Yankee Bench Coach's Disputed Mets Hiring Ignites NY Outrage

  • last year
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:02 Hiring the bench coach of what was possibly the worst Yankee team in 30 years.
00:10 Hiring the Yankee bench coach off of what was the worst Yankee team in 30 years.
00:14 >> Who recommended him, Brian Cashman?
00:17 >> You would think that the Wilpons were still running the Mets with a move like that.
00:23 >> They are. >> That is a Wilpon-ish type move to do that.
00:27 And as far as that other guy, Council goes- >> For Bob Showalter, they got rid of.
00:32 >> He didn't have the stones to manage in New York.
00:36 He wanted no part of managing in New York City, Craig Council, in Milwaukee,
00:42 goes to Chicago.
00:43 I know Chicago's a big city, but in terms of media-
00:45 >> It's a city of losers.
00:47 That's what it is.
00:49 They don't win.
00:49 >> They don't go after the managers and the coaches like New York does.
00:53 And he wanted no part of it.
00:55 Bill Madden tweeted it last night.
00:57 Plenty of people said it.
00:58 You don't want New York, and it turned out to be true.
01:01 >> So how many times have they got it done?
01:05 The White Sox 05, the Cubs, it took them 108 years.
01:09 >> 108.
01:10 >> The Bears, 1985.
01:12 If it wasn't for Michael Jordan, they wouldn't have even any success in that city.
01:20 Michael Jordan is the only thing that ever mattered in Chicago.
01:24 And the Blackhawks won three, and no one cared.
01:28 >> Right.
01:29 Well, it is what it is.
01:31 But yes, Jordan, indeed.
01:34 Craig Council, 40 million bucks.
01:36 God bless you.
01:37 >> He ain't worth 40 million bucks.
01:38 And you know what?
01:39 >> Enjoy.
01:40 >> Take a good look.
01:40 What did he do in Milwaukee besides never really get it done?
01:46 >> Agreed.
01:46 I agreed.
01:47 I do not- >> It's unbelievable.
01:49 When I think who should be the highest paid manager in Major League Baseball,
01:54 he's not the first name that would come off the top of my head.
01:57 And he's probably not even top five.
01:58 >> Why would you get rid of Buck Showalter for this hack?
02:01 No one's ever heard of him.
02:02 Like I said, they should have hired Jessica Mendoza.
02:05 >> Because now they're bringing in the analytical pencil pusher.
02:10 And Buck doesn't do that.
02:11 That's not Buck's game.
02:12 And Cohen wants that, and Cohen wants- >> Stearns made this choice.
02:17 Horrible job.
02:18 Nice job, you idiot.
02:19 [MUSIC]
