• 2 years ago
Guided unknowingly by paranormal forces, a couple struggles to find peace and acceptance with death when presented with | dG1fRk9BSnEyWFVnVXc
00:00 I wish I had better news.
00:02 The shadows are in fact tumors.
00:07 What stage are we looking at?
00:09 It's four.
00:11 Your chance of beating this is 15%.
00:14 Why don't you take the weekend away?
00:17 Go somewhere relaxing.
00:19 Do you have some place you could go?
00:21 My family has a cabin.
00:23 I haven't been there in over 15 years.
00:25 Are you happy to be back?
00:27 Oh. Yeah, thrilled.
00:29 We're gonna get you better.
00:31 I tend to the house.
00:33 My name is Willow.
00:35 It's nice to meet you.
00:37 You're our maid?
00:38 Friend of the family.
00:39 I am dying, Colin.
00:41 You're not dying.
00:43 It's the truth.
00:45 And it's bullshit.
00:47 I did everything right in life.
00:51 I followed every law.
00:53 I never cheated. I never stole.
00:55 And this is how it ends.
00:56 It's not ending.
00:57 Stop lying!
00:59 You cannot change what you cannot control.
01:03 But what you can control is your attitude.
01:07 If you're so convinced that this is your fate,
01:09 then why succumb to negativity?
01:12 Claire, how many pills did you take this morning?
01:15 What does that have to do with anything?
01:17 Well, Claire, those pills are strong.
01:19 I think they're giving you depression
01:21 and messing with your body.
01:23 You're only taking one every eight hours.
01:25 I do not care what you or the doctor think.
01:28 It is hopeless.
01:30 It's just delaying the inevitable.
01:34 And I don't get to follow a dream?
01:38 You know, have some kids?
01:40 Die an old woman warm in my bed?
01:43 What kind of sick joke is this?
01:45 I'm a good person.
01:47 I don't deserve this.
01:49 There is a saying
01:53 that life is peaceful and death is pleasant.
01:57 Perspective, Claire.
01:58 There is beauty in darkness.
02:01 It's the transition that's troublesome.
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