Kya Election Free And Fair Hunge ?, PML-N Leader Javed Latif Ka Ahem Bayan

  • last year
Kya Election Free And Fair Hunge ?, PML-N Leader Javed Latif Ka Ahem Bayan
00:00 And Javed Lati, in Punjab, I will talk to you later about Sindh,
00:05 whether people's party will form an alliance or not.
00:08 Who is your rival in Punjab, with whom you will compete?
00:12 Look, in the past, our competition,
00:18 which has been with the forces of the past,
00:22 that too is in front of everyone.
00:25 So today, because the foundations are apolitical,
00:30 and this is the impression so far,
00:32 I don't think there is a party in Punjab
00:35 that will give us such a tough time.
00:41 So, by the grace of God,
00:44 we will clean sweep the whole of Punjab,
00:48 under the leadership of Nawaz Shafiq.
00:53 Okay. Javed Lati,
00:56 Mr. Ishaq Dar's speech was very important,
00:59 especially in relation to the election.
01:02 Because whenever we have elections,
01:04 the questions are raised by the Jamaat,
01:06 especially those who lose,
01:08 that we were beaten in the seat,
01:10 we did not play fair.
01:12 What is Mr. Ishaq Dar saying? Let's see.
01:14 The credibility of the election is very important,
01:16 but we must also be determined.
01:18 At the end of the day, whoever gets a share,
01:20 we must accept it with honesty.
01:22 It is not a political reason,
01:24 that after the election we say we do not agree,
01:26 because we did not get the right number of seats.
01:28 Whatever the election results are,
01:30 we should all accept with an open heart.
01:32 Mr. Javed Lati, do you think that after the election,
01:35 all the Jamaats will accept the results with an open heart?
01:40 Look, today's discussions are from the Jamaats,
01:46 not from the people.
01:48 It is not appropriate to say Jamaats,
01:50 because the people in those Jamaats,
01:52 are people who have a political approach.
01:55 They all know that these discussions are made
01:58 on election issues.
02:01 But I think that the elections that are going to take place today,
02:07 and I will request all the state bodies,
02:13 that all the elections that are going to be held in Pakistan,
02:21 should be fair,
02:23 whether it is 2018 or 2022.
02:31 All the elections should be fair.
02:34 But I would still say that the elections should be fair and free.
02:40 And what we can see,
02:43 we will take a clear majority.
02:46 Despite this, the mind of the Nawaz Shiv,
02:49 which I know,
02:51 they want that despite the fact that we will not need any unity to govern,
02:57 we will still join all the political parties together,
03:02 and they want to take Pakistan out of this mess.
03:07 So that we can make economic decisions with consensus,
03:12 and give a happy Pakistan to the coming generations.
03:17 And Javed Lati, taking advantage of your presence,
03:21 I would like to ask,
03:23 because a statement of Asif Zardari has been circulating for the past few days,
03:27 that he is saying that he will not let Nawaz Sharif become the Prime Minister.
03:30 Was this statement really made,
03:33 or was it an expression of a desire?
03:35 What is your party's and your opinion on this?
03:38 Javed Lati, can you hear me?
03:46 Yes, Sadaf.
03:49 Look, as far as this kind of conversation is concerned,
03:53 small and big issues have been shown to us at different times.
04:00 Even today, I will say with great respect,
04:04 that if the people elect us,
04:08 then no one has the courage to become a hurdle in the way.
04:14 And if the hurdle in the way is made just so that we get a share,
04:20 then it is not appropriate to have such conversations in the Republic.
04:25 And as far as Nawaz Sharif's appointment as Prime Minister is concerned,
04:31 in the past, some people sitting in the Aadhaar,
04:36 used to create hurdles in the way of Nawaz Sharif.
04:40 They did not appear on one page,
04:43 even after becoming a government.
04:45 But today, the attitude of the people sitting in the Aadhaar,
04:50 they also believe that we should support the person who is elected,
04:55 even if he is Nawaz Sharif.
04:57 So, I think that neither Pakistan nor the State Institutes are ready
05:03 to replay the 2018 elections or the 2002 elections.
05:09 So, when Nawaz Sharif becomes Prime Minister,
05:13 all these forces will stand with Nawaz Sharif.
05:17 Chad.
