The Tom and Jerry Show - Mummy Dearest - Funny animals cartoons for kids

  • last year


00:00 [gasping]
00:01 Give up, cat. I'm not giving you the reversal spell.
00:08 Ow! Cranky mouse, that hurt!
00:13 Never!
00:15 [screaming]
00:16 [grunting]
00:19 You wouldn't.
00:21 I never liked that spell anyway.
00:24 Oh, enough already!
00:28 You are not a nice mouse.
00:31 Okay, a deal.
00:33 I give you a hint on how to reverse the spell
00:36 if the cranky mouse stops tearing out my pages.
00:40 So?
00:42 Fine, two clues, whatever.
00:47 Ready for the first one?
00:49 It's easier than it seems.
00:53 Riding a bicycle, drinking water,
00:55 oh, making empanadas.
00:57 I like guessing games. Is that so wrong?
01:00 Okay, okay. Second and final clue.
01:07 Ready? It's in the name.
01:11 You're bluffing, mouse!
01:27 [screaming]
01:28 Sure about that?
01:37 Darn it.
01:39 [screaming]
01:41 [giggling]
01:45 But these are the same ingredients as before.
01:48 [chattering]
01:50 But in reverse.
01:52 Reversal spell.
01:53 It's in the name and why it's so easy.
01:55 It's not all easy.
01:57 You'll see.
01:58 [screaming]
02:14 Is that my wand?
02:16 Give me that!
02:19 Oh, we're back together again.
02:22 I've missed you.
02:24 [kissing]
02:25 Not so smart, are you?
02:28 Any nincompoop knows a reversal spell
02:31 requires that you turn the wand around.
02:34 What have I done?
02:36 [cheering]
02:39 Yeah, she's gone!
02:41 You're a bad kitty.
02:46 [laughing]
02:48 Just awful torments.
02:49 There will be consequences for this.
02:53 More milk, Thomas.
02:55 [screaming]
