Tom and Jerry Show S 01 E 15 B - ENTERING AND BREAKING _LOOcaa_

  • last year


00:00 Security boot camp is now in session.
00:09 Report to duty ASAP!
00:17 Self defense.
00:18 Thanks for volunteering.
00:39 In self defense, you want to deliver the first punch.
00:43 Carpet DM.
00:47 Didn't see that coming, huh?
00:51 Show me what you learned.
00:54 Carpet DM.
01:00 See how I did that?
01:07 Watch closely.
01:19 Now?
01:29 Pea shooters.
01:30 The first line of security.
01:32 Just takes one pea to do the job.
01:40 Very kind of you to volunteer.
01:43 On the count of three, you run, we'll try to hit you.
01:50 One.
01:53 You didn't run.
02:01 A safe house is a booby trap house.
02:18 A volunteer, please.
02:25 Stand there.
02:32 You're a good boy.
