Michael Cohen EXPOSES the SECRET PLAYBOOK Trump is following at Trial

  • last year
Michael Cohen EXPOSES the SECRET PLAYBOOK Trump is following at Trial


00:00 gives us an inside look into the playbook that he believes that Donald Trump and his
00:07 current legal team are following.
00:09 And Michael Cohen wrote the playbook.
00:12 He sees it in action and he is exposing it for us here on the Midas Touch Network.
00:18 This is from Political Beatdown where I got to hear this from Michael Cohen.
00:22 Make sure you subscribe to Political Beatdown and the new Mayakulpa feed, Michael Cohen's
00:26 other podcast that's now exclusively on the Midas Touch Network.
00:31 Let's hear from Michael Cohen about this playbook.
00:34 Play the clip.
00:35 He's already lost that first part, the fraud determination pursuant to the motion that
00:46 again Judge Ngoron approved.
00:50 That part is over.
00:51 This is now merely once again for Donald.
00:55 It is a trial for damages, plain and simple.
01:00 And the biggest problem with Don Jr., with Eric and so on, and even Allen Weisselberg
01:07 in the way that they're testifying.
01:09 Let me tell you how this thing panned out.
01:11 And it's easy for me to say because I've seen it happen before.
01:15 Let's not forget there was the attorney general case, the one with Trump Soho, and there was
01:20 also the other case which dealt with Trump University.
01:26 So here's what happens.
01:28 The brain trust, and I'm talking about the lawyers, the Chris Kyes, the Alina Habas,
01:34 and the Cliff Robert, along with Alan Garten, who's general counsel, and maybe one or two
01:41 other individuals.
01:43 They're all sitting down at a table with Don Jr. and Eric.
01:49 And they're coming up with, of course, questions that they're going to ask and how to stay
01:55 on message.
01:56 They need to answer the questions.
01:58 And everybody starts throwing their two cents.
02:00 And the problem is that you have Alina Habas, who for whatever the reason might be, thinks
02:08 that she is the new fixer, that she's the new protector of Donald Trump.
02:14 And she'll do and say anything in order to give the appearance that she's protecting
02:21 him.
02:22 In fact, every time she opens her mouth, she puts him behind the eight ball because it's
02:28 a jury.
02:29 I'm sorry.
02:30 It's not a jury trial.
02:32 She fucked that up already.
02:34 This is a bench trial.
02:37 So she is now pissing off, as Donald is, as Don Jr. is, as Eric is.
02:43 They're pissing off the guy who now is making the determination on the disgorgement, on
02:50 the amount of money that you are and your company and the co-defendants are going to
02:55 be fined.
02:56 Plain and simple.
02:57 That's a really stupid strategy.
02:59 Now, if you had something intelligent to say that could help to exonerate you, then by
03:06 all means, you should be doing it.
03:08 And you should be laying that out in a foundation, whether it's on cross or a redirect.
03:15 However, that's what they're supposed to do.
03:17 But no, what they do, it's all performative.
03:21 They're all performing to a party of one.
03:23 And the question you have to ask yourself is why?
03:27 Why?
03:28 And I think the answer is because they already know what the outcome is going to be.
03:33 They already know that they don't have the assets in order to cover the disgorgement,
03:40 whether it's a baseline of 250 or it hits the numbers that I keep saying in excess of
03:46 600 million.
03:48 That's probably what's going on here.
03:50 And so their feeling is, all right, look, the only thing that we can do is as soon as
03:56 we get the negative decision, we'll just appeal it and we'll delay, delay, delay as much as
04:02 we can.
04:03 And hopefully that Trump ends up pulling off a victory in 2024.
04:10 And even I want, I want Brigadiers, I really want you to hear this because this is, this
04:14 is a thought that, that I was, you know, that entered my mind very early in the morning
04:20 and I wanted to share it with you.
04:23 So just imagine for a second, he gets whacked with a $600 million number and we all know
04:30 that he doesn't have $600 million in equity after paying off taxes, because we've talked
04:36 about that before.
04:38 His basis in some of these properties are insanely low.
04:42 Like for example, 40 Wall Street, his basis is $1 million, not to mention there's recapture
04:49 and on the depreciation on top of that, he's going to get taxed as a New York resident
04:56 because that's where the property is located.
04:58 So you have city, state and federal.
05:01 So whatever the amount is going to be minus what mortgage he may have on that property
05:07 with taxes, it leaves very little in order to pay off the disgorgement amount.
05:12 So here's the danger.
05:14 Hypothetically, the Mandarin Mussolini, Captain Chaos, the sociopath himself somehow manages
05:22 to win the election, somehow manages.
05:25 What do you think that he's going to do?
05:27 Well, we already know what he said he's going to do.
05:30 He's going to rewrite the constitution and by rewriting the constitution, he's going
05:35 to strip the judiciary and the legislative branches of government of their power as created
05:42 by the tripartite system of our founding fathers.
05:45 And he's going to confer all power to the executive branch, which of course is him and
05:51 him alone as the chief executive.
05:55 In essence, he's making himself a king.
05:58 That's really what's going to happen here.
06:00 His power of executive privilege in and the fact that he can write, you know, executive
06:08 doc, executive privilege documents will basically will not basically will make him into a king.
06:16 So he will do because Donald Trump doesn't think of things on his own, but he sees what
06:21 others have done and thinking that it's really cool.
06:25 He'll do the same.
06:27 So let me give you an example on what will happen day number two after he confers all
06:33 the power of government to the executive branch to himself.
06:37 This is crazy shit.
06:38 So listen up to this.
06:40 He's going to call in people like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg,
06:48 Bill Gates, the Walt family can call in all the top 100 billionaires in this country,
06:58 the mega billionaires.
07:00 And he'll say to people like Elon Musk, and I hope Elon, somebody may be on this, you
07:05 know, who's watching today out of the 20,000 people or wherever that's that are watching
07:10 right now.
07:11 And there are hundreds and five, 600,000 people that will ultimately hopefully one person
07:16 knows Elon and that they can get this message to him.
07:20 He will ask you, how much money are you worth?
07:22 And you'll come back and you'll say, well, according to the latest number, it's 300 billion.
07:29 And Donald will laugh at him and say, no, you're worth 1 billion.
07:34 And he'll get him to sign over $299 billion.
07:39 And then everybody will say, stop it, Michael.
07:41 That's bullshit.
07:42 Can't happen.
07:43 You can't do that.
07:44 Well, you can if you're the king, you can if all the power of government is conferred
07:49 upon you.
07:50 Well, you know what?
07:51 If you don't, I think that you then who did this?
07:54 Mohammed bin Salman did it and he did it to his own fucking relatives.
07:58 So what do you think Donald Trump will end up doing?
08:01 And he'll go down the line.
08:02 Really?
08:03 You don't want to do it.
08:04 He'll have you jailed for what?
08:07 For stock manipulation, for fraud on America, for treason, whatever.
08:12 The same bullshit that Mohammed bin Salman did to his relatives, to the other royals
08:20 in Saudi Arabia.
08:22 That's what he's going to do because he's not thinking out of the box.
08:26 He thought it was cool that this guy hung them by their necks until such time as they
08:31 signed over what he wanted.
08:33 And Donald will be the richest man in the world legitimately overnight.
08:38 So he's thinking to himself at this moment, if he could win the election, it changes everything
08:45 for him.
08:46 He doesn't give a shit about his paltry two billion, three billion, one billion, whatever
08:51 the number is, because he will be worth close to a trillion dollars, if not more.
08:57 And mark my words, I know that sounds hyperbolic and it sounds really far fetched and so on.
09:03 It's not.
09:04 Not if you know Donald Trump and if not, if you know the way he thinks this is the
09:09 way he thinks.
09:10 And this is just the beginning of the chaos that he's going to create in this country.
09:15 Thank you so much, Michael Cohen, for sharing that with us.
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09:31 Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you next time here on the Midas Touch
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09:45 [MUSIC]