06:58 - That's the one. - Well done.
07:00 - I would have gone revenge, unfortunately.
07:02 - There you go. - I think that would have been.
07:04 - I probably still would have gone payback from that.
07:06 - I thought that too.
07:08 - Unfortunately, there's only so many
07:10 types of wrestling event names.
07:12 Payback, Backlash,
07:14 Vengeance. - Comeuppance.
07:16 - It's all about the confrontation.
07:18 - I was like, "Consequence!"
07:20 - That's why I went for Undisputed.
07:22 'Cause it's where Jericho won the Undisputed title.
07:24 - I was thinking about the triple threat
07:26 with The Rock.
07:28 - Yeah, there's also that.
07:30 - Laurie, please.
07:32 - Is this the correct way up? - That is correct, yeah.
07:34 - Please pick a number. - Three.
07:36 - Three, okay.
07:38 - Is that a good word?
07:40 - Sure, why not?
07:42 - It's all about perspective.
07:44 - It's a no, though.
07:46 People say that when it's no.
07:48 - We can write down a person, right?
07:52 Oh yeah, we can.
07:54 - Of course, we have Hot Lads and a summoner.
07:56 - It would have to be either their first name or their last name.
07:58 - Yes.
08:00 - Hot Lads. - Okay.
08:02 Wait a minute, wait a minute.
08:04 - Does everybody have a word?
08:06 - Good.
08:08 - Wait for it.
08:10 - Surely not.
08:12 - I will be reliant on you.
08:14 - That's how I felt every time.
08:16 - You ready, Michael?
08:18 - Yes. - You ready, Tempest? - Yes. - I'll close my eyes.
08:20 - Laurie, please close your eyes. Let's reveal our words to each other.
08:22 - Ooh, we got 'em all.
08:24 - Surely.
08:26 - We got 'em all. - Well, that's...
08:28 - No, no. - That's fine.
08:30 - We'll talk about it later.
08:32 - That's fine.
08:34 - I can't get this all wrong. - Let's put our words down.
08:36 - Laurie, please open. - I'm a fucking idiot.
08:38 - I don't know anything.
08:40 - Moon Salt.
08:48 - Yeah!
08:50 - He's done it. - Did he not do Moon Salt?
08:52 - Who's next?
08:54 - I think it's gonna be Gainer.
08:56 - Gainer's the shooting star for us also.
08:58 - Well, to both points, really.
09:00 - I mean, I went very hard on Leto and Shirai.
09:02 - Yeah.
09:04 - I very nearly wrote Shirai as well.
09:06 - Yeah.
09:08 - And that, I think, would have made things a lot more difficult.
09:10 - Yeah, it would. - So I'm gonna put that face up then.
09:12 - There, because... - 'Cause we got it right.
09:14 - We got a point for it. - Yeah.
09:16 - We got the first one, right? - We got the first one.
09:18 - Great team. - We did get the first one.
09:20 - There we go. - We have that one there.
09:22 - Two points. - Alright, Michael.
09:24 - Please take your cards. - Can we have it?
09:26 - Just don't... - Yeah, don't look at it.
09:28 - Don't even... Don't you dare.
09:30 - Upside down. - Upside down.
09:32 - There you go.
09:34 - Oh, sorry.
09:36 - You are allowed to look at other things.
09:38 - Oh, yeah.
09:40 - I'm gonna go with...
09:46 five.
09:48 - Okay.
09:50 - Okay.
09:52 - I'm just gonna close my eyes from here, I guess.
09:54 - They're awesome.
09:56 - Hmm.
09:58 - Hmm, hmm, hmm.
10:00 - No, that's a stupid clue.
10:02 - (laughs)
10:04 - Oh, it's okay.
10:06 - Does everybody have a word?
10:08 - Yeah. - Michael's eyes are closed.
10:10 - Please keep your eyes closed.
10:12 - (gasps)
10:14 - Ooh! - Ooh!
10:16 - That's very good. - That's great.
10:18 - That's very good. - Okay.
10:20 - With less letters. - Yeah.
10:22 - Okay, we have all our words here.
10:24 - Okay. - Michael, please open your eyes.
10:26 - All right. - So we had... Going round, we had Jackson.
10:28 - Okay.
10:30 - Sorry. - Sorry.
10:32 - Who's sorry? - Sean.
10:34 - And party.
10:36 - Wow.
10:40 - It's a great guest list for the party.
10:44 - Yeah.
10:46 - But somebody RSVP'd that they can't come.
10:48 - (laughs)
10:50 - Tanty?
10:54 - Ooh.
10:56 - Unlucky.
10:58 - I'm sorry.
11:00 - That sense of disappointment
11:02 afterwards.
11:04 - The correct answer was
11:06 Superkick.
11:08 - Superkick, party!
11:10 - Jackson. - Sorry.
11:12 - Sean. - Sean and sorry
11:14 should have been like, "Why did I choose...?"
11:16 - Oh, God. Tag team. That's so sorry.
11:18 - The actual Superkick merchants
11:20 of this game.
11:22 - Yeah. - Yeah.
11:24 - Sorry we were in a tag team. - Yeah.
11:26 - Sorry about the tag team. - It's so hard to give any
11:28 of the words for switching music.
11:30 - Yeah. - It's just confusing.
11:32 - I was gonna put music in.
11:34 - This is a strong pick.
11:36 - Very strong. - This is a strong pick.
11:38 - The orange is here,
11:40 it's on me, it's on the precious table.
11:42 - Not the table.
11:44 - The blue is the weakest thing in the world.
11:46 - Is this the correct way? - No. - No, other way round.
11:48 - There you go. - There you go. - I'm gonna put this here.
11:50 - And I'm gonna say
11:52 number two.
11:54 - Ooh.
11:56 - I reckon
11:58 it's gonna be something duplicates.
12:00 - I think so.
12:02 [MUSIC]
12:12 - I'm very pleased with my word.
12:14 - I've got very
12:16 basic.
12:18 - That's great.
12:20 Thanks, Sullivan.
12:22 - It's not gonna
12:24 help. - It's not gonna help. - Guys, come on.
12:26 - I think it's... - Come on. - Everyone got a word?
12:28 - Come on, guys. - Let's reveal them.
12:30 - Oh! - No!
12:32 - Incredible word choice.
12:34 - Great word choice. - Surely. - Yeah.
12:36 - Surely. - Yeah, surely from these three.
12:38 - Okay. - You'd have to be a
12:40 baby little idiot.
12:42 - You'd have to be a real dummy.
12:44 - A real dum-dum baby.
12:46 - Little dummykins over there.
12:48 - No pressure then. - A little baby
12:50 piece of shit.
12:52 - Can I open my eyes? - You can't get it from these three.
12:54 - Worst player in just one history.
12:56 - Okay.
12:58 - Defence, Roman,
13:00 hounds.
13:02 - Sure, yeah.
13:06 The shield. - Yes!
13:08 - I was like, Roman and hounds, I was like,
13:10 the shield.
13:12 - I guess that works. I guess that's part of it.
13:14 - It took me a couple of takes, but I was like, defence.
13:16 - Oh! - I was just
13:18 hoping that everyone would help me out with this.
13:20 - And you weren't a little dummy baby. - I wasn't a little dummy baby!
13:22 - Well done. - That's great.
13:24 - I don't like being a little dummy baby,
13:26 so this is good. - I don't want to be on this side.
13:28 Can I just keep writing words down?
13:30 - Unfortunately not. - So much nicer.
13:32 - Me neither. - Sierra. - Yeah, we both put
13:34 Sierra for that one. - Oh, that's very good.
13:36 - Oh, sorry, for the other pile.
13:38 - Right way up.
13:40 - Other way. - Other way round.
13:42 - We'll get this at one of the season of the New York games.
13:44 - That's the point. - Don't put that
13:46 pressure on me.
13:48 - A number, please. One to five.
13:50 - Two. - Two.
13:52 - Ooh, okay. - Ooh, is that the
13:54 hard one? I can change it. - No, no, no.
13:56 - Can I? - No.
13:58 Unfortunately not, but it'll
14:00 be fine. It'll be fine.
14:02 - I nearly wrote down a very silly word.
14:04 And that would have been very bad.
14:06 - Um... - I don't know if I've
14:08 spelled that right, but I don't care.
14:10 - I've gone with this, and
14:12 hopefully it's not the only word.
14:14 - I think...
14:16 - That'd be bad, probably. - That'd be real bad.
14:18 - From your tone. - Does everybody
14:20 have a word? - Mm-hmm.
14:22 - Please keep your eyes closed, Nina.
14:24 Let's have a look.
14:26 - Oh, no, Pete. - Oh, no!
14:28 - Oh, Pete, you know what?
14:30 - Two absolute... - Okay.
14:32 - Okay. - It's still doable.
14:34 - I'm Manny Madoncho. - You've got
14:36 three words. - Okay.
14:38 - Got your words on display, everybody?
14:40 - Yep. - You may open your eyes.
14:42 - We've got
14:44 fireworks, ballyhoo,
14:46 and kaboom.
14:50 - Pyro? - Yay!
14:52 - Yay!
14:54 - Laurie and I had written
14:56 explosions. - Oh, okay.
14:58 - I think this is a funny word.
15:00 - Ballyhoo.
15:02 - A little bit of pyro
15:04 and ballyhoo. - I initially wrote
15:06 down, I was like, "Okay, let's think about
15:08 explosions." And I was like,
15:10 "Pyrotechnics." Wait, no. That's the word.
15:12 That's literally the first
15:14 in the game. - You sure it was hedgehog?
15:16 - Yeah, hedgehog, yeah. - Pyromania
15:18 was the first thing that came to mind. I was like, "You can't write mania."
15:20 - Can't write that. - Not in a wrestling one.
15:22 - No. - Pyromancer.
15:24 - Tempest. - If it were me,
15:26 you could have written, like, alligos
15:28 or something like that.
15:30 That's real nerd shit right there.
15:32 - See, I just think, "Oh,
15:34 the football manager's Sam Allardyce." - Yeah, Sam
15:36 Allardyce. - Sam Allardyce, big Sam.
15:38 - He's the expert. - Did he explode?
15:40 - He's called Pyro. - Sure.
15:42 - He also loves long-ball football.
15:44 - Oh, yeah.
15:46 - You got yours correct. The winner's pile.
15:48 - Yes, I did.
15:50 - Hey, he's got it.
15:52 Tempest wins. Thank you for
15:54 watching us on this episode of Just One. Okay, let's go.
15:56 Number, please. - I'm going
15:58 to say number
16:00 five.
16:02 - Five. - Ooh.
16:04 - All right.
16:06 - Oh, no.
16:08 - No, don't.
16:10 No.
16:12 - So easy.
16:14 - Oh,
16:16 I was just doing that.
16:18 - That's just so simple.
16:20 - Everybody got a word.
16:22 - Tempest, keep your
16:24 eyes closed, please. - Eyes are closed. - Let's go.
16:26 - Ooh.
16:28 - I nearly
16:30 went with that. - Yeah, I nearly put that as well.
16:32 - And I nearly put what you guys put, so I'm glad
16:34 that, okay, that's really good.
16:36 - Okay, let's rub those words out.
16:38 - I didn't think about how long this word was
16:40 when I put it.
16:42 - It really trails off.
16:44 - It's hilarious. - It's one of those games where you can
16:46 tell someone at a show has made a sign
16:48 and then it's like, "Big letter, big letter,
16:50 smaller, smaller, smaller, smaller, smaller."
16:52 - We're not doing it again. - That is me.
16:54 - So we have our words. Tempest,
16:56 please open your eyes.
16:58 - Bank,
17:00 intercontinental, climb.
17:10 - Just ladder?
17:12 - Yeah!
17:14 - Very good.
17:16 - We also had rung.
17:18 - Rung was taken. - Oh, that's quite good.
17:20 - I was gonna put that, but then I was thinking
17:22 ringing of a bell might be confused.
17:24 - Mm.
17:26 - And also the fact that both me and Michael
17:28 had also put it. - You'd also put it.
17:30 - We'd have left it both bank and intercontinental.
17:32 - It would have been
17:34 quite difficult. - Yeah.
17:36 - 'Cause I very nearly wrote climb, 'cause then it would have just been
17:38 "I nearly wrote climb."
17:40 - Welcome to the intercontinental bank.
17:42 - Wait, have you had a game where there's been no words?
17:44 - Never no words.
17:46 - No, never none. - But, I mean, it is feasible.
17:48 - Let's see if we can do it now. - Let's do it now!
17:50 - But if you get it,
17:52 what a sweet victory.
17:54 - Shout the words.
17:56 - Oh, that'd be fantastic.
17:58 Right, it's not that way, it's this way.
18:00 - Correct! - Yeah! - Well done.
18:02 - This guy, he knows
18:04 his way around upside downs.
18:06 - Pick a number, please. - Alright, we're gonna go for
18:08 number
18:10 two. - Number two.
18:12 - Ooh, okay.
18:14 - Oh, I had a really silly one.
18:16 - Instead of closing my eyes this time,
18:18 audience, I'm going to look you directly
18:20 in the eye. Tell me your
18:22 top five secrets, starting now.
18:24 Oh.
18:26 Oh, dear.
18:28 That's wrong. Sexy.
18:30 And very nice.
18:34 - Don't you sound like, you sound
18:36 like the voice from Look Around You.
18:38 The spoof of, like, the educational videos.
18:40 - Yeah, it's the Peter Serif-Benowitz. - Look around you.
18:42 Look around you.
18:44 - Yes, I do remember that. - That's the voice you do.
18:46 - Oh, I fucking love Peter Serif-Benowitz.
18:50 His Michael Caine stuff is fantastic.
18:52 - What about your Michael Caine? - Oh, my
18:54 Michael Caine is very good. Actually,
18:56 we should respect the actor.
18:58 He just retired.
19:00 He just retired from acting in the
19:02 movies. It's very funny.
19:04 - Short of breath?
19:06 - Oh, yeah.
19:08 He smoked a lot of cigars.
19:10 He smoked a lot of cigars.
19:12 And drank a lot of brandy.
19:14 And in the Batman movies,
19:16 he says this.
19:18 - He's generally sped up a lot on this scene.
19:20 He's in double speed
19:22 and everyone else is... - Does everybody have a word?
19:24 - I have a word. - Yes. - Close your eyes,
19:26 please. Everyone, please reveal.
19:28 - God damn it, Michael.
19:30 - There we go.
19:32 - We might be okay.
19:34 - Oh, no. No.
19:36 - It makes sense.
19:38 - Oh, yeah.
19:40 - I thought that was gone. I was like, "Those two?"
19:42 - All right.
19:44 - I'm really
19:46 trying not to get duplicated here.
19:48 - You can't just say any word.
19:50 - That is a thing.
19:52 - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
19:54 - Whatever gets you to the word.
19:56 - We'll explain later. - I wouldn't get that.
19:58 - All right.
20:00 Sullivan, please open your eyes. - Here we are.
20:02 Your words are Darby.
20:04 - Wasp.
20:06 - And crow.
20:08 - Okay.
20:10 Wasp is rogue.
20:12 I'm gonna go for stink.
20:14 - Yay! - What's a wasp do?
20:16 - Oh!
20:18 - That's fucking good.
20:20 - There are other things
20:22 than wrestling, man.
20:24 Not everything is wrestling. Jesus.
20:26 - Well done. That was very good.
20:28 I like stink.
20:30 - You just don't remember his famous match
20:32 against the wasp.
20:34 - Against that giant wasp.
20:36 - This way? - Yes.
20:38 - I'm the cryptic clue section.
20:40 - I'm gonna go for
20:42 number five.
20:44 - Number five.
20:46 - Ooh.
20:48 - Sounds gettable.
20:50 - Right.
20:52 - This is highly
20:54 interesting. - I have silly clues
20:56 for this one.
20:58 I don't think I should do them.
21:00 - There's only one word.
21:02 - That's the game.
21:04 - That word can't be that word either.
21:06 It makes it much harder.
21:08 That's my winning tactic.
21:10 Just write that word.
21:12 Or I'll just
21:14 have a look at that if you want.
21:16 - I'll just have a quick look.
21:18 - I got mine. - Let's do it.
21:20 - Close mine.
21:22 - Ready?
21:24 - No.
21:26 - I've been like this.
21:28 - While Pete's still writing, tell me five
21:30 - I'm done!
21:32 - I think we're going. - Do hurry up.
21:34 - I'm done. Does everybody have a word?
21:36 - Yes. - Laurie, please close your eyes.
21:38 - I've been ready. - Let's reveal
21:40 the word, please.
21:42 - Do it after.
21:44 [Laughter]
21:46 - Okay. - This is going to be interesting.
21:50 - Yep.
21:52 - Alright, let's put these words down.
21:54 - They're all here.
21:56 - Laurie, please open your eyes.
21:58 - I don't get this one either. - We'll figure it out.
22:00 - Okay, I get it.
22:02 - Orleans.
22:04 - Theatre.
22:06 - Woman. - Music.
22:08 - Bitch.
22:10 - Yep.
22:12 [Laughter]
22:14 - None of this is saying anything.
22:16 - It's pretty easy, Laurie.
22:18 - Yeah.
22:20 - Just say them all together really fast.
22:22 - Bitch, music, woman!
22:24 - Theodore Orleans.
22:26 - Theodore Orleans, you bitch, music, woman.
22:28 - Yeah, I think it's fair
22:30 that you're having trouble with this one.
22:32 - Yeah, this one's tricky.
22:34 - Slightly, yeah.
22:36 - Oh my God.
22:38 [Laughter]
22:40 - I don't get it.
22:42 - I don't. - I... no.
22:44 - I don't...
22:46 - Wrestling.
22:48 - Thank you.
22:50 - Objectively against the rules.
22:52 - That's too far.
22:54 - That's too far.
22:56 - That's not part of this.
22:58 - Uh, Brie Bella.
23:00 - You know what, it's...
23:02 - Are you calling Brie Bella a bitch?
23:04 - I was thinking of people who might have said bitch.
23:06 - Are you calling her music?
23:08 - I think I got hung up on the music
23:10 and I was like, who's got really bad music?
23:12 - Oh yeah.
23:14 - Brie Mode?
23:16 - It's the worst thing I've ever heard.
23:18 - No!
23:20 I will not take this slander.
23:22 - It's not good.
23:24 - That is a bop.
23:26 Brie Mode is a bop.
23:28 - The world was jazz.
23:30 I went for the home of jazz, New Orleans.
23:32 Not Orléans, the original French city,
23:34 but I couldn't have done it in New Orleans.
23:36 - Hung up on the word new.
23:38 - That's fair.
23:40 - Thea Darlene was her manager.
23:42 - I said women because I figured
23:44 most people would say something to do with music.
23:46 Someone to give you a bit of a...
23:48 - It's jazz as music.
23:50 - Music, yeah.
23:52 - She did the original, like,
23:54 Grand Slam, and she called it the bitch clapper.
23:56 - Oh.
23:58 - There you go.
24:00 - She's a bitch.
24:02 - Jazz is at home watching this going,
24:04 "What the fuck did I do?"
24:06 - I was desperately trying to get
24:08 a B-movie reference in there,
24:10 but I just couldn't manage it.
24:12 - Like jazz.
24:14 - Michael, please.
24:16 A card.
24:18 - I knew you'd show it.
24:20 - Don't do that.
24:22 - Is this the right way up?
24:24 - I'm gonna say number...
24:26 - Number three.
24:28 Okay.
24:32 - Hmm.
24:34 - Have I gone mad?
24:44 Maybe.
24:46 This clue. Perhaps.
24:48 - No, Sullivan.
24:50 - Does everyone have a word?
24:52 - I have a word.
24:54 - Michael, please keep your eyes closed.
24:56 Everyone, let's show each other our words.
24:58 - Oh, no.
25:00 - For God's sake, Laurie! No!
25:02 - Do you see my logic?
25:04 - Oh, I...
25:06 - Oh, yeah. Okay.
25:08 - It's loose.
25:10 - I don't remember.
25:12 - This is a good combo.
25:14 - There's enough there, I still think.
25:16 - Mind you, we gave Michael
25:18 excellence the last time.
25:20 - It's true.
25:22 - No, they were excellent.
25:24 - Sometimes things are just around.
25:26 - Please open your eyes.
25:28 - Oh, there's a god, right?
25:30 - No, there's two of them.
25:32 - Oh, oh, oh.
25:34 - Total search of Mariah.
25:36 - Yeah!
25:38 - There we go.
25:40 - Stick it in there.
25:42 - I think she called herself a diva, Mariah Carey.
25:44 And so I thought, you know what?
25:46 - Not any of those wrestlers that call themselves divas.
25:48 - Don't wanna touch them with a barge pole.
25:50 Mariah Carey is where it's at.
25:52 The range on the woman.
25:54 - Is this the right way up?
25:56 - No.
25:58 - Let's go with number one.
26:00 - Okay, well.
26:04 - Mmm.
26:06 - This is gonna be two.
26:08 - I know this one's gonna be
26:10 taken too. - Well, don't write it then!
26:12 - But I want to. - Okay.
26:14 - I have a belief it will help you.
26:16 - Ooh, ooh. - With the combination.
26:18 - But what about Clever Sullivan?
26:20 - How about him?
26:22 - Since when?
26:24 - We can't bring him here, Sullivan.
26:26 Not Clever Sullivan. - No, let's ask him.
26:28 - We can't ask him.
26:30 We can't let him in.
26:32 - After last time.
26:34 - I thought, Sullivan, that you were just gonna write down
26:36 Clever Sullivan as your clue.
26:38 - Okay, I think we've all got one.
26:40 - Yep.
26:42 Three, two, one.
26:44 - Oh!
26:46 - It's the first one ever!
26:48 - We've got no clues here.
26:50 - What?
26:52 - All out!
26:54 - Go on, Pete!
26:56 - Has everyone wiped their clues off?
26:58 - Everyone's wiped their clues off.
27:00 - Well, everyone's happy to guess.
27:02 - I think it's time for him to guess. If he doesn't get it, he's a big old baby.
27:04 - Oh, here we go!
27:06 - Come on, dummy kids!
27:08 - Come on, mate!
27:10 - It's pretty obvious when you have a think about it.
27:12 - What if I got it, though?
27:14 - If you do, you win
27:16 £100.
27:18 - Let's go with...
27:20 - Should I go for, like, a wrestler?
27:22 - Should I go for, like, a weapon?
27:24 - Should I go for...
27:26 - Whatever wrestling things are there.
27:28 - Ape abuse!
27:30 - There's no organic hair.
27:32 - A little bit of muscle.
27:34 - A little bit of chest, a little bit of belly.
27:36 - What haven't we had yet?
27:38 - We've had wrestlers, we've had weapons.
27:40 - We've had apes.
27:42 - Look at all these cogs turning.
27:44 - Useless cogs!
27:46 - We're just spitting out nothing.
27:48 - What have we not had?
27:50 - Just a hair in there.
27:52 - I haven't had... I haven't had hands.
27:54 - How is he not doing anything with this?
27:56 - I'm just gonna...
27:58 - I'm gonna go with...
28:00 - You know what I thought about putting that down?
28:02 - Yeah?
28:04 - Well, when you put that, though,
28:06 Michael had put what he put, so that
28:08 counts for Alan, obviously.
28:10 I put the same thing as Nina and Sullivan.
28:12 - Yeah.
28:14 - Because we're all geniuses.
28:16 - Clever Sullivan.
28:18 - There are more obvious things we could have all put.
28:20 - Yeah.
28:22 - Totally. My initial word would have been fine.
28:24 - I was so scared of the initial word.
28:26 - Yeah, and which we all know is...
28:28 - Yeah.
28:30 - Yeah.
28:32 - On the tip of your tongue, Peter.
28:34 - Yeah, clearly.
28:36 - I'm going to go for John Cena.
28:38 - Ooh.
28:40 - You can't see him, because he's not on the card.
28:42 - Okay.
28:44 - I can't believe you didn't get it, Pete.
28:46 - I was honestly...
28:48 - Useless.
28:50 - We had three uncooked.
28:52 - Uncooked? Okay, yeah.
28:54 - Two red.
28:56 - Red?
28:58 - No one put Monday.
29:00 - Monday!
29:02 - I nearly put Monday, and I was like,
29:04 "Nah, I'm gonna be cool."
29:06 - Or just write "war."
29:08 - I was gonna put night.
29:10 - Yeah, would have worked.
29:12 - That's ludicrous.
29:14 - Am I the right way up?
29:16 - You are!
29:18 - Fantastic.
29:20 - Okay.
29:22 - Okay.
29:24 - Hmm.
29:26 - Whoa.
29:28 - I have a staring contest with this camera.
29:30 - No impressions to give.
29:40 - Hmm.
29:42 - I'll go with this.
29:44 - Hmm.
29:46 - Hmm.
29:48 - I apologise hugely for this one,
29:50 because I'm heavily reliant on this.
29:52 - I can't continue my staring contest,
29:54 because I'm gonna be able to see in the peripherals,
29:56 so the camera's gonna have to win.
29:58 - Turn the camera off, Ben.
30:00 [Laughter]
30:02 - Okay, I'm shutting my eyes.
30:04 - Okay, does anyone have a word?
30:06 - Yep.
30:08 - Every time!
30:10 - Oh my God!
30:12 - Every time I put a word, someone else has written it!
30:14 - Have I got any words left?
30:16 - Yeah, you've still got three.
30:18 - It's possible.
30:20 - It is possible.
30:22 - You didn't say it's possible, you went "it's possible!"
30:24 - It's definitely possible. All three of them link together.
30:26 - Go for it.
30:28 - Here we go. Here's your thing.
30:30 - Bailey, Brooklyn and show.
30:32 - Bailey, Brooklyn, show.
30:34 [Music]
30:36 [Music]
30:38 [Music]
30:40 - I know what the match is.
30:42 [Music]
30:44 - Is it just Takeover?
30:46 - Yeah!
30:48 - Beautifully done.
30:50 - We end on a big win. Amazing.
30:52 - Very well done. That goes in the winner's pile.
30:54 - Laurie and I both wrote Johnny.
30:56 - Johnny Takeover.
30:58 - Johnny Wrestling.
31:00 - Which means total, after that, we got,
31:02 well, we got,
31:04 one, two, three, four, five,
31:06 six, seven, eight!
31:08 - That's not bad!
31:10 - That's not bad.
31:12 - It could have been nine. What the fuck's wrong with you?
31:14 - I can't believe you didn't go raw.
31:16 - I just, I don't know what came over me.
31:18 Sorry, everybody.
31:20 That is going to do it for this episode of No Holds Bored.
31:22 Thank you so much for watching.
31:24 Thank you to all of my special guests. Thank you, Nina and Mike, for joining us.
31:26 It was lovely having you for this show.
31:28 It's amazing. Hopefully we'll get you back in the future.
31:30 If it's your first time here, consider subscribing to the channel
31:32 and liking the video, and join us next week
31:34 for another episode of No Holds Bored!
31:36 Thank you so much. Jam that jam!
31:38 - Jam that jam!
31:40 - Banzai!
31:42 - Oh, yeah! Okay.
31:44 Jail.
31:46 Jail.
31:48 Um... Jail?
31:50 - Jail. - Oh, God!
31:52 - Vince McMahon goes to prison. - No!
31:54 What's his name?
