YiHao Zhang vs Nattapol Attachak (27-07-2023) Full Fight

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00:00 China versus Thailand Zhang Yihao's debut. Nattapon it's his third fight in the ring
00:08 one win one loss on Nattapon's record.
00:14 Okay both these two in the orthodox stance we are set for six rounds in the
00:22 lightweight division. So Zhang weighing in two kilos heavier than his opponent
00:30 yesterday.
00:32 Zhang just attacking the body with a stiff jab.
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00:46 Jab to the body from Zhang again.
01:09 Jab good jab from Nattapon. Just trying to pick Zhang off at bay and keeping it
01:16 stopping him in his tracks.
01:33 Straight down the middle there from Zhang. Jab to the body there from Zhang
01:44 and then going up high with the jab to the head from Zhang as well. Another jab
01:53 to the body there from Zhang. Trying to brighten Nattapon down to the body.
02:00 So Zhang's fellow teammate and countryman Sheng Liao won by TKO in
02:10 round three in his debut. Let's see if Zhang can follow in his footsteps.
02:15 Jabs, double dabs down the middle from Nattapon. Final minute now of round one
02:28 we are set for six.
02:31 Hook there from Zhang. Jab down the middle from Nattapon.
02:54 Big left hook there from Zhang. Less than ten seconds to go now in round number one.
03:07 Nattapon's gonna do it for round one.
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03:49 Okay so round one a bit of a slow start really no surprise but I really liked
03:56 the level change from Zhang where he just uses jabs to the body into the head.
04:02 Nattapon as well very reserved. Not giving too much away at all.
04:15 Here we go heading into round number two. Zhang in the red gloves in the red
04:19 corner and Nattapon in the blue gloves in the blue corner.
04:24 Jab there from Zhang again attacking the body of Nattapon.
04:39 Missing it with those jabs to the body there Nattapon. Sorry Zhang missing with the
04:46 jabs to the body. If Nattapon was smart enough though if he could he could just
04:50 time a right hand by stepping out and then stepping into the pocket with the
04:54 right hand. Obviously easier said than done.
04:59 Right hook there from Zhang looks like he just hit the gloves of Nattapon though.
05:06 Double jab good left hook there from Nattapon that's much better from the
05:11 Thai fighter.
05:13 Jab down the bottom again.
05:33 Nattapon firing back with his own punches ending it with the left hook.
05:37 He had success with the left hook earlier on in the round. Zhang coming back with his
05:41 own left hook. Lots of hooks being thrown from Nattapon but double body shot from
05:48 Zhang and that looks like that's taking a bit of the wind out of the sails of
05:52 Nattapon. Is this his Achilles heel? It looks like Zhang is pushing the pace now.
05:57 Is he gonna put his foot down and hit some more shots to the body? Again Nattapon
06:06 getting on his bike as soon as he gets tied to the body. Left hook there from Zhang.
06:10 Left hook there from Zhang as well to the head.
06:21 Swing and a miss there from Zhang.
06:28 Jab down the middle from Nattapon. Zhang just trying to slip and slide his
06:42 way away from Nattapon's advances with the jab. Good flurry there from Zhang
06:49 with the hooks and again attacking the body with the left hook and Nattapon's
06:57 guard just keeps on dropping every time he gets hit by one of those body shots.
07:03 Right hand there from Zhang. A dying seconds of round number two.
07:18 Jab in delivered down the middle from Nattapon and that's the end of round two.
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07:54 Okay, let's take a look at the replay. Really hope we get to see the replays
07:58 from the left hook to the body.
08:02 Right hook there from Zhang as well but Zhang really did break down Nattapon
08:21 with the body shots. Let's see if he can do more. Nattapon rallying at the start of
08:25 round three. Zhang bobbing and weaving his way into the pocket trying to close
08:34 the distance. Being told off here Nattapon for holding onto the arm for too long.
08:46 Zhang's hook just hit the gloves of Nattapon. Really just like to see Zhang
08:52 just go back to targeting the body of Nattapon. He had so much success with it in
08:56 round two. I think just because this is his debut he's probably not noticed that
09:01 so early on. Pretty sure, yeah you go there you go, go back to the body with the jab.
09:11 Left hook to the body there from Zhang.
09:16 There you go, big hook to the body there from Zhang. We've got two minutes to go
09:29 let's see if Zhang can target the body even more of Nattapon. These heavy left
09:34 hooks to the body that have really just taken the wind out of Nattapon's sails.
09:41 Right hand to the body there from Zhang.
09:56 Swing and a miss from Zhang. Jabs the body from Zhang. Jab upstairs from Zhang. Right
10:03 hand from Zhang as well.
10:06 Left hook there from Nattapon. Jab down the middle from Nattapon as well.
10:28 Big flurry there from Zhang. Nattapon's guard is so low and wide. Right hand there from Zhang.
10:41 Pace just slowed down a bit now between these two. Less than ten seconds to go.
11:10 Nattapon catching Zhang with the left hook and again with the left hook.
11:18 That's going to do it for round number three. See you in round four.
11:24 [Music]
11:27 The MV Channel stream is coming to an end. Thank you so much for tuning in. We
11:46 will be back here again August 31st for more non-stop action. To continue
11:51 watching this show go to Highland Boxing Promotions on their YouTube and
11:56 Facebook channels. But for MV, I'm Teddy Mulvey. See you next month.
12:03 Okay so let's see. I don't think we're gonna have time for the replays on round
12:15 three. We're going straight to round four now.
12:19 [Music]
12:23 From Facebook or YouTube. Hopefully you guys have switched over and you're still
12:27 with us. We still have this fight and then one more to go after this.
12:32 Jab from Zhang down the middle. There you go. There's that body shot. Oh it looked
12:43 like that did affect Nattapon quite a bit. Especially that right hand as well.
12:48 Left hook misses there for Zhang and again for Zhang missing again. But that
13:03 body shot though did glance the abdomen of Nattapon. Right hand as well. Zhang
13:11 really coming in swinging in this round.
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13:18 Jab being pulled out from Nattapon. Left hook as well. Swing and a miss from Zhang
13:37 Yihao. Zhang just ducking and weaving trying to get into the get on the inside.
14:03 Left hook there from Zhang. There's a good body shot there from Zhang. Right hand as
14:15 well. Swing and a miss from Zhang. Right hand down the middle from Zhang.
14:28 Left hook there to the body from Zhang again.
14:33 Zhang just missing with the right hand. Nattapon trying to fire back with his own
14:48 straight punching combinations. Nattapon getting on his bike using his lateral
14:55 movement to the right. Zhang stopping him in his tracks with a left hook. But Nattapon
14:58 firing back now in the pocket. Right hand down the middle there from Zhang and
15:10 swinging and missing with his left hook. That's going to be the end of round four.
15:16 [Music]
15:41 Okay replay from round number four. So it was quite a strong start from Zhang but
15:52 he missed a lot with his left hooks and Nattapon fired back when he could
15:57 inside the pocket with a few punching flurries. So we're heading into round five
16:03 now set for six. We hope you've joined us still on either our Facebook page or on
16:12 our YouTube channel for our Heightened Boxing. Really appreciate it guys and
16:17 hope to catch you again on the 31st of August for our next show. So Nattapon
16:24 with an aggressive start in round five firing two right hands down the
16:28 middle. Left hook there from Zhang. Double jab from Zhang left hook down the
16:37 middle twice in a row. He needs to keep going back to that left hook. Just showing a
16:47 bit of an experience from Zhang. Zhang throws that left hook to the body.
16:51 Nattapon's guard just drops even more. He could just double it up with left hook to
16:55 the body and left hook to the head. Obviously easier said than done.
17:01 There's that left hook though that hits the mark and really took Nattapon
17:07 off of his rhythm. Right hand down the middle from Zhang. Jab down the middle
17:16 from him as well. Nattapon just using a lot of lateral movement trying to stay on
17:21 the outside trying to not stay on the inside with Zhang at all. There's that left
17:26 hook to the body again. On again from Zhang. Still got a lot of power behind it.
17:33 Good punching combination though from Nattapon trying to light up Zhang.
17:38 But Zhang just walking through it like it's nothing. Jab down the middle from
17:43 him as well. Right hand too. Left hook there from Zhang really putting his
17:54 opponent through his paces. Pushing the tempo up as much as he can.
18:02 Left hook to the body there from Zhang and again from Zhang. Right hook there
18:11 from Zhang as well. Haven't seen too many of those. That was very accurate and
18:15 significant. And a bit of a time taking off here because Nattapon has spat out his
18:22 oh no he hasn't spat out the gum shield. The sole of his foot. I've never seen this before.
18:26 The sole of his of his shoe has come off. So the corner is having to take it off.
18:36 Okay action is going to resume.
18:40 Left hook there from Nattapon. Still just pushing away. Firing right hands down
18:55 the middle. Zhang with the left hook. Missing with the right hook. Landed early on
19:00 with the right hook. That was a very significant shot in this round. Left hook
19:05 looks like just just hit the chin there from Nattapon.
19:11 Jab down the middle here from Nattapon. Uppercut there.
19:25 There you go end of round five.
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20:04 Okay so here's a replay from round five. Nattapon fighting back with
20:14 wailing hook combinations. Zhang picked his shots very well. I think that was the
20:20 significant right hook. Then the left hook as well that he landed in the round.
20:31 Okay here we go final rounds coming up.
20:37 Good fast start here for Zhang. Landing with two right hands and hitting them
20:43 hitting the mark twice in a row. Looping left hook from him as well. Zhang just
20:51 hitting Nattapon with everything. Just slinging these hooks and punches in.
20:59 Big hook there from Zhang. Right hook as well. Nattapon needs to be careful.
21:06 Doesn't want to walk into one of these shots. It could be the end of his night.
21:09 And time off again. There's the other sole of Nattapon's boxing or boxing
21:17 cleat has come off. And time is back on. Fighting is gonna resume. Definitely
21:24 think Nattapon needs to buy himself a new pair of boxing shoes.
21:29 Jab to the body here from Zhang. Still on the attack. Right hand through the guard
21:40 of Nattapon. Left hook there from Zhang. Zhang trying to weave his way into an attack.
21:56 Jab again from Zhang. We've got half a round to go. Right hand there and great
22:03 looping left hook to the head. Then to the body from Zhang. You really got to
22:07 admire the heart and the toughness from Nattapon. He's taken a lot of punishment
22:12 in this round and the fight itself.
22:21 There's another big left hook to the body there from Zhang. Don't know how Nattapon has been able to stay on his feet.
22:28 He's been so resilient. Final minute now of the last round. Left hook to the body there.
22:37 Big punches being thrown here from Nattapon.
22:49 Swings being coming in. Swinging punches from Nattapon. Not a lot of power behind them though.
22:56 Swing and a miss from Zhang. Right hand connects there for Zhang though twice in a row.
23:03 Okay less than 30 seconds to go in round number six. Final round.
23:10 Zhang is bleeding from the nose. Looks like he is anyway. Right hand connects
23:18 again for Zhang and again twice in a row. Yeah Zhang is bleeding from his right
23:24 nostril but it hasn't stopped him from pushing the pace and coming forward.
23:29 Hitting Nattapon again with a good solid right hand. Great finish. There you go.
23:39 End of the sixth and final round of our penultimate fight on the card today.
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24:33 After six rounds of action we go to the judges scorecards for a decision. Judge
24:46 number one scores at 59 55. Judge number two 58 56. Judge number three 59 55. Your
24:55 winner by unanimous decision the red corner Zhang Yihao.
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