• 2 years ago
This hilarious Amazon series delivered the goods in season 3! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the funniest moments from season 3 of the Prime Video TV series, “Upload” so far.


00:00 [Music]
00:02 All episodes of Upload, watch now on Prime.
00:05 Welcome to WatchMojo,
00:08 and today we're counting down our picks for the funniest moments from Season 3 of the Prime Video TV series Upload so far.
00:15 Be sure to stick around to the top spot,
00:17 as we've got some memorable Laugh Out Loud moments from the first two seasons too.
00:21 "What are you doing?"
00:23 "Uh, uh, nothing, nothing."
00:24 Number 10, Big Viv Chopping Fruit.
00:28 When downloaded Nathan and Nora arrive at the communal housing and find themselves living alongside Nathan's mom Viv and her new love interest,
00:35 the adjustment period is rough, but quick.
00:38 "Well, we'll all be sharing a bed. Thank goodness it's a full."
00:42 "I call small spoon."
00:43 Nora decides to telecommute to Horizon and Lakeview by working while staying at the Charlie Munger Reduced Circumstance Housing building.
00:50 It's hard to deny that we didn't have a little COVID PTSD when she agreed to work from home without knowing what it really entailed.
00:57 When her workstation equipment arrives, the setup is dramatic and uplifting.
01:01 "Living my life big color, huh? Do a double take, let it resonate."
01:06 Nora is finally returning to her true calling as an angel.
01:10 Then, all of a sudden, BAM! Big Viv shows up.
01:14 Chop, chop, Nora. Get to work surrounded by distractions.
01:19 Number 9, Down the Back.
01:21 While all the characters from Upload are memorable, the red-headed AI concierge definitely steals the show every single time.
01:29 "The concierge software has been made a lot more sensitive since the update."
01:33 "Up, up, up!"
01:35 "Just the concierge."
01:39 Always around and always up to something, it's a waiting game in each episode to see just what AI guy will fumble through next.
01:46 In an oddball Thanksgiving meal with Luke and AI guy, Alicia tries her best to teach the virtual employee how to properly swallow food.
01:54 "Okay, make it go down the back."
01:56 It's immediately apparent that this is something AI guy is not programmed to do, or even understand completely.
02:03 "Down the back."
02:04 It's a great physical comedy bit that somehow makes AI guy even more endearing. A++!
02:14 Number 8, Nathan's job search in the real world.
02:17 We've all been there. Scouring the job market for the perfect position.
02:21 It's never easy, and it's usually rife with awkward interviews and endless questions, normally about past experiences or future plans.
02:29 After Nathan successfully downloads and is inspired to start pulling his own weight, he sets out to find a job.
02:35 "We'll get our own place when I get some work, okay?"
02:37 However, with no discernible identity, he is after all supposed to be still dead and uploaded at Lakeview, his options are limited and not very appealing.
02:46 "Undocumented, huh? This is gonna be tough."
02:49 It turns out that the job market of the future is tailored towards those with a sketchier past and zero scruples.
02:55 We're pretty sure no one has ever been asked the interview questions Nathan was while sitting in the temp position office.
03:01 "Can you eat frozen yogurt?" "Sure." "Not as someone's-" "Nope."
03:03 Number 7, Slab and Teat Farm.
03:06 The 2030s of upload are nothing short of technologically captivating, from self-driving cars to virtual phone screens that appear between your thumb and finger, as well as 3D printed food.
03:17 But as Jetson-like as it all might be, apparently farming is still a thing, just not in the way we know it today.
03:24 Nathan and Nora quickly learn about the new era of farm-to-table when they arrive at the appropriately named Slab and Teat.
03:31 "We realize, you know, cancer grows faster than any other part of the pig. Let's just farm that."
03:36 Which curates boneless pork slab, aka pig cancer, and harvests all sorts of dairy products, collected from the same cow.
03:44 "Oh, she's in a beautiful VR meadow, thank God."
03:47 That's right, from milk to cottage cheese to curds, this one massive cow has it all, and lucky Nathan and Nora get to help with some cheese milking.
03:56 It's as gross to watch as it sounds.
03:59 "My head blows up now, at least I can knock this off my bucket list."
04:02 When Nathan is downloaded and disappears from Lakeview, his bestie Luke is left feeling lonely and abandoned.
04:12 Desperate to fill the Nathan-sized void, Luke sets out to interview for a new BFF.
04:16 Of course, AI Guy makes an honorary and hilarious appearance, along with two other seemingly random and inappropriate options to befriend the needy vet.
04:24 "Why you have the arrogance to think you can fill the friendship shoes of Nathan Brown?"
04:28 In typical Luke fashion, his questions are tailored in such a way as to ensure that no one can ever replace the real/virtual Nathan.
04:36 AI Guy comes the closest, thanks to his clever programming and ability to learn precisely what Luke wants to hear.
04:42 "Why would we replace him? We can't, because Nathan Brown is perfect."
04:46 "That's a really good answer."
04:48 The other two, though? They don't do so well, and are quickly eliminated.
04:53 And despite his well-worded responses, AI Guy isn't too far behind.
04:58 In another brilliant AI Guy moment in upload history, Alicia attempts to teach artificial intelligence how to be more human.
05:14 And what's more human than inflection and emotion?
05:17 However, asking a machine to grasp how simply saying the same word in different ways can change its meaning entirely is difficult.
05:24 "I can't! I hate being here, and I hate you!"
05:28 It's tough for real-life people, too, okay?
05:30 This scene is brilliantly written, and really does explore just how hard it can be to properly read human emotion and interactions.
05:37 It also depicts how truly patient teachers are and need to be, and how poorly suited Alicia might be for the role.
05:44 Despite her star student times three finally getting it right in the end.
05:49 "Okay! F, it's F. Shit's about to go down, right?"
05:54 Our love and compassion for Ingrid grew just as much as her obsession with Nathan and the hugsuit.
06:04 In season three, Ingrid finally gets what she's always wanted, an uploaded Nathan who loves her and not Nora.
06:10 However, when she discovers that there's also a Nathan who's downloaded and IRL, and is deeply in love with Nora, it's more than she can handle.
06:18 After a heart-to-heart with none other than AI Guy, who finally gives it to her bartender-style straight,
06:23 "Be honest with him and live with the consequences, however he reacts."
06:27 Ingrid makes the bold decision to tell downloaded Nathan her deepest thoughts and fears, but not without some liquid courage to help.
06:33 Seeing Ingrid so free is amusing and heartwarming.
06:37 Plus, she finally gets Nora's name right, but we never do learn where all the sand came from.
06:42 "Why do you have sand?" "I have more." "Why?"
06:45 In an effort to enhance the AI programming at Horizon, the red-headed concierge we all know and love gets his first taste of the real world via a download into a cloned version of his real-life body.
06:58 After the first prototype epically fails to make it across the road safely,
07:02 we all know the look-both-ways rule, but that script was never written for him,
07:05 it's version two that proves even artificial life can have needs and desires.
07:09 "I wanna change the temperature." "No, stop looking at the sun."
07:15 After spotting a plug-and-go charge station made for EVs, AI Guy decides he needs a little recharge himself,
07:21 stating full of innuendo, "I think I need to charge my plug."
07:25 much to Alicia's dismay and Lucy's amusement.
07:29 "Oh God." "What? What's he referring to?"
07:33 Over his years at Lakeview, Nathan discovers a plethora of digital hacks,
07:41 some of which Luke helped with, but the coolest and funniest of them all is definitely the elevator hack.
07:46 This one takes uploads to the actual first floor, which is the very first iteration of Lakeview with the original uploads.
07:53 "One star. My avatar has no eyelids and also no butt crack."
07:58 It's an off-limits zone to residents, except for Nathan and Ingrid,
08:01 who take advantage of a rare opportunity to get to the first floor bar with a free drunk setting.
08:06 As soon as Nathan taps in the hack, he and Ingrid are flung into a tower-of-terror-like elevator ride
08:12 that delivers them to the deep, dark, and creepy bowels of the Lakeview showroom.
08:16 "I guess it was just a myth."
08:18 Complete with a few first-generation uploads, sans eyelids.
08:27 "Oh, here's the switch."
08:29 Before we unveil our top pick, here are some honorable mentions from seasons one and two.
08:38 Nathan gets AI guy to help him beat Nora at chess.
08:41 Still new to Lakeview, Nathan quickly catches on that AI isn't as intelligent as he thought.
08:46 "Never lost a game, huh?" "What I said was, I never played a game."
08:51 The end of the breakfast buffet.
08:53 Even in the afterlife, Nathan learns the hardships of not getting to breakfast on time.
08:58 "Breakfast is over."
09:00 "No! No! No! Come on! It's not even real food!"
09:06 Luke is banished to G-rated dreams.
09:09 Seeing a grown man play with digital rainbows and unicorns in his dreams will never get old.
09:14 "I am a fruit that grows on a tree. Finish my letters and you'll spell me!"
09:18 AI baby.
09:19 Ingrid tries her hand at motherhood with an infant that's oddly similar-looking to AI guy.
09:24 [Baby crying]
09:26 "Is it a boy?" "It appears to be, though."
09:29 Extracting Nathan from the growth tub.
09:31 It's a comedy of errors as Mateo attempts to lift Nathan out all on his own.
09:36 "Is he okay? It sounds like he needs help." "Somebody should probably help him."
09:39 "I'm good."
09:42 Every type of peacock.
09:44 When you've run out of exotic peacocks to eat, what's next?
09:47 Penguin, of course.
09:49 "I've had Indian, green, and Congo. I need the next peacock."
09:53 "I'm sorry, sir, but you've already tried every type of peacock."
09:56 "Well, what's next?" "Uh..."
09:59 "Bring me a penguin."
10:01 Can I see it as a bunny?
10:03 Honestly? We just want to see more uninhibited Ingrid.
10:06 It's amusing to see her finally loosen up, open up, and have fun with Nathan in a way her character never has before in the series.
10:13 When Ingrid learns the dark truth about her father and what he wished happened the night that Nathan was murdered,
10:18 she spirals into depressive thoughts about herself and her current life.
10:22 "I mean, like, I know he's evil, you know?"
10:26 "I've just been working really, really hard to make my own way, and..."
10:30 Nathan attempts to comfort Ingrid with a hug, which leads her and her wandering hens wanting more.
10:35 When he refuses, she tries to talk him into at least letting her make sure that all his best bits are grown back correctly.
10:41 "I'd like to see if they got it right." "No."
10:44 "It was just a test. I was testing you, and you passed."
10:46 Unlike Nathan, we may have considered letting her see it as a bunny, though.
10:50 "Can I see it as an enemy?" "Ingrid?" "Ooh." "No." "Can I see it as a bunny?"
10:55 As we gear up to watch the last two episodes of Upload Season 3, available on Prime Video on November 10th,
11:02 let us know in the comments what your fave funniest moments from the digital afterlife have been.
11:06 All episodes of Upload, watch now on Prime.
11:09 [outro music]
11:29 (upbeat music)