एक्ट्रेस रश्मिका मंदाना की डीपफेक वायरल वीडियो में फीचर होने वाली असली महिला जारा पटेल ने इस वीडियो पर प्रतिक्रिया दी है।
00:00 South and Bollywood's famous actress Rashmika Mandana
00:04 whose recent Deep Fake video went viral.
00:08 After this video went viral, Rashmika had expressed deep concern.
00:12 In support of Rashmika, Amitabh Bachchan and Milal Thakur
00:16 along with many people from the film industry tweeted on this issue.
00:20 The Deep Fake video is being investigated for viralization.
00:24 Meanwhile, in this Deep Fake viral video, the real woman featured
00:28 in this video has expressed her protest.
00:32 The woman featured in this video is Zara Patel.
00:36 Zara Patel has said that she has no hand in Rashmika's viral video.
00:40 Zara Patel has shared her story on her official Instagram handle
00:44 and has written in this viral video,
00:48 "Hello everyone, it has come to my attention that someone has
00:52 taken my body and a free Bollywood actress's things
00:56 and used her face to make a Deep Fake video.
01:00 I have nothing to do with Deep Fake video
01:04 and I am very upset and upset with what is happening.
01:08 I am worried about the future of women and girls
01:12 who are now more afraid of posting themselves on social media.
01:16 Please take a step back and check the facts
01:20 on the internet that you see.
01:24 Everything on the internet is not real.
01:28 I am very upset with what is happening."
01:32 Rashmika also expressed her concern
01:36 about her viral video on Monday.
01:40 The actress tweeted on her viral video.
01:44 Rashmika said in this tweet that the misuse of technology
01:48 is very dangerous and this is very worrisome for women.
01:52 Please do not trust it immediately.
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