Sopa de Gansos | show | 2015 | Official Trailer

  • last year
Produced by Cuatro in collaboration with 100 Balas, the Flipy producer responsible for the season's revelation series, ? | dHNfVEtDTTE0U0hLX3M


00:00 (music)
00:14 Well, you were there, we just told Flo that you were coming back, that you weren't coming back,
00:18 to here, to there, and in the end it was 100 bullets and half a seat, who said that you were coming back?
00:22 That we answer.
00:23 But they have really pissed us off, because you know that Flo already answered first that he wanted to do it,
00:30 and these are very smart, and I am very picky, you know? I am very careful about everything and I scratch myself a lot,
00:36 and who goes from... and the director, who...
00:38 So they set up a meeting with the whole team to tell me... Felipe said "I want to talk to you about one thing",
00:43 so when I went there was the director, the photo director, the art director, Eduardo Aldán, Flo, Vaquero, Iñaki Urrutia,
00:49 and a whole bunch of people, and we were going to do this, this way, and they convinced me, I couldn't say no,
00:53 they closed me, but the truth is that it is the ideal show to come back, because it is a comedy show,
00:58 we are comedians, and a total comedy, of people we admired before, who have their share here,
01:02 of our generation of comedians, like Rovira, Goyo Jiménez, Pideraita, and the new ones who are coming,
01:07 who are friends, and we want them to be a bomb, all of them in different disciplines, which is what I like too,
01:13 for example, Keke and Alex Ogerty, who are friends, who are great monologuists, are going to sing,
01:17 you are going to see them do things that are not usually seen, and on top of that, it is beautiful,
01:21 well recorded, with a lot of cameras, with a very good director, so, it is impossible to say no.
01:27 But, let's see, you were together in "Tonterías Las Justas", in "Otra Movida", now touring Spain,
01:32 when they ask you about this new project, don't you say "Again with Flo, come on, again"?
01:38 I ask myself, how long is this and how much do you pay me?
01:40 I mean, if I have to put up with it a lot, and how much are they going to pay me for that?
01:44 And both things, and both things were good for me, it was a short time, a few months of recording,
01:50 and they paid me a lot, I can't say, but I will probably buy this week the Santiago Bernabéu to live there.
01:57 Ah, I think it's good, you will invite us, I hope, all of the people from La Caja de Música.
02:00 The people from La Caja de Música, you know that you have your stage with your name, as always,
02:03 because Florentino Pérez already has it for you, but I will even keep it.
02:07 Perfect, well, we have a release date, next Wednesday it will be presented,
02:11 are you nervous about the presentation of a project with so many people behind?
02:16 Well, yes, because I want it to go well, especially because there are a lot of teams,
02:21 that depend on this kind of shows, and that have put a lot of enthusiasm, a lot of hours, a lot of energy,
02:26 and all the people who are working here are friends, I mean, Flippy is my friend,
02:29 Aldan is my friend, Iñaki Urrutia, Flo, and I want it to go well, especially for them.
02:33 But what we are happy about is that we think we have done something that is beautiful,
02:36 I mean, nobody is going to see it and say "What is this?"
02:38 I mean, it is beautiful, and then, for taste, colors, but it is beautiful and it is done with a lot of enthusiasm,
02:45 and I think that everyone likes the comedy, I mean, everyone likes to laugh.
02:48 And you, who are very "calentaros", when you say "Well, Flo, the release date is Wednesday,
02:53 we have already been given the release date", how much do you think we are going to have of audience?
02:56 Do you start with the peaks?
02:58 No, don't believe that we are going to have a peak, no, no, we haven't even talked about what kind of audience it will be.
03:03 What we want is that it will go well because there is expectation, and because we want a first show in which,
03:09 for example, I think it will be Santi Millán, Alex Clavero, who is a brutal comedian, Dani Rovira,
03:13 Flo and I will be back on television in this show, Alex O'Doherty, I mean, it is a first show with a lot of ingredients,
03:19 a lot of people who can like it, so we think it should go well, because we want it,
03:24 but, I mean, this is TV, and it can go well or bad, the audience decides.
03:28 And today, the presentation of "Sopa de Gansos", what is left of that comic couple that started in 4 in "Tonterías Las Justas"?
03:33 Well, it is left, above all, that we understand each other very well and we are very funny to each other,
03:38 and here we will continue to see how there are moments that can be scripted, but we go out,
03:43 that we find it funny something that the other has said that is out of the script, that will continue to be seen,
03:47 that spirit of "they are already messing it up", it will be seen, and then we keep it,
03:51 just like in the show, we keep it when we act, that it is not lost, we are not able to take it off.
03:57 Well, and finally, we also wanted to ask you, because we have told Flo,
04:01 we wanted to ask you the formula, but this I think is a bit like Coca-Cola,
04:04 if we say it, we have screwed it up already.
04:06 So, well, what do you consider are the keys to have people hooked there,
04:12 as you already had in "Tonterías Las Justas", with a brutal audience, in another movement like me,
04:16 and how have you been filling up, until now that you continue, the theaters of your country?
04:21 Well, our only formula is to be natural, I mean, it's true, we are very "us",
04:25 and we do what we like without pretensions, we don't measure people,
04:30 we are not going to give them this, we are "us" and that formula has gone well,
04:34 and when we have written the show we have done, we have taken a lot from us,
04:38 we have written it all ourselves, we have not had a scriptwriter,
04:40 because in the end we want to be very Flo and very Dani, and then I think that's what we offer,
04:44 and people have fun because I think I see two of his friends there,
04:48 like, look, two colleagues from my group, and then I think that's what we have to keep,
04:52 and in "Sopa de Gansos", even though we are some hostages of suit that we present to people,
04:56 we still keep a little of that spirit.
04:58 Well, and among jokes, it is true that humorists put truths as fists,
05:02 and it is criticized, who has to criticize, among laughs.
05:05 Well, what I wanted to ask you is, is it better to make humor, good humor, or being outraged?
05:13 I, good humor, I, good humor, when I'm outraged, I'm like anyone, I get angry,
05:19 so I prefer good humor, in fact, when I did silly things, people told me,
05:23 "that character you do in the show is funny", and I say, "character? I do of me?"
05:27 I am 100% like when I am with my friends, but in a TV show,
05:30 instead of talking about something that happened to a friend of mine, of a video that we have put.
05:33 So that's my way of making humor, from nature and from good humor.
05:38 If I'm in a bad mood, it costs me a little.
05:41 Well, and finally, you, who are a tweeter, how would you encourage people to be Wednesday on 4,
05:45 without missing the show?
05:47 Well, hashtag, if you don't see it, I'll kill you, hashtag, you're going to like it,
05:52 and you have to see it because everyone likes comedy, there is no one who says,
05:56 "No, it's that I don't like laughing, I don't like it", and this, you're going to laugh with what was before,
06:00 with what is now, with the new, very nice fact, and on top of that there are few programs like this on TV,
06:04 and then we always say, "Fuck, they don't put anything of this kind, we always complain,
06:08 there are always many formats of this type and none of the others", well, there is one,
06:11 and if you want it to continue, and Flo continues to charge money for her children, you have to see it.
06:16 Well, we will not miss it, thank you very much, Dani, good luck.
06:19 Thank you very much.
06:20 (upbeat music)
