Boohoo: Here are the ethical promises the fast-fashion brand broke

  • last year
Boohoo: Here are the ethical promises the fast-fashion brand brokeSource: Bohoo’s Broken Promises, Panorama, BBC


00:00 and have responsible purchasing principles to follow.
00:02 Promise number one, to be fair to suppliers.
00:10 Boohoo says it understands a fair price for a garment
00:13 and commits to paying it.
00:16 What did you say the best way to negotiate with them was?
00:19 Going low.
00:20 Going low.
00:21 Going low and cancel.
00:23 Not getting anywhere, just saying,
00:25 "You're going to keep my stuff."
00:26 Yeah, even if you haven't got it cheaper out there.
00:30 Yeah, I definitely have, but I'm sorry.
00:32 It's a lie.
00:33 Now promise number two,
00:35 agreeing realistic timescales for its orders.
00:38 In my department, orders have been taking,
00:40 on average, more than 10 weeks.
00:43 Boohoo wants that cut for all garments.
00:47 Nothing is to be approved
00:49 unless it's six weeks or under the time.
00:53 After a week's grace,
00:54 Boohoo imposes a 5% price cut for every week in orders late.
00:58 Here comes Boohoo's promise number three,
01:01 better transparency.
01:02 They see, the mood's took me on,
01:04 and whenever you say, "I want it for that,"
01:07 or, "I'm trying to get it for that,"
01:08 it's my job to try and get what Boohoo want.
01:12 Then told the world it had prohibited subcontracting
01:15 in its UK supply chain.
01:17 Here's what Andy Hubbard says.
01:24 I subcontract everything to Andy Hubbard.
01:26 I'm a lot cheaper than anyone else,
01:30 and that's what my move wants to bring to the table.
01:32 So you guys, we get a bigger margin.
