Another Naegleria case emerges in Sindh

  • last year
#Naegleria #healthnews #bakhabarsavera
00:00 We are reporting from Karachi for a long time.
00:04 Yesterday we told you about the Congo virus in Balochistan.
00:08 In Karachi, another incident, the report of Nigleria has been done.
00:11 Nigleria is a parasite, we have given you the details for a long time.
00:16 So, Rawasal, you will be surprised to know that 11 people have been infected with it in the city of Qaid.
00:22 It is a kind of a disease, a brain-eating parasite.
00:27 It is a single cell parasite.
00:30 Many people are confused about this.
00:34 They think that if you drink water, you will die.
00:38 No, it reaches through the nose.
00:39 So, be very careful.
00:40 And the reports from the same place are so alarming.
00:43 It is most affected by the district central Nigleria.
00:47 And it is in the North Karachi, the buffer zone.
00:49 Most deaths are here.
00:51 Absolutely.
00:51 We had talked about this, but nothing has been done about it yet.
00:56 Because it is very concerning.
00:57 And think that if there is such a large reservoir of water,
01:01 in which this virus, this amoeba is present, or this parasite is present,
01:06 then you see that it can affect many people at once.
01:10 There can be hundreds of people affected.
01:12 And once you got it, you have no chance of survival.
01:17 It works swiftly.
01:19 So, in this regard, our authorities, the health department, the water and sewage board,
01:24 all these people, they will have to work together to find a mechanism.
01:27 And secondly, the hydrants of water,
01:30 they will have to take care of this as well.
01:32 Because the water tankers are in a state of crisis.
01:36 So, the water that is supplied, they will have to take care of that as well.
01:39 Ashfaq, tell me one thing.
01:40 Even after so many incidents, the water is not being cleaned properly.
01:44 Or the contaminated water is being supplied.
01:49 So, no one is going to ask these people.
01:51 Because if chlorine is added to the water, it can be saved.
01:55 But the authorities are not doing anything about it.
01:58 So, let's ask Anwar Khan about this.
02:01 What is the problem?
02:02 How many incidents have been reported from the district center so far?
02:05 Anwar, tell us, in total, 11 incidents have been reported.
02:08 In what period?
02:10 And how many from the district center?
02:14 If we talk about the year 2014,
02:16 so far, 11 cases have been reported in Karachi.
02:19 And Karachi district center, so far,
02:22 has been affected by this neglected area for the past 10 to 15 days.
02:28 The main reason for this is that the district health officer,
02:32 the related officer of the department of health,
02:33 has admitted that the water reservoir of Karachi Water and Savage Board,
02:39 which supplies water to the district center,
02:42 does not contain chlorine and water is not chlorinated.
02:46 The recent incident was of a young man named Kashif Qamar,
02:49 who was from the buffer zone.
02:51 About 10 to 12 days before this,
02:54 two young men from North Karachi were in the same situation.
02:57 They also used this water.
03:00 If you use this water for your worship,
03:02 or if you go out of the house and use this water in the office at any time,
03:07 the concern, the report that has come out,
03:11 it has been said that the water that is being supplied in Karachi,
03:14 whether it is from hydrant or from Karachi Water and Savage Board,
03:19 does not contain chlorine.
03:22 Yesterday, a meeting was held.
03:23 The meeting was discussed and the issue could not be resolved.
03:28 And Karachi Water and Savage Board,
03:30 the department of health, says that chlorine is required,
03:32 and the tablet that is being supplied is not being supplied.
03:35 And the parasite, amoeba, is being spread in Karachi.
03:37 What are you waiting for?
03:38 It has been 11 deaths.
03:40 Two recently, you are telling, three before this.
03:43 So what are these departments waiting for?
03:45 How long are we waiting for this?
03:49 The committee of the district central of the department of health,
03:52 has made its findings,
03:53 and a report of a private hospital was also included in it.
03:56 And the report of that was handed over to the Karachi Water and Savage Board.
04:00 And a meeting was held with the department of health.
04:03 And in that meeting, the department of water board's officials were informed of all this.
04:07 However, the official information is that it is being said that
04:11 the required grant for chlorine is not there,
04:13 the tablet that is being supplied is not there.
04:15 So, the fundamental responsibility that is being laid at the moment,
04:17 according to the department of health,
04:19 Karachi Water and Savage Board.
04:20 There is no standard for chlorine, money is required, funds are required, that is not there.
04:22 These reasons are being given.
04:24 People are losing their lives here.
04:26 Thank you so much Anwar for telling us the situation.
04:29 Okay, now we will tell you that in this regard.
04:33 But people can use chlorine themselves with your help.
04:35 So, we have with us right now,
04:38 Dr. Hamid Jumani, Director, Health Services Karachi.
04:41 Thank you so much for taking out time for us.
04:43 One thing is that we are trying to create some awareness in this regard,
04:48 so that people can maintain water in their homes.
04:53 That is, by using chlorine tablets.
04:55 Rest, how are arrangements being made at your place,
04:59 along with the Water and Savage Board,
05:01 is there a mechanism made so that people's deaths can be prevented?
05:05 Yes, good morning to everyone.
05:11 Recently, a meeting was held yesterday,
05:15 Water and Savage Board and other stakeholders,
05:19 including UNICEF, WHO,
05:23 District Health Officers of seven districts,
05:26 and the focal persons of waterborne diseases,
05:30 and the representatives of the Water Hydrant Association,
05:37 and the representative of Commissioner Karachi were also present in that meeting.
05:44 Okay.
05:44 Many decisions were taken in that.
05:46 The problem is that chlorination occurs at the distribution point,
05:51 and not only that, it is also monitored by the health department monitors.
05:57 Okay.
05:57 Chlorination is occurring there.
06:00 Apart from this, the long-distance line,
06:04 there are some chances of evaporation in the middle.
06:08 So, previously, there was a practice from UNICEF,
06:12 that we had made 17 boosting points,
06:16 those boosting points have been activated again.
06:19 Okay.
06:19 So, in the middle, the chlorination process will be inducted again.
06:26 So, this responsibility of chlorination is of the Water and Savage Board.
06:33 We, being a health custodian,
06:36 So, where is the problem?
06:39 Where is the problem?
06:41 The incidents behind these incidents tell us that,
06:43 obviously, water is causing death.
06:45 Madam, there are many reasons.
06:48 Actually, water hydrant is not the only source.
06:52 Apart from this, the water lining that comes directly,
06:56 apart from this, the evaporation that is occurring in the middle,
07:00 due to metal reaction,
07:03 some other contamination enters the lining.
07:06 Because of that, no doubt, this year,
07:11 more cases have been reported than last year.
07:14 And reports are coming from the same place.
07:16 From the same place, definitely,
07:19 the district center is in Pakistan,
07:22 and the district center is the second number.
07:27 Okay, Mr. Jumani, one last thing,
07:29 tell me, obviously, people are listening to you,
07:32 and they will trust you more.
07:34 People who have tanks at home,
07:38 they store water and use it.
07:40 Directly, water is not coming in the house for 24 hours.
07:43 They take water from the tanker and store it at home.
07:45 What precautions will you suggest for them?
07:47 And how much chlorine should be in the water tank?
07:50 Is there any substitute for chlorine that can be used for that matter?
07:55 See, chlorine is in the liquid form,
08:01 it is used on a large scale.
08:03 It is gassified and added to the water.
08:08 But at the domestic level,
08:12 the containers have a few tablets available in the market.
08:17 And in many districts, we have distributed it through the WHO.
08:24 So, if you add those tablets,
08:27 and with boiled water,
08:29 and with boiled water, you cool it,
08:31 if you use it,
08:33 see, it has a root,
08:35 there is no other root.
08:37 If you are using tap water, it cannot be boiled.
08:40 The chlorine tablet can be used.
08:42 How many tablets are required in how much water?
08:45 Madam, only the root is its nose.
08:50 The olfactory nerve is the nasal septum.
08:53 If you are careful in ablution,
08:55 if you are careful in the ablution,
08:57 if you are careful in the water that is drawn from the nose,
09:01 then it can be prevented.
09:03 See, some people do swimming,
09:06 there is a risk for them too.
09:08 For that,
09:10 see, for that,
09:12 its SOPs are available,
09:14 of swimming pools.
09:16 If those SOPs are followed,
09:18 its temperature,
09:20 its cleaning,
09:22 apart from that.
09:24 The main thing in Karachi is that
09:28 there are high-rise buildings,
09:30 in which for years,
09:32 or since the construction,
09:34 the water tanks have never been overhatted,
09:37 or the water tanks have not been cleaned.
09:41 For that, yesterday,
09:43 the representative from the commissioner office came,
09:45 we told him that
09:47 the district administration should be involved,
09:49 and the SPCA,
09:51 or some other institution should be involved,
09:53 so the water tanks should be cleaned at least twice a year.
09:59 It should be done.
10:01 Thank you so much Dr. Hamid Jumani.
10:03 (speaking in foreign language)
