What's the most annoying thing your partner does?

  • last year
How much of your day is filled by irritation directed at your other half? A recent poll found people typically spend a fifth of their day feeling annoyed at their partner because of snoring, passing wind, loudness, messiness and rudeness. Other gripes included not listening, talking over telly programmes, and not spending wisely.


00:00 What is one thing that irks you a bit or was a bit of a,
00:04 or just a bit of a noise about your partner?
00:07 About my partner?
00:09 She's always late to everything. Everything.
00:12 If I say 11 o'clock, she'll be there at half 11,
00:15 so I have to lie to her a lot.
00:17 So if we've dinner at 7, I have to say it's half 6.
00:20 Always late, always. Guaranteed that. 100% of the time.
00:23 But I'm used to it now, and my family know me for being very on time.
00:27 I could say 11 or 3, and I'd be there at 11 or 3.
00:30 So when they know I'm that dared, they're like, "Hmm."
00:33 It's the missus.
00:35 I struggle to think what would annoy me most about her.
00:38 I'm actually bound for her birthday, so that's annoying.
00:41 Cos it's cold. So that's better.
00:44 If you can hear...
00:47 Do you know when people are eating and you can hear them?
00:51 Now, seeing it on the television, it means you've got something a bit of a noisier.
00:55 It's cold. Something I must have it.
00:58 Most annoying things.
01:00 I think the most annoying thing is that she speaks Swedish on a Tuesday.
01:09 The kids can't understand her. I can't understand her.
01:13 We don't know what the hell she's on about.
01:16 But I think it's the side effects of a tiny operation that she had.
01:20 I didn't think I'd ever be, but I'm the recycling guy in the house.
01:23 I do all the recycling.
01:25 It's when I go into the cardboard bin and I see metal in there and things,
01:28 and if they refuse to pick it up one week,
01:30 this house is going to be in turmoil.
01:32 It's recycling.
01:34 And yet my wife, yes, always just puts whatever in whatever bin and things like that.
01:39 But they're just the little things. There's no big things.
01:42 A lot of things.
01:45 To be fair, I can't really put my finger on any at the minute.
01:51 She's stubborn. Yeah, stubborn.
01:55 The most annoying thing that my wife does is assume what I'm going to say
01:58 halfway through the sentence and start reacting to it
02:01 when I haven't even finished speaking because I tend to pause,
02:05 and that drives me absolutely potty.
02:08 How long have you got? Words at my start.
02:13 Well, I think with John, the fact he starts a project and then gets really into it,
02:19 and does a fantastic job and then stops and then does another project
02:23 and then starts again and then stops again.
02:26 So I think I can count maybe about four or five projects we've got
02:29 where he's done a beautiful job halfway through and then he's stopped and carried on.
02:33 And she never quite gets the lobster thermidor right,
02:38 and she calls it lobster thermostat,
02:42 much to the amusement of the whole family.
02:47 You know, most kids have fish fingers. We have lobster thermidor.
02:52 It just shows you that that Sunday morning paper round that she had paid off.
02:57 Do you have something that annoys you most about the park?
03:02 Yeah, being there.
