• 2 years ago
Fed-up Democrat CALLS OUT Marjorie Taylor Greene TO HER FACE, SHE CAN'T HANDLE IT


00:00 This only pertains to monuments that commemorate the founding father.
00:04 So just to clear up a couple of things, my colleague mentioned the founding fathers.
00:08 Robert E. Lee was not actually one of the founding fathers.
00:10 He was a general of the Confederacy.
00:13 That was the city of Charlottesville.
00:14 That wasn't a national monument that when that statue was removed.
00:18 Wow, that Marjorie Taylor Greene highlight reel is really picking up steam, ain't it?
00:24 Is that what we're really going to see come out?
00:27 Is it true?
00:28 Is the type of corruption?
00:29 Is that what we're going to see come out?
00:30 Is it going to be satanic worship?
00:32 Mild found herself making headlines once again for all the wrong reasons.
00:37 Once again, no, not for struggling to count outside her fingers and toes.
00:41 What it did to our children's math and reading levels is horrific.
00:45 School closures brought them to the lowest levels in years.
00:48 England, eighth graders, math proficiency dropped by seven points.
00:53 Reading levels dropped by two points.
00:56 There are one million five hundred and twenty four, five hundred and twenty four and four
01:02 hundred and eighty one.
01:03 This is over one million.
01:06 No, not for supporting Q. We've been there.
01:11 No, not for thinking that Ruth Bader Ginsburg had a body double.
01:15 It's a whole new person.
01:16 It's almost like a body double for Hillary Clinton.
01:19 Yeah, like a body double for Hillary Clinton.
01:21 So it's interesting.
01:24 I do not believe that was Ruth.
01:26 Now, or any of her mega hits that were outlined one by one recently and entered into record
01:31 on the House floor.
01:32 Whereas Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has repeatedly fanned the flames of racism,
01:39 anti-Semitism, hate speech against the LGBTQ community, Islamophobia, Asian hate, xenophobia
01:47 and other forms of hatred.
01:49 But for failing to comprehend American history, particularly on the Confederacy, and I know
01:54 I'm surprised as well, we'd all imagine that she would be very well versed on the subject
01:59 matter.
02:00 But on to her defense and reference of Robert E. Lee and the subsequent takedown from Congresswoman
02:06 Pingree, who was on hand to bring her up to speed on her racist history.
02:11 My friend and gentlewoman from Maine may have mentioned that this affects all monuments.
02:17 In fact, it does not.
02:19 As a former secretary, monuments are under the Antiquities Act.
02:23 There's about 163 as I recall.
02:26 This only pertains to monuments that commemorate the founding fathers of the United States
02:32 on land under the jurisdiction.
02:34 I don't recall how many monuments are to the founding fathers, but there's not many.
02:40 But I want to be clear.
02:42 Let me read this back to you.
02:43 There may have been an earlier version of this, but this one says, "None of the funds
02:47 made available by this act may be used to remove any monument on land under the jurisdiction
02:52 of the Department of Interior."
02:54 I reserve.
02:55 Madam Speaker, thank you.
02:56 Actually, there should be no funds allocated to remove any monument, and there's no necessary
03:01 reason to remove the monuments.
03:04 This is the Democrat and the Biden administration's effort to erase our history, just as they
03:10 have done to the statue of Robert E. Lee.
03:13 This is an outrage.
03:15 So just to clear up a couple of things, my colleague mentioned the founding fathers.
03:18 Robert E. Lee was not actually one of the founding fathers.
03:21 He was a general of the Confederacy.
03:23 That was the city of Charlottesville.
03:25 That wasn't a national monument when that statue was removed.
03:29 And I just have to say, I find it rich that the party that has supported book banning
03:37 in our libraries, rewriting curriculum, not talking about our history over and over again,
03:44 is the very one that is saying that we have to often keep painful monuments in places
03:49 where they do damage, where they interfere with people's ability to enjoy the particular
03:54 area that they're in, and leave it to the Department of Interior to have that discretion.
04:00 So if we're going to get into talking about book banning and rewriting history, let's
04:05 have an honest debate about it and talk about the differences between our two parties on
04:09 this.
04:10 I oppose this amendment and I yield back.
04:11 Let me just say for the last time, there is a difference between honoring history and
04:17 remembering history.
04:19 There are no Hitler statues in Germany and the last I checked, people remembered him
04:23 just fine.
04:24 Confederate monuments are not about remembering history.
04:27 In fact, I made a video on this very subject matter.
04:30 Before I get into this, I'm not here to spark some debate where people defend the Confederacy
04:34 by saying things like, "Well, it was about states' rights," because there's only one
04:39 response to that.
04:41 States' rights to do what?
04:43 But as with this school and any school across America that is named after or celebrates
04:50 the Confederacy, my mind goes immediately to the position of, "Imagine what it's like
04:55 to be a black student forced to go to a school like that or to walk through these doors."
05:01 And there will be those that say, "This is about remembering history," which I say,
05:05 "That's bullshit."
05:06 Confederate flags, monuments, naming schools after Confederate generals, these are all
05:11 efforts to celebrate them.
05:13 Historically.
05:14 First of all, because the majority of Confederate monuments were built in the early 1900s, long
05:19 after the war.
05:20 Coincidentally, around the same time that the NAACP was formed and, well, the South
05:25 were enacting sweeping laws to disenfranchise black people.
05:29 Now, has the schools been named after the Confederacy?
05:31 Well, there was a spike between 1954 and 1970.
05:36 Hmm, what happened in 1954 again?
05:39 Oh, that's right.
05:40 Brown vs. Board of Education.
05:42 A decision which said maintaining racially segregated schools was unconstitutional.
05:48 So this is why I don't humor the bullshit about it being something to remember history,
05:53 especially when it often comes from the very people who want to ban books that look to
05:58 teach people on the past atrocities of this country.
06:01 Go to Germany, show me where the statues of Hitler are or monuments or schools that are
06:07 honoring the Nazis, you won't find them.
06:10 But somehow we still remember that part of history, right?
06:14 But for talking sakes, let's say that there were.
06:16 How do you think Jewish kids would feel if they had to go to a school with a Nazi flag
06:20 painted on the door or a school that was named after leaders of the Nazi party?
06:26 It wouldn't be right, right?
06:28 So why is this?
06:29 And here's the thing, is anybody surprised that she doesn't know who the founding fathers
06:32 are?
06:33 That she imagines Robert E. Lee was one of them because he stood for the very same things
06:37 that she clearly upholds close to her heart?
06:40 Of course not.
06:41 This woman is so unqualified for office that her own party members can't help but remind
06:47 the general public when they're asked about her.
06:49 So George, when I was teaching law school, I learned and taught certain constitutional
06:58 principles.
06:59 When Marjorie Taylor Greene was teaching CrossFit, she learned a whole different set of values
07:04 evident because my idea of what this country should be like is based on the Constitution.
07:13 And she sees the world differently.
07:15 She's criticized me for voting to certify the election in 2020.
07:23 The Constitution says Congress shall count the votes.
07:27 It doesn't say Congress may overturn an election result.
07:31 It doesn't say Congress can do whatever the heck it was with this election.
07:35 Shall count the votes.
07:36 That's what the Constitution says.
07:38 In her CrossFit class, maybe they didn't cover that.
07:41 So we can just add this to the tape.
07:42 And at this point, between her and Lauren Bober, it's a race to the finish for who can
07:46 be the most insufferable and simply idiotic member of office.
07:51 Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene forthwith present herself in the will of the House of
07:56 Representatives for the pronouncement of censure and Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene be
08:02 censured with the public reading of this resolution.
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