• 2 years ago
Competition Info
00:00 Many, many years ago, my great-uncle asked my grandfather, "How long have we been here?"
00:09 He relayed a story about carrying our way of life as Nii-tutapi, the Blackfoot-speaking
00:15 people.
00:16 The prairie region was dominated by the prairie grizzly bear.
00:20 The prairie grizzly bear said, "You have to make treaty with everything in this prairie
00:25 land, the animals, the birds, the fish, the water, the hills, the rocks.
00:31 They all live in beans."
00:33 He said, "I will move to the southern region."
00:36 And so they became Naukechukapi, the people of the plains, of the open country.
00:45 We were part of the ecosystem.
00:49 We were not masters of it.
00:51 The buffalo and the moose and the elk and the antelope and the deer and the grass and
00:59 the trees were more than us.
01:02 We were raised to believe that everything has a spirit, that everything around us is
01:09 alive and has a purpose.
01:13 We praise Creator, giver of life.
01:19 We give thanks to Mother Earth.
01:22 You know, after we grow up from our biological mothers, the Earth becomes our caregiver.
01:30 Everything that we need is there.
01:33 And we're supposed to honor the Creator with all our life, and we're supposed to look after
01:39 the gift of the land that He gave us to live on.
01:44 For us, the land tells us the story.
01:48 I mean, it's just story after story.
01:54 This happened here, this happened here, this happened over here.
01:59 M'kins, the story is Naapi, the old man standing with his bow and his elbows on this side.
02:09 That was how our warriors pictured the landscape.
02:15 All the tributaries run into the bow.
02:18 It's the mother of all the water that flows through.
02:22 People came there, they asked, "What's the name of this river?"
02:26 They said, "We cut our bow from the chokecherry trees.
02:33 They're strong and powerful.
02:36 We named this river the bow, Namaxta."
02:41 I was born and raised in a road allowance, a strip of land that the farmers didn't want
02:50 and the government didn't have no use for.
02:53 Métis were just out on their own.
02:57 We didn't belong anywhere.
02:59 In Treaty 7 territory, I'm accepted.
03:03 I'm something, and I'm with my people.
03:07 As you're in the territory of your ancestors, this is home, something that we pass on to
03:17 our children and to our grandchildren.
03:21 This land has to be acknowledged.
03:24 The people that took care of this land for a long time have to be acknowledged.
03:29 You know, at least find the truth about us.
03:33 I'm a residential school survivor, but it's up to me to have courage and go back and learn
03:42 the ways of my people.
03:44 The elders will say, "I pray that the young people will not forget the Creator."
03:52 The true acknowledgement of the land every day.
04:00 We honour our ancestors by acknowledging Treaty 7 territory.
04:06 We acknowledge the Treaty 7 nations, the Pikunni First Nation, the Siksika First Nation, the
04:18 Kena First Nation, the Stony Nakoda First Nations, and the Tsutina First Nation.
04:29 We acknowledge the ancestral territory of the Siksikape, the Blackfoot Confederacy,
04:35 and the home of Métis Region Number 3.
04:39 [Drumming]
04:43 [Silence]
05:05 [Silence]
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10:52 [Music]
11:02 [Music]
11:22 [Music]
11:40 Skaters, there is one minute remaining in your warm-up.
11:44 [Music]
12:12 [Music]
12:40 Skaters, your warm-up time has ended. Please leave the ice. Thank you.
12:46 [Silence]
13:03 Please welcome our first competitor, representing Ice Palace Figure Skating Club, Zalia Forestal.
13:11 [Silence]
13:27 [Music]
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16:02 Representing Ice Palace Figure Skating Club, Zalia Forestal.
16:07 [Silence]
16:10 [Music]
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16:53 [Music]
17:03 [Music]
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18:03 [Music]
18:13 The unofficial free program score, 23.57.
18:23 Please welcome our next competitor, representing Sherwood Park Figure Skating Club, Claire Loris.
18:33 [Silence]
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23:32 The unofficial free program score, 21.74. Claire is currently in second place.
23:46 Please welcome our next competitor, representing Ice Palace Figure Skating Club, Nadia Liu.
23:54 [Silence]
24:04 [Music]
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26:47 From the Ice Palace Figure Skating Club, Nadia Liu.
26:53 [Silence]
27:05 I'd like to invite the following skaters to the ice for their six-minute warm-up.
27:10 Representing Ice Palace Figure Skating Club, Zoe Stox.
27:15 From Ice Palace Figure Skating Club, Michelle Han.
27:21 From Ice Palace Figure Skating Club, Amaya Paray.
27:27 From Ice Palace Figure Skating Club, Vera Bertova.
27:32 [Silence]
27:39 [Music]
27:55 [Music]
28:05 [Music]
28:15 [Music]
28:25 [Music]
28:35 The scores, please. The unofficial free program score, 25.65.
28:41 Nadia is currently in first place.
28:46 [Music]
28:51 [Music]
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31:41 [Music]
31:51 [Music]
32:01 [Music]
32:09 Skaters, there is one minute remaining in your warm-up.
32:13 [Music]
32:23 [Music]
32:33 [Music]
32:43 [Music]
32:53 [Music]
33:03 [Music]
33:13 Your warm-up time has ended. Please leave the ice. Thank you.
33:17 Please welcome our next competitor, representing Ice Palace Figure Skating Club, Zoe Stalks.
33:39 [Music]
34:01 [Music]
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36:01 [Music]
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36:21 [Music]
36:31 From Ice Palace Figure Skating Club, Zoe Stalks.
36:35 [Music]
36:55 [Music]
37:05 [Music]
37:15 [Music]
37:25 [Music]
37:35 [Music]
37:45 [Music]
37:55 [Music]
38:05 [Music]
38:15 [Music]
38:25 The scores please. The unofficial free program score, 19.93. Zoe is currently in fourth place.
38:35 Please welcome our next competitor, representing Ice Palace Figure Skating Club, Michelle Han.
38:45 [Music]
39:03 [Music]
39:13 [Music]
39:23 [Music]
39:33 [Music]
39:43 [Music]
39:53 [Music]
40:03 [Music]
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42:31 [Music]
42:41 [Music]
42:51 [Music]
43:01 [Music]
43:11 [Music]
43:21 The scores please. The unofficial free program score, 21.63. Michelle is currently in fourth place.
43:31 Please welcome our next competitor, representing Ice Palace Figure Skating Club, Amaya Paré.
43:41 [Music]
43:51 [Music]
44:01 [Music]
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48:01 [Music]
48:11 [Music]
48:21 [Music]
48:31 The scores please. The unofficial free program score, 15.77. Amaya is currently in sixth place.
48:45 Please welcome our final competitor, representing Ice Palace Figure Skating Club, Vera Bertova.
48:55 [Music]
49:05 [Music]
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53:05 [Music]
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54:05 [Music]
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55:05 [Music]
55:15 [Music]
55:25 [Music]
55:35 [Music]
55:45 [Music]
55:55 [Music]
56:05 (upbeat music)
