Floral Innovations on Display at Taiwan Exhibition as Industry Recovers

  • last year
An impressive range of flowers is on display at Taiwan’s flower variety promotion fair.


00:00 Back in full bloom, after weathering pandemic pains.
00:04 There are over 1,500 types of flowers on display here at the Nangang Exhibition Centre,
00:09 and they're every colour of the rainbow.
00:11 Every year new breeds are debuted here.
00:14 Botanists are constantly developing and innovating to create special hybrids,
00:18 like this flower that can stand high temperatures and grow in summer.
00:22 From March, April and July, we can produce this type of flower.
00:26 And this type of flower doesn't fade in summer.
00:30 Older varieties can't be perfected in summer.
00:35 The exhibition is an important event for botanists,
00:38 who use it to share information learned throughout the year.
00:41 It's a tight-knit industry that took a major hit during the pandemic,
00:45 as the cancellation of social activities meant there was no demand for flowers,
00:50 causing prices to fall.
00:52 But the Agriculture Ministry encouraged plant nurseries to build new relationships
00:56 with supermarkets and e-commerce platforms to keep the industry from wiltering.
01:00 Breeding flowers is not a cheap or easy task,
01:15 but events like this provide a space for inspiration and exchange,
01:20 so the floral industry can continue to blossom.
01:23 Klein Wang and Rosie Greninja for Taiwan Plus.
