No Rabbit's A Fortress (Part 1)

  • last year


00:00 [music]
00:12 Dagnabbit! Shouldn't be hittin' bedrock yet. Hold everything!
00:18 [music]
00:20 That's it! I missed my turn off. No time to lollygag. Got places to be and tunnels to dig.
00:32 Hm. Knew I should have brought along the big pick.
00:36 [music]
00:38 [thunder]
00:40 [music]
00:49 There. This should keep everyone from trampling my garden every day. If it isn't one thing, it's another.
00:56 Hm. Robert, I came to return the honey jars I borrowed for breakfast.
01:01 How could you? You're in my garden.
01:05 We are?
01:06 The signs say, "Keep out," among other things. Can't you read them?
01:12 Oh, I can read them, Robert. I just can't see them.
01:16 Whoa! Piglet, look what you've done!
01:22 [music]
01:26 A young, vibrant carrot mushed before its prime.
01:31 And all because you and Pooh have no regard for my garden.
01:35 [thud]
01:37 Tigger! No, no, no!
01:39 [music]
01:43 My garden's ruined!
01:45 Nah, I just gave it that bounced-in look.
01:49 [music]
01:55 What now? I'll teach you to dig up my vegetables.
02:01 Oh, my. Who turned out the lights? Where's my garden?
02:06 Hm. Ah, so that's why there are all those roots in my way.
02:12 Well, it's gonna have to go. You don't mind if I clear a way out of the deadwood, do you, Robert?
02:19 Do what you want, Gopher, just stay out of my garden.
02:22 Coming through! Everybody, stand clear!
02:26 Stand clear of what, Gopher?
02:28 The big ker-pow-ee. That's what.
02:31 Ker-pow-ee? Oh, my. I don't like the sound of that.
02:35 Maybe you'd better hold your ears, Piglet. Like this.
02:39 Here we go. Just push this new hickey down and...
02:42 Uh-oh.
02:44 [thunder]
02:49 Did somebody say something?
02:51 Keep out.
02:53 Well, that takes care of that. Back to my digging.
02:58 My garden! It's gone! Gone!
03:01 Oh, cheer up, floppy ears. It's not gone.
03:05 It's just been, uh, uh, tossed. Got any tarzan island dressing?
03:10 This is your fault. All of yours.
03:13 First Pooh and Piglet, then Tigger, now this.
03:17 Why do you always ruin my garden?
03:20 It never did anything to any of you.
03:22 From now on, I'm a rabbit unto myself.
03:26 Hm. Hm. Is it just me, or does something seem to be bothering Friend Rabbit?
03:32 You know, I haven't given Fuzz Bottom a good bouncing in days.
03:37 I feel a empty spot in my life.
03:40 I know what you mean, Tigger.
03:42 I usually feel that same empty spot, uh, just before dinner.
03:46 [giggles]
03:49 I can't quite put my finger on it,
03:52 but I believe Rabbit's garden is somehow... different.
03:56 Hm. This calls for some serious investigating.
04:00 Perhaps we should come back later when the garden's... friendlier?
04:05 No. Just follow me. I'll lead you around them booby traps.
04:09 Tigger's an expert on trapping boobies, you know.
04:12 Oh, don't worry. You can ride on my shoulders, Piglet.
04:15 You'll be safe up here.
04:17 Hm. I better get this out of the way before somebody trips over it.
04:22 Uh, Tigger?
04:25 [whimpers]
04:27 Piglet?
04:29 Well, that takes care of that.
04:32 Excuse me, Tigger, but--
04:34 Not now, Pooh Bear. We got traps to un-boobify.
04:37 Oof! I don't think you guys had better step on this thing.
04:44 It might be dangerous.
04:47 Quiet, fellas. It's Long Ears.
04:50 I'm coming for you, buddy boy.
04:53 Ooh! Wait a minute. This isn't Rabbit.
04:56 I've been boobied.
04:58 [laughs]
05:01 Surprised you, didn't I?
05:04 So, how do you like it, hm?
05:07 How do I like it?
05:09 Well, it's the most wonderfulest one I've ever seen.
05:12 What is it?
05:14 It's, um, certainly big.
05:17 It's my fortress.
05:19 From now on, no one will be able to bother me or my garden again.
05:25 [laughs]
05:27 The whole point of this fortress is to keep you out.
05:31 From now on, no matter what you think, no matter what you hear,
05:35 no matter what happens,
05:37 you and you, and especially you,
05:41 are to stay away forever.
05:43 But who will come and borrow honey from you?
05:46 No one! And that means you.
05:49 Oh, my tummy would be awfully sorry to hear that.
05:53 Come on, guys. Something tells me we're not wanted.
05:57 [sighs]
05:59 Come along, Piglet.
06:01 [muttering]
06:03 You took the words right out of my mouth, Piglet, old pal.
06:08 Now, for a little peace and quiet and gardening.
06:13 Hmm. Where did I leave my shovel?
06:16 Oh, yes. It's right outside the door.
06:19 [laughs]
06:21 I forgot to make a door.
06:23 I can't get out. I'm trapped.
06:25 Toad, do you hear?
06:27 Wait. Pooh, Tigger, please come back.
06:33 Oh, no, you don't. You told us not to come back.
06:36 You can booby up Tigger once, but you can't make him drink.
06:40 [muttering]
06:42 Yeah. You tell him, kiddo.
06:44 I think Robert is testing us to see how good of friends we are.
06:49 We should go before we hurt his feelings.
06:52 Oh, no. They're leaving.
06:54 [sniffs]
06:56 I'll starve.
06:58 Starve?
07:00 Oh, Pooh, how about a little smackle of honey?
07:05 Honey?
07:07 No, Pooh. He's just trying to trick us.
07:10 Mm. That honey does taste tasty.
07:14 Bunny Boy's counting on us.
07:16 We can't go back, no matter what.
07:19 Oh, my. Where's Tigger when you need a good bounce?
07:25 Did he say bounce?
07:27 [laughs]
07:29 No, no. Farther back. A little farther.
07:35 That should do it.
07:37 Don't worry, Bunny Boy.
07:39 We'll bust you out if it's the last thing you do.
07:44 Oh, dear.
07:46 [laughing]
07:51 Oh, my.
07:59 Hey, how come we do all the work and Bunny Boy gets to do all the bouncing?
08:04 Go on. Pull. Pull. Pull.
08:08 I'm afraid there may not be any pull left in me.
08:12 Maybe if we got a better grip.
08:15 [screaming]
08:17 Sure hope he's got a round-trip ticket.
08:22 [screaming]
08:24 Tigger, there's no possible way you can get me through that little hole.
08:32 I'm just too big.
08:34 Oh, Rabbit, if it's a small matter of Tigger-numatory,
08:38 we'll have you vacuumed free before you can say...
08:42 Oh, dear.
08:50 We did it.
08:52 Sure was simple.
08:54 I hope Rabbit's all right.
08:56 Genius. Pure genius.
08:59 Rabbit, what are you doing in there when you should be in there?
09:05 I told you I was too big to fit through the hole.
09:08 Yeah, maybe. But what happened to your garden?
09:11 [screaming]