• last year


00:00 [music]
00:19 You have a date with the angel, starring Betty White.
00:26 Bill Williams as Guth Angel.
00:29 The time, five months after Vicki and Guth Angel were married.
00:33 The main character, one stork.
00:36 The plot, rockabye boo-boo.
00:40 [music]
00:51 The doctor always gives long reassuring talks to you mothers when babies get close.
00:56 Mr. Clemson and my husband are picking us up here.
00:59 They're taking us to lunch.
01:00 That's all for today, Mrs. Clemson.
01:02 Now remember, stay on the protein diet with an occasional bit of cuddle bone.
01:08 Cuddle bone?
01:11 For the stork.
01:13 [laughter]
01:16 Vicki, Dr. Gordon says only three more weeks.
01:19 About.
01:20 And that's barring any unscheduled flights.
01:23 Oh, honey, that's wonderful.
01:26 Wilma, did you tell Dr. Gordon what we were talking about?
01:31 Dr. Gordon, in the last month or two, George has become quite nervous.
01:37 But you've seen him.
01:39 Yes, yes, I have.
01:40 We have a medical term for his condition.
01:44 He's coming unglued.
01:46 [laughter]
01:48 Honey, he even checked to make sure you really went to medical school.
01:52 [laughter]
01:55 Yes, I heard that.
01:56 I understood he was very much upset when he found that I graduated fifth in my class.
02:01 [laughter]
02:03 He wondered if they could get the four ahead of me.
02:05 [laughter]
02:07 Well, do you think you might talk to him, Doctor?
02:10 I love him, but he's wearing me out with attention.
02:14 Can't you see that idea is plain stupid?
02:16 I'm telling you, Gus, I don't trust that elevator.
02:18 Oh, hi, Doc.
02:19 Hi. Hello, Mother.
02:20 Hello, Gus.
02:21 Hi, sweetheart.
02:22 Hi, honey.
02:23 Now, what's this about the elevator?
02:24 Well, this is an old building, and I don't want Wilma riding that elevator.
02:27 That thing's on its last legs.
02:29 How's she going to get downstairs?
02:31 Well, she can lean on me and we'll walk down.
02:34 [laughter]
02:35 Eleven flights?
02:37 [laughter]
02:39 I just don't want her all joggled up.
02:41 So I--
02:43 Well, I'm all joggled up just thinking about it.
02:46 [laughter]
02:47 I'm sorry, Doc.
02:48 I'm not myself these days.
02:51 Doc, I didn't mean that, and I forgot my manners completely.
02:56 Good to see you, Doc.
02:57 Good to see you.
02:58 Hi, Vicki.
02:59 Hi, Gus.
03:00 Nice to see you again.
03:01 Thank you.
03:02 [laughter]
03:03 George.
03:04 Dr. Gordon says George Jr. will be here in about three weeks.
03:07 Catch him.
03:08 Well, that's all the more reason to be careful.
03:11 We've got to find a doctor.
03:13 [laughter]
03:15 I'm sorry, Doc.
03:16 I didn't mean that.
03:17 You know that.
03:18 It's not that I don't trust you.
03:19 Oh, I know.
03:20 It's just that you don't have a doctor friend, do you?
03:23 You see, I thought maybe that both of you--
03:25 Mr. Clemson, I have a little book that I want you to take home and read.
03:31 It's called "What to Expect of the Expectant Father."
03:35 Now, come along.
03:36 [laughter]
03:40 Boy, he's a mess.
03:43 I guess waiting 14 years for your first child gives you a right to be--
03:48 This is the worst I've ever seen him.
03:51 You should see him at home.
03:54 Dr. Gordon will simmer him down for now, and you let us do the worrying.
03:57 All right.
03:59 Gus, we've got to do something.
04:01 Well, maybe we can think of something down at the office.
04:03 All the boys do is talk about the baby anyway.
04:06 I've got some excellent advice in there for the first time, Father.
04:10 Thoughtful consideration should be the key note,
04:13 with no heavy-handed efforts at being helpful where help is neither needed nor wanted.
04:17 Now, that makes sense.
04:19 Honey, you shouldn't be lifting heavy things.
04:22 [laughter]
04:23 Now, if she doesn't take care of herself, I'm going to.
04:26 So long, Doc.
04:27 See you later.
04:28 Come on, honey.
04:29 Let's go.
04:30 Thank you, Dr. Gordon.
04:31 Come on, honey.
04:32 You walked out on all those planks.
04:33 It'll be easy.
04:34 She's not safer than him.
04:35 Oh, Lemon, I didn't know a woman--
04:37 And remember, Mr. Clemson, we've never lost a father yet.
04:41 [laughter]
04:45 But I'd be willing to try.
04:47 [laughter]
04:50 I tell you, women just don't realize what a father goes through.
04:55 First, he's happy, and he's miserable, and he doesn't trust anybody,
05:00 and finally, he just becomes numb, like that.
05:04 [laughter]
05:06 Like that.
05:07 If I had it to do over again, I'd take the diaper service.
05:11 [laughter]
05:13 Wilma's mother's going to be here for a week or so.
05:16 She can do that.
05:17 Uh-uh.
05:18 You just can't let that grandmother thing get out of hand.
05:20 I'll buy that, Carl.
05:21 Those grandmas are murder.
05:23 [laughter]
05:24 When I had my baby--
05:25 [laughter]
05:27 Eve's little tiny mother turned up and turned into a regular Julius Caesar.
05:32 Oh, sure.
05:33 How about when your own mother shows up?
05:36 Oh!
05:37 The two mothers team up with your wife, and the three of them throw you right out of the house.
05:41 [laughter]
05:43 Sounds like the easiest thing is having the baby.
05:45 Just don't ever say it's easy, Gus.
05:48 [laughter]
05:49 You've no idea how I suffered.
05:52 You know, Eve was in there darn near two hours.
05:55 Naturally, it was a boy.
05:57 [laughter]
05:59 Somewhere I heard that the first one usually is a boy, isn't it?
06:01 Always, always.
06:02 What do you mean, always?
06:03 Just what I said, always.
06:04 Well, how can you say always?
06:05 Well, you'll read any medical journal.
06:06 Well, 50% of people are girls, I think.
06:08 Any medical journal will tell you that the first one--
06:10 Well, it's always.
06:11 I'm not going through with it.
06:13 [laughter]
06:16 It's a little late to back out now, George.
06:19 Besides, it'll be the first office baby.
06:22 Go ahead, George.
06:23 We all want to be uncles.
06:25 All right.
06:26 Well.
06:27 [clears throat]
06:28 Shall I have tea sent in, gentlemen?
06:30 Oh, I couldn't eat a thing.
06:32 [laughter]
06:33 George, try to get your mind off the baby and on to your work.
06:36 Huh.
06:37 I think no one around here ever had a child before.
06:39 Well, as we were saying, sir, it is the first office baby.
06:42 Yes, I know.
06:43 But I don't like to see business come to a complete standstill
06:45 for personal matters.
06:46 I understand, sir.
06:47 How's Wilma holding up?
06:48 Well, George seems to be her main problem.
06:50 He's so worried about her that she just isn't getting
06:52 the rest she should get.
06:53 And she has to put up with it for three more weeks, sir.
06:56 Three weeks?
06:57 Yes, sir.
06:58 I was going to ask either you or Kayleen
07:00 to run down to San Diego for a couple of days
07:02 on that Sheffield account.
07:03 But it might simplify things to send Clemson.
07:07 He'd never go, sir.
07:08 He has no choice.
07:10 Clemson!
07:11 It's routine fire insurance.
07:13 He can't possibly do anything wrong.
07:14 And it's only a half an hour's flying time.
07:17 Wilma should really need him.
07:19 Oh, Clemson.
07:20 Uh, Angel's in a bit of a bind on that Sheffield
07:24 deal down in San Diego.
07:25 So, uh, I'm sending you.
07:27 Thank you.
07:28 Oh, you'll be able to handle it easily.
07:30 It's a simple thing for you.
07:32 After all, you're one of the best men I've got.
07:34 [music playing]
07:37 I'm doing everything Vicki tells me.
07:45 How's San Diego?
07:49 I'm sure it'll be a boy.
07:51 [laughs]
07:53 Honey, if I didn't like the name George,
07:55 I never would have married you.
07:59 Well, take the pills Dr. Gordon gave you.
08:03 George, honey, we have four numbers
08:06 where we can reach you.
08:09 Bye.
08:10 Oh, you're still pretty excited.
08:12 Well, men are supposed to get excited at a time like this.
08:16 I think it's sweet of him to call so often.
08:19 Nine times in 24 hours?
08:23 Oh, I just hope he calms down after George Jr. comes.
08:27 Well, if he doesn't, just give him the baby
08:29 and let him walk the floor.
08:31 Good idea.
08:32 Thanks, hon.
08:33 Oh, Vicki, I'm so glad somebody's come.
08:37 [music playing]
08:40 [car horn honking]
08:50 [laughter]
08:53 I just wish you could stay right here till the baby arrives.
08:58 [laughs]
09:00 Anything special you feel like for dinner?
09:04 [laughs]
09:07 Dr. Gordon said you needed plenty of protein
09:09 and lots of quiet.
09:11 [laughs]
09:12 Guess we better find you some quiet protein.
09:15 [laughs]
09:18 Wilma?
09:19 [laughs]
09:23 Vicki, I think we'd better go to the hospital.
09:26 [laughs]
09:29 All right.
09:30 Now, you sit right there, and I'll--
09:38 your hospital bag's all packed.
09:40 I'll call the doctor, and we'll get the car out,
09:43 and we'll be on our way.
09:44 [music playing]
09:48 [car horn honking]
09:51 [music playing]
09:54 Vicki, before we left the house, did you call--
10:02 Honey, I let them know we were coming.
10:04 Now, don't worry.
10:05 Well, no, I didn't mean to--
10:06 Here we are.
10:07 What I meant was, did you really call--
10:09 I called the doctor, and I let them know down at the office.
10:12 Now, you sit right here and relax.
10:15 Miss, nurse.
10:17 [clears throat]
10:24 Melvin.
10:25 I called about 20 minutes ago, Mrs. Clemson.
10:27 [phone ringing]
10:31 Name?
10:32 Clemson.
10:34 Oh, Wilma.
10:35 Wilma Clemson.
10:36 [music playing]
10:44 She prints.
10:45 E or O?
10:52 Beg your pardon?
10:53 Clemson.
10:54 Is it spelled with an E or an O?
10:56 O, E. Oh, and there's an O, too, at the end.
11:00 C-L-E-M-S-O-N.
11:04 Address?
11:07 717 West Guthrie Avenue.
11:13 Would it be possible to hurry just a little?
11:16 Excuse me.
11:17 Now, who is the doctor, please?
11:23 Franklin P. Gordon.
11:26 Why, Dr. Gordon is an obstetrician.
11:29 Well, yes.
11:30 We're going to have a baby any minute.
11:32 Oh, well, you didn't tell me it was a maternity case.
11:39 Oh, maternity cases have to be registered on the blue card.
11:43 Name?
11:48 Wilma Clemson.
11:49 And, gee, you had it all down on this card.
11:53 Let's be calm, shall we?
11:56 It's so important.
11:58 Now then, father's name?
12:05 George Clemson.
12:06 Spelled the same way.
12:09 And that address was, um...
12:13 He's in San Diego.
12:15 Oh, George.
12:18 The address, please.
12:21 Wilma.
12:23 Oh, uh, 717 West Guthrie Avenue.
12:29 Are you all right, sweetie?
12:31 I'm fine.
12:32 Doctor?
12:33 No, no, no, I'm fine.
12:36 This is Mrs. Clemson and her friend, Miss Biceman.
12:39 How do you do?
12:41 112, hasn't rung the buzzer for 10 minutes.
12:43 Well, that's a record for him, isn't it?
12:45 Buzzer's broken.
12:46 125 checked out and left a box of candy for us.
12:49 Oh, that's nice of her.
12:51 Are you all right, Wilma?
12:52 Oh, she's fine.
12:54 Come with me, Mrs. Clemson.
12:56 Well, Vicki?
12:59 Wilma?
13:01 Well, Vicki?
13:03 Wilma?
13:05 Goodbye.
13:06 Wilma?
13:09 Wilma?
13:11 Here, I have two nickels.
13:35 Thank you, but I have to call San Diego.
13:37 Reverse the charges.
13:38 Of course.
13:39 Oh, please.
13:41 Mom, guess what he is, a boy or a girl?
13:57 How'd you guess?
14:02 Eight pounds.
14:04 And there's a lady outside the booth here and even she looks stunned.
14:08 Call Dad, will you, Mom?
14:11 He's a giant.
14:13 Is the baby born yet?
14:20 I mean, did Mrs. Clemson get here all right?
14:23 And now then.
14:28 What?
14:30 Whom did you wish to see?
14:32 Mrs. Clemson, she's having one of your babies.
14:35 Maternity to the left.
14:38 Thanks.
14:39 We're having more put in.
14:50 Thank you.
14:53 Thank you.
14:55 There's a phone booth across the street if you're in a hurry.
15:15 This one's a father for the first time.
15:17 He's calling people who don't even know he's married.
15:21 Mr. Clemson's in San Diego.
15:23 He'll make it.
15:24 I have nine kids and when they called me for the seventh, I was in Phoenix.
15:28 Got here in time to read Gone With the Wind.
15:31 But I didn't call Mr. Clemson at all.
15:36 Excuse me.
15:37 If Mrs. Clemson needs me, I'll be across the street.
15:41 That'll be fine.
15:43 Thank you.
15:49 Gus!
15:50 Gus, I've done a terrible thing.
15:52 I forgot to call George.
15:54 He should be here to have this baby and nobody called him.
15:57 Sure they did.
15:58 When you called me, I told Ross to call him.
16:00 You did?
16:01 Sure, and you should see the excitement down at the office.
16:03 Oh, darling, what would I ever do without you?
16:05 You just can't imagine the relief.
16:07 What did he say?
16:08 I'll have to ask you to keep your voices down.
16:10 How's Wilma?
16:12 Any word on Mrs. Clemson while I was gone?
16:14 Nothing further.
16:18 Oh, sweetheart, she was so brave.
16:20 I wish you could have seen her.
16:22 And that gentleman right over there had an eight-pound boy.
16:25 And he's telling everybody.
16:26 Oh, and I want you to meet Mr. Davenport.
16:28 Mr. Davenport, this is my husband.
16:29 The name's Nemeth.
16:30 I told her I sell furniture.
16:32 I'm sorry, Mr. Nemeth.
16:35 Mr. Nemeth's been so kind.
16:37 He lent me money for the phone.
16:39 And he's sure George is going to get here in time.
16:41 And he's the father of nine children.
16:43 Nine!
16:45 Going on ten.
16:47 And as long as you've told George,
16:49 there's nothing to worry about.
16:51 Except Wilma.
16:54 Here you! Come back here!
17:02 Don't you realize you're in a hospital?
17:06 Now then, whom did you wish to see?
17:12 Mrs. George Ignatius Clemson.
17:14 Now I'll take your name.
17:16 Thompson.
17:17 Well, Nurse Thompson, I'm going to see the superintendent.
17:20 Here, where are you letting that go?
17:22 Come back here!
17:23 Ross, I didn't know it was you.
17:26 Heck, you didn't.
17:27 Why are we being detained?
17:29 Whom did you wish to see?
17:30 Mrs. Clemson, please.
17:31 Maternity, to the left.
17:33 Well, now, I could have told them that.
17:35 Her name is Thompson.
17:36 When this thing is all over, I'm going to come to the superintendent about this.
17:40 [laughter]
17:42 Jeff, I tell you, I'm perfectly all right.
17:51 And tell them to stop looking at me.
17:54 Come on, honey, let's get some more water, huh?
17:57 Come on, add a little.
17:58 I don't want any more water.
17:59 The walk will do you good.
18:00 I don't want any more water.
18:01 A little bit more.
18:02 If Vicki knew how they ran these hospitals, she'd stop worrying.
18:06 How do you mean?
18:08 We've been here for over an hour, and I guarantee you that baby was born 20 minutes ago.
18:12 Who told you that?
18:16 Well, it stands to reason, Vicki.
18:19 Look, Wilma isn't the only patient here.
18:22 And they can't come charging out here and tell us every time a new baby is born.
18:25 Oh, sure, they save them up till they have a nice big fat batch.
18:28 Then they announce them all at once.
18:30 [laughter]
18:31 Well...
18:32 Well, Dr. Gordon would let us know right away, wouldn't he?
18:36 Well, it's been my experience, they notify you as quickly as possible.
18:39 Ha! What does he know?
18:41 [laughter]
18:43 Now, Carl, don't start making up stories just to try to make me feel good.
18:46 Now, Vicki, I've studied this whole thing in medical journals, and I know...
18:49 I know, I had to ask you to keep your voices down.
18:51 Just the same, Vicki, I can tell you with some authority, because I've had two children.
18:59 It can't be much longer. An hour is a long time.
19:02 That's good to know. Thank you, Rob.
19:05 Feel better, sweetheart?
19:06 [phone ringing]
19:07 I can't hear. I can't hear.
19:09 [music]
19:13 Ernestine?
19:14 Oh, Dr. Gordon.
19:15 Will you be here soon?
19:16 He isn't even here?
19:20 Dr. James said Mrs. Clemson will be ready for you shortly.
19:24 Fine, doctor.
19:25 Mrs. Clemson's doing nicely. The doctor will be here in plenty of time.
19:31 Good. Now, just don't you worry.
19:33 [audience laughter]
19:40 Well, I guess that takes care of everybody.
19:43 My old scoutmaster really took it big.
19:46 [audience laughter]
19:49 How did your wife's parents take it?
19:50 Oh, my gosh!
19:52 [audience laughter]
19:58 Incidentally, Ross, what did George say when he heard the news?
20:00 I wish I'd heard him. What did he say?
20:02 How should I know? What was his reaction, Gus?
20:05 Didn't anybody call George?
20:09 Well, Ross, you were supposed to have called him.
20:11 [audience laughter]
20:13 Thanks for the tip.
20:14 Long distance?
20:16 There's a phone across the street.
20:18 Well, maybe Mr. Malcolm.
20:20 Oh, Mr. Malcolm, do you know that the Angels forgot to notify Clemson?
20:24 It wasn't Vicki's fault.
20:25 Well, somebody should have done it.
20:28 Did you call him?
20:29 Gentlemen, gentlemen, please.
20:31 I notified Clemson naturally.
20:33 I called him a minute ago. He told me.
20:35 Now, that was real executive thinking.
20:36 Yes, sir. I go along with Ross on that, sir.
20:38 That was real executive...
20:39 Quiet!
20:40 Thompson, this is Weissman in maternity.
20:43 Don't let any more through for Clemson.
20:46 I've got all I can handle.
20:49 [audience laughter]
20:51 Right.
20:52 86 on the Clemson.
20:54 [audience laughter]
20:56 [music]
21:00 Just a minute. Just a minute.
21:02 It's all right. I'm the fellow you're expecting.
21:05 And now then, a home that you wish to see.
21:09 Wilma.
21:10 Wilma who?
21:12 No, Wilma Clemson.
21:13 Oh, Clemson.
21:16 Wait right over there, please.
21:19 [audience laughter]
21:27 [music]
21:39 Good evening.
21:40 Good evening, Nurse Thompson.
21:42 Good evening, Doctor.
21:43 Clemson, what are you doing in here?
21:47 Well, how do I know?
21:49 Mr. Clemson, this is the father.
21:52 One look should have told you.
21:54 Come along.
21:56 [music]
22:01 I wonder how Wilma is.
22:03 Honey, don't pester the nurse anymore.
22:05 I won't.
22:06 Mrs. Clemson, it's fine.
22:11 Nurse...
22:12 I mean this constructively.
22:14 I happen to know where Dr. Gordon's office is.
22:17 It shouldn't take him any hour and a half to get here.
22:20 It's been barely ten minutes since I talked to him.
22:23 [audience laughter]
22:27 [audience laughter]
22:40 [music]
22:47 Yahoo!
22:48 [audience laughter]
22:53 [music]
23:02 Hello.
23:03 George!
23:04 George!
23:05 George!
23:06 [audience laughter]
23:12 Where did you get here, boy?
23:14 How's Wilma?
23:16 Oh, she's just fine.
23:18 I am a little bit worried about Dr. Gordon.
23:20 Oh, me too.
23:21 I came in with him a while ago and he looks a little peaky.
23:24 [audience laughter]
23:25 Oh, Nurse, is Dr. Gordon here?
23:28 The doctor has been here for quite a while.
23:30 Why, there you see, boy?
23:32 She's going to love these flowers.
23:34 Wait a minute!
23:36 We have just welcomed two beautiful twin girls into the world.
23:42 Oh!
23:44 Now, George, congratulations.
23:47 Oh, thank you.
23:49 [audience laughter]
23:51 Can I see Mrs. Mammoth now?
23:52 Come with me.
23:53 We'll see.
23:54 [audience laughter]
23:56 Come on now, Vicki.
23:57 This won't get you anywhere.
23:59 I've had a lot of experience falling apart lately, I know.
24:02 [audience laughter]
24:03 That's right.
24:04 Besides, the twins belong to the other fellow.
24:06 And look how calmly he took it.
24:07 Vicki.
24:10 Mr. Clemson, your wife has just presented you with a fine seven-pound boy.
24:16 Both she and the child are doing splendidly.
24:18 You'll be able to see them in just a little while.
24:21 Thank you.
24:22 [audience laughter]
24:24 When I read that book, I told myself I'd not be a typical father.
24:27 Now, if one of you guys will take each arm and hold me up, I won't fall on the floor.
24:31 [audience laughter]
24:32 I don't want anybody to be able to tell that kid in there
24:34 that his father fell on the floor when he was born.
24:37 [audience laughter]
24:48 Honey?
24:49 Oh, sweetie, I'll never be able to go through this.
24:52 [audience laughter]
24:54 Oh, yes, you will.
24:57 Someday.
24:58 [audience laughter]
25:02 [music]
25:07 ♪ Got a date with an angel, gonna meet her at seven. ♪
25:12 ♪ Got a date with an angel, and I'm on my way to heaven. ♪
25:16 [music]
25:44 Ladies and gentlemen, your Plymouth dealer invites you to watch
25:47 the Lawrence Welk program's top tunes and new talent on the same network.
25:51 And the dramatic show, Climax, every week on another network.
25:56 Tom Kennedy speaking. Good night, everybody.
25:59 [applause]