Fond Of Shopping || Acharya Prashant

  • last year
00:00 The movie is not separate from the superstore or the shopping mall.
00:04 What is it that your movies glorify?
00:06 Don't you pay attention?
00:08 Reckless consumption.
00:10 Especially since the last 20 years.
00:12 And it's no coincidence that the Indian economy got liberalized in 1991.
00:16 And the very flavor of your movies changed.
00:19 The very flavor of all media including television changed.
00:22 The hero is more often an NRI now with a lot of money.
00:27 When was the last time you had a poor man playing the hero?
00:31 When was the last time you had an ordinary looking woman playing the heroine?
00:36 They are selling a life philosophy to you and it's a very dangerous philosophy.
00:41 It will destroy you.
00:42 All the loafers, they are super hits as heroes.
00:46 I am talking of both the actor and the character.
00:49 That's what they want you to buy into.
00:51 They are not showing you just a movie.
00:53 They are showing you a way of life.
00:55 They are selling you a philosophy and it's a very toxic philosophy.
00:58 Be very mindful.
