• 2 years ago
SPACE MONKEYS Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: The plot of "SPACE MONKEYS" unfolds at an unforgettable end-of-summer bash, where a group of five teenagers accidentally discover a mysterious app. The app dares them to embark on increasingly hazardous challenges. As the stakes rise, friendships are strained, and the teens find themselves grappling with life-altering consequences.
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:10 [FOREIGN]
00:12 >> Welcome to the stage.
00:13 >> [FOREIGN]
00:16 [MUSIC]
00:19 >> Talking challenge.
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00:23 [FOREIGN]
00:33 [MUSIC]
00:35 [LAUGH]
00:38 >> Christina.
00:39 [FOREIGN]
00:42 [MUSIC]
00:45 [FOREIGN]
00:55 [MUSIC]