• 2 years ago


00:30 Duck, the great Western engine, worked hard in the yard
00:35 at the big station.
00:37 Sometimes he pulled coaches.
00:40 Sometimes he pushed trucks.
00:42 But whatever the work, Duck got the job done without fuss.
00:45 One day, Duck was resting in the shed
00:50 when the fat controller arrived.
00:52 Your work in the yard has been good.
00:54 Would you like to have a branch line for your own?
00:58 Oh, yes, please, sir, replied Duck.
01:03 So Duck took charge of his new branch line.
01:07 The responsibility delighted him.
01:11 The line runs along the coast by sandy beaches
01:15 till it meets a port where big ships come in.
01:19 Duck enjoyed exploring every curve and corner of the line.
01:24 Sea breezes swirled his smoke high into the air,
01:28 and his green paint glistened in the sunlight.
01:31 This is just like being on holiday, he puffed.
01:34 Well, you know what they say, laughed his driver,
01:37 a change is as good as a rest.
01:38 Soon, Duck was busier than ever.
01:51 The fat controller was building a new station at the port,
01:55 and Duck pushed the trucks wherever they were needed.
01:58 Bertie looked after Duck's passengers,
02:04 and the other engines helped too.
02:06 But the work took a long time.
02:08 Noisy dust filled the air.
02:16 Don't worry, whistled Toby.
02:18 The station's nearly finished.
02:21 And on time too, said Duck, thankfully.
02:24 Duck felt his responsibility deeply,
02:29 and talked endlessly about it.
02:32 You don't understand, Donald, how much the fat controller relies on me.
02:36 "Ach aye," muttered Donald sleepily.
02:39 "I'm Great Western, and I quack, quack, quack."
02:43 "What?"
02:44 "Ye heard, quack, quack, ye go.
02:46 Sounds like ye're an egg-laid.
02:48 Now, whist, and let an engine sleep.
02:50 "Quack yourself," said Duck indignantly.
02:53 Later, he spoke to his driver.
02:57 "Donald says I quack as if I'd laid an egg.
03:00 Quack?"
03:01 "Do you?" pondered his fireman.
03:03 He whispered something to Duck and his driver.
03:05 They were going to play a joke on Donald,
03:08 and pay him back for teasing Duck.
03:16 The engines were busy for the rest of the day,
03:18 and nothing more was said.
03:20 Not even a quack.
03:22 But when at last Donald was asleep,
03:31 Duck's driver and fireman popped something into his water tank.
03:35 Next morning, when Donald stopped for water,
03:40 he found that he had an unexpected passenger aboard.
03:43 A small white duckling popped out of his water tank.
03:47 "Nay, doot, who's behind this?" laughed Donald.
03:50 The duckling was tame.
03:53 She shared the fireman's sandwiches,
03:56 and rolled in the tender.
04:01 The other engines enjoyed teasing Donald about her.
04:07 Presently, she grew tired of travelling,
04:10 and hopped off at a station, and there she stayed.
04:14 That night, Donald's driver and fireman got busy,
04:21 and in the morning, when Duck's crew arrived,
04:25 they laughed and laughed.
04:27 "Look, Duck! Look what's under your bunker!
04:30 It's a nest box with an egg in it!"
04:32 Donald opened a sleepy eye.
04:35 "Will, will, will!
04:37 You must have laid it in the night, Duck, all unbeknownst!"
04:41 Then Duck laughed too.
04:43 "You win, Donald!
04:45 It'd take a clever engine to get the better of you!"
04:48 "There's a pond near the duckling's station.
04:51 Here she swims and welcomes the trains as they pass by.
04:54 The station master calls her Dilly.
04:56 To everyone else, she is always Donald's duck."
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