• 2 years ago
Fed-up prosecutor CRUSHES Trump in BRUTAL takedown outside court


00:00 This is a judge that should be out of office.
00:02 But we expected that.
00:04 But I will not be bullied.
00:06 I will not be harassed.
00:07 This case will go on.
00:09 We look forward to hearing the testimony of Ivanka Trump on Wednesday.
00:13 Justice will prevail.
00:16 That's gotta hurt!
00:18 Incoherent rambling?
00:19 Insults?
00:19 No, that doesn't sound like the former Kotlina we all know.
00:22 They had no idea.
00:23 They had no idea what the numbers were when they said 18 million dollars for Mar-a-Lago.
00:28 The numbers don't lie.
00:29 Donald Trump campaigned in 2015 and 2016 over doing things like this.
00:35 He told everybody, "I'm the guy that can fix the code because I'm the one that knows every
00:39 loophole and I've been taking advantage of them."
00:42 So we all knew this was happening.
00:43 To the Mar-a-Lago point and down the street, there's this 53 million dollar home, but it is
00:49 a private home, whereas Mar-a-Lago is registered and for good reason because it's a club where
00:53 you can go and party and you can stay as an income producing club, which is taxed and
00:58 treated differently.
00:59 This also isn't the appraisal of just the county commissioner or whatever.
01:04 This is what the Trump organization said it was worth.
01:06 In 2020, they self-reported that it was worth 27 million dollars.
01:12 And now he's going around screaming that they're framing him.
01:15 Another week means another peek into the circus that is Donald Trump's trial in New York City.
01:19 Starring his band of loyalists that Mike Pence once accurately described before bowing out of
01:23 maybe the saddest presidential campaign of all time.
01:26 "The president specifically asked me and his gaggle of crackpot lawyers asked me."
01:33 "I'm not here to hear what he has to say, then why exactly am I being paid as an attorney?"
01:41 I mean, are you getting paid though?
01:43 It is Donald Trump after all.
01:44 Anyway, amidst the incoherent back and forth, I wanted to highlight the response from New
01:49 York City Attorney General, a response that is bound to have the Mar-a-Lago walls lathered
01:53 and catch up soon enough.
01:54 As she outlined the goings on from within the courtroom that kind of contradict Donald
01:58 Trump's rather optimistic outlook outside of it.
02:00 "This is a sad, I think it's a very sad day for America.
02:05 But anyway, this is a case that should have never been brought and it's a case that should
02:09 be immediately dismissed.
02:11 Days and days and weeks and weeks and it goes on and then you look at the outside world
02:17 and what's happened.
02:19 But of course they're getting their wish because I don't have to be here for the most part
02:23 but I sort of do have to be here because I want to be here because it's a scam and this
02:29 is a case that should have never been brought and it's a case that now should be dismissed."
02:34 "The defendants and the Trump organization, he rambled, he hurled insults, but we expected
02:43 that.
02:44 At the end of the day, the documentary evidence demonstrated that in fact he falsely inflated
02:51 his assets to basically enrich himself and his family.
02:55 He continued to persistently engage in fraud.
02:59 The numbers don't lie and Mr. Trump obviously can engage in all of these distractions and
03:05 that is exactly what he did, what he committed on the stand today, engaging in distractions
03:12 and engaging in name calling.
03:15 But I will not be bullied, I will not be harassed.
03:18 This case will go on.
03:19 We look forward to hearing the testimony of Ivanka Trump on Wednesday and then we plan
03:25 on closing our case and then there will be some motions on Thursday and then the defense
03:33 will present their case in chief.
03:37 Justice will prevail and it's important that all of you understand that we have already
03:42 been victorious in our motion for summary judgment and now we look forward to disgorgement
03:49 and to the remaining counts in our action against Donald Trump and his repeated and
03:54 consistent fraud against the citizens of the great state of New York.
04:00 But the thing is, this is the most important point.
04:02 This case is already wrapped up, he has already been found liable for fraud.
04:06 These theatrics are just to further enhance the victim narrative that the MAGA fatal will
04:11 eat up.
04:12 I was going to come out and say that as you know we're not entitled to a jury which is
04:17 pretty unusual in the United States of America so we think it's very unfair that I don't
04:23 have a jury but.
04:24 But it seemed that she forgot or just I don't know what happened to check the box saying
04:28 that they wanted a jury trial and then Donald Trump is complaining to the cameras and on
04:33 Truth Social that it is un-American to have a trial without a jury when his own crackpot
04:38 team asked for that.
04:39 Because Trump and his loyals know that his most loyal followers don't care if he's found
04:43 guilty time and time again.
04:45 Never surrender to the tyranny.
04:47 What is Trump doing here in this shirt?
04:49 This is his mugshot.
04:50 Gotcha, so that was taken when he surrendered to authorities to have his picture taken.
04:59 It will not nor will it ever change their view of him because that is how cults work.
05:03 I mean take this weekend in Florida as a prime example where Chris Christie was booed for
05:07 simply outlining the obvious that they are allergic to the truth.
05:10 Your anger, your anger against the truth is reprehensible.
05:20 Well there you go.
05:21 Preach it brother.
05:22 Presidential candidate Chris Christie over the weekend responding to the boos and jeers
05:27 from pro-Trump crowd at the GOP Freedom Summit.
05:32 They call it the Freedom Summit.
05:33 You've got a guy at the Freedom Summit, you've got a guy that they're praising in Donald
05:37 Trump that has talked about terminating the Constitution.
05:41 A guy who is saying he's going to arrest people just because he wants to arrest them.
05:46 Said he's going to arrest General Mark Milley.
05:49 He loves the Sand 6 choir.
05:51 Says he's going to arrest Ty Cobb, his former attorney, just because.
05:56 Just because.
05:57 The Freedom Summit, those people are jokes.
06:00 Every one of them that booed are jokes.
06:03 And no amount of indictments or charges or facts will skew their outlook.
06:07 And as I said, his lawyers know this.
06:09 Hell, he knows this.
06:10 He's outlined it in the past.
06:12 The people, my people are so smart.
06:14 And you know what else they say about my people?
06:16 The polls.
06:17 They say I have the most loyal people.
06:18 Did you ever see that?
06:20 Where I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose
06:23 any voters, okay?
06:24 It's like incredible.
06:25 No, they say Trump, we love you too man.
06:29 Trump's voters are by far, you know the, I'm at 68, 69%.
06:33 I'm at 90% total.
06:36 Like will you stay?
06:38 Absolutely.
06:39 I think it's 68 or 69%.
06:41 Will you most likely stay?
06:43 That gets into the 90s.
06:44 Other guys are like a 10.
06:46 A guy like Jeb Bush, he hasn't nobody, but he's like, I mean, like they don't have people.
06:50 They have nothing.
06:51 Rubio, soft.
06:52 They're all, all soft.
06:53 All soft.
06:54 My people, stay.
06:55 By the way, Cruz, soft.
06:56 What you can expect as this circus goes on is even more victimhood, pouting and a clear
07:04 lack of comprehension on how courts actually work.
07:08 You have a right to hire a lawyer who can stand up and say something when they see something
07:13 wrong.
07:15 But I was told to sit down today.
07:17 I was yelled at and I've had a judge who is unhinged slamming a table.
07:23 Let me be very clear.
07:24 I don't tolerate that in my life.
07:25 I'm not going to tolerate it here.
07:27 I mean, I'm pretty sure that judges can do this as they please, but I will not be bullied.
07:32 Justice will prevail.
07:33 Hey, Midas Mighty, love this report.
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07:39 most important news of the day.
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07:43 [Music]
