00:00 in the corner of Innsbruck, while in the corner of Arias, there are people from the Department of Antioquia,
00:07 friends from the Department of Antioquia who have come to support the race of the Chino Arias.
00:15 The next schedule, they ask us from there and we are answering, is announced for August 26,
00:23 the fifth schedule of this series of the WFUTUR of Colombia Boxing.
00:30 Let's go to the action, my dear. Let's go to the action.
00:33 He belongs to the company AMBOSS Edison MartÃnez, from Arnulfo, Molina.
00:40 Isn't Arnulfo here?
00:42 No, I haven't seen him, I haven't seen him.
00:44 They have brought him, although now I see the people of Chino MartÃnez, I see Howard there too,
00:54 and they have the support of AMBOSS, Arnulfo Molina and Josimar Molina,
01:00 they are the representatives of Einson MartÃnez.
01:06 There has come out the Chino Arias, very attentive to the national combat, quite reserved with black pants,
01:14 gray bibo for the Chino Arias, white, yellow and gray pants for the Colombian boxer Einson MartÃnez,
01:25 with black and yellow gloves, red gloves for the fighter Isaac, the Chino Arias.
01:34 There is the Arias' jab, which passes through MartÃnez's head, MartÃnez's jab,
01:41 the aerial jab in this first assault, the two boxers are even,
01:47 the jab and the left cross by the Chino, there MartÃnez continues to yave,
01:54 a blow that is lost from the empty in front of the dodge to the right of the Chino Arias boxer.
02:01 There is the Arias' jab that does not reach the target, MartÃnez also yaves,
02:06 the right of Arias, the MartÃnez boxer is masterfully lowered and this blow is lost from the empty.
02:14 It is the first assault of this fight, agreed to 8, the left hook now,
02:19 the left cross of the MartÃnez boxer is lost from the empty and receives the left hand in the jab,
02:24 the left hand in the jab by the Arias' boxer, the Arias' jab, passes through MartÃnez's head,
02:31 the Arias' boxer fails with the left cross and receives the left hook and the right hand in the jab by MartÃnez,
02:39 he crashes against the head of the Arias' boxer, the left hook, MartÃnez's head,
02:46 fails with the left cross, the Arias' jab fails with the left swing, MartÃnez's boxer.
02:52 It is the first assault of this fight that we present to you through Futuro of Colombia Boxing,
02:59 presented by Alberto Agames Berrio.
03:03 The Arias' jab, the left hook, short, by the boxer Edinson MartÃnez,
03:09 I am narrating the first assault of this fight,
03:13 the left cross of the Arias' boxer is lost from the empty and receives the left hand in the jab,
03:20 the left cross of the Arias' boxer, the Arias' boxer,
03:23 the right, the left now of MartÃnez, when it has sounded, 10 seconds are missing, my love,
03:29 for the assault to end, there it is, the Arias' jab, the left hook of Arias,
03:34 the right hook and the left hook also by MartÃnez,
03:38 when the bell has sounded indicating that this first assault has ended.
03:43 Here there is no studio assault, here there is a couple of two aggressive, offensive boxers
03:49 who have gone out to look for the fight.
03:51 Here the first assault is just a demonstration of what this fight is going to be,
03:57 a hot fight, a fight of two boxers determined to win,
04:02 and that can be knocked out by the way they fight.
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04:35 Second assault, my dear Vicente, first difficult to aim, I slightly lean with the chin.
04:41 That's right, second round of this fight, with his guard at a height of a minor stature,
04:47 the Colombian boxer Edinson Martinez, there goes Edinson, a left hook,
04:56 Edinson Martinez's jack, touches slightly the chin of Issa Aria,
05:03 Aria connects his left hand crossed to the chin of Martinez,
05:07 the right also of the boxer Aria to the body,
05:11 cross with his left hand to the trunk and head of the boxer Martinez,
05:17 Issa Aria's chin, again the left hook, fails with that blow,
05:22 fails again with the left hook of the boxer Issa Aria and goes back,
05:26 Aria's jack fails with the left cross,
05:29 Aria's jack touches the chin of the boxer Martinez,
05:32 who fails with left and right straight,
05:35 now Martinez tries to corner Aria, but Aria intelligently looks for the clinch.
05:41 Second assault of this fight, Issa Aria's jack, fails with the right,
05:46 connects with his left hand now the boxer Aria,
05:49 connects with the left hook hand and fails with the right the fighter Edinson Martinez.
05:54 Second assault of this fight, Super Mosca's division,
05:58 fails with his left hook and the right straight,
06:01 the boxer Aria, Martinez tries to penetrate the guard of the Venezuelan fighter,
06:06 forward Martinez, throws a whip now with the right,
06:10 fails with the left of Edinson Martinez, the right of Martinez and receives the left
06:15 and the right by the fighter Issa Aria,
06:18 the left hook of Aria to the body of Martinez,
06:21 Martinez arrives with a short left now to the abdominal area of the boxer Aria,
06:26 there Manuel Arroyo tells the fighter Issa Aria
06:32 not to try to entangle the left arm of the boxer Martinez.
06:38 There they are exchanging blows, the left hook of Aria,
06:41 reaches the body of Martinez, there is Chino Arias,
06:44 against the ropes, Martinez attacks him now with short left to the trunk,
06:48 the boxer Arias fails with his right hand in jack,
06:52 his left hand in jack, the left hook of Martinez,
06:56 he gets lost in the void but touches with a left hand in jack,
06:59 the trunk of the boxer Issa Aria,
07:02 Aria's jack twice to the head of Martinez,
07:05 now fails with his right hand in straight and receives the short left hand of the boxer Edinson Martinez.
07:12 Second assault of this fight, there is Martinez with everything,
07:16 Issa Aria goes back and with these two times,
07:19 his hand short to the abdominal area of Martinez,
07:22 Martinez's left and right pass crossing Issa Aria's forearms,
07:28 who receives it with a left and a right hook,
07:30 Martinez's left hook now,
07:32 lightly touches the head of the boxer Issa Aria,
07:37 the boxers exchange blows, Martinez fails and receives the short left when the bell has sounded,
07:42 indicating that the second assault of this fight has ended.
07:45 Of course the intensity is higher in the second round and this is the best round,
07:50 even better than the women's round,
07:52 this round, the second, that everyone points to the Colombian boxer Edinson Martinez.
07:58 Martinez moves more than Aria,
08:02 Martinez is incisive hitting inside and shakes Aria's head,
08:07 Aria moves,
08:09 Martinez goes back and sometimes receives the head,
08:16 being shaken when Aria's blows go inside,
08:21 Aria can't neutralize that blow,
08:24 the way Martinez moves to the sides and then comes with the right or left upper,
08:31 because he throws it with both hands.
08:33 Good fight in two assaults with a 19-19 that is hot, my dear Vicente.
08:40 Yes sir, we go to the third assault, second outside,
08:44 third assault of this fight,
08:47 Martinez comes out with all the fighters,
08:50 Martinez goes again with the left hook to the abdominal area of the boxer Issa Aria,
08:57 Aria comes with a left hook now,
08:59 again with the left hook of Aria,
09:01 fails with the right, connects the left to the trunk of Martinez,
09:04 Martinez fails with his right straight,
09:06 he comes out quickly from that area,
09:08 the boxer Issa, the chinu aria,
09:11 the aria's jack that doesn't reach his target,
09:14 the Colombian boxer remains looking for him,
09:18 who doesn't reach now with his short blows,
09:21 the boxer fails,
09:23 Edinson Martinez comes out quickly,
09:26 with diagonal steps,
09:29 the boxer Issa Aria,
09:31 the aria's jack,
09:32 Martinez's jack,
09:34 that is lost in the void,
09:35 twice the left hand of the boxer Jesus,
09:38 of Issa Aria touches the chin of the Colombian boxer,
09:42 Edinson Martinez with his high guard now,
09:44 fails with the left, fails with the right,
09:46 that remains in the gloves of the boxer Issa Aria,
09:51 Martinez touches the chin with a left hook of the Venezuelan boxer,
09:56 Venezuelan comes out with blows,
09:59 there, permanently chasing,
10:02 the Colombian boxer is stuck,
10:06 backwards, the boxer Issa Aria,
10:10 who now goes with left guard,
10:12 puts his left hook,
10:13 puts the right hook,
10:14 also comes Martinez with short to the body of the Venezuelan boxer,
10:18 exchange blows,
10:19 the left hand now ascending of the Colombian boxer,
10:22 also shoots a left hook,
10:25 now the Venezuelan boxer comes out,
10:27 the Colombian chases him and forces him to stop now,
10:30 the Colombian's left hook,
10:32 the Colombian's right,
10:33 a whip now of Aria,
10:36 immediately looks for the clinch,
10:37 the Venezuelan boxer,
10:39 rolled, separates the fighters,
10:41 now puts the left guard,
10:43 the boxer Edinson Martinez,
10:45 Martinez's right,
10:46 Martinez's left,
10:47 hook, also straight,
10:49 Aria totally surprised now with the attack of the Colombian,
10:53 who touches him there in the false ribs,
10:55 left hook now of the Colombian boxer,
10:57 again the Colombian's left hand,
10:59 Aria's right that is lost in the vacuum,
11:01 Martinez chases him with short lefts in ascending form,
11:04 to the body of the Venezuelan fighter,
11:06 who desperately looks for the clinch,
11:08 rolls and separates him,
11:10 there he goes with everything, with left guard now,
11:12 the Colombian boxer,
11:13 it is Edinson Martinez,
11:15 who is touching with short punches,
11:17 there to the boxer's body,
11:19 and Aria who does not know what to do,
11:21 before the permanent attack of the Colombian boxer,
11:23 now Aria touches the Colombian's chin,
11:26 the Colombian continues with left guard,
11:28 Aria takes out a left hand,
11:30 and a right hand in hook,
11:32 that magically deludes the Colombian boxer,
11:34 and goes over again the Venezuelan fighter,
11:37 10 seconds for this assault number 3 to end,
11:41 there is Martinez's right,
11:43 and the left hand of the fighter,
11:45 and Aria who is lost in the vacuum,
11:47 when the bell has sounded,
11:48 and I hear the comment of Esteban Quesada Fernandez,
11:51 If the assault 2 was the best,
11:53 of all these programs,
11:55 of this series of boxing,
11:57 of Alberto Agames Producciones,
12:00 this 3 is better,
12:02 and the second,
12:03 the way it has stuck,
12:06 like a stamp,
12:08 Martinez on Aria,
12:09 Aria does not know what to do,
12:10 he will take it off,
12:12 he responds of course,
12:13 but it is surpassed by Martinez's blows,
12:16 that shakes his head,
12:17 that enter,
12:18 especially in this third round,
12:20 in hook,
12:21 Aria's blows were also in hook,
12:23 but an upper that shook the chin of Aria,
12:27 and threw him back,
12:28 great assault,
12:30 great fight,
12:31 great assault,
12:32 write it down,
12:33 to Martinez,
12:34 who is 29-28,
12:37 29-28,
12:38 the Colombian is up,
12:40 in this fight,
12:41 that is not yet defined,
12:44 this fight that is rich,
12:46 and full of emotions,
12:48 my dear Vicente,
12:49 fourth round.
12:50 Sensational closing,
12:52 in this project,
12:54 Futuro Oc Colombia Boxing,
12:56 that presents productions,
12:58 Alberto Agames Berrio,
13:00 there he goes,
13:01 with all the boxing of Colombia,
13:03 has left with his guard up,
13:05 now with right guard,
13:08 the fighter from Venezuela,
13:10 fails with his left hand,
13:11 fails with the cross,
13:12 the Venezuelan fails with his left swing,
13:14 the Colombian boxer,
13:15 Enzo Martinez,
13:17 now the Colombian goes back,
13:19 lowers his left hand,
13:21 fails with the left cross,
13:23 of the Colombian boxer,
13:24 now touches the trunk,
13:26 of the Venezuelan boxer,
13:27 who goes back,
13:28 does not throw his blow,
13:30 the Venezuelan fighter,
13:31 Isaac Aria,
13:33 the right of the Colombian fighter,
13:35 touches the chin of the Venezuelan,
13:37 the Venezuelan repeats,
13:38 with his right hand straight,
13:40 to the head of the Colombian boxer,
13:41 again,
13:42 the left and the right straight,
13:44 of the boxer Isaac Aria,
13:45 to the head of the Colombian boxer,
13:47 immediately Bucker Klinger,
13:48 the Venezuelan fighter.
13:49 Look at the beginning of this,
13:51 fourth round,
13:52 Aria stays away,
13:53 and takes advantage,
13:54 from outside,
13:55 Aria takes advantage,
13:56 in this jump.
13:57 He goes like a train,
13:59 the Colombian boxer,
14:00 now returns to the left guard,
14:02 he has given enough advantage,
14:04 the Colombian fighter,
14:05 fails with his left swing,
14:06 when the Venezuelan boxer,
14:08 Isaac Aria,
14:09 quickly came out.
14:10 Aria goes back,
14:11 the Colombian boxer,
14:12 chases him,
14:13 with a short blow,
14:14 to the trunk and to the head.
14:16 He hits again,
14:17 there,
14:18 in the neck,
14:19 the Colombian boxer,
14:20 now,
14:21 a rabbit blow,
14:22 the Colombian goes totally,
14:23 from the front,
14:24 to the body,
14:25 of the Venezuelan boxer,
14:26 to the right,
14:27 in the left hook,
14:28 and the right straight,
14:29 of the Colombian boxer,
14:30 who chases,
14:31 the Venezuelan fighter,
14:32 who did not expect,
14:33 a Colombian,
14:34 who was asked to fight,
14:35 in a fight like this.
14:36 The Venezuelan,
14:37 left hook,
14:38 the Colombian,
14:39 left cross,
14:40 who magically eludes,
14:41 the Colombian boxer,
14:42 and the Colombian boxer,
14:43 continues forward.
14:44 He gets down,
14:45 he gets up,
14:46 now,
14:47 he throws his left hand,
14:48 in hook,
14:49 to the humanity,
14:50 of the Venezuelan fighter.
14:51 The Venezuelan,
14:52 surprised,
14:53 with the additional,
14:54 of the Colombian boxer,
14:55 tries to box,
14:56 Aria,
14:57 does not want to exchange blows,
14:58 now,
14:59 with the Colombian.
15:00 The Colombian,
15:01 reaches him,
15:02 with a short blow,
15:03 to the chin,
15:04 the Colombian,
15:05 reaches him,
15:06 and the Colombian,
15:07 reaches him,
15:08 and the Colombian,
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36:44 and the Colombian,
36:45 reaches him,
36:46 and the Colombian,
36:47 reaches him,
36:48 and the Colombian,
36:49 reaches him,
36:50 and the Colombian,
36:51 reaches him,
36:52 and the Colombian,
36:53 reaches him,
36:54 and the Colombian,
36:55 reaches him,
36:56 and the Colombian,
36:57 reaches him,
36:58 and the Colombian,
36:59 reaches him,
37:00 and the Colombian,
37:01 reaches him,
37:02 and the Colombian,
37:03 reaches him,
37:04 and the Colombian,
37:05 reaches him,
37:06 and the Colombian,
37:07 reaches him,
37:08 and the Colombian,
37:09 reaches him,
37:10 and the Colombian,
37:11 reaches him,
37:12 and the Colombian,
37:13 reaches him,
37:14 and the Colombian,
37:15 reaches him,
37:16 and the Colombian,
37:17 reaches him,
37:18 and the Colombian,
37:19 reaches him,
37:20 and the Colombian,
37:21 reaches him,
37:22 and the Colombian,
37:23 reaches him,
37:24 and the Colombian,
37:25 reaches him,
37:26 and the Colombian,
37:27 reaches him,
37:28 and the Colombian,
37:29 reaches him,
37:30 and the Colombian,
37:31 reaches him,
37:32 and the Colombian,
37:33 reaches him,
37:34 and the Colombian,
37:35 reaches him,
37:36 and the Colombian,
37:37 reaches him,
37:38 and the Colombian,
37:39 reaches him,
37:40 and the Colombian,
37:41 reaches him,
37:42 and the Colombian,
37:43 reaches him,
37:44 and the Colombian,
37:45 reaches him,
37:46 and the Colombian,
37:47 reaches him,
37:48 and the Colombian,
37:49 reaches him,
37:50 and the Colombian,
37:51 reaches him,
37:52 and the Colombian,
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37:54 and the Colombian,
37:55 reaches him,
37:56 and the Colombian,
37:57 reaches him,
37:58 and the Colombian,
37:59 reaches him,
38:00 and the Colombian,
38:01 reaches him,
38:02 and the Colombian,
38:03 reaches him,
38:04 and the Colombian,
38:05 reaches him,
38:06 and the Colombian,
38:07 reaches him,
38:08 and the Colombian,
38:09 reaches him,