Me and My Shadow (Winnie the Pooh)

  • last year


00:00 ( birds chirping )
00:02 ( music playing )
00:05 ( yawns )
00:14 What a nice day.
00:16 Too bad there's no one to play with.
00:19 Oh, dear.
00:23 Either this tree doesn't like me,
00:25 or the sky's falling.
00:27 Oh, hello, Pooh.
00:28 Would you like to come down and play with me?
00:31 I'd like to, Biglet.
00:33 Only I'm rather... busy at the moment.
00:37 Gathering honey, you know.
00:40 Pooh.
00:41 But, Pooh, there's no beehive in that tree.
00:44 That's why I've disguised myself as the sun.
00:48 To trick the bees into building their beehive
00:51 in a nice, warm spot.
00:54 Oh, bother.
00:58 Oh, maybe I can help.
01:00 I'll dress as a sun and join you.
01:03 Actually, I don't think that would be a very good idea, Biglet.
01:08 If the bees see two suns,
01:11 they might get suspicious.
01:13 I understand.
01:15 ( giggles )
01:18 Hello, Tigger. Would you like to play with me?
01:21 No time, Biglet. I got a lot of bouncing to do.
01:24 ( giggles )
01:25 But I can bounce with you.
01:26 Sorry, or I'm bouncing.
01:28 No Tigger has bounced before.
01:30 And that includes Biglet.
01:32 ( screams )
01:34 I understand.
01:38 Hello, Rabbit Eeyore. Would you like to play with me?
01:44 No, not now, Biglet.
01:45 Can't you see we're finishing Eeyore's house?
01:48 Not much of a house.
01:50 Just right for not much of a donkey.
01:53 Oh, perhaps I can help.
01:55 ( music playing )
01:57 Shoulda known.
02:00 Oh, I'm sorry, Eeyore.
02:02 Oh, now look what you've done.
02:04 Why don't you find someone else to play with?
02:07 Anyone else.
02:09 But there isn't anyone else.
02:11 ( music playing )
02:22 Why does everyone ignore a very small animal?
02:26 If only I could find a very small friend to play with.
02:30 Oh. ( laughs )
02:31 Maybe I can play with my shadow.
02:34 Tweet, tweet.
02:36 ( whimpers )
02:37 Woof, woof. ( laughs )
02:39 ( screams )
02:41 ( squeaks )
02:42 Oh, dear.
02:45 Maybe we should play something a little less scary.
02:48 Okay? Okay.
02:51 How about a game of catch?
02:54 Here it comes. ( laughs )
02:56 Good. Here comes another one.
02:59 Oh, catch it. Catch this one.
03:03 ( laughs )
03:04 ( grunts )
03:05 ( screams )
03:08 Oh, my. You're very good at playing ball.
03:10 You're the friendliest friend I ever had.
03:13 I bet you'd never ignore me like all my other friends.
03:17 Oh, my. Oh, dear.
03:20 Piglet's invented a make-believe playmate.
03:23 And he's talking to it.
03:25 All our fault. Shouldn't have ignored him.
03:29 Next he'll invent more and more of them.
03:32 Oh, I hope not.
03:34 I can hardly remember all my real friends
03:36 without make-believe ones, too.
03:39 I've got it.
03:41 A make-believe friend?
03:43 No, no, no, no, no.
03:44 An idea how we can show Piglet how much we care for him.
03:48 Oh, that's a wonderful idea, Robert.
03:52 By the way, what is the idea?
03:54 No time to explain now.
03:56 We have work to do.
03:58 ( knocking )
04:00 Piglet, dear friend, would you like to come out and play?
04:07 Oh, no, thank you, Robert.
04:09 I'm busy playing catch with my shadow.
04:11 He's making friends with shadows?
04:14 Oh, the poor little guy.
04:18 If there's one thing Piglet can't resist,
04:22 it's fireflies.
04:24 Yeah.
04:26 We're going to catch more fireflies.
04:30 Wouldn't you like to come along?
04:32 You think I could have my very own net?
04:35 Why, certainly, friend.
04:38 I can hardly wait.
04:41 ( door opens )
04:43 ( door closes )
04:45 Shadow, I'm home.
04:48 Come on out and meet my friends.
04:51 Shadow, where are you?
04:54 Oh, dear, it's a note from my shadow.
04:59 I hurt his feelings.
05:01 He's run away.
05:03 Now the poor little fellow's leaving himself make-believe notes.
05:06 But it's true.
05:08 My shadow is gone.
05:10 Look.
05:12 ( gasps )
05:17 Why, he's right.
05:19 Oh, how could I have treated my very own shadow so badly?
05:23 Oh, poor Piglet.
05:26 Fear not, pig of an old pal.
05:28 Finding lost shadows is what tiggers do best.
05:31 Ah-ha! The perfect shadow hideout.
05:34 ( shouts )
05:39 Oh, my. Are you my shadow?
05:41 ( shouts )
05:43 I suppose not.
05:49 Oh, Shadow, are you in there?
05:53 With all the shadows in there,
05:55 Piglet's is probably somewhere less crowded.
05:58 I know I'd be if I were a shadow,
06:02 which I'm not, being a donkey.
06:06 Oh, Shadow, you've come home.
06:09 Oh, dear, you're not my shadow.
06:14 No, Piglet, it's mine.
06:17 I thought you might borrow it until yours returns.
06:21 It's all right, Shadow.
06:23 He's a friend of mine.
06:25 ( laughs )
06:33 ( music playing )
06:36 Oh, thank you, Pooh.
06:40 But somehow it's sort of, um, sort of...
06:44 I know. Rather Pooh-ish.
06:48 Step aside, step aside.
06:50 Why, you's an old Pooh shadow, Piglet.
06:52 Here, have mine. It's bouncier.
06:55 Oh, dear, it is bouncy.
07:00 Yeah, take that to yours truly.
07:03 Wait a minute. Where are you going?
07:08 Hey, come back. It's running away.
07:12 Quick, after it.
07:14 This is all my fault.
07:25 If only I hadn't ignored my shadow.
07:29 Shadow? Is that you?
07:32 ( singing )
07:39 ( giggles )
07:51 I must be brave. I must be brave.
07:54 I must be brave.
07:58 Oh, there you are.
08:01 Oh, there you're not.
08:04 Oh, d-d-d-dear, I wonder where I am.
08:10 Perhaps I... no, I'm not there.
08:13 Then I must be, uh, I must be, uh...
08:16 No, I'm not there either.
08:18 Oh, what was that?
08:20 Oh, it's you. Oh, please come home with me, Shadow.
08:24 I know I treated you badly.
08:27 And you have every right to be angry with me.
08:30 But I am very sorry.
08:33 And I promise I'll never, never...
08:37 Yipes!
08:39 What to do? What to do?
08:47 Oh. Psst. Shadow.
08:55 Oh, not Tweet Tweet.
08:57 Not Wolf Wolf.
09:01 ( growling )
09:04 Oh, Shadow, you're back.
09:07 I'll never make you do scary hand shadows again.
09:10 ( laughing )
09:13 I'll save you, Shadow.
09:18 Yipe!
09:20 You stay back or I'll, uh...
09:23 ( sighs )
09:25 I guess I got rid of them, huh, Shadow?
09:28 Shadow?
09:30 Oh, dear. I guess I got rid of you, too.
09:34 Oh, I'll probably never see him again.
09:38 And it's all my fault.
09:41 If only I had my shadow back, why, we'd be inseparable.
09:49 Like peanut butter and jelly.
09:51 Only less sticky.
09:53 That is, if you'd ever forgive me.
09:55 Shadow?
09:57 Oh, Shadow, you've come home.
10:00 Haven't you?
10:02 ( laughs )
10:04 ( yawns )
10:08 I guess I'm kind of tired, too.
10:11 Good night, Shadow.
10:13 You've made me the happiest piglet in the world.
10:19 ( music playing )
10:22 ( music playing )
10:25 ( sighs )
10:27 [Music]
