The Green Woman Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: An unsuccessful writer who's relationship has been falling apart is visited by a mysterious and enigmatic green woman, claiming to be from the future.
GENRE: Sci-Fi, Drama / Runtime: 89 Minutes
GENRE: Sci-Fi, Drama / Runtime: 89 Minutes
Short filmTranscript
00:00 (laughing)
00:02 - Hello?
00:05 Hello?
00:06 Are you gonna get up soon, Mr. Big Shot Rider?
00:08 - Can't we just stay in for once
00:11 and just have dinner together?
00:12 - No, this is important.
00:13 I've got a business meeting.
00:15 Gotta go.
00:16 Rommie, if you had a proper job, you'd understand.
00:19 - You have no idea how lucky I am
00:20 to have someone like you in my life.
00:23 - You're a deadbeat.
00:24 - Oh, that's a big word for a big girl.
00:27 Deadbeat.
00:28 - Stop it!
00:29 - Yes.
00:30 - Oh, look at me, I'm naked.
00:33 (laughing)
00:35 - Hello, stranger.
00:41 Miss me?
00:42 What?
00:44 Have you never seen a green woman before?
00:47 It was you who always said that the universe
00:50 is full of weird and wonderful things
00:52 beyond your imagination.
00:54 - Life can be pretty hard at times,
00:56 and it's good to have a friend you can chat to.
00:59 - Well, I'm fine, thanks.
01:02 - Isn't it normal for Mary to be at a business meeting
01:05 at 3.30 in the morning, especially on your birthday?
01:09 - So you know it's my birthday?
01:11 - I know you far better than you could possibly believe.
01:14 ♪ All by myself ♪
01:19 - Aren't I in love?
01:23 - I'm not sure yet.
01:26 - Rummy, if you grew up, you'd see, you need help.
01:29 - I have grown up.
01:29 - She does like to try to control you, doesn't she?
01:35 - I need you to get me to the penis.
01:37 - No, look, I'm like, no more favors, no more stealing,
01:40 no more hurting anyone, please stop asking me.
01:43 - Rummy, you're an adult now, so start acting like one.
01:48 Can you honestly say I'm like anyone you have ever met?
01:54 ♪ For the last time ♪
01:57 (dramatic music)
02:00 (dramatic music)
02:02 (whooshing)