孩子下体受重伤入院 家属怒控:VIP孩子可给钱“搞定”?

  • last year
新闻报报看 | 最近就有网民在X平台上,转发受害者姐姐的控诉文称,自己朋友的弟弟在学校遭到学校学长霸凌到下体受重伤入院,霸凌者还依旧若无其事没被对付。这名网友就质疑,难道是这名霸凌者背后有VIP当靠山,才会不受到纪律对付?(主播:颜江瀚、洪欣仪)


00:00 Schools should be a place where students can focus on their studies.
00:04 But unfortunately, the bullying incidents in some schools are getting worse.
00:08 Although the school has the responsibility to ensure the safety of the school and the environment,
00:14 but when the bullying incidents happen,
00:17 how many schools are willing to take action,
00:20 instead of trying to sweep everything under the carpet with a "western" attitude?
00:26 Recently, a netizen posted a complaint on social media about a victim's sister.
00:33 She said that her friend's brother was bullied by a senior in school,
00:38 and his lower body was severely injured, and he was hospitalized.
00:43 But according to the netizen, the bully was still free and unharmed.
00:50 The netizen questioned whether the bully had a VIP as a backer,
00:54 so he didn't have to be disciplined.
00:57 According to the post,
01:00 the bullying incident happened in a boarding school in Pilijiangshan.
01:04 The victim was a middle school student.
01:07 One morning, at 12am,
01:09 she was called to a room by a group of middle school seniors.
01:14 As soon as she entered the room, she was bullied by the seniors.
01:18 The victim's sister claimed in the post
01:21 that her brother was at the front row,
01:24 and was pushed down by a senior with 8 to 10 level strength.
01:30 Just like this photo,
01:32 the senior's shoulder blade was hit directly on his brother's private part with a swing.
01:40 The sister mentioned that because the bully was too strong,
01:43 her brother fell to the ground immediately.
01:45 Even though he was already lying on the floor,
01:48 the bully's senior didn't stop and kicked him until his brother stopped.
01:56 Later, the crowd dispersed and the brother couldn't stand up,
01:59 so he was carried back to his dormitory.
02:01 The shooting was found, and the situation seemed to be serious.
02:04 The ambulance was called to take the brother to the hospital.
02:08 The victim's family was also informed at 3am that this was the case,
02:12 and their child was hospitalized.
02:14 The sister claimed that the school was so violent,
02:18 and the school did not report to the police,
02:21 but instead acted coldly.
02:23 The hospital reported to the police because the injured were seriously injured.
02:27 The victim's sister said that the school and the police had a meeting the next day.
02:33 The principal emphasized that it was time to stand up and fight against bullying.
02:38 All the school officials who were in attendance also supported the "do-it-and-leave" policy.
02:43 But what awaited was not the punishment of the bully,
02:45 but a harmonious meeting.
02:48 According to the victim's sister,
02:52 the bully's family made a request at the meeting.
02:57 Their request was to prevent the school from firing their child.
03:01 What's more, the bully's family also made a suggestion three days later,
03:06 saying they were willing to provide psychological counseling and financial compensation for the victim,
03:10 and let the victim be their "brother."
03:14 As for the child,
03:16 the family promised to make up for the child's mistakes by apologizing,
03:20 making a "merit" and so on.
03:23 So in the end, the school did not take any action.
03:26 The bully continued to be "free" without suspension, punishment, or expulsion.
03:33 The victim's family was very angry and depressed.
03:37 As for the school's "free" approach,
03:40 the victim's family wrote in grief that the bully was not punished.
03:45 Compared to seeking justice,
03:47 the victim was more concerned about her brother's safety in the school.
03:49 In the end, the victim asked the public,
03:52 "What would you do if you were bullied in the school?"
03:55 After this post was popular,
03:57 netizens revealed that the victim was wrong in the first place.
04:00 She was caught smoking in the school.
04:02 But most netizens still strongly condemned her.
04:05 The victim's mistake should be punished according to school rules,
04:08 instead of being used by the school principal to commit a crime,
04:11 and even beat people to the hospital.
04:14 After the bullying incident,
04:16 the school's education association
04:19 just released a statement
04:22 to respond to this matter.
04:26 The statement said that the victim,
04:29 the "brother" who was beaten,
04:31 was wrong in the first place.
04:33 But what mistakes did she make?
04:35 The statement did not mention in detail.
04:37 The education association said that
04:39 they support the school's subsequent actions.
04:41 At the same time, they strongly emphasized that
04:44 parents of middle school students should not interfere with the school's affairs,
04:48 and do not spread misinformation on the Internet,
04:51 which will ruin the school's reputation.
04:53 As for the police,
04:55 the police in Pilizhou issued a statement
04:57 that the police are investigating this case from the perspective of a perpetrator.
05:01 At the same time, the police also called on the public
05:03 not to make any comments, remarks and guesses without basis.
05:08 [Music]
