Line dancing is fast becoming a popular activity among senior citizens. This presents line dancing from an instructional | dG1fSlRlUUc2b013Ync
Short filmTranscript
00:00 (waves crashing)
00:02 (upbeat music)
00:05 First and most simple of line dance steps.
00:10 I'm gonna do a step, close, step, touch.
00:14 So I step to the right with my right foot,
00:17 close with my left foot, put my weight on it,
00:20 and then I do a step to the right again
00:22 and touch with my left.
00:25 Going back the other way, a step, close, step, touch.
00:30 Do I step left, close my right, step with the left,
00:34 and touch.
00:35 That is called basic number one.
00:39 First and most simple step in line dancing.
00:42 Step, close, step, touch, step, close, step, touch.
00:45 Okay, I'd like to explain to you now
00:48 the second almost basic step in line dancing.
00:52 That is the grapevine, or shorten up, we say vine.
00:57 A vine to the right, you step with your right foot
01:00 to the right, cross behind on the second count
01:04 with the left foot, step right again,
01:06 and touch with the left.
01:08 Now to do it in the other direction,
01:10 you step to the left, cross behind with your right,
01:13 step left again, and touch with your right.
01:16 Four counts, four beats of music.
01:19 Vine right, vine left.
01:21 Now if I want you to do just what I said,
01:24 vine right, vine left, and not break it down
01:27 into two different vines, I say grapevine to the right,
01:31 both ways.
01:32 So I take a step behind, step and touch,
01:35 and go right back the other way,
01:36 and I don't have to say anything about it.
01:39 Sometimes people will take and cross over in the beginning,
01:42 or they'll front or cross behind.
01:44 That is not a grapevine.
01:46 You step in the direction of the grapevine
01:48 with that particular foot.
01:50 Grapevine right, step right, cross behind,
01:53 and count number two, count three, step, and then touch.
01:56 Everyone, of course, knows how to walk forward,
02:00 and in line dancing, we have many dances
02:02 where you're gonna walk forward, usually four,
02:05 sometimes only two, what it might be.
02:08 So we walk without further explanations,
02:11 walking forward, four, starting with the right foot,
02:13 I walk right, left, right, left,
02:16 and I back up four, one, two, three, four.
02:20 Now, opposed to that, in line dancing,
02:22 we have a term that we use called strutting.
02:27 I'm gonna strut four now.
02:29 I'm gonna cover about the same amount of distance,
02:32 but if I'm gonna consider one measure of music, four beats,
02:35 I'm gonna do two measure of four beats each.
02:38 So I strut forward four, step right and touch,
02:42 left and touch, right and touch, left and touch.
02:45 Or I strut back, one and touch,
02:47 two and touch, three and touch, and four and touch.
02:51 That is a strut, as opposed to a walk.
02:54 We use both of them extensively in line dancing.
02:58 Now, there is one more type of locomotive action
03:02 that I'd like to explain, and that is kicks.
03:06 A kick is really done from the knee down.
03:09 You come up with your foot with your knee bent,
03:11 and you snap from the knee forward, and that is a kick,
03:15 and that's the way a kick should be performed.
03:17 As opposed to the step and a kick, or rather, lift.
03:21 Step, lift, step, lift, step, lift.
03:24 (upbeat music)
03:26 I start primarily with beginners
03:33 with this particular dance.
03:35 Basic to the right, both way.
03:38 Step to the right, step, close, step, and touch.
03:41 Back the other way, step, close, and touch.
03:44 Now, strut forward, forward, right, left, right,
03:47 and bind to the right, and step behind, bind left.
03:52 Now, I'm going to turn halfway around
03:54 with four strutting steps.
03:55 Step right, touch left, touch right.
03:58 From the beginning, that's the end of the dance.
04:00 Basic to the right, basic to the left.
04:02 Strut forward, forward, one, two, three,
04:06 and bind to the right, step behind, bind left,
04:09 and strut halfway around, four, two, three,
04:13 and there, we've done the dance twice through.
04:17 (upbeat music)
04:21 Basic, front.
04:26 Front.
04:30 Right, right.
04:33 Close.
04:34 Strut halfway around.
04:37 Basic.
04:40 Basic.
04:42 Forward.
04:43 Bind.
04:46 Both ways.
04:48 Strut circle.
04:50 Bind.
05:00 Right, left.
05:03 Strut circle.
05:04 Basic.
05:07 We have to come back, come back.
05:13 Bind.
05:13 Strut circle.
05:17 I have a father.
05:20 Bind.
05:41 (upbeat music)
05:43 (audience laughing)
05:46 (upbeat music)
05:50 Front.
05:51 Bind.
05:54 Forward.
05:56 Bind.
05:57 Come back.
06:13 Basic.
06:15 Front.
06:17 Bind.
06:18 Bind.
06:21 Bind.
06:25 Basic.
06:28 Front.
06:31 Bind.
06:35 Forward.
06:38 (upbeat music)
06:41, and we're right.
06:43 (upbeat music)
06:45 And we're right.
07:07 (audience applauding)