Tom and Jerry - Polka-Dot Puss - Part 8

  • last year


00:00 [MUSIC]
00:10 [MUSIC]
00:20 It was the end of the work day for some.
00:34 [MUSIC]
00:36 Good night, Tom.
00:38 [MUSIC]
00:43 But just the beginning for the cat and mouse detectives.
00:47 [MUSIC]
00:57 I don't think it's made of cheese, do you?
01:03 [MUSIC]
01:07 And if it was, probably wouldn't taste good.
01:10 Ever had great cheese?
01:14 So I got a problem here.
01:17 I haven't slept in days.
01:19 [MUSIC]
01:26 >> His parents didn't name the kid Tuffy for nothing.
01:30 [MUSIC]
01:37 >> It's gonna take a lot more than milk and a binky to help me sleep.
01:41 See my house?
01:43 It's haunted.
01:46 [LAUGH]
01:50 You don't believe me, do you?
01:53 You think I'm being a little kid, but I hear a moan at night.
01:57 And sometimes he even talks to me.
02:00 >> Beware of the moaning.
02:05 >> Get this, I've seen him with my own eyes.
02:08 You will too.
02:09 [MUSIC]
02:13 Unless you're too scared to help me.
02:16 [MUSIC]
02:18 >> Scared of what?
02:20 You don't know who you're dealing with here.
02:23 The cat and mouse detectives eat fear for breakfast.
02:28 [MUSIC]
02:31 >> That's some pretty good stuff.
02:32 [MUSIC]
02:38 >> The only ghost the cat and
02:40 mouse detectives were gonna find was in this kid's imagination.
02:44 [MUSIC]
02:46 Judging by Tuffy's disappearing act, the kid was afraid of lightning too.
02:52 The list was growing.
02:53 [MUSIC]
03:00 With Tuffy missing, Tom sprung into action, looking for the kid.
03:04 [MUSIC]
03:14 [MUSIC]
03:24 >> Hi guys.
03:38 [MUSIC]
03:42 >> Are you okay, Mr. Cat?
03:44 [MUSIC]
03:46 There are no ghosts up there.
03:48 [MUSIC]
03:58 Ghosts like the dark better, I think.
04:06 Come on, follow me.
04:07 [MUSIC]
04:10 I usually hear the ghost when I'm in this room.
04:14 [MUSIC]
04:24 [MUSIC]
04:34 >> Wow.
04:47 [MUSIC]
04:50 >> It's a lot roomier in here than you think.
04:53 [MUSIC]
04:56 Let me show you around.
04:58 And if you hear someone moaning, don't be scared.
05:02 It's just a ghost.
05:04 This is usually when he comes out.
05:06 [MUSIC]
05:17 [MUSIC]
05:27 It was time to pull out the big boy equipment and
05:31 prove this is nothing more than a hoax.
05:34 After all, they're no amateurs.
05:36 [MUSIC]
05:41 >> You'll hear him.
05:42 >> Yep, you will.
05:43 I hear the chains every night early right after the morning clang.
05:50 [MUSIC]
06:00 [SCREAM]
06:06 [MUSIC]
06:16 [SQUEAK]
06:32 [MUSIC]
06:42 >> I am coming for you.
06:48 Yes, you.
06:52 [MUSIC]
07:02 [SCREAM]
07:12 [MUSIC]
07:16 >> What's all this ruckus?
07:18 [MUSIC]
07:22 Ghost!
07:23 [MUSIC]
07:25 I have a slot for a week.
07:27 That's for Monday.
07:28 And this for Tuesday and Wednesday.
07:31 And a double dose of this for Thursday.
07:34 [MUSIC]
07:36 I didn't even get to the weekend.
07:38 [MUSIC]
07:46 Sorry, Mr. Cat.
07:49 Okay, maybe there's no ghost.
07:53 Want some pie?
07:55 [MUSIC]
08:05 Hey!
08:09 [MUSIC]
08:19 [SCREAM]
08:21 Now you gotta believe in ghosts, right?
08:24 [MUSIC]
08:37 Wow, I've never seen a ghost scratching machine before.
08:42 [MUSIC]
08:54 [SCREAM]
08:56 Whoopsie daisy.
08:59 [MUSIC]
09:13 There it is!
09:14 Let's get him!
09:16 [MUSIC]
09:44 Please let me out.
09:46 It's dark in here.
09:48 But I thought ghosts liked the dark.
09:52 Please let me out and I'll explain everything.
09:56 [MUSIC]
10:00 Thank you.
10:01 You look just like a rat.
10:04 I am.
10:05 A ghost rat.
10:07 A rat rat.
10:09 I didn't mean anybody no harm.
10:12 I just needed a place for me and my family to live.
10:16 That's all.
10:18 [MUSIC]
10:22 I figured the easiest way to get rid of you was to scare you away.
10:28 [MUSIC]
10:37 [SCREAM]
10:39 [MUSIC]
10:59 [SCREAM]
11:01 [MUSIC]
11:13 So the little mouse was wrong when he thought his house was haunted, huh?
11:18 [FART]
11:20 Admit it.
11:21 There's no such things as ghosts.
11:23 I was right.
11:24 It was Milfred all the time.
11:26 Milfred?
11:27 Whatever.
11:28 Case closed.
11:29 Tolucaville can sleep knowing there's no such things as ghosts.
11:34 [MUSIC]
11:40 Well, I guess that means I should be going.
11:44 Well, I don't mind sharing the place if you don't.
11:47 Not at all.
11:49 Hey, maybe you can be part of the family.
11:52 What's one more mouth to feed, right?
11:55 I am kind of hungry, but I should probably go to sleep now.
12:00 Night, Milfred.
12:02 [MUSIC]
12:13 Well, butter my buns and call me a biscuit.
12:17 There are such things as ghosts after all.
12:20 You okay?
12:23 No.
12:26 I can't wait to meet my brothers and sisters.
12:29 Yeah, yeah, it's going to be great, kid.
12:33 But maybe you shouldn't do that walking through walls thing until everyone gets to know you.
12:40 You got it, Mildred.
12:43 Oh, and one more thing.
12:45 It's Milfred.
12:46 There's a Fred at the end.
12:48 [MUSIC]
12:55 [MUSIC]
13:06 [MUSIC]
13:16 [MUSIC]
13:26 [MUSIC]
13:43 How you doing, sweetums?
13:49 Yeah, let's talk later.
13:51 I'm a little busy myself.
13:58 The ladies, they love me.
14:11 Now we're getting somewheres.
14:20 Where's the love who licked clean?
14:25 Somebody beat me to it.
14:27 Where do I find that guy?
14:30 [MUSIC]
14:48 I got you something today, Tom, for being such a good boy.
14:54 It even has a little bell on it so I always know where you are.
15:14 Dirty, no good can liquor.
15:29 Wake up!
15:34 How can you sleep at a time like this?
15:37 Did you hear what happened to Buttons?
15:41 The cat a couple of streets over, he went off the deep end.
15:46 The vet said it was a case of Felis catus indorium delirium.
15:54 Too much time indoors.
15:58 It did the poor fella in.
16:02 The very people we think are our friends are really the ones driving us nuts.
16:13 Eating food out of a can, living in a climate-controlled box, and watching nature channels.
16:21 Making us wear silly little collars with bells on them, like that one, so they can always know where we are.
16:29 Buttons had a collar just like it, right down to the little bell.
16:37 Don't look so worried.
16:39 You and Buttons, two different cats, because he was all pale and stuff.
16:48 So you're a little pale.
16:51 It's nothing.
16:53 To make sure, what do you say we do some tests first?
16:59 Say "Ahh!"
17:05 Spotted tongue in cheek, see that?
17:10 Ooh, don't panic.
17:22 You're worse off than I thought.
17:24 We gotta get your inner tiger back, or else it's Buttons for you.
17:33 All right, I hate to see a grown cat cry, but it won't be easy to get your inner tiger back.
17:41 You'll have to do absolutely everything I say, you hear?
17:47 You've gotta catch your own eats, live on the streets, and find a feline companion to make your life complete.
17:59 You're not going on spring break, you're reclaiming your inner tiger, remember?
18:06 You can do this, pal.
18:08 I know it, and don't you worry.
18:11 I'll watch over the place while you're gone.
18:14 So long, sucker.
18:19 Ahh.
18:21 Home sweet home.
18:27 [MUSIC]
18:42 [MUSIC]
18:52 [MUSIC]
19:02 [MUSIC]
19:12 [MUSIC]
19:22 [MUSIC]
19:32 [MUSIC]
19:42 [MUSIC]
19:52 [MUSIC]
20:02 [MUSIC]
20:07 I'm saving you for dessert.
20:11 [MUSIC]
20:33 Dessert is saved.
20:37 [MUSIC]
20:47 [MUSIC]
20:57 [MUSIC]
21:07 [MUSIC]
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21:57 [MUSIC]
22:07 [MUSIC]
22:17 [MUSIC]
22:27 [MUSIC]
22:37 [MUSIC]
22:45 Got something you want to tell me, wise guy?
22:49 [MUSIC]
22:59 [MUSIC]
23:09 [MUSIC]
23:19 [MUSIC]
23:22 Tom, look at you.
23:24 You're filthy.
23:26 Somebody needs a bath.
23:29 [MUSIC]
23:34 Mommy's going to get you all cleaned up.
23:37 Nobody likes a dirty cat.
23:40 Oh my goodness, so precious.
23:44 Aren't you?
23:46 [MUSIC]
23:51 You're not Tom.
23:53 You poor little kitty.
23:55 No wonder you were so dirty.
23:58 You haven't got a home.
24:00 Well, you do now.
24:03 Now I'll always know where you are.
24:07 I wonder where that Tom is.
24:10 He can be a little shy sometimes.
24:13 [MUSIC]
24:23 [MUSIC]
24:30 [MUSIC]
24:33 Find a feline companion to make your life complete.
24:38 [MUSIC]
24:43 Oh my.
24:45 [MUSIC]
24:49 Oh my.
24:51 [MUSIC]
25:20 Ladies.
25:24 [MUSIC]
25:34 Congratulations, you're cured.
25:36 [MUSIC]
25:47 [MUSIC]
25:57 [MUSIC]
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26:17 [MUSIC]