Very NERVOUS Trump Arrives to TESTIFY, LOSES IT on the Stand

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Very NERVOUS Trump Arrives to TESTIFY, LOSES IT on the Stand


00:00 to a hundred times more than that.
00:02 And it's a terrible, terrible thing.
00:05 These are political operatives that I'm going to be dealing with right now.
00:10 You have a racist attorney general who made some terrible statements.
00:14 I mean, you see some more that came over the wires today.
00:18 It's a very sad situation for our country.
00:20 We shouldn't have this.
00:21 This is for third-world countries.
00:23 And it's very unfair.
00:25 It's very unfair.
00:27 But in the meantime, the people of the country understand it.
00:30 They see it and they don't like it.
00:32 They don't like it.
00:32 Speak up, Mr.
00:34 Trump. Speak up, Mr.
00:35 Trump. That is what a judge in Goran said to Donald Trump as Donald Trump started off
00:42 speaking very slowly into the mic on the witness stand when he was testifying today.
00:48 I'm Ben Myselis from the Midas Touch Network.
00:50 The clip you just saw was Donald Trump as he arrived in court.
00:55 We are now in week 6 of the New York Attorney General civil fraud trial.
00:59 And folks, today is the big day where Donald Trump is testifying.
01:04 That was right before Donald Trump entered the court to testify.
01:09 And wow, did he lose it when he took the stand.
01:13 The testimony began with the judge telling Donald Trump to speak up because Donald Trump was nervous and speaking very softly.
01:22 Then Donald Trump started rambling and telling all of these long stories and just rambling and mumbling on.
01:29 And the judge was like, can you please just stop with the stories and just answer the questions?
01:35 And then Donald Trump told the judge what you're just going to rule against me anyway,
01:40 no matter what I say, all he does is rule against me.
01:43 And Judge in Goran, who's presiding over the case, is like, please, Mr.
01:47 Trump, just answer the question that is being asked.
01:51 And it's not true that I always rule against you.
01:55 I'm following the law. I'm following the facts.
01:58 Please ask your question. Kevin Wallace from the New York Attorney General's office doing some great cross-examination of Donald Trump.
02:07 One of the early questions that was asked is, well,
02:10 why did you put Don Jr. back as a trustee of the revocable trust?
02:15 And Donald Trump responded, he's a good boy. He's a very good young boy.
02:20 I mean, or young man. He's a good boy.
02:24 Is what Donald Trump said. He called Don Jr. a good boy.
02:27 Then when Donald Trump was asked about the false and fraudulent statements on the Trump organization's statement of financial conditions,
02:36 which is the heart of this case, what do you think Donald Trump's responses?
02:42 Donald Trump goes, banks don't care about statement of financial conditions,
02:47 to which the New York Attorney General lawyer Kevin Wallace says, what do you mean?
02:51 They don't care about fraudulent statements of financial condition.
02:55 What are you basing that on? And Donald Trump goes, trust me,
02:59 I've been involved in real estate my entire life. Banks don't care about statement of financial conditions at all.
03:06 And I put a worthless clause and the worthless clause means I could put anything into the statement of financial conditions,
03:13 to which the New York Attorney General Kevin Wallace started asking more questions.
03:18 OK, did you directly, Donald Trump, was it you who went to the banks with the statement of financial conditions?
03:26 No, I didn't do it. OK, well, who did it?
03:28 And then Donald Trump said, Jeff McConney, who's his former controller, and Allen Weisselberg, his former CFO.
03:37 Weisselberg is a convicted felon now.
03:39 He took a plea deal in the Manhattan District Attorney case, served about 100 days at Rikers Island,
03:46 and Weisselberg took a two million dollar severance agreement from the Trump organization to not comply with adverse parties in cases against the Trump organization,
03:58 which is something that came out in Weisselberg's testimony.
04:02 And Jeff McConney, the former controller of the Trump organization, again, who Donald Trump said he put in charge of dealing with the banks,
04:10 McConney said that Weisselberg told him to engage in fraudulent conduct.
04:16 If you've been following our kind of day to day analysis of this trial, that's what McConney testified.
04:23 So then Kevin Wallace from the New York Attorney General's office asked, well, what instructions did you provide Weisselberg?
04:31 And McConney, when they were dealing with the banks and you were providing the banks with the statement of financial conditions,
04:39 which the New York Attorney General's office is alleging to be fraudulent statement of financial conditions.
04:46 And Donald Trump says this is what he testified to.
04:49 I did not give them any specific instructions on what to give the accounting firm, what to give the banks, what to provide anybody.
05:00 I did not give them any specific instructions about what to give Mazers, which was the firm working with the Trump organization.
05:08 I didn't think that specific instructions were needed at all because Donald Trump's been repeating,
05:13 he says that statement of financial conditions are something that doesn't matter in real estate.
05:19 And he says that banks don't care about statement of financial conditions, which is just something that's totally false.
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06:24 That's
06:29 Then while Donald Trump was testifying, he was whining about, he said, "And Judge, you said that Mar-a-Lago is valued at $18 million.
06:39 It's not $18 million.
06:40 It's clearly a lot more than $18 million."
06:43 And New York Attorney General Kevin Wallace is just methodically going through it and letting Donald Trump go through
06:51 and kind of cycle in and out of kind of the malignant narcissism, paranoia, and essentially self-incrimination that's taking place on the stand.
07:01 Speaking about self-incrimination on the stand, there's a reason why people invoke their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.
07:08 Donald Trump testified.
07:09 He goes, "The reason that I became the president was because of my brand.
07:14 People love my brand.
07:15 And if I really wanted to inflate the prices of my statement of financial conditions,
07:20 if I really wanted to inflate the valuations of all of my properties, I would just include my brand value."
07:28 Here's the thing.
07:29 They did include brand value in a lot of their properties.
07:32 And then they did include something they were calling presidential premiums in the valuations of their properties.
07:39 So Donald Trump saying that the brand value is not added.
07:44 It is added.
07:45 It's undisputed that that is added.
07:49 And then Donald Trump was saying, "Everybody got their money back.
07:51 I don't even see what the issue is here.
07:53 I don't even know why we're in a trial.
07:55 I don't know why this is a case."
07:58 And that's been the morning testimony thus far.
08:01 But interesting, Donald Trump showing up, speaking very softly, and the judge like, "Speak up.
08:08 Lean into the mic and please speak up, sir."
08:12 And Donald Trump not doing well on the stand, but no one expected him to do well on the stand, perhaps, except him.
08:20 Let me show you.
08:21 This is New York Attorney General Letitia James right here.
08:25 This was before Donald Trump entered today as well.
08:27 And she basically predicted word for word what Donald Trump was going to say when he arrived.
08:32 And look, it's easy to predict what he's going to say.
08:34 He's very predictable.
08:35 He says the same things over and over and over again.
08:39 But now that he's in a court of law having to testify here, the things that he's saying are very incriminating.
08:45 Let's play this clip of New York Attorney General Letitia James.
08:48 - Misrepresented and inflated the value of his assets.
08:54 And before he takes the stand, I am certain that he will engage in name-calling and taunts and race-baiting and call this a witch hunt.
09:08 But at the end of the day, the only thing that matters are the facts and the numbers.
09:16 And numbers, my friends, don't lie.
09:19 Thank you.
09:20 - So that was brief and short.
09:24 If you have--
09:25 - There you have it, folks.
09:26 That's the summary for now.
09:28 I'll be back with you shortly to give you some more breaking news, and we'll break down the testimony of what's going down.
09:35 Make sure you hit subscribe right now.
09:37 We're on our way to 2 million subscribers.
09:40 Remember, Election Day is November 7th.
09:44 So if you have the ability, make sure you're doing something today to get people out to vote.
09:50 Make sure you are going to be voting, and make sure you get out the word.
09:54 And it's a big election in Virginia also.
09:56 A lot of states, there's big elections in general.
09:59 So just be aware.
10:00 And especially for all my Virginia friends out there, make sure the pro-democracy community goes out.
10:06 But everywhere across the country, please, please, please get out there.
10:09 Get out the vote.
10:10 Till next time, I'm Ben Mysolos.
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