Alien Intervention Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: An alien visitor entrusts a powerful device to a young girl before he disappears with government officials. When he comes back 25 years later to reclaim it so he can return to his home planet, he finds the woman struggling to keep her business and marriage alive. With his return, her purpose is redefined and she is finally able to find inner peace.
Directed by: Janet Grillo
Starring: Carie Kawa (While Mortals Sleep), Michael Esparza (Railing Helen), Daniel Door (Pure O), Cynthia Mace (The Cathedra), Gregory Jbara (Blue Bloods)
Directed by: Janet Grillo
Starring: Carie Kawa (While Mortals Sleep), Michael Esparza (Railing Helen), Daniel Door (Pure O), Cynthia Mace (The Cathedra), Gregory Jbara (Blue Bloods)
Short filmTranscript
00:00 [Music]
00:15 Can you do something for me?
00:20 Are you an alien?
00:23 Could you hold on to this? I will be back for it soon.
00:28 It is very powerful.
00:32 It cannot fall into the wrong hands.
00:36 [Music]
00:42 Wasn't a dream.
00:44 Dude, it's been 25 years.
00:47 This is the general area where I buried it, but I don't quite remember the exact spot.
00:55 I'd like to know who you are, sir, and what you're doing here.
00:58 We don't want any trouble.
00:59 Define trouble.
01:01 Three days, that's when the next storm comes. It will take me home.
01:04 Another day or two, half the army will be out this way.
01:07 [Arguing]
01:09 Man, I'll find it by then. I will find it.
01:14 You know what happened to the others. You want that to be your fate too?
01:19 Where do I go from here?
01:20 I need you to give me something.
01:22 I need you to fix my life.
01:26 Everything that you need is inside of you.
01:30 [Music]