Incident at Crestridge | movie | 1981 | Official Trailer

  • last year
A woman campaigns for and wins election as sheriff in a crusade against the ineptitude and outright corruption of the lo | dG1felVYNXJ1bmxnMnM
00:00 Oh my God.
00:02 Our girls were almost killed. One of them saw three guys shoot up the place.
00:05 We're girls, McLaren. We're not a bunch of hookers who cares what they think they saw.
00:10 Excuse me, I saw it too. That pickup truck nearly ran us off the road.
00:14 The Sheriff's Department doesn't do much of anything. They just look the other way.
00:20 We must get someone over here. Danke and Lloyd are pushing some folks around.
00:25 That man was ripped off his chain.
00:27 That's a little misunderstanding.
00:30 People in this town are so frustrated. They just don't think anything can be done.
00:33 I think I can change that.
00:35 It seems to me that we know who's breaking the law. We have to find somebody to enforce it.
00:39 That department is filled with rednecks and that's the mentality of most of the people in this town.
00:43 Sounds like an old western doesn't it? Why doesn't anybody ever fight back?
00:46 Besides, I'd be better than what they have in there now.
00:48 Besides all the duties of the Office of Sheriff, I want to make it plain that unlike most people who run for office,
00:55 I intend to live up to my campaign promise.
00:58 You won't last ten minutes unless you're willing to squirm under the thumb of Mayor David Hill.
01:02 I've heard about the crooked politicians but I've never met one.
01:05 Well, welcome to Crestridge.
01:08 Ladies and gentlemen, the new Sheriff of the township of Crestridge, Mrs. Sarah Davis.
01:13 You okay?
01:17 I'm sorry, I got splinted.
01:22 You really think you're going to lock us up?
01:25 Things have changed.
01:27 What if the people don't vote our way?
01:29 Don't worry, the voting machines will. There's no way she can win that election.
01:33 Your wife's carrying her job a little too far.
01:36 If I controlled her if I were you, for your own good, it hurts.
01:40 You're not going to be happy about anything I do.
01:42 Why Sheriff?
01:43 Because it's something important.
01:45 [♪♪♪]
01:48 [gunshots]
01:53 Wasn't terrible, huh?
01:55 [laughing]
01:58 [♪♪♪]
02:01 [♪♪♪]
02:04 [♪♪♪]
