Super Mario RPG is the first ever RPG game in the Mario franchise being modernized for current hardware. Take a look at the overview trailer to learn about the cast of characters, the basics of battle gameplay, mini-games, and more to interact with. Super Mario RPG is launching on November 17 for Nintendo Switch.
00:00 [Nintendo Switch Snap]
00:01 [dramatic orchestral music]
00:03 [male VO] -On a seemingly normal day,
00:05 Mario went to Bowser's Keep to rescue Peach.
00:08 But, just as he was about to save her,
00:12 a giant sword fell from the sky and pierced through the castle!
00:16 Now, it's up to Mario and his allies, including Bowser,
00:22 to save the Keep and save the world!
00:27 A quirky and unusual adventure is about to begin!
00:31 Super Mario RPG!
00:36 You'll control Mario during your adventure.
00:44 Others will join you, including Peach,
00:47 the famous princess of the Mushroom Kingdom,
00:50 and Bowser, who's usually Mario's nemesis.
00:54 [Bowser laughing]
00:55 Two original characters will also become allies.
00:59 Mallow, a bit of a crybaby who thinks he's a... young frog.
01:04 And Geno, a messenger from Star Road
01:07 who inhabits a doll to fight alongside Mario.
01:11 Other characters with eccentric personalities
01:14 will help you along the way.
01:16 [music ends]
01:18 [cheerful orchestral music]
01:22 This colorful world is teeming with all sorts of landscapes,
01:26 like steep mountains, gloomy waterways,
01:29 and perplexing forests.
01:32 [music ends]
01:34 [cheery orchestral music]
01:35 Touch an enemy to initiate a turn-based battle.
01:39 You'll fight by selecting an action from four commands.
01:42 [music continues]
01:44 In addition to regular attacks,
01:46 you can use specials that are unique to each character.
01:50 Specials aren't limited to damage-dealing attacks.
01:53 They can also restore HP or give allies a boost.
01:57 [music ends]
01:58 The most important thing in battle is the Action command.
02:02 Press the A button with good timing, and...
02:06 you'll deal more damage to enemies,
02:09 or decrease the damage you take from attacks.
02:12 This can help you win battles.
02:14 [music continues]
02:16 Additionally, if you time your attacks perfectly,
02:19 you'll deal damage to all enemies.
02:22 [music ends]
02:23 Every successful Action command will gradually fill this gauge.
02:28 When it reaches 100%,
02:30 you can unleash the three-character, super special Triple Move.
02:35 This move changes depending on who's currently in your party,
02:38 and each Triple Move is beneficial in its own way.
02:42 So give 'em all a shot.
02:44 [music ends]
02:45 Battle's giving you trouble? Don't sweat it.
02:48 [music returns]
02:49 Turn on Breezy Mode to defeat enemies more easily and level up faster.
02:53 It's a great option for first-time RPG players.
02:57 [music ends]
02:58 [upbeat music returns]
02:59 [music returns]
03:03 Plenty of peculiar monsters lie around every corner.
03:06 You'll meet foes from the Mario series,
03:08 and enemies different from the usual.
03:12 Like this odd fellow in a tower,
03:16 and a fearsome pirate in a sunken ship.
03:20 Not to mention an entire weapon-based army that took over Bowser's Keep.
03:26 After clearing the main story, you can fight some of the bosses again,
03:30 but they're stronger than before, so watch out.
03:34 And rumor has it that an especially powerful boss
03:38 is lurking somewhere in this world.
03:41 [music ends]
03:42 [upbeat music returns]
03:44 [music ends]
03:46 [cheery music returns]
03:47 Take a break from the adventure with mini-games.
03:50 Jump between barrels to collect coins in Midas River.
03:54 Ride Yoshi and get racing in Mushroom Derby.
03:58 Hit the rails and turn corners, carefully, in Mine Car.
04:03 Lots of other mini-games are out there.
04:06 In addition, you can swap the music to the original Super NES version
04:10 at any time outside of battle.
04:14 Or check the info of enemies you've encountered in the monster list.
04:20 [music ends]
04:21 [cheery music returns]
04:22 [music intensifies]
04:24 The very first RPG in the Mario series returns.
04:43 The Super Mario RPG game launches on the Nintendo Switch system November 17th.
04:48 Pre-orders are available now on Nintendo eShop.