• 2 years ago
Sejumlah pihak meminta Ketua Mahkamah Konstitusi Anwar Usman dipecat usai muncul setelah kasus dugaan pelanggaran etik dilaporkan kepada MKMK.
00:00 Some parties asked for the head of the Constitutional Court, Anwar Usman, to be dismissed.
00:07 The request came after the case of an ethical violation by Anwar Usman was reported to the Constitutional Court.
00:18 Anwar was considered to have committed various violations in the material test decision
00:24 about the age limit of presidential candidates and representatives, at least 40 years.
00:30 With the decision of the Constitutional Court on the minimum age limit of the Cawapres,
00:36 Anwar Usman was promoted to be the Cawapres, accompanied by Prabowo Subianto.
00:48 The decision was protested, various reports of ethical violations were sent to the Constitutional Court.
00:54 Of the 21 reports, 10 of them were submitted to Anwar.
00:59 Now, the investigation carried out by the Ad Hoc Institute has just concluded the investigation of 9 constitutional judges.
01:08 The Ethics Institute led by Jimli Assydiki will hold the investigation of the judges today, November 7, 2023.
01:18 The ticket from the Constitutional Court allows Gibran to be a candidate,
01:23 although before the age of 40, there are many questions.
01:28 The decision of the Constitutional Court is the red carpet from the Constitutional Court for Gibran.
01:35 The Chair of the General Election Commission, Hashim Ashari, said he could not predict
01:40 if Anwar was wrongly decided, would he be a candidate for the position of Gibran.
01:46 This was conveyed by Hashim at the KPU office of Imam Bonjol Menteng Jakarta Pusat on Friday, November 3, 2023.
01:54 Chair of the Constitutional Court of Honour, MKMK, Jimli Assydiki revealed that
02:02 he found a number of problems in the MKMK case,
02:06 including the issue of ties.
02:09 Jimli also said that the evidence of the enforcement of Anwar Usman's ethics was complete.
02:15 The evidence included the explanation of the expert, witness, recording of surveillance cameras or CCTV, and letter of resignation.
02:24 He said the evidence was a problem with the difference in opinion or dissenting opinion,
02:30 which was pulled back by internal disputes and a difference in opinion that leaked out.
02:35 [Music]
